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19 March 1958
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I. Introduction page 1
II. Expellees 2
A. General Characteristics 2
B. The Sudeten German Expellees 5
C. The Silesian German Expellees 10
D. Conclusions 11
III. Emigres 12
A. Roof Organizations 12
B. Rumanians 15
C. Bulgarians 20
D. Yugoslays 22
E. Czechoslovaks 24
F. Hungarians 28
G. Ukrainians 33
H. Emigres From USSR, Including The Caucasus and
Central Asia 39
APPENDIX A: List of Expellee Organizations and Institutions A-1
in Munich
APPENDIX B: Biographic Information on Selected Expellee B-1
Leaders in Western Germany
APPENDIX C: Sources C-1
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To examine the expellee groups in Bavaria with particular refer-
ence to economic and political factors, leaders and organizations;
and to assemble information on emigre organizations, leaders and
Scope and Limitations
This report was prepared primarily for DDP internal use. It
consists of a narrative describing the expellee group in Bavaria
with special attention to the two most significant groups, the
Sudeten Germans and the Silesians; and a directory in outline form
of emigre organizations, which have headquarters or representatives
in Bavaria. The study is based on research material available in
Washington, both in the Agency and the Department of State. In
accordance with the requester's wish, no attempt has been made to
levy special requirements on the field.
The information on emigres contained in Part III is limited by
the fact that available material is in many cases out of date.
These reports give a comprehensive picture of the emigre groups
with which they deal. However, the fact that they are in some
cases several years old means that the information cannot now be
considered current or complete.
The biographic data in Appendix B, with the exception of the
report on Dr. Koch, was prepared by Biographic Information Divi-
sion of the Department of State.
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Operational Intelligence Support Branch
Requirements Fl
Prepared by
Prepared for
Case number
Date of completion:
: EE/Plans
19 March 1958
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I. Introduction
The presence in Bavaria of large numbers of foreign born resi-
dents is an important factor in the political, economic, and social
life of the Land. The non-native residents fall into several cate-
gories: the expellees (Vertriebene), the refugees (Fluechtlinge)
and the non-German speaking emigres. For the purpose of this
paper, expellees are considered to be the inhabitants of the German
provinces east of the Oder-Neisse line and the ethnic Germans
(Volksdeutsche) whose homes were outside the boundaries of the
German Reich as of December 31, 1937. Refugees are those former
inhabitants of the Soviet zone and East Berlin who fled to West
Germany for reasons of personal safety, political or economic con-
siderations. Non-German speaking emigres are foreign nationals
from the USSR, the satellites or Yugoslavia, who are opposed to
the current political regimes in their homelands.
Of the three groups, the expellees are most important in the
Bavarian scene because of their large numbers, the problems involved
in their integration into the Federal Republic, and their irreden-
tism. Section II of this report deals with the expellees as a
whole, describing their current economic and political situation
and their organizations. The two most important expellee groups,
the Sudeten Germans and the Silesians, are considered in detail.
The refugees, coming into a culture very similar to that which
they left and consisting to a greater degree than the expellees
of young employable individuals, have assimilated rapidly into
the Federal Republic. Although political and cultural associa-
tions have been formed by the refugees, they have not attracted
sufficient interest or support to be effective pressure groups.
The desire of the refugees to "disappear" in West Germany to avoid
pressure which might be exercised against them from the East Zone
has also tended to discourage the formation of identifiable groups
or the rise of refugee leaders. Refugees, therefore, while in-
cluded in some of the material dealing with expellees, are not
discussed separately as a group in the following report.
Emigres, of minor interest in the political or economic develop-
ment of Bavaria, have nevertheless an intelligence value as sources
of information on the homeland, propagandists, or potential
leaders in case of a change of government in their former homes.
Section III on emigres identifies where possible their organiza-
tions, leaders and publications.
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A. General Characteristics
The problem of assimilating the expellees was more severe in
Bavaria than in other Laender of the Federal Republic. Although
expellees possessed a language and a cultural background gener-
ally similar to that prevailing in West Germany, each expellee
group had its own history, traditions and habits and in many cases
had adopted some elements of the native culture of its former home-
land. Bavaria, with its strong local traditions and characteristic
reserve or even hostility towards newcomers, experienced more fric-
tion than did other less particularistic areas. In addition, other
factors complicated the situation. The relatively backward state
of communications and the long distances between rural communities
in the Land made it difficult to move expellees who had been un-
suitably placed in the first distribution. The agrarian structure
of the country--small farm holdings and not much free land avail-
able--made an additional problem in settling the agrarian expellees
satisfactorily. The usual solution of employing them as farmhands
suited neither the formerly independent expellees nor the highly
individualistic Bavarian peasants. ji
Of the approximate eight and one-half million expellees located
in the Federal Republic, 1,850,200 are in Bavaria. They account
for 20.2 per cent of the population, a percentage exceeded only by
Schleswig-Holstein (28.1 per cent) and Lower Saxony (25.8 per cent).
By far the largest group of expellees are the ethnic Germans who
inhabited the Sudetenland in Czechoslovakia before World War II.
