DAILY SUMMARY - 1946/07/03

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Approved for Release: 2018/09/05 CO2036745 Approved for Release: 2018/09/05 CO2036745 Approved for Release: 2018/09/05 CO2036745 )ret2 e GENERM: a JUL 1946 1. W d h tions into German and A -General Clark has orm LeWar partment that, because of the "rising tide" of anti-Semitism in Poland, Rumania and Hungary, between 350,000 and 750,000 Jewish refugees may move into the "western countries" this year, principally into the US zones in Germany and Austria (see Daily Summary of 25 June, item 5). Clark considers that the only deterrent to mass Jewish migrations would be prompt implementation of the recommendations of the Anglo-American Committee on Palestine. 118 2. Soviets advocate Phill2 Murray for WFTU Presidency�Ambassador Caffery in Paris has been informed by Carey, CIO delegate to the recent World Federation of Trade Unions (WFTU) in Moscow, that Deakin of the British Transport Workers' Union was nominated to succeed Citrine as WFTU President but final decision has been delayed by the Soviet delegation, which supports Philip Murray for the position. The Soviets even suggested holding all future WFTU meetings in the US, if Murray would accept the Presidency. Carey added that one reason the final vaTu resolution on Spain did not call for strike .p/ction was the CIO's refusal to engage in "sympathy or political strikes" in violation of CIO contracts. EUROPE -AFRICA 3. USSR: Zhukov rumored no longer CinC Ground Forces--The US Mili- tary Attache in Moscow reports as "possibly truefri�rumor that Mar- shal Zhukov recently was relieved as Commander in Chief of Soviet Ground Forces and assigned to command the Odessa Military District. Zhukov reportedly told Stalin that he could not remain as Ground Forces Chief because he had "disagreed" with a "high unknown Soviet official." The MA states that the rumor "tends to be confirmed" by (a) General Biryusov's return to Sofia after announcing his departure to become Zhukov's principal assistant; (b) the omission of Zhukov's signature from the Kalinin Memorial Document, which was signed by all other top military leaders; and (c) recent reports of Zhukov's arrival in Odessa. Document No. e .1: NO CHANGE in Class. 0 � 1 - 0 DECLASSIFIED Class. CHANGED TO: TS Z DDA Memo, 4 Apr 77 A : DDA R. 77/176; r,PCNY �2te:1 6 ma 1.978 By: glir Approved for Release 2018/09/05 CO2036745 Approved for Release: 2018/09/05 CO2036745 ce? IDEN 774 4, BULGARIA: Soviet efforts to control Bulgarian Army�According to US Representative Barnes, it is increasingly dear that General Biryu- soy is in Sofia in order to take "necessary precautions" before the departure of Soviet troops. According to Barnes, Biryusov has pro- posed that the Bulgarian Army "accept" between 400 and 500 Soviet technicians who would be competent to take over Bulgarian military establishments in the event of any internal crisis after Soviet troops are withdrawn. 5. ITALY: Effect of CFM decisions�UK Ambassador Charles has in- formed US EMige ICeyba&iiGasperi (a) is so discouraged over the "news from Paris" that he has not decided whether he would accept the responsibility for forming the new government, and (b) feels that "unjust" peace terms will result in a swing toward the Right and extreme nationalism. Charles added that Communist leader Togliatti has told De Gasper' that the Italian Government had made a "great mistake" in not orienting its policy more closely toward the USSR "months ago." Key believes that Italian "disappointments" in the CFM regarding the peace treaty will create a "national atmosphere so unhealthy" that the young Republic will have little chance to develop in a normal and democratic manner. 8. TURKEY: eiss Eaton announces im .rtant new candidate--US Ambas- sador Wilson repo ' evz ormerly Prime Minister and Chief of the General Staff and "one of the closest and most loyal associates of Ataturk," has announced his candidacy for a Deputy's seat in the forthcoming Turkish national election. While Chalunakts candidacy nominally is "independent," Wilson believes that he will in fact be regarded as a candidate of the principal opposition party, the Democrats. Turkish political observers now consider that the Democrats have an even chance to win a majority in the Assembly over the Republican People's Party, "providing the elections are fair." 7. IRAN: Kurdish situation re rted to have "eased"--An Iranian Gen- eral cer s 1 en t s on Iranian Kurdistan has "definitely eased" and that he expects it to be kept under better control in the future. -2 Approved for Release: 2018/09/05 CO2036745 Approved for Release: 2018/09/05 CO2036745 8. AFGHANISTAN: British favor . .1Ication for UN membershi -Acting Secretary Acheson has notifi US Legation ; :ritish have Indicated their intention to support Afghanistan's application for mem- bership in the UN. The US assured Afghanistan of its support in May (see Daily Summary of 17 May, item 5). 9. UNITED KINGDOM: Foreign Office _Omits errin�According to Harriman, the British Foreign Office has "readily" admitted the error of its Press Relations officer in telling the press that the US had been Informed in advance of British intentions to resort to military action in Palestine. 10. SWEDEN: Bikini test "lessens" US influence--Embassy Stockholm has Informed ent that the Bikini tests "undoubtedly" will result in an immediate "lessening of US political influence to the extent that it is predicated upon US military power." FAR EAST 11. CHINA: US attitude on a 'me re - 4 talon�Acting Secretary Ache- son has rn m .sy : .14` rt corm the Chinese Foreign Office that the US believes every effort should be made to repatriate as many Japanese as possible while US shipping and administrative help are readily available5and only those Japanese should be permitted to remain who are both clearly indispensable to China's economic recovery and do not menace the peace and security of China. 12. JAPAN: Sbl available for a. ese re . triation--General MacArthur . � t shipping � .1.er acilies in Japan are suffi- cient to repatriate the Japanese from all areas by 31 December 1946, If the repatriates are released in time by the Allied Governments having jurisdiction. MacArthur does not "subscribe" to British reten- tion of 100,000 Japanese in Southeast Asia (See Daily Summary of 27 June, item 13), as it prolongs "unnecessarily" the burden imposed upon his theater. 13. KOREA: Soviet Consul Hodge reports that on 2 July former Soviet Consul General Poliansky and his staff left Seoul on a Soviet train. -3-. Approved for Release: 2018/09/05 CO2036745
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