DAILY SUMMARY - 1946/07/25

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Approved for Release: 2018/09/05 CO2036415 APPROVED FOR RELEASE - Historical Programs Staff 30 August 2018 Approved for Release: 2018/09/05 CO2036415 Approved for Release: 2018/09/05 CO2036415 APPROVED FOR RELEASE - Historical Programs Staff 30 August 2018 3.3(h)(2) TOP SEC CO DENTIAL1 ENFRA L 25 JUL 135 1. US and Urt" represent_altealestine�The US delegation to iriroint tiS-UTt bias in London on the Palestine problem have for- warded to the State Department the text of the agreement reached un- animously with the British commfttee. The agreement, which deals with both the emigration of European Jews from Europe and the re- settlement of a "considerable number' in Europe, provides for the division of Palestine into an Arab province; Jewish province; two dis- tricts under the central government in Jerusalem; and an uninhabited area in south Palestine. The plan also provides for a division of powers between the provinces and the central government Every effort is to be made to complete the movement of 100,000 Jews into Palestine within a year after the movement begins. � 2. Obstacles to lo-E an trea ersist�Legation Cairo has been giEf7ontinue �sagreoment between IM and Egyptian repre- sentatives over a Joint Defense Committee and the Sudan question prob- ably will prevent final conclusion of the Anglo-Egyptian treaty before the Peace Conference. The Legation has been reliably Informed that, in deference to Egyptian wishes, the British Governor General of the Sudan will be transferred to India before negotiations on the Sudan are initiated. 3. British views on German --According to Harriman, British officials accept as le t1i border changes which the French have made to enlarge the Saar area, presumably in preparation for its possible inclusion in the French economy. The changes in effect consolidate the Catholic popula- tion in a compact region. Harriman adds that certain influential circles in the UT have advocated the division of Prussia so that the British zone might contain a similar strong Catholic region which would have a "stabi- lizing" effect on German politics. The Under �Secretary of the Foreign Office has told Harriman that Byrnes' proposal for the economic unification of two or more of the German zones has been "most enthusiastically" received by Foreign Office officials working on Germany and the USSR. Document No. NO CHANGE in Class. 0 DECLASS/PIED Class. CHANGED TO: TS S 4!" DDA Memo, 4 Apr 77 DDA REG. 77/1763 1-6"Pirffitifi7 13" It::* Approved for Release: 2018/09/05 CO2036415 Approved for Release: 2018/09/05 CO2036415 APPROVED FOR RELEASE - Historical Programs Staff 30 August 2018 EUROPE -AFRICA NMI! 4. FRANCE: Crisis possible over w e-price issue�An official of the MP Party as orm ery o t there may be a Cabinet crisis over the wage-price issue. The Cabinet has failed to agree on the recommendations of the National Economic Commission for wage increases and economic reforms; MRP Ministers are firmly opposed to the large increase proposed; and Communist Ministers are unable to back down. According to the MRP official, Bidault is con- sidering making a plea to the country next Sunday to demonstrate that the recommended increases are impossible without an immediate in- flationary effect on prices. 5. GREECE: Defense Minister aims to become maker"--Accordin' g to US Ambassa or MacVeagh A ens, e impression is growing among local British observers that Defense Minister Mavromikhalis aims, through continued purges of non-Royalists from the armed forces, to assume the role of "kingmaker" and possibly to assume later a position similar to that of former dictator Metaxas under King George. Flowever, the British feel that, if King George returns to Greece, he will attempt to broaden the base of his government rather than to support a dictatorial regime. 6. IRAN: Soviets rumored concentrattg along north border--US Ambassador Allen reports that Soviet troops are rumored to be concentrating along the Soviet-Azerbaijan border. Allen has received no confirmation of the rumor, which he regards as an inevitable sequel to the report of ritish ships in Iranian waters (see Daily Summary of 22 July, item 6). 1Kurdish successes in Azerbaijan�US Military Attache Tehran reports that the E:urds are progressing successfully in their effort to con- trol all the Azerbaijan area claimed by the "nascent TOirdish Republic." Azerbaijan "s emocrat" morale is reported weakening, and an important Iranian general believes that the Soviets may have switched their support from the "Democrats" to the Kurds. PAR EAST 7. INDIA: Nehru comments on interim government�Nehru has privately in- formed a mezni�ithe US Mission that the formation of an interim govern- - 2 - -Approved for Release: 2018/09/05 CO2036415 Approved for Release: 2018/09/05 CO2036415 APPROVED FOR RELEASE - Historical Programs Staff 30 August 2018 TOP SEC NFIDENTIALI ment with League and Congress participation prior to convening the Constituent Assembly is very doubtful. The basic reason for Congress rejection of the interim plan was the failure of the British to assure the proposed interim government sufficient authority. Nehru added that Coinmuhists are actively encouraging current strikes in India. 8, CHINA: Soviets urge withdrawal of US forces-114h officials of the Soviet Em assy have pr va e1 toldUS Naval Attache that US aid to China must cease, that US tomes must be withdrawn, and that Soviet propaganda will be directed toward those objectives. THE AMERICAS 9. COLOMBIA: Conspfray to overthrow President-elect reported�US Ambassador V1Uey reports that the Colombian National Police have learned of a plot to overthrow President-elect �spina immediately after his inauguration on 7 August. The movement is allegedly sponsored by elements of the armed forces, whose ultimate goal would be to install Caftan (defeated presidential candidate) as President. Wiley believes that such a coup is unlikely. 3 - Approved for Release: 2018/09/05 CO2036415
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