DAILY SUMMARY - 1946/09/18

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Approved for Release: 2018/09/05 CO2036429 APPROVED FOR RELEASE - Historical Programs Staff 30 August 2018 Approved for Release: 2018/09/05 CO2036429 Approved for Release: 2018/09/05 CO2036429 APPROVED FOR RELEASE - Historical Programs Staff 30 August 2018 GENERAL 1.8 SEP 1.946 181 1 US suspends = � � ions for Czech credit�Secretary Byrnes has asked curren nego a ons or an in loan to Czechoslovakia be suspended, provided no definite commitment to make the loan has been made. Further sales of surplus property to the Czech Government have also been stopped (see Daily Summary of 4 September, item 2). The Sec- retary does not consider it advisable to contribute in any way to propa- ganda which characterizes US financial assistance as an imperialist move to "enslave" Eastern European states. 2. B es es sus. s . ion of US Red Cross program in Albania�Secre- yrnes reque Acting Secretary Clayton to do "every- thing possible consistent with our policy" to dissuade the American Red Cross from proceeding with its Albanian program. Bevhes position on Palestine�US Charge Gelman reports that at a private meeting of the Palestine conference on 18 September, Foreip Minister Bevin set forth, "as essential elements to any solution," (a) separation of the Arab and Jewish communities, (b) continued immi- gration into Palestine, (c) progress by Palestine towards independence, (d) establishment in Palestine of self-government by both peoples, and (e) an end to the tension in Palestine. Galin= adds that the Arabs agreed to consider these points and comment on them "in a day or two." 4. USSR protests "restrictions" on its personnel in Italy�In a note to US Embassy Moscow, the Soviet Foreign Office has protested "obstacles" to travel in Italy "placed in the way of Soviet representatives." The note declares that this procedure is "in sharp contrast" to "freedom of travel" accorded UIC and US representatives in Hungary, Rumania and Bulgaria and requests immediate corrective action. EUROPE 5. USSR: Communist Party shakcun continues�US Military Attache Mos- cow reports reliable evidence that new denunciations of Party Commit- tees are in progress. Those singled out include Party organizations of the Tadzhik S.S.R. (in Central Asia) and the Soviet Army periodical Krasnoarmeets, trade union organizations in Minsk, and the Ministry Document No. 0// NO CHANGE in Class. � 1 - o DECLASSIFIED Class. CHANGED TO: TS S DDA Memo 4 Apr 77 ET ituth: DDA REG. 77/1763 h. MI I ate: 1 5 MAR 1971 By: 049 Approved for Release: 20'18/09/05 CO2036429 Approved for Release: 2018/09/05 CO2036429 APPROVED FOR RELEASE - Historical Programs Staff 30 August 2018 of Cinematography. The MA also suggests that Party instructions drawing demobil- ized military personnel into active Party work indicates an effort to obtain more complete political control of veterans and to offset foreign Influence on them. 6. HUNGARY: Nagy cites lack of Soviet support�According to US Minis- ter Schoenfeld, Prime Vfinister Nagy is "reliably reported" to have told Vyshinski in Paris that (a) Hungary had adjusted its foreign policy to Soviet objectives; (b) Anglo-American requests had often been rejected In the assurance that the USSR would support Hungary at the Peace Con- ference; and (c) the ensuing lack of Soviet support had resulted in strong unrest in Hungary. Nagy expressed the hope that Soviet policy would take these facts into account. Government seeks ties with West--The Hungarian Minister to France has told US delegates in Paris that the Hungarian Communist delegates to the Peace Conference had had little success in finding sympathy for Hungary among delegates of Soviet satellite states. The Hungarian Minister also stated that non-Communist Hungarians in Paris "are looking forward" to closer ties with Austria and Italy as a way out of Slav encirclement. 7. POLAND: Mikolajczyk recalled from Denmark�US Ambassador Lane has been refilably atormed that the Presidium of the Peasant Party has asked Mikolajczyk (who is in Copenhagen) to return immediately in order to attend to "very important matters." 