According to statistics compiled in 1950, of the 1,912,000 Sudetens
living in West Germany, over one-half, (1,026,400), are settled in
Bavaria. The next largest group were the Silesians, of which
461,000 or about one-fifth of the total number in West Germany
were in Bavaria. Other substantial groups of expellees in Bavaria
are the former residents of East Prussia, West Prussia, Memelland
and Danzig (10)1,600),, ethnic Germans from Yugoslavia (67,500),
from Hungary (49,200), from Poland (48,800, from Rumania (46,100),
and from the former German province of Pomerania (34,800). German
expellees from the USSR total 10,700 and from the former Baltic
nations, Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania, 8,900. V
In sex and age composition, the expellee group shows the
same structure as the post-war resident population, i.e. a deficit
of males, especially young adults, and a preponderance of middle
aged individuals, especially women. However, the displaced popu-
lation shows a more normal age-sex structure than the resident
population, having a smaller proportionate surplus of females,
fewer aged and a stronger representation of young adults, especi-
ally young men. I/
The expellees are younger than the rest of the population,
the median age for males being 28.5 years and for females 32.5
years, according to statistics dated September 1950. The dif-
ference in age and sex structure between the expellee and the
resident groups resulted from the higher birth rate of the Eastern
European Germans, the selective processes of flight and expulsion,
and the fewer war casualties suffered by the German minorities. 2.-V
In terms of occupational skills, the expellees represent a
strong industrial population. In contrast with the Bavarian labor
force which in 1939 had 38.2 per cent of the total employed in
agriculture, 34.3 per cent in industry and handicrafts, 14.5 per
cent in trade and transportation, and 13 per cent in other
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vocations, the expellees in their former occupations had 39.7 per
cent engaged in industry and handicrafts, 35.1 per cent in agri-
culture, 14.3 per cent in trade and transportation and 10.9 per
cent in other vocations. East Zone refugees show an even higher
proportion of workers in the industrial, handicrafts, trade and
transportation groups. ..51
' Although the difficulties involved in finding work in their
new locations has meant occupational downgrading for many expellees
who have taken jobs in which their previous skills are not used,
it is estimated that the largest occupational group among the ex-
pellees is employed in the manufacturing trades. Expellee employ-
ment generally is increasing. In September 1950, unemployment among
expellees was about twice as high as for the rest of the population;
in April 1956, it was estimated that the expellees accounted for
24 per cent of the unemployed as opposed to 17 per cent of the total
population. f/
The increasing integration of the expellees into the predomi-
nantly agricultural Bavarian economy has tended to diversify and
industrialize it. In 1951, although expellee and refugee indus-
trial, handicraft and trade establishments amounted to less than
10 per cent of all such establishments in Bavaria, in textiles,
glass and processing of artificial materials, the share was much
higher. Expellee effort, mainly on the part of the Silesians and
Sudetens who came from areas where the textile industry was highly
developed, has made an important contribution to the embroidering
and knitting mills in Oberfranken and South Schwaben. Large glass
making centers have grown up in Kaufbeuren, Schwaben, Bayreuth
and Oberfranken where Sudeten expellee groups are practicing their
traditional skills. The costume jewelry industry in Neu Gablonz,
an important dollar earner, was established and developed by
Sudeten initiative. V
The relatively high degree of economic integration which the
expellees have reached in Bavaria is the result in part of action
by the Land government in providing funds, both loans and grants,
to help expellees establish themselves. Bavaria also set up a
Committee for Refugees and Expellees, supported by Landtag funds,
whose function was to aid expellee industry, recommend legislation
to improve expellee conditions, answer inquiries, and provide
legal aid. Resettlement and land reform programs were also under-
taken ._/
Politically the expellees have not tended to unite in a single
party. The closest thing to an expellee party is the All-German
Bloc-League of Expellees and Disenfranchised (Gesamtdeutsche
Block-Bund der Heimatvertriebenen und Entrechteten - GB-BHE),
which, however, does not include all or even the most prominent
expellees active in political life. Moreover, the BHE does not
consist exclusively of expellees and refugees. Its local chairman
in Bavaria, Willi Guthsmuths, has only a tenuous claim to the
Sudetenland having served there as a government official from 1941
until 1945. The disappearance of the BHE as a national party in
the September 1957 elections indicates a growing tendency among
the expellees to work toward their aims through the major political
parties rather than as members of a special interest group.
In Bavaria the leaders of the BHE are attempting to divorce
the party from its original concept as an expellee and refugee
group. The statement announcing the party's withdrawal from the
four-party Land coalition following the national elections was
made in the name of the Gesamtdeptsche Block (GB), the initials
BHE having been dropped entirely. There are indications �that
some of the party leaders believe that its future lies in the
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formation of a new right of center party which would include the
BHE, FDP and other conservative elements. 21
Contrary to the early expectations voiced by Allied observers,
expellees have not joined extreme rightist political parties in
any considerable numbers. The extreme Left, as might be expected,
attracts no support among expellees who resent the Communists as
the authors of their exile.
