DAILY SUMMARY - 1946/08/28

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Approved for Release: 2018/09/05 CO2036406 APPROVED FOR RELEASE - Historical Programs Staff 30 August 2018 1,4100 Approved for Release: 2018/09/05 CO2036406 Approved for Release: 2018/09/05 CO2036406 APPROVED FOR RELEASE - Historical Programs Staff 30 August 2018 Al2 GENERAL � 28 AU 9 1946. 164 L Deterioration of Yugoslav-Turkish relations--According to US Ambas- sador Wilson, the Turkish Ambassador in Belgrade has informed the Turkish Foreign Office that his Embassy no longer can assure pro- tection of Turkish lives and interests in Yugoslavia. 2. Release of former Italian ammunition to Yugoslays delayed--AFRQ Caserta urgently requests a decision on the turnover of former Italian ammunition in Venezia Giulia to Yugoslavia. The ammunition, which is described as possibly unfit for service and a hazard to lives, was orig- inally awarded Yugoslavia by the War Booty Commission, but the State Department requested that in view of recent developments, delivery be delayed pending further consideration. 3. Greece and UK urge delay in UN discussions on Greece�Caffery re- ports that the Greek delegation has requested US support for a ten-day delay in UN Security Council discussions of the Ukrainian charges that Greece is threatening Balkan peace. US Charge London reports that the British "under no circumstances" want the Security Council to con- sider the Ukrainian complaint until after the Greek plebiscite on 1 Sep- tember, The Foreign Office expects that prolonged debate on applica- tions of nine states for UN membership will effectively delay considera- tion of the Ukrainian note. 4. French Communist Minister implies sabotage by US agents�Caffery re- ports thattbarles tiiion, Communist Minister of Armament, in a con- versation with a Lockheed official, asserted that he has "incontrovertible proof" of the sabotage of French aircraft by "foreign agents," and apparently intended to imply that US agents were involved. Tilion also charged that the US, in order to facilitate the sale of Constellations, had caused Argentina to cancel a contract for three French flying boats. EUROPE-AFRICA 5. USSR: Ural tank factory operating at full capacity--General McNarney has learned from a completely reliable source that a factory at Nizhnii- Tagil was producing in May at a capacity rate of 35 tanks per day. Purge of senior Red Air Force personnel--US Embassy Moscow has heard from a source of unknown reliability that the top echelon of the - 1 - Doirimant. No. NO CHANGE in Class. 0 0 DECLASSIFIED Class. CHANGED TO: TS S61,4 DDA Memo,' 4 Apr 77 T Auth: -RE .17/1763 it mmt to BY: Approved for Release: 2018/09/05 CO2036406 Approved for Release: 2018/09/05 CO2036406 APPROVED FOR RELEASE - Historical Programs Staff 30 August 2018 TIA13 Red Air Force is being drastically weeded out." 6. GREECE: Greek reaction to Soviet Ambassador's r US Ambasiawd-o7.1W--*acVeagh reports that the Greek Foreign Office Interprets the Soviet Ambassador's request for a visa as an effort to disassociate the USSR from the 1 September plebiscite. Greek con- cern over this request and the recall of the Yugoslav Ambassador is shown by the immediate prosecution of newspapers which attack Soviet policy. rt. FRANCE: Reason for Molotov's walk�According to Caffery, the Soviet Ambassador explained to the French Foreign Office that Molotov left the celebration in honor of the liberation of Paris because he felt that, since the USSR had played the "leading role" in the liberation of France, "he might be better seated than he was." 8. MAN: USSR reported anxious for Azerbaiian-Tehran agreement�US Consulate Tabriz has been told by "one of its best sources" that the Soviet Consul General in Tabriz has instructed the Azerbaijan delega- tion to Tehran to achieve a complete settlement before returning to Tabriz. The Consulate comments that the USSR apparently is willing to sacrifice Azerbaijan's interests in order to assure implementation of the Soviet-Iranian oil agreement, which is not effective until ratified by s the Majlls (elections for which still have not been set). The Consulate added that a "bona fide withdrawal" of Soviet railroad personnel appar- ently is taking place. 9. ICELAND: UK Minister warns against Soviet tactics--The British Min- ister has told US Legation Reykjavik that he has condemned as "black- mail" Iceland's attempt to obtain a higher price from the UK for its fish by threatening to sell instead to the USSR. The Minister suggested that Iceland "put its house in order" by combating inflation and reduciw prices and commented that Iceland was "playing into Soviet bands.' FAR EAST 10. INDIA: inah may still negotiate�US Consul General Bombay believes that linnah "definitely left the door open for negotiations in his 26 August statement regarding the interim government. - 2 - Approved for Release: 2018/09/05 CO2036406 Approved for Release: 2018/09/05 CO2036406 APPROVED FOR RELEASE - Historical Programs Staff 30 August 2018 TOP SEC IDENTIW British concerned of Moslem .US Military Observer ew concern over of Mos. lera troops if used against Maim Moslems. The Viceroy, to offset , rumors among Moslem troops that they no longer need to take orders from their officers, has made it publicly clear that the constitutional position of troops is in no way changed. THE AMER/CAS � 11. PANAMA:P ba_amma ineLL_,,A)212mhw-The Commanding General, Caribbean Defense Command, las notified the War Department that if negotiations are not begun prior to 2 September 1946, when the Panaman. Ian Government considers the present agreement terminated, the United States Army will find Itself in a position of occupying defense sites in Panama without official justification. 12. COLOMBIA: ill' erotests tell of German Rots�MS Ambassador Wiley has made -strong r: �st..�, gad roreiga Mintster against the relicensing of four ex.SCADTA (former German air- line) pilots as co-pilots for employment by Colombtan airlines. The President and Foreign Minister have agreed to investigate the matter. 13. BRAZIL: t: .. , ese fanatics an conthmed "res "..US Consulate Sao Paulo reports ,- Japanese , tic leaders, although aware of the reality of the defeat of japan, hope that their campaign of terror (see pally Summary of 20 My, item 10) may contribute to keeping alive a "resistance movement." TOP SE Approved for Release: 2018/09/05 CO2036406
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