8. GERMANY: ACC disagreement on German press freedom--Murphy re- � ports that the latest discussion of German press freedom in the Political � Directorate led to a bitter exchange between the UK and Soviet delegates. The Soviet Representative insisted unsuccessfully that the British' con- demn" attempts of the British-licensed Socialist Party press to induce Socialists in the Soviet zone to "invalidate" their ballots in the recent elections. 9. ITALY: Government crisis continues�US Embassy Rome reports indi- cations that the left wing of the Christian Democrats(the largest Italian party) is determined to have a "showdown" with the Communists. On Approved for Release: 2018/09/05 CO2036429 Approved for Release: 2018/09/05 CO2036429 APPROVED FOR RELEASE - Historical Programs Staff 30 August 2018 � the other hand, according to the head of the Bank of Italy, De Gasper' hopes to defer an all-out attack on the Communists until two or three months before the general election. NEAR EAST-AFRICA 10. IRAN: Soviet troo re ..rted withdrawn from border--According to US M ry ce ei an So et vision and regiment previously reported bivouacked near the Caspian Sea on the Soviet-Azerbaijan bor- der has been withdraWn to a taint about 25 miles behind the border. The MA adds that the Azerbaijan Government, apparently in the expectation of maintaining indefinite control of the province, is recruiting women to join its Army for a five-year period, Firuz at odds with Army_--US Ambassador Allen reports that � Prince Firuz appears to have alienated another important group by arresting an Iranian colonel accused of having been involved In the Bakhtiari plot. Allen believes that the arrest actually was a result of the fact that the colonel commanded troops which put down the Tudeh- inspired riots in Bluzistan in July. After the row both the colonel and the Minister of War submitted their resignations, but withdrew them when Qavam apologized for the Incident. FAR EAST 11. FRENCH INDOCHINA: Provisions of new ajgreement--Caffery reports that the French Viet-Nam joint declaration and modus vivendi signed on 14 September provides for the temporary establishment of a customs union and free trade in the Indochinese Federation, and the suspension of both hostilities and unfriendly propaganda by both parties in Cochin China. Coffer), adds that the French and Ho CM Minh are believed to have agreed orally to the withdrawal or surrender of Viet Nam resist- ance elements in Cochin China. Anxiety over Communist activities--US Consul Saigon reports that French authorities are concerned over the increase of Communist propaganda and activities among Chinese Communists and Annamites in Viet Nam and to a lesser extent in Cochin China. French officials state Approved for Release: 2018/09/05 CO2036429 Approved for Release: 2018/09/05 CO2036429 APPROVED FOR RELEASE - Historical Programs Staff 30 August 2018 Now, TO' ki ;vit. CP/A I that the strength of the Communist Party in Metropolitan France pre- cludes unfavorable mention of Communist activities in Indochina� 12. CHINA: ggsgrj "back, do_wn"--According to US Military Atta- che Nanking, "informed circles" In China generally agree that (a) the Communists recognize the weakness of their present position, and (b) "hope is growing" that the present deadlock will be broken by a Communist "bae,kdown." The MA is "convinced" that the Communists are at present receiving no backing or encouragement from any third power. 13. N.E.I.: Allied efforts toward mil truce in ava and Sumatra--US Consul General Batavia reports that Br ish erai Mansergh has ordered Allied forces to avoid overt acts and minimize incidents Involving Indonesian forces. This move is designated to indicate Allied desire for peace and encourage similar steps by Indonesian military leaders. However, certain of these leaders, who are opposed to truce negotiations, have repeatedly blocked arrangements to which Indonesian political leaders had already given consent. THE AMERICAS 14. PERU: Re ition of USSR ed--The Peruvian Foreign Minister has informed US Ambassador Cooper that his Government intends to postpone diplomatic recognition of the USSR "as long as possible." COAV NTIAL1 TO CRET Approved for Release: 2018/09/05 CO2036429
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