Expellee organizations have been formed for economic, social,
cultural and professional reasons. The principal group, organized
on the federal level is the League of Expelled Germans (Bund der
vertriebenen Deutschen - BvD), which has principally represented
expellee and refugee economic interests. The BvD provides its mem-
bers with information on their financial claims, lobbies for social
and economic benefits, and attempts to further the nomination of
expellee candidates for public office. It has made special efforts
to further such legislation as the Equalization of Burdens Law
(Lastenausgleich Gesetz), and the Federal Law on the Legal Status
of Expellees and Refugees (Bundesgesetz ueber die Angelegenheiten
der Vertriebenen und Fluechtlin4e). The three chairmen of the BvD
Land chapter in Bavaria are: Dr. Joachim Borngraeber, Josef Boehm
and Herbert Rubusch. 12/
Probably more important in Bavaria are the homeland associations
(Landsmannschaften) of expellees from the same country of origin
which have concentrated on maintaining the cultural ties between
the expellees and their former habitations and on seeking to ob-
tain recognition of their homeland claims from the Federal govern-
ment, the Western allies and the satellite exile groups. The
Landsmannschaften are organized according to the regional location
of the expellees in West Germany into Land chapters (Landesverbaende),
which are subdivided into Bezirksverbaende, Kreisverbaende, and
Ortsverbaende according to the size and location of the expellee
groups. 22/ Within the Landsmannschaften there are also groups
(Heimatgruppen) of expellees who claim the same locality of origin
in the homeland.
Nineteen expellee Landsmannschaften have joined together to
form a Federal roof organization, the League of Homeland Associa-
tions (Verband der Landsmannschaften - VdL). A loose association
whose primary purpose is to coordinate policy, the VdL has been
moderate in pres.sing its claims to the homeland and enjoys good
relations with the Bonn government from which it receives some
financial support. The chairman of the Bavarian Land chapter is
Dr. Hans Menzel; Dr. Paul Tiling is the manager. A number of the
member associations maintain headquarters or regional offices
in Munich. The Sudetens and the Silesians are the most significant
of these groups because of their large memberships and aggressive
attitude toward their eventual return to the homeland. L21
Expellee youth has its own organization: The German Youth
of the East (Deutsche Jugend des Ostens - DJO). Formed in 1951,
it is composed of semi-autonomous youth groups sponsored by the
individual Landsmannschaften. The national chairman is a Bavarian
Sudeten youth leader, Ossi Boese. Although dedicated to keeping
alive the memory of the homeland among its members, the DJO ap-
pears to be generally inactive in political and Landsmannschaft
affairs. The rapid assimilation of expellee youth into their
new environment suggests that their indifference toward expellee
matters is likely to increase. 1.21
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Other expellee organizations* centered in Munich are scientific
and cultural institutions, religious and welfare groups, and re-
search institutions concerned with refugee questions. One of the
most interesting of these is the Eastern European Institute (Ost-
Europa Institut) at the University of Munich, directed by Dr. Hans
Koch.** A center for Eastern European studies, principally in the
fields of law, history and politics, the Institute sponsors publi-
cations and lectures on Eastern European subjects. It is re-
portedly financed by the Federal Republic and Land governments.
Dr. Koch, a long time specialist on eastern affairs, is frequently
consulted by the Federal Republic Foreign Ministry on eastern prob-
lems. He accompanied Adenauer to Moscow in 1955 as an advisor. Lit
B. The Sudeten German Expellees
The Sudetens are the most nationalistic and best organized
group among the expellees. The Sudeten German Landsmannschaft has
about 350-360,000 members in Western Gemany of which an estimated
197,000 are in Bavaria. The Landsmannschaft spokesman, Dr. Rudolf
Lodgman von Auen, a long time exponent of Sudeten interests, has
been for many years the leader of the organization and of the
Sudetens generally. Recently, however, his leadership has been
challenged by groups both within and without the Landsmannschaft
who feel that at 79 he is too old to exercise his authority com-
petently and that his handling of Sudeten affairs is too much a
one-man show.
In addition to the VdL, Sudetens form a strong group in the
BvD. Sudetens also play an important part in the expellee youth
organization, the DJO. A Bavarian Sudeten, Ossi Boese, the DJO
national chairman, is as well the chairman of the Sudeten German
youth group, a member of the Executive Committee of the Sudeten
German Landsmannschaft and of the Sudeten German Council. In
Munich the Adalbert Stifter Society is a Sudeten-sponsored cultural
organization. 1.2/
Several factions with varying political complexions and aims
exist within the Sudeten group. Of these the most influential,
in that its aims correspond generally with the majority of
Landsmannschaft members, is the Witiko Bund. Small in numbers--
it has an estimated 400 members--it nevertheless includes some
of the most aggressive and energetic personalities in the Lands-
mannschaft. Leader of the Bund is Frank Seiboth, Chairman of
the Executive Committee of the Landsmannschaft. Federal Minister
of Transport Hans Cristoph Seebohm is also reputedly a member,
as are Dr. Walter IBecher, *** Secretary General of the Sudeten
German Council, and Dr. Herbert Tusch, personal aide of Seebohm
and a functionary of the Deutsche Partei (DP) in Bavaria. ly
Said to be a continuation of an earlier group of the same
name which was organized in Bohemia in 1901 by a group of German-
speaking intellectuals to defend German interests, the Witiko
Bund was revived in Germany after the post-war expulsion. It is
composed of right wing elements who describe themselves as national
though not nationalistic, i.e. aggressive in defense of Sudeten
* See Appendix A: "List of Expellee Organizations and Institu-
tions in Munich."
* *
* * *
See Biographic Appendix.
See Biographic Appendix.
