DAILY SUMMARY - 1946/09/05
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September 11, 2018
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Approved for Release: 2018/09/05 CO2036404 APPROVED FOR RELEASE - Historical Programs Staff 30 August 2018 Approved for Release: 2018/09/05 CO2036404 Approved for Release: 2018/09/05 CO2036404 APPROVED FOR RELEASE - Historical Programs Staff 30 August 2018 (14 ji) luENTML/ GENERAL SEP 1946 170 1. For ese reacti � to "recess" of n a a tions�US Embassy Lisbon has informed the Por se Foreign Office the US intention to "recess" the current long-term Azores base negotiations. The Foreign Office has expressed its opposition to the "understanding" which Gen- eral Kissner has reached with the Portuguese Secretary of War for "Implementation" of the short-term 30 May agreement, and indicated suspicion that the US 1)0 longer is interested in long-term discussions because the US has obtained what it wants through the Kissner under- standing with the Secretary of War. 2. British not to insist on di lomatic rima in E wit --The British Embassy in Cairo has hiforme U t on, connection with the projected elevation of the US Legation to Embassy status, that the Bri- tish no longer insist on diplomatic primacy in Egypt, The British suggest, however, that the US defer definitive action until current Anglo- Egyptian Treaty negotiations are concluded, since the 1936 Treaty provided for British precedence over all other diplomatic representatives In Egypt. The British, however, could waive precedence if there were some essential reason for an immediate change of status. EUROPE -AFRICA 3. USSR: Litvinov pessimistic�According to US Charge Durbrow in Mos- cow, Litvinov, in a confidential conversation at a recent reception, told the British Charge that "things were going badly" and expected them to get worse, Litvinov added that he was happy to loc out of the anoma- lous position he had occupied for so long. Molotov and Berta featured on V-/ Day�Durbrow reports that In the V-J Day celebration in Moscow, portraits of Molotov and Berta (rumored chief of "atomic security") occupied the favored positions at Stalin's right and left respectively. Durbrow points out that only mem- berg of the Politburo were represented in the display, and that those Identified with foreign affairs and security overshadowed the key Party secretaries. Although the occasion celebrated a military victory, no strictly military figures were in evidence. - 1 - rf � SECR T. Document No. NO CHANGE in Class. CI DECLASSIFIED lass. CHANGED TO: TS S DDA Memo, 4 Apr 77 th: DDAR /l763 Date: 15 MAR 197s By: 62-2- Approved for Release: 2018/09/05 CO2036404 Approved for Release: 2018/09/05 CO2036404 APPROVED FOR RELEASE - Historical Programs Staff 30 August 2018 4. GREECE: Leftists to dispute plebiscite�US Ambassador MacVeagh reports that the EAM will contest the validity of the plebiscite before the Supreme Court and that all Socialist and Communist-controlled "democratic clubs" have officially refused to recognize that the regime question is settled. MacVeagh states, however, that all politi- cal circles appear to be leaving the next major move to the King. 5 GERMANY: Ruhr coal exports may be cut--Secretary Byrnes reports that consideration is being given may Berlin" to reducing the monthly export of Ruhr coal from 850,000 to 500,000 tons in order to assist Ger- man industry in producing essential mining machinery. Byrnes states that the British are anxious to mitigate serious political and economic repercussions in France, Italy and other European countries. He has asked Clayton to determine the extent to which the US can "make up the proposed monthly reduction" during the next four months. ACC considers exetutio# of Nuremberg sentences--Murphy reports that ACC Germany is considering a directive establishing a quadripartite commission to be responsible for carrying out imprison- ment and death sentences passed by the Nuremberg tribunal. The French member has suggested to the ACC that the bodies should be cremated and "scattered to the four winds to prevent graves from later becoming national shrines." 6. ITALY: Communists reported distributing arms in Florence�Accord- ing to US Consulate Florence, "authoritative sourcesn report that local Communists are distributing arms to "selected action squads." FAR EAST '1. KOREA: Reaction to US policy statement--General Hodges HQ reports that the publication in Korea of Acting Secretary Acheson's statement, following General Hodge's declaration, has been eminently effective. All Korean papers from the extreme right to the extreme left gave the statement full coverage, while the Korean people in general reacted favorably. The statement also has improved the morale of US person- nel in Korea. TiiONF CRET TIAO Approved for Release: 2018/09/05 CO2036404 Approved for Release: 2018/09/05 CO2036404 APPROVED FOR RELEASE - Historical Programs Staff 30 August 2018 TOP FIDENT/40 Delegation feted in Moscovv--US Military Attache Moscow reports that a delegation of i5 Koreans is being extensively entertained and carefully segregated in Moscow, apparently as part of a long-range program for Soviet ideological penetration of Korea. THE AMERICAS 8. PERU: US acceL3ts Peruvian lurisdiction in Talara incident�The State Departmen1 has rejected the Peruvian over US personnel involved in the Talara incident (see Daily Summary of 3 September, item 17). ft has instructed Ambassador Cooper to accede to the original Peruvian request for jurisdiction and to inform Peruvian authorities that the US expects that "quick and speedy justice will be meted as well to all Peruvian citizens involved." - 3 - Approved for Release: 2018/09/05 CO2036404
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