DAILY SUMMARY - 1946/09/11
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APPROVED FOR RELEASE - Historical Programs Staff 30 August 2018
Approved for Release: 2018/09/05 CO2036433
Approved for Release: 2018/09/05 CO2036433
APPROVED FOR RELEASE - Historical Programs Staff 30 August 2018
11 SEP 1946
1. US delegatecjaa_tru ted to oppose Gram ko ro sal--The State Depart-
ment has instructed Herschel Johnson to oppose the Soviet proposal that
the Security Council consider the question of Allied military forces in
certain areas. If sufficient votes appear available to block considera-
tion, Johnson is merely to suggest to the Council that it should pass on
to other matters. If successful opposition to consideration of the pro-
posal is not certain,. Johnson is authorized to take the initiative.
2 British Ambassador favors broad of Greek Government--US
ssa or ac eag reports that his British colleague strongly favors
action by the Greek Tang to bring into the Government moderate demo-
cratic elements.
3. Troop concentrations rumored north of Greek border--US Political
TretWifigalive-s reports rumors current in Tirana that 200,000
Yugoslav, 150,000 Bulgarian, and 60,000 Albanian troops are now
deployed along and near the northern frontiers of Greece.
%or 4. UR" reaction to US s with India�US Charge London
reports that an official of the India Office "seemed pleased" when in-
formed of US readiness to exchange Ambassadors with India. The offi-
cial believed that the exchange would give the interim Government a
"certain prestige" and might reduce the intransigeance of the Moslem
5. British control of Italian cables detrimental to US--The State Depart-
'men orwar to ti--"TIEFTra"6"--7rJrDelegation In Paris the opinion of the
(US) Telecommunications Coordinating Committee that retention by
Great Britain of control over cable communications between the US and
Italy is "highly detrimental" to "commercial and national" interests
of the US. The Committee has requested the Department to urge remo-
val of Italian cables from British relay points.
6. USSR: Evidetre of halt in demobilization--US Military Attache Moscow
evaluates as "probably true reports that Soviet Army demobilization
3.3(h)(2) has been terminated. AFIr Caserta has leagat4
NO CHANGE in Class. 0
-I - Class. CHANGED TO: TS S ar
DDA Memo, 4 Apr 77
h: DDA REG. 77/1763
tA 1 ItAn Rv ,
Approved for Release: 2018/09/05 CO2036433-we -J � I-- If
Approved for Release: 2018/09/05 CO2036433
APPROVED FOR RELEASE - Historical Programs Staff 30 August 2018
that a halt in demobilization was decreed by
7. YUGOSLAVIA: Government aims at million-man Army�US Military
Attache Belgrade states that Yugoslav recruiting posters are now call-
ing for a million-man Army. This goal is reported to have been set for
1948. Tito has stated that the recruiting campaign is not a formal mobi-
lization but an attempt to obtain volunteers. Meanwhile, discharges
from the Yugoslav Army at present are only slightly below actual con-
8. VENEZIA GIULIA: Sabotage suspected at rola�AFHQ Italy reports
that the third serious explosion of ammunition dumps at Pola strongly
suggests wilful sabotage, possibly to discredit the Allied occupation.
Arrangements therefore are being made to dispose of remaining dumps
In the area.
9. BULGARIA: pssR pays no occupation costs�According to US Delegate
ACC, no evidence exists that the USSR contributes toward maintaining
its troops in Bulgaria. It is estimated that the monthly cost to Bulgaria
of the Soviet occupation is between $1,500,000 and $3,000,000 (approxi-
mately 15 to 20 percent of the national budget).
10. FRANCE: Lur.theer-Ze.keito,409..0.2XOPPLgtatch--Caffery believes that
many high French Government officials regard Secretary Byrnes' state-
ment at Stuttgart on the Ruhr and Rhineland as enabling them to abandon,
in effect,their untenable Ruhr-Rhineland thesis and to blame the failure
of their policy on the US and the USSR (see Daily Summary of 9 Septem-
ber, item 5).
11. IRAN: Pavam's motives in Bakhtiari arrests�Ambassador Allen sus-
pects that Oavain ordered the arrests of the Bakhtiari leaders (see Daily
Summary of 10 September, item 8) in order (a) to maintain the Govern-
ment's authority in the South, (b) to forestall a break with the Tudeh
Party and a strong protest from the USSR on behalf of the Tudeh, and
(c) to avoid being stigmatized as reactionary and pro-Britiskand thus
Approved for Release: 2018/09/05 CO2036433
Approved for Release: 2018/09/05 CO2036433
APPROVED FOR RELEASE - Historical Programs Staff 30 August 2018
lose all chances of bringing the left and pro-Soviet groups under his
The British Ambassador has denied to Allen that the British had
anything to do with the current tribal unrest but added that he was
losing patience with Qavam, who has not punished Tudeh agents and con-
tinues to arrest pro-British Iranians. -
12. TURKEY: Aims in UN--The Turkish Foreign Minister has told US
Ambassador Wilson that the Turkish delegation to UN has been in-
structed to follow the US-UK line and to "attempt to conciliate" in
cases where US and UK views diverge. Turkey s "special interest"
in the forthcoming General Assembly meeting is to obtain representa-
tion on the Economic and Social Council.
13. SYRIA: Negotiations with US to be resumed�According to US Legation
Damascus, the Syrian Prime Minister has denied the press report that
Syria has refused to negotiate oil pipeline and air agreements with the
US. He hopes that Syrian officials will be prepared to discuss the pro-
posed pipeline on 17 September.
14. N.E.I.: Delay in negotiation imperils settlement�Van Mook has told
US Consul General Batavia that The Netherlands Government's delay
in establishing a negotiating Committee-General is enabling extremists
in both The Netherlands and Indonesia to prejudice the settlement of
Dutch-Indonesian problems. Van Moak said that Indonesian confidence
has been increased by the delay and by Lord Killearres recent visit to
15. FRENCH INDOCHINA: D'A enlieu's views on disputed territories--
High Commissioner D'Argenhteu ha1oldS Consul Saigon that France's
failure to settle the territorial question with Siam had led to a decline in
French prestige in Indochina. �
Approved for Release: 2018/09/05 CO2036433
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