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Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 CO2039272 Tap SECRET 3.3(h)(2) 3.5(c) / CURRENT INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN 31 January 1957 Copy No. nOCUMENT NO. NO CHANGE IN CLASS. [1 DECLASSIFIED CLASS. CHANGED Tailri344trt_ NEXT REVIEW DATE: REVIEWER: OFFICE OF CURRENT INTELLIGENCE CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY TOP SECRET Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 CO2039272 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 CO2039272 111* itak Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 CO2039272 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 CO2039272 CONTENTS 1. SOVIET ARMY OFFICERS REPORTED BITTER OVER SATELLITE DEVELOPMENTS (page 3). 2. SOVIET P RET LETTER CRITICIZES IDEOLOGICAL HERESIES (page 4). 3. ALGERIAN STRIKE APPARENTLY SUSPENDED (page 5). 4. AFGHANISTAN PREPARED TO VOTE AGAINST INDIA IN UN ON KASHMIR ISSUE page 6). . CHOU EN-LAI REPORTED BIDDING FOR US SUPPORT (page 7). 6. SINGAPORE'S GOVERNMENT PARTY REPORTED CONSID- ERING MERGER WITH COMMUNIST-INFLUENCED RIVAL (page 8). 7. BURMESE BORDER DISPUTE SETTLEMENT EXPECTED SOON (page 9). 8. BULGANIN PREDICTS US PLANS FOR MIDDLE EAST WILL FAIL AFTER "SEVERE STRUGGLE" (page 10). 9. LEBANON WORKING FOR SAUDI-IRAQI RECONCILIATION (page 11). 10.FIAPATIESE�DIPLOMATS1. VIEWS ON MIDDLE EAST (page 12). 31 Jan 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 2 TOP SECRET Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 CO2039272 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 CO2039272 1. SOVIET ARMY OFFICERS REPORTED BITTER OVER SATELLITE DEVELOPMENTS a "majority of intelligent" Soviet army officers are openly criticizing the So- viet regime over the Polish and Hun- garian uprisings. They believe the disorders would never have occurred if Stalin were still living, and that they were possible only because Khrushchev gave the Satellites free rein. Soviet army officers do not understand why the restoration of order in Hungary was delayed, per- mitting the "reactionary" groups to gain strength. They are indignant that the Soviet army has been the butt of insults from the people of Hungary and Poland, "countries which were liberated by the Soviet army:' They resent the Soviet army's status as a "guest" in East Germany, with practically all controls in the hands of the Germans. They are further dissatisfied with the USSR's policy of giving assistance to the Satellites which results in a higher standard of living than that of the Soviet people. The officers characterize Ithrushchev and Bulganin as upstarts trying to consolidate their power. Comment Since Stalin's death there has been an at- mosphere more conducive to expressions of dissatisfaction, which probably have increased as a result of recent events in the Satellites. Possibly reflecting the So- viet concern over this dissatisfaction, Marshal Malinovski re- cently demanded a campaign against ideological weaknesses in the ranks of the Soviet army, similar to the propaganda cam- paigns directed toward other segments of the population. In the past the army has shown no inclination to act in an independent way. Its leaders have reportedly been zealous in safeguarding the interests of the military, but seem- ingly have been willing to leave general political questions to other leaders. This is the first report of such criticism within the Soviet army. Its extent and significance cannot be determined at this time. 31 Jan 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 3 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 CO2039272 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 CO2039272 110 2. SOVIET PARTY SECRET LETTER CRITICIZES MEOLOGIC A T HE RESTES The central committee of the Commu- nist Party sent a secret letter to lower party units in early January deploring the increasing laxness in Marxist- Leninist discipline, The letter ascribed the laxness to misunderstandings by party members of current international developments and of the regime's policy of "democratization!' The letter cited as an example a view- point expressed and supported by members of the Leningrad Union of Soviet Writers advocating relaxa- tion of party controls over authors. It also mentioned unrest in universities in Sverdlovsk, Tbilisi and Kaunas, where students called for the abolition of the Komsomol organiza- tion and elimination of compulsory Marxist-Leninist courses. Comment In the past, secret letters of this type have been sent out by the central com- mittee only on matters of deepest concern to the regime The party leadership may be handling the ideological problem in this way instead of discussing it at a central committee plenum. Despite rumors last fall that ideological problems were to be discussed at the Decem- ber plenum, this was apparently not the case. 31 Jan 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 4 --.13LEffitET_ Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 CO2039272 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 CO2039272 1,v/ NE //.5114/ 11 /111. 