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interests but tolerant of the rights of other national or ethnic
groups. Nominally non-political, the Bund aims to propagandize
Sudeten objectives quietly and among small groups by placing its
members in leading organizations and offices in German life. Among
political parties it is closest to the BHE and the Free Democratic
Party (Freie Demokratische Partei - FDP), although some of its
more raTITC-71 elements incline to the rightist fringe parties. 1././
According to a report dated 1 June 1954, a small section of
extreme nationalists were cooperating at that time in certain Com-
munist propaganda objectives. The Deutsche National Zeitun , a
weekly newspaper published in Munich and reported to be subsidized
by Communist sources in the Soviet Zone, had several members of the
Witiko Bund associated with it and, in connection with the 1954
Sudetendeutsche Tag, published a special edition devoted entirely
to the Sudetens. Sudetens were urged to repudiate the policy of
Dr. Lodgman, which called for a federation of the Danubian basin
areas, and to work for a neutral and unified Germany. Despite the
large sale of the special edition (40,000 copies), it does not appear
that the paper has much following or influence among the Sudetens
generally or the Witiko Bund in particular. The majority of the
Witiko Bund members follow a policy of identification with the West.
They see the solution of the Sudeten problem in the incorporation
of the Sudetenland into a unified Germany. .L_8/
The second faction within the Landsmannschaft is the Seliger
Gemeinde, a group of Social Democrats who wish to work out expellee
problems within the framework of Social Democratic domestic and
foreign policies. Since approximately 30 per cent of the Sudetens
are Social Democrats, they appear to have a solid base for influ-
encing the party. The results of the recent national elections,
however, suggest that the Gemeinde has not enjoyed much success in
its efforts. The poor performance of the Social Democratic Party
(Social-Demokratische Partei - SPD) in Bavaria, particularly in the
border areas adjacent to the Iron Curtain, is thought to be due to
the unpopularity of the SPD position on foreign and defense poli-
cies. Wenzel Jaksch, Sudeten-German SPD Bundestag member from
Hesse and a co-chairman of the Seli er Gemeinde, decried SPD
"bungling" in a recent article on the elections in the SPD-Sudeten
publication Die Bruecke. Leading figure in the Gemeinde in
Bavaria is Sni-Bundestag deputy Richard Reitzner, one of three
co-chairmen. 22/
The third grouping among the Sudetens is the Ackermann
Gemeinde. Named after the Ackermann aus Boehmen (The Plowman
from Bohemia, a 14th century discourse on life and death), it
grew out of a nucleus of members of the pre-war Catholic students'
and workers' associations in the Sudeten areas. Its membership,
which includes Catholic clergymen and laymen active in religious
affairs, amounts to about one per cent of the Sudeten group.
However its close association with the Catholic Church, from which
it receives financial support, and its good political connections
give it a more consequential position than its numbers suggest.
The Ackermann Gemeinde's basic goal is to teach its members to
lead a life consonant with religious ideals and to maintain the
cultural traditions of their homeland. 22/
Politically it is close to the CLU/CSU and supports Adenauerls
policy of integration with the West. For east-central Europe it
advocates a form of federalized structure in which the Sudeten
areas would have an autonomous status. Its conservative and
Catholic orientation attracted the monarchist element among the
Sudetens and, according to a report dated 1 June 1954, it had
close ties with Otto von Hapsburg who had recently moved near
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Munich. The leaders of the Ackermann association were then stated
to be Hans Schuetz, CSU Bundestag deputy, Pater Sladek, a Jesuit
priest, and Emil Franzl, a Catholic convert and former Marxist
theoretician. Eli
The three factions among the Sudetens do not differ on long
term Sudeten aims which are: recognition of the Sudetens' right
to return to their homeland, their right to compensation for losses
suffered during their forced expulsion from Czechoslovakia, and
their right to equality of treatment with other peoples in the
area of Czechoslovakia on the basis of self-determination. They
disagree on immediate goals and on the methods by which both long
and short term aims can be accomplished. Lodgman, although he i5
in accord with the general program for the Sudeten future, has
had frequent differences of opinion with each of the three group-
ings, particularly the Witiko Bund, whose tendency toward radical-
ism he reportedly deplores. ly
Several recent developments have diminished Lodgman's influ-
ence and position within the expellee group. An internal reor-
ganization, carried out in 1954, relieved him of the administra-
tive work of the Landsmannschaft. Lodgman declined reelection as
Landesobmann of the Bavarian branch of the Sudetendeutsche Lands-
mannschaft in favor of his follower, Rudolf Gertler, in order to
devote himself to policy-making. .2.3/
During the same year the local organizations of the Lands-
mannschaft elected a legislative body, the Federal Assembly, and
an executive organ, the 14-member Federal Council. Dr. Lodgman
was unanimously elected Speaker (Sprecher). However his candi-
date for chairman of the Council was defeated by Frank Seiboth,
a rival for Sudeten leadership. Dr. Seebohm became President of
the Assembly. The new alignment, while testifying to Lodgman's
personal prestige, appeared to contain more members of the oppo-
sition than Lodgman supporters and represented a successful revolt
against his authority. .24/
In the field of foreign policy the Working Committee for the
Protection of Sudeten German Interests (Arbeitsgemeinschaft zur
Wahrung Sudetendeutscher Interessen) was reorganized. This group,
formed in 1947, concerned itself with the �conduct of Sudeten
affairs in international politics and in relation to other na-
tional groups. It drew up memoranda for the United Nations, col-
lected documentary material on the expulsion and negotiated the
agreement with the right wing exile Czech group headed by Gen.
