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November 23, 1952
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Approved for Release: 2019/05/28 CO2018014 urit, I SECUfY INFORMATION 23 November 1952 uopy No. CURRENT INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN Office of Current Intelligence DOCUMENT NO. '37 NO CHANGE IN CLASS. 0 DECLASSIFIED CLASS. CHANGED TO: NEXT REVIEW DATE: AUTH: H 70-2 DATE) CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY TOP SECRET Taw, REVIEWER: 3.5(c 3.5(c) 3.5(c) 3.5(c) 3.5(c) SECU Y INFORMATION Approved for Release: 2019/05/28 CO2018014 Approved for Release: 2019/05/28 CO2018014 TOpESECRET SUMMARY FAR EAST 1. Communist China seeks general trade agreement with Ceylon (page 3). SOUTH ASIA 2. Pakistan postpones consideration of withdrawal from the Commonwealth (page 3). 3. Attempt to assassinate Afghan King reported (page 4). 4. NEAR EAST - AFRICA EASTERN EUROPE 5. Fields reportedly returned to Prague as witnesses page 5). 6. Yugoslavia regards Albanian revolution possible next year (page 6). WESTERN EUROPE 7. Rothensee shiplift reportedly back in operation (page 6). 8. Pinay government seen determined to oust Communists (page 7). - 2.- 3.5(c) 3.3(h)(2) 3.5(c) � TOP SECRET Approved for Release: 2019/05/28 CO2018014 3.5(c) Approved for Release: 2019/05/28 CO2018014 IET FAR EAST Communist China seeks general trade agreement with Ceylon: Comment: In support of its campaign to promote opposition to American sponsored restrictions on trade with China, Peiping has already negotiated a sale of 80, 000 tons of rice in exchange for which the Colombo government agreed not to block exports of rubber to China. The above is the first reliable evidence that Ceylonese and Chinese Communist representatives have carried on extensive discussions looking toward a, general trade agreement between the two countries. A general trade agreement would be a major success in Peiping's campaign, since it would be the first to be concluded between China and any government not under Soviet influence. SOUTH ASIA. 2. Pakistan postpones consideration of withdrawal from the Common- wealth: The Pakistani Cabinet has decided to postpone consideration of Pakistan's withdrawal from the Commonwealth in the hope of being invited to �articipate 'n th iddle East Defense Or anization, 3.5(c) 3.3(h)(2) 3.3(h)(2) the govern- ment will reconsider the question of withdrawal if nothing comes 3.3(h)(2) of any invitation to join MEDO. - 3 - TC01) SECIIff Approved for Release: 2019/05/28 CO2018014 3.5(c) Approved for Release: 2019/05/28 CO2018014 Comment: Pakistan is unlikely to withdraw from the Commonwealth in the near future since the benefits it now obtains from membership outweigh those to be gained by withdrawal. The government, recognizing an opportuni- ty to obtain defense supplies and equipment, without immediate likelihood of its employment in the defense of the Middle East, may be using the threat of withdrawal to override criticism of the British plan for its inclusion by nations such as India, Turkey, and France and to ensure that the projected invitation is actually de- livered. 3. Attempt to assassinate Afghan King reported: Five men attempted to assassinate King Zahir Shah while he was on a recent hunting trip in central Afghanistan, \ Three e men were killed by the king's entourage, but two escaped. Comment: There is no evidence that this and an earlier attack on the king's life, rumored to have occurred in mid-August, were planned by organized opposition groups. The above may have been a spontaneous effort by central Afghan Hazara tribesmen, who have been kept in a state of sub- jection by the Kabul regime. The oligarchy which rules Afghanistan is composed mainly of the king's relatives. It wolild not be seriously disorganized by the king's death, though it might un- dertake certain changes in government personnel and policies to allay or suppress the opposition evidenced by an assassination. - 4 - 3.5(c) 3.3(h)(2) 3.3(h)(2) 3.3(h)(2) 3.5(c) Approved for Release: 2019/05/28 CO2018014 Approved for Release: 2019/05/28 CO2018014 TC,P SECRET 3.5(c) 4. NEAR EAST - AFRICA EASTERN EUROPE 5. Fields reportedly returned to Pragtie as witnesses: oel Field, his wife, and his brother Herman were brought to Prague under strong guard on 18 October in preparation for the current trial of Czech Com- munist, leaders. They were returned at the request of President Gottwald at the Moscow Party Congress, where the decision to hold the trial was made. 5 3.3(h)(2) 3.3(h)(2) 3.3(h)(2) TOP ET Approved for Release: 2019/05/28 CO2018014 3.5(c) Approved for Release: 2019/05/28 CO2018014 the Fields' testi- mony will be used mainly to compromise American policy in Europe and to discredit Slansky's appointees in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, who have confessed that they were in contact with Noel Field during and following the war. Comment: The Fields disappeared successively in 1949 and rumors have persisted that they were taken to Lublianka prison in Moscow. 6. Yugoslavia regards Albanian revoiution possible next year: jYugoslav authorities feel a revolution can be successfully "pro- voked" in Albania next year. Comment: representatives of Tito recently presented to Albanian exile-leaders in Yugoslavia a plan to incorporate Albania into Yugo- slavia. This is inconsistent with other recent reports that overtures by the Yugoslays to Albanian exiles in the West, in which they pro- mise to respect the independence of Albania, have met with some success. WESTERN EUROPE Rothensee shiplift reportedly back in operation: According to a report from German -authorities, the Rothensee shiplift has been handling vessels of the East German Inland Waterway Services for some time, and 42 East Zone ships have already passed through the lift. American officials in Bonn believe that this may foreshadow a reopening of the lift to Western shipping in the near future. 6 3.5(c) 3.3(h)(2) 3.3(h)(2) 3.3(h)(2) 3.3(h)(2) 3.3(h)(2) 3.5(c: "-Approved for Release: 2019/05/28 CO2018014 Approved for Release: 2019/05/28 CO2018014 rl..-SECRET 3.5(c) Comment: Soviet officials within the last week informed High Commissioner Donnelly that, in consider- ation of his request, steps have been taken to speed the repairs at Rothensee and that he would be advised when the lift is put into operation. 8. Pinay government seen determined to oust Communists: The French Cabinet is considering a draft bill for dismissal from state employ of all members of the Communist Party and front organizations. The bill is not expected to be submitted to the 'National Assembly for some time. Comment: Despite continuing efforts to transfer known Communists to positions not involving national security, they are believed to be still strong enough in the nation- alized transportation and communication industries to tie up these organizations in an emergency. The cabinet has not yet decided whether the measure should apply to all 962, 000 members of the civil service or only to its senior members and to the directors of nationalized industries. - 7 - 3.3(h)(2) TC)S� EC11:1111 Approved for Release: 2019/05/28 002018014 3.5(c)