3. ALGERIAN STRIKE APPARENTLY SUSPENDED Comment on: A general return to work of Algerian workers who began an eight-day strike on 28 January probably indicates a sus- pension rather than an end of the strike threat. A resumption of the strike, pos- sibly accompanied by serious disorders, seems probable when the UN General Assembly begins its debate on Algeria. The American consul general in Algiers reports that almost all Moslem workers and merchants in that city complied with the strike call on Monday. The strike did not, however, disrupt all activities, as essential services were maintained on a reduced scale by Europeans with the help of the military and, for the first time, convicts. 31 Jan 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 5 T7E-1. g pm. ir-ra Trwrr AT Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 CO2039272 Approved For7"-Rele.3se.:-25-1-9712/04 CO2039272 V 4. AFGHANISTAN PREPARED TO VOTE AGAINST INDIA IN UN ON KASHMIR ISSUE The Afghan Foreign Ministry has in- structed its UN delegation to support the UN Security Council's recent call for a plebiscite in Kashmir if the issue comes before the General Assembly. The ministry added that it expects the Pakistan government in turn to agree to a settlement of the Pushtoonistan dispute lby self-determination. Comment Kabul's decision to support Pakistan is a major switch in Afghan policy. Afghanistan has received considerable support from India. in its quarrel with Pakistan over Pushtoonistan, and its rela- tions with New Delhi since 1947 have been much closer than with its other Asian neighbors. Afghanistan is apparently willing to sacrifice this long-standing friendship to strengthen its case for the Pushtoon tribesmen in Pakistan. 31 Jan 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 6 TOP SEGRET Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 CO2039272 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 CO2039272 4 5. CHOU EN-LAI REPORTED BIDDING FOR US SUPPORT In an interview he granted to select Polish journalists while he was in Poland, Chou En-lai reportedly re- marked that US support would strength- en t-ommunirst. L.nind. "against the USSR:' Chou is said to have commented that if Communist China had been a mem- ber of the UN, Soviet tanks would not have been used in Hungary. The US and British embassies have received the same story from different sources. The American em- bassy believes Chou expected his remarks to reach the Western press. Chou reportedly also told the newsmen that Soviet leaders were jittery over the present situation in Eastern Europe, the Near East and elsewhere and ar- gued that for this reason "no provocation" should be per- mitted which would give an excuse for Russian intervention. Chou also underscored the fact that continued US opposi- tion required the interdependence of Communist countries, especially in economic matters. Comment The Chinese have often stated that they would welcome diplomatic rela- tions with the United States, and Chou probably said little more than that to the Poles. Many visitors have come away from private talks with Chou En-lai with the impression that Com- munist China regards a Sino-American relationship as a potential hedge against the USSR. Nevertheless, the Chi- nese share with Moscow a strong hostility to the West and are unlikely to take any steps in the foreseeable future which would jeopardize the extensive economic and mili- tary support they are receiving from the USSR. 31 Jan 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 7 srcn T Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 CO2039272 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 CO2039272 6. SINGAPORE'S GOVERNMENT PARTY REPORTED CONSID- ERING MERGER WITH COMMUNIST-INFLUENCED RIVAL Singapore's Chief Minister Lim Yew Hock of the Labor Front (LF) and Chairman Toh Chin Chye of the Com- munist-manipulated People's Action Party (PAP) have announced that a m r r un er iscussion. The chief minister is quoted as saying, "We want to work for a united socialist front with the PAP and other socialists:' The secretary of the Labor Front stated that the time is ripe for a merger and said that "certain difficulties" blocking the alliance are not unsurmountable. Comment Although the two parties have been political enemies for the past six months because of the PAP's Communist connections, some form of co-operation has practical appeal for both parties. Co-operation with the Labor Front would enable the PAP to overcome the setback it has suffered as a result of Chief Minister Lim's antisubversion program and to infiltrate Singapore's administrative machinery. For its part, the poorly organized Labor Front would welcome the support of the PAP's ex- cellent organization and mass following. 