Lev Prchala on the return of the Sudetens to their homeland.*
In April 1955, it was reorganized as the Sudeten German Council
(Sudetendeutscher Rat) with 28 members including a presidium
of four chairmen. �THe four chairmen who officiate in rotation
for a period of six months each are: Dr. Rudolf Lodgman, Richard
Reitzner, Hans Schuetz, and Dr. Johannes Strosche,**a member of
the BHE. Dr. Walter Becher, chairman of the BHE Landtag faction
and former secretary of the Arbeitsgemeinschaft, is Secretary
General of the Council. 2.2/
* The agreement between the Czechoslovak National Committee headed
by Prchala and the Working Committee under the leadership of
Lodgman was signed in August 1950. Its terms provided for the
Sudeten right to return to Czechoslovakia without defining the
future boundary of that country and granted restitution of
damages suffered by both Czechs and Germans either as exiles
or refugees.
**See Biographic Appendix.
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The establishment of the Council was due at least in part to a
desire on the part of some of the Sudeten factions to widen the
base of authority for conducting foreign relations rather than
leaving it exclusively in the hands of Dr. Lodgman. Although Dr.
Lodgman has retained a position of authority on the Council's
presidium, he shares it with Reitzner and Schuetz, both of whom
represent distinct factions within the expellee group and politi-
cal parties with whose policies Lodgman is not always in sympathy.
Furthermore, Lodgmants physical frailty--he has recently had to
forego his turn as chairman--has decreased his activity and influ-
ence. L61
One of the principal issues of controversy between Lodgman and
other Sudeten leaders is the group of young men who surround
Lodgman and staff his office. Some of these, it is felt, shelter
behind the Sprecherls office and prestige while attempting to manip-
ulate Sudeten policy in the direction they desire. The principal
target for criticism is Lodgmants personal assistant, Dr. Rudolf
Dr. Hilf has been intimately involved in the Czech language
broadcasts from Radio Madrid. These programs were initiated in
December 1955 under the joint sponsorship of the Czech-Sudeten
German Federal Committee* and the European Documentation and Infor-
mation Center (EDIC), a monarchist organization controlled by
Otto von Hapsburg. Although the Sudeten group had long agitated
for broadcasts urging Czech-Sudeten understanding and a new approach
to the problems of Central Europe, and had complained bitterly that
their position was not properly represented by Radio Free Europe
(RYE) and other Western radio stations, the Madrid programs have
been a source of friction between various Sudeten expellee groups. ?I/
The Socialist and BHE-oriented segments accuse Lodgman of trying
to bypass the Sudeten-German Council on a matter of foreign policy.
They feel, in addition, that the scripts, which are reportedly
written by Hilf and Locher, are of such low quality that they will
not provide effective propaganda and will be easy for the Czech
regime to ridicule and refute. Further aspects which arouse dis-
trust among many Socialist Sudetens include the connection be-
tween EDIC and the Abendlaendische Akademie, an extreme rightist
organization active in Bavaria since 1951, and the employment for
the broadcasts of Dr. Bohdan Chudoba, who had been accused of
anti-semitic activities under the Nazis and of Communist collabora-
tion in the early post-war period. Among the expellee adherents
of the BHE, the feeling that the programs would confuse the issue
of the fight against Communism was expressed. 213/
The most persistent critic of Dr. Hilf and other young men
in the Kanzlei of the Sprecher, is Erich Maier, member of the
Witiko Bund and publisher of a number of expellee publications
including the newspaper, Der Sudetendeutsche, Der Vertriebenen
Anzeiger, a weekly newspaper for expellees in general, and two
weekly newsletters, Mitteilungs und Informations Dienst (MID),
covering events of interest to expellees, and Mid-Ost, devoted
to developments within the satellite countries. Maier has not
attacked Lodgman directly but has criticized his staff on several
issues including the Madrid broadcasts, the forged "Spellman"
* This body, formed in about 1951 to foster Sudeten-Czech rela-
tions, consists of Lodgman, Reitzner and Schuetz for the
Sudetens and Prchala,Locher, and Kervicer of the London Czech
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letters,* and the continuous disregard for the Sudetendeutsche Rat
as a policy-making organization. Dr. Hilf has been defended in
the columns of the Sudetendeutsche Zeitun ** with the result that
the differences between the Sudeten factions have developed into
a well-publicized and running controversy. 221
It seems probable that with Lodgman's increasing disability
or death the struggle for leadership among the Sudetens will con-
tinue and be intensified. Since none of the other Sudeten leaders
command the respect or popular support that Lodgman does, the
chances of unifying opinion among the various groups are small.
Should the partisans of the Sudetendeutsche Rat win a greater degree
of influence within the movement, it is possTETe that the Sudetens
could develop relations with other more flexible and conciliatory
Czech exile groups instead of limiting their contacts to the adher-
ents of General Prchala. However, in view of the hostility which
the Sudeten expellees have demonstrated toward RFE and the Czechs
involved in its broadcasts to Czechoslovakia,*** one of the few
subjects upon which Sudetens of all shades of political opinion
seem to agree, such a development does not appear probable in the
near future. Some observers have suggested that the Madrid broad-
casts, by giving the Sudetens an opportunity to voice their own
problems and opinions, may reduce the friction between them and RFE.
