DAILY SUMMARY - 1946/07/13
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APPROVED FOR RELEASE - Historical Programs Staff 30 August 2018
Approved for Release: 2018/09/05 CO2036740
Approved for Release: 2018/09/05 CO2036740
APPROVED FOR RELEASE - Historical Programs Staff 30 August 2018
JUL 1946
1. Argentina seeking German'w_iar_plant from Soviets�The US Embassy
In Moscow has forwarded a "confidentiala . report received by an
American correspondent that Argentina has asked the USSR to pro-
vide Argentina with German arms and machinery for the production
of German-type armaments. (The Argentine Army desires to attain
self-sufficiency in the production of German-type weapons, with which
it is now equipped.)
2. Renort � _avid conciliation--The French Ambassador to
Argentina has "statedpositively" ositively" to Messersmith that Peron arranged
a meeting between Spanish Admiral Moreno and the Soviet Trade Mis-
sion during the recent inaugural ceremonies and that, "as first fruits
of the meeting," Spain and the USSR have stopped public attacks against
each other. Public reconciliation would await further developments,
such as a Spanish plebiscite. Messersmith suggests that the report be
accepted with reserve pending further substantiating information.
3 IRAN: Soviets continue_penetration of Azerbai an--US Consulate Tabriz
reports-alit Soviet "-penetra on � e zer. an Army and police,
"especially the latter," continues steadily. Soviet Caucasians head the
secret police and the political, transportation and city security bureaus,
and "uniformed Soviet railway personnel" have increased very notice-
ably in recent weeks.
4. ICELAND: UN menftrolui --Legation Reykjavik reports that Iceland's
objections to joining the UN are largely based on objections to the in-
stallation of any form of military base. The Legation believes that
Iceland's consideration of its UN application would be "expedited" if
the US informs the Icelandic Prime Minister that any future US base
proposals will not refer to the availability of Icelandic military facili-
ties to the UN.
5, SPAIN: De Grelle to be ,mgMed�The Spanish Foreign Minister has
Informed US Charge Bonsai that Spain intends to expel the Belgian
Rexist leader De Grelle. Bonsai comments that De Grelle apparently
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WDDA Memo,� 4 Apr 77
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By: ff
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may choose the country to which he is to be expelled, since Spanish
custom prevents his delivery directly to Belgium or Allied Govern-
6. BULGARIA: Increasing c.mmwun_ist terror--US Political Representa-
tive Barnes In Sofia reports that opposition leaders have pled with
Barnes and his British colleague for "some sort" of action to stem
the "rising tide of Communist terror" in Bulgaria, including arrests,
imprisonment and murder of large numbers of the opposition, wide-
spread seizures of property, drastic restrictions on the opposition
press, and increasing economic discrimination. Barnes believes that
these measures have been dictated largely by former Comintern leader
Dimitrov and Soviet Commander Biryusov in preparation for eventual
Bulgarian elections.
Communist attitude toward US and UK�Barnes also states that
President Kolarov of the Bulgarian Assembly has returned from con-
sultations with Allied leaders in Paris with the "definite impression"
that the US and UK will not recognize the Bulgarian Government unless
it is broadened to include oppoeition members. However, Dimitrov
appears to have told Kolarov that the Government will "stick to its
and force the US and UK to see that "light has dawned in Bulgaria."
7. HUNGARY: Government replies to Soviet demands�According to
Minister Schoenfeld in Budapest, the Government has acceded to General
Sviridov's demands (see Daily Summary of 12 July, item 2), for dis-
missal of Government officials, dissolution of certain youth organiza-
tions and continued purge of others, banning of organizations found to
be aiding "fascist elements," calling on the Catholic priesthood to re-
frain from anti-Soviet propagands, and directing the population to sur-
render small arms. The Government requests Sviridov to bring specific
charges against the Deputies whose arrest and trial he demanded.
8. KOREA: Soviet espionage in US zone�General Hodge reports that a
Korean spy and agitator has recently been arrested in the US zone.
The spy, a "graduate" of a Soviet espionage school in North Korea,
had been sent into South Korea to collect information on US forces, to
Approved for Release: 2018/09/05 CO2036740
Approved for Release: 2018/09/05 CO2036740
APPROVED FOR RELEASE - Historical Programs Staff 30 August 2018
spread rumors of impending war between the US and the USSR, and
to urge the liberation of South Forea from American oppression.
9. CHINA:sition togymME_aembsx_p_m_.shi for ter M Outer a--The Chinese
delegate to UN has informed Herschel Johnson that China cannot support
Outer Mongolia's application for UN membership until full information
In available on a reported secret agreement between Outer Mongolia and
the USSR. The Chinese suspect that this agreement authorizes the main-
tenance of Soviet troops in Outer Mongolia and therefore violates the
Sino-Soviet treaty recognizing the independence of Outer Mongolia.
Approved for Release: 2018/09/05 CO2036740
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