31 Jan 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 8 C,ONFIDENTIA L Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 CO2039272 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 CO2039272 %.1.4 T. BURMESE BORDER DISPUTE SETTLEMENT EXPECTED SOON An early signing of the Sino-Burmese border agreement, under negotiation for some months, appears likely. a special meeting of the Kachin State Council on 14 February is expected to approve the cession of three Kachin villazes to Com- munist China. Despite a formal settlement which would appear to remove a major source of friction between the two governments, tension in the border area is likely to develop from time to time as the result of local incidents. 31 Jan 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 9 'TY1D 0E11-111E7r Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 CO2039272 Approved for 2019/12/04 CO2039272 8. BULGANIN PREDICTS US PLANS FOR MIDDLE EAST WILL FAIL AFTER "SEVERE STRUGGLE" Premier Rtilwanin sees the "wisdom" of Egypt's present posi- tion on American Middle East plans and that while he expects the lolans to " fall in the end. "a severe struggle will be needed" Khru- shchev considers the proposed American policies "a plan of thieves to plunder the Middle East!' Comment The USSR's main effort to counter the proposed American plans has been directed at persuading middle Eastern states to reject them. Moscow has also indicated that it is prepared to extend eco- nomic aid and to continue its military assistance to those states in the area that reject the American plans. 31 Jan 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 10 TOP SECRET Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 CO2039272 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 CO2039272 alk 4111, 9. LEBANON WORKING FOR SAUDI-IRAQI RECONCILIATION resident Chamoun of Lebanon has re- uested Foreign Minister Malik to offer ebanon's "services" to Iraqi crown prince bd al-Ilah and King Saud and "try to econcile their points of view:' Comment Since the removal of the pro-Egyptian Prime Minister Yafi, Lebanon has been attempting to resume its traditional role of mediator of disputes among the Arab states and between the Arab states and the West. Lebanon has recently offered to mediate the Suez, Yemen and Buraimi dis- putes. It is also anxious to restrict Egyptian influence, par- ticularly in Syria, and believes that if Egypt can be deprived of Saudi financial support, Egyptian influence will wane. 31 Jan 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 11 rs r.rt rum Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 CO2039272 Approve-d3o7RelaSeT2019/12/04 CO2039272 'two' 10.. JAPANESE DIPLOMATS' VIEWS ON MIDDLE EAST The chiefs of Japanese diplomatic missions in the Middle East have con- cluded that Tokyo must work in the United Nations for a settlement of the Suez Canal dispute, taking care not to support any plan which is unacceptable to the Arab nations. During their recent regional conference in Beirut, the diplomats clearly indicated they identify Japan with the "Asian-African group of maritime powers!' The Japanese officials reportedly agreed that despite Communist progress in the Middle East, Arab nations are not likely to become Soviet satellites, since they are "united under the banner of Islam in a struggle for racial independence!' They also believe the American Middle East proposals will provoke serious trouble in the area because the Arab nations wish to settle their problems "without foreign interference!' Comment Japan already has indicated that it will not participate in the Suez Canal Users' Association unless Egypt recognizes the organization, but has not committed itself on the Arab-Israeli dispute. The diplomats were informed at Beirut that the Ishibashi government intends to place greater emphasis on collaboration with the Asian-African bloc. An oil explora- tion mission has been sent to Saudi Arabia, and several impor- tant Japanese officials have been on good-will tours through the Middle East in the past few weeks to prepare the way for closer Japanese economic co-operation with the area. 31 Jan 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 12 TOP SECRET Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 CO2039272