Even if the Sudetens succeed in reaching a position of amity
among themselves and in extending their relations beyond the extreme
right wing of exile Czechs, they do not appear to have any consider-
able potential as a political influence in Germany under present
circumstances. The moderate tone of their recent public pronounce-
ments, the tendency for expellees to align themselves with one of
the established West German political parties rather than the
special interest BHE party, and the increasing degree of economic
integration achieved by the expellees in West Germany all indicate
that, at least as long as the present stability of West German
political and economic life is maintained, the Sudeten problem
is progressively less significant.
* A series of forged letters, allegedly written by Cardinal
Spellman, expressing support of Lodgman. The letters were
made public and hailed by Dr. Hilf as being of great political
** Munich daily newspaper devoted to Sudeten interests. It was
reported in 1955 to be under the joint ownership of the firm
Eides Gmbh. (75 per cent control) and Dr. Lodgman (25 per
cent control). Dr. Hilf is said to be influential in the
formation of the paper's editorial policy. 12/
*** RFE frequently has been attacked by the Sudetens as anti-
German. Wenzel Gaksch, CSU deputy to the Bavarian Landtag,
presented a bill of complaints to the Landta in August 1955
in which he charged that the station's activities hindered
German-Czech understanding by. tacitly approving the expropria-
tion of German property and by slandering General Prchala.
More recently RFE was sharply criticized by the Sudetendeutsche
Zeitung for its role in the Hungarian crisis. A leading article
published in February 1957 demanded that the Federal govern-
ment make representations in Washington to influence a change
in the RFE,s expellee policies. 321
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C. The Silesian German Expellees
Silesian Germans make up the largest expellee group in West
Germany (2,053,300) of which approximately one-fifth (461,100)
are located in Bavaria. They are organized on the Federal level
in two Landsmannschaften--the Silesian with headquarters in Bonn,
and the Upper Silesian with headquarters in Frankfurt. 121 The
Silesian Landsmannschaft is represented in Bavaria by a local
branch (Landesverband) with an estimated 50,000 members. Landes-
verband officials (as of 1955) were: Herbert Hupka,* 1st Chairman;
Franz Zdralek, 1st deputy Chairman; Karl Klammt, 2nd deputy Chair-
man. Of these, Hupka, who is also deputy chairman of the Federal
organization is reported to be sympathetic to the aims of the SPD
and Zdralek is an SPD Landtag deputy from Nuremburg; Klammt is a
member of the BHE. The election of these officials appears to
indicate a growing influence on the part of SPD or SPD-oriented
members in the Landsmannschaft and a further decline in the con-
servative elements, never very strong at any time. The CSU/CDU
has not attracted much support among the Silesians although it
should be noted that Dr. Walter Rinke, honorary chairman of the
Federal Landsmannschaft and probably the most influential person-
ality in the organization, is a CDU/CSU Bundestag deputy. 12/
The Upper Silesian Landsmannschaft is a small organization of
expellees who wish to preserve ale traditional distinction between
Upper and Lower Silesia. It has several branches, possibly one
in Bavaria. Other Silesian organizations include The Friends of
the Eichendorf Guild (Freunde der Eichendorfgilde), a cultural
association located in Munich.--The Silesians have cooperated
with the Sudeten and other expellees in the VdL and the BvD and
maintain a youth group which is a member of the expellee youth
group, the DJO.
The Silesian expellees have as their long time aim the return
to the homeland. Cognizant however of the practical difficulties
which the realization of this aim entails, they have been moderate
in their demands for support and appear to enjoy good relations
with the Federal government. They have on the whole supported
Adenauerls foreign policy although some expellees, notably the
Bavarian group, are unenthusiastic about German rearmament, believ-
ing that it will further postpone reunification and the settle-
ment of their claims. 3_51
The Silesian expellees have attempted to make contact with
Polish exile groups in order to work out a solution for the central
European problem for the future. These attempts, however, have
foundered on the Oder-Neisse question, since neither group is
willing to make concessions as to where the final Polish-German
boundary should be. 161
Although Herbert Hupka, at the 1955 meeting of the Bavarian
branch of the Silesian Landsmannschaft, cited statistics which
he claimed indicated that the organization was growing and that
the number of local branches in Bavaria was increasing, it seems
improbable that there has been in fact a real increase in
interest among the expellees. The membership of the Landsmann-
schaft appears rather to be declining and the Silesians, as is
the case with other expellee groups, are more inclined to look
to the political parties for advancement of their aims.
* See Biographic Appendix.
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D. Conclusions
The expellees constitute a substantial section of the Bavarian
population. They are represented by able and vigorous leaders
who take an active part in both Federal and Land politics. Expellee
organizations maintain a unity of national and cultural traditions
among the various groups and keep alive their claims to return to
the homeland. However, in spite of these factors making for
separatism, the expellees appear to be increasingly integrated into
the political, economic and social life of the community and less
significant as a separate group capable of influencing German policy
into extremist courses.
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The following information on emigre groups, centered in Bavaria
or with members and affiliations in Bavaria, is drawn from avail-
able State Department and Agency material. It should be noted
that much of this information is now out of date; source material
in general dates from 1954-1955 although some is even earlier.
A. Roof Organizations
1. Anti-Bolshevist Bloc of Nations
(Anti-Bolschewistischer Bloc der Nationen - ABN)
Headquarters: Zeppelinstrasse 67/0, Munich 8
Executive Committee:
Presidium of the Executive Committee
President: Jaroslav Stetzko, Ukrainian
Vice Presidents: Ferenc Farkas de Kisbarnak, Hungarian
Christo Stateff, Bulgarian
Secretary General: Prince Niko Nakaschidse, Georgian
Presidium of the People's Council
President: Dr. F. Durcansky, Slovakian
Vice Presidents: Dr. Ostrowski, White-Ruthenian
Lev. Prchala, Czech
Secretary General: J. Gytis, Lithuanian
Arbitrary Committee
Chairman: Dr. Dimiter Waltscheff, Bulgarian
Dr. Wilhelm von Szepesvaraljay-
Haendl, Hungarian
Peteris Biezais, Latvian
Dr. Kukolja, Croatian
Mgr. Jaroslau Bencal, Ukrainian
Donations from members and followers.
The major part of the budget is
raised by the groups of Ukrainian
emigration which sympathize with ABN.
Other contributors are: Ukrainian
Congress Committee, Congress of the
Ukrainians in Canada, Friends of the
ABN in America, and the Scottish
League for European Liberty.
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To coordinate national liberation move-
ments aimed at fighting Communism and
Russian imperialism and to restore inde-
pendent national states within the ethnic
frontiers of the peoples in Eastern Europe.
� Member
Organizations: a. Bulgarian National Front
(Dr. D. Waltscheff, Kirill Ewdokimoff)
b. Estonian Liberation Movement
(Dr. 0. Loorits)
Estonian Organization VEKO
(Otto Kiesel)
c. Georgian National Organization
(Michael Alschibaja, Prince N.
Nakaschidse, Dr. Georg Kordsachia)
d. Cossack National Liberation Movement
(N. Moltschanov)
e. Croatian National Liberation Movement
(Hinko Alabanda, M. Beljan)
f. Latvian Farmers! Union
(V. Hazners, Peteris Biezais)
Lithuanian Regeneration Movement
(J. Gytis)
h. Slovakian Liberation Committee
(Dr. Durcansky, Dr. Otibor Pokorny)
1. Czech Movement for Liberty (Za Svobodu)
(Jaroslav Myslivec)
j �
National Turkestan Unity Committee
(Veli Kayum-Khan, Dr. Baymirza Hayit)
k. Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists
(Bandera wing) (Jaroslav Stetzko,
Jaroslav Bencal, Dr. Wasyl Stronickj)
1. Hungarian Liberty Movement
(Ferenc Farkas de Kisbarmak,
Dr. W. von Szepesvaraljay)
in. White-Ruthenian Central Committee
(R. Ostrowski, Polikarp Mankov)
n. National Committee for Free Albania
(Hussein M. Matrova)
o. Committee for Free Armenia
Characteristics: Politically right wing, dominated by
Ukrainians. Progressively less influen-
tial as emigre coordinating center.
ABN Correspondence - published monthly
17�English, French and German editions.
Editor: Slawa Stetzko.
ABN Hiraldo (Hungarian section).
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2. Democratic Exile Union
(Demokratische Exil-Union - DEU)
Headquarters: Reulandstrasse 25, Munich 25
Organized: 1954
Executive 'Com-
mittee (1955):
Member Organi-
zations: **
Matus Cernak*
Ion Gheorghe
-Vasil GlaskOV
V. Pekelsky
Dr. Stefan Buc, Croatian
Mr. Schamia, Croatian
Gen. Gustav Hennyey, Hungarian
Eng. Glasgov, Cossack
Mr. Gakachvili, Georgian
Mr. I. Popinceanu, Rumanian
Mr. Pekelsky, Czech
Mr. Lilaikis, Lithuanian
Bylorussian National Center
Bulgarian National Committee (D. Penew)
Hungarian National Committee
Supreme Cossack Representation
(Cossack Supreme Council)
(W. Glaskov)
League of Free Rumanians
Croatian National Committee in Europe
(Stipe Buc)
Slovak National Council
(Matus Cernak)
Union of Democratic Groups and Parties
from Czechoslovakia
(V. Pekelsky)
Characteristics: Anti-Communist. Formed by dissident ele-
ments in ABN which split off in December
1954 as the result of a revolt against
the authority of the President, Dr.
Stetzko. An attempt on the part of
Pekelsky, Cernak and Gheorghe to find a
broader platform for their political
ambitions. Organization's activities are
hampered by lack of funds and sponsorship.
* Died April 1955.
** Another list of member organizations, compiled at the same time
(1954), gives the Latvian National Guard as a member and omits
the Hungarian National Committee and League of Free Rumanians.
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1. Union of Rumanian Associations and Institutions in Germany
(Union of All Rumanian Associations and Institutions;
Federation of Rumanian Associations of Germany - UARG) /EV
Organized: 9-10 October 1954
Member Organi-
Association of Rumanians
Germany (Munich)
Association of Rumanians
west Germany (Freiburg)
Association of Rumanians
west Germany (Cologne)
of South
of South-
of North-
Association of Free Rumanians of
Germany (Munich)
Association of Orthodox Youth Abroad
Association of Rumanians in Berlin
(The Rumanian Colony of Berlin)
The Rumanian Library (Freiburg)
The Mihai Eminescu Library of Delmhorst
(The Rumanian Library in Delmhorst)
Association of Rumanian University
Association of Unitary University
General Association of Rumanian
Students in Germany (Munich)*
The N. Balcescu Association of
Rumanian Students*
President: Gheorghe Racoveanu
1st Vice
2nd Vice
Gheorghe Blotescu (Bordea)
Valeriu Dobrescu
Gheorghe Acrivu
Sorin Nicolae
Mircea Crendovici
Constantin Nagacerschi
Vasile Barbulescu
* Items i and j appear as "founding members" on list compiled in
1954; k and 1 on list dated 1955. Whether they are identical
organizations under different names or different groups is not
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Church Repre-
Father Emilian Vasiloschi
Father loan A. Tautu (Greek-Catholic)
Sections: a. Culture and Education:
Virgil Mihailescu
Leonida Lututovici
Gheorghe Carsteanu
b. Social Assistance:
Dr. Dumitr Parau
c. Legal:
Romolu Opris
d. Economic:
Gheorghe Branea
e. External Relations: Vacant
At the time of founding, the organization's
aims were social and cultural. It hoped
to establish other "Unions" in other
Western states and eventually to evolve
an exile Rumanian government.
Characteristics: Member groups of the Union are mostly
former adherents of the Iron Guard who
have broken with Horia Sima. General Ion
Gheorghe, leader of the Free Rumanian
group, although not among the officers,
is very influential within the organization.
,2. Movement of Legionaries - Iron Guard
(Legionaerdbewegung - Eisene Garde) �1.1"
Established: January 1941
Headquarters: Munich
Membership: Unknown. Formerly the largest and most
politically active of Rumanian emigre
groups. In 1954 a more moderate faction
led by Vasile Iasinschi, Ilie Garneata,
and Constantin Papanace, split off and
formed an independent organization (see
below), leaving a small group of Horia
Sima adherents behind. The Sima rump
is said to wield less influence among
the emigres as a result.
Characteristics:- Anti-Communist; rightist.
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3. Old Legionaries - "Liberal" Group
(Alt-Legionaere) _21
Established: 1954
Headquarters: Munich
Executive Com-
mittee (1955): Ilie Garneata
Vasile Iasinschi
Constantin Papanace
Unknown. Represents dissident faction
which seceded from Sima Iron Guard group.
Includes the three regional associations
of Munich, Cologne and Freiburg.
Characteristics: More liberal segment of Iron Guard.
Garneata and Papanace are reported to
have contributed to some extent to the
formation of the UARG.
4. Association of Free Rumanians in German
(Vereinigung der freien Rumaenen)
Headquarters: Munich
Directors: Gen. Ion Gheorghe
(1955) G. Balotescu
Ion Popiceanu
Dumitru Parau
Capt. Andrei Nicola
Stefan Marinescu
Anton Ishoda, engineer
Ovidiu Baldeanu
Membership: Ca. 120 members
Characteristics: Member of the League of Free Rumanians,
� Rumanian roof organization with head-
quarters outside of Germany headed by
Gen. Nicolae Radescu and after his death
by Mihai Farcasanu. Cooperates also with
the Democratic Exile Union (Demokratische
Exile Union - DEU), a roof organization
for East European exile groups.
Publications: Patria, a monthly newspaper. In 1955
Gerhard von Mende, head of the German
Office of Homeless Foreigners, was re-
ported to be considering subsidizing it.
He suggested a subsidy of 500 DM per
month if Gen. Gheorghels name were sup-
pressed as editor. Ion Popinceanu and
Ion Gheorghe, Jr., were suggested as pos-
sible editors for the German language
section which von Mende thought should
be added.
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5. Association of Rumanians of Southern Germany Ly
Headquarters: Munich
Col. Dumitru Alexandrescu, former prisoner
of war who went over to the Germans;
Legionnaire sympathizer.
Victor Apostolescu, doctor;. Legionnaire
Virgil Popa, lawyer
Laurian Talnariu, lawyer; Legionnaire
Gudi, lawyer
Characteristics: Member of UARG. Delegates who attended
founding meeting of UARG in 1955 were:
Victor Apostolescu, Gheorghe Branca,
Scarlat Prescornitciu, Dumitru Alexandrescu,
Constantin Braga.
6. The Rumanian Club
Headquarters: Munich
Vasile Dumitrescu
Ion Jusko
Mircea Popa
Aurica Petrescu (or Popescu)
Dumitru Piturca, aviator
Herwath Scheiner
Georg Mergl
A dissident group which formerly belonged
to the Association of Free Rumanians
in Germany. It is a discussion group
rather than a formal organization. The
group belonged to the Rumanian Coordina-
tion Center, a roof organization formed
in 1954-55 by Dumitrescu, but which
shortly thereafter became inactive.
7. Association of Combatants and Veterans of War 161
Organized: November 1954
Headquarters: Ismanigerstrasse 102/II, Munich
Directors: Gen Platon Chirnoaga Honorary President
Grigore Scorochirja, Lieutenant in SS,
V. Dumitrescu, candidate reserve officer
Herwath Scheiner
Lt. Piturca, aviator
V. Comanescu
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Simaist inspired organization; members
include very few former combatants. Some
honorary members are chosen from among
German aviators.
8. Rumanian Institute of Culture /-1-'_y
Headquarters: Hedwigstrasse 2/III,
Executive Com-
mittee: (1954)
1st Vice
2nd Vice
Grigore Manoilescu*
Monsignor Albert Buