DAILY SUMMARY - 1946/09/10
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Approved for Release: 2018/09/05 CO2036434
APPROVED FOR RELEASE - Historical Programs Staff 30 August 2018
Approved for Release: 2018/09/05 CO2036434
Approved for Release: 2018/09/05 CO2036434
APPROVED FOR RELEASE - Historical Programs Staff 30 August 2018
10 SEP 1046
1. Turks expect USSR to mark time on Straits--Turkish Foreign Minister
S A...sador Wilson that he expects the USSR to leave
the Straits issue in status quo until a more favorable opportunity devel-
ops for pressing Soviet claims. Salm believes it unlikely that the USSR
will attack Turkey, as he considers the USSR unready for war and an-
xious to avoid a general conflict.
2, Warsaw Government may exploit Byes speech--According to US Em-
bassy London, a Polish Embassy official has declared that the state-
ment on Poland made by Secretary Byrnes at Stuttgart provides the
Warsaw Government with the "perfect issue" to use in the forthcoming
election: namely, that the US has rejected the Potsdam decision and
Poland can now only rely on friendship with the USSR. The official
added that the statement will be used to force the Peasant Party into
the Government's election bloc, with or without Mikolajczyk.
3. 13,4191L_ r troopmovements at Basra--US Military Attache Tehran reports
that British troop movements to the Basra area now have reached almost
full-scale operational proportions. According to the MA, a "US Consul
source" asserts that the buildup will continue and that an operation may
possibly take place near the end of September.
A corrected version of the 3 September telegram from US Consul
Basra reported in the Daily Summary of 7 September, item 1, now indi-
cates that the troops themselves,rather than the Consul,belleved that this
force would eventually move into Iran.
A 6 September message from the US Military Attache Baghdad,
however, reports his belief that this UK force will move into Iran when
organized and equipped.
4. FRANCE: Bidault anxious over De Gaulle speech--Bidault has told
Caffery tharTelF7Fir---"Thy appre ensive over what De Gaulle may say on
22 September, regarding the draft constitution. Bidault expressed be-
wilderment as to De Gaulle's intentions, in view of the hopelessness of
Be Gaulle's position on the Constitution, and suggested that perhaps De
Gaulle desires a coup d'etat.
Dooument No. "If
NO CHANGE in Class.
DDA Memo, 4 Apr 77
Auth: DDA MEG. 77/1763
Date: I 5 MAR_1978 By : 04
Approved for Release 2018/09/05 CO2036434
Approved for Release: 2018/09/05 CO2036434
APPROVED FOR RELEASE - Historical Programs Staff 30 August 2018
5. GERMANY: Return of German Communists from Western Hem here--
US Political Advisor Yurp y sugges prese � viet interes in
repatriating key German Communists from the Western Hemisphere
may be connected with the "clear efforts" now being made by the USSR
to build up a "tremendous organization" in western and southern Ger-
6. ITALY: Possible attem t to form overnitent without Communists�US
Embassy Rome is reliably informed that an attempt may be made to form
a new Government without the Communists, and possibly also without the
Socialists. This attempt probably hinges upon Anglo-American assur-
ances that Soviet and Yugoslav intervention on the side of the Italian
Communists will not be permitted.
7. USSR: tammtespoLt ntsmat1jLUkrajneand_nit caugla US Em-
bassy Moscow reports that US correspondents have received Soviet per-
mission to visit certain designated points in the Ukraine and White Russia.
A previous request had been refused, and the present authorization
apparently resulted from intervention by La Guardia,
8. IRAN: Arrest of Balchtlari chief--US Military Attache Tehran reports
that the arrest of two leading Bak/Mari Chiefs in Isfahran (240 miles
south of Tehran) followed the Dalchtiari request that the Central Govern-
ment rid their region of subversive elements and their statement that
otherwise they would take matters into own hands. (The Tehran press
has subsequently reported a virtual state of seige in Isfahan) The Tadeh
press asserts the Dalchtlari activities are anti-TUdeh and charge British
9, SYRIA: Pan American illitts to start soft�The State Department has
instruc.ge Damascus to advise the Syrian Prime Minister in-
formally that Pan American Airways will soon begin scheduled flights
through Syria in accordance with the Prime Minister's 26 January oral
agreement granting full fifth freedom privileges on a temporary basis
pending the conclusion of a bilateral air agreement (see Daily Summary
of 31 August, item 4).
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Approved for Release: 2018/09/05 CO2036434
Approved for Release: 2018/09/05 CO2036434
APPROVED FOR RELEASE - Historical Programs Staff 30 August 2018
10. USSR: Unrest and sabotage in Vladivostok--US Vice Consul Cory in
Vladivostok confirms reports of explosions in Nakhodka (about 50
miles east of Vladivostok) in July and August. He states that about
six weeks ago the explosion of an ammunition barge in Nakhodka har-
bor rendered the port practically inoperative. Cory attributes these
acts of "undoubted sabotage" to deeply rooted local discontent, which,
he believes, accounts for the heavy concentration of NKVD forces in
the area,
11, PANAMA: Public on imam US w mfr ba - -
General Crittenberger reports Panamanian public opinion virtually
united in "vociferous opposition" to continued US occupation of defense
sites in Panama. This represents, he adds, a marked shift over the
last two weeks resulting from "frequent demonstrations" and tendian-
tious statements by both administration and anti-administration leaders,
who can now retreat only by losing face.
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Approved for Release: 2018/09/05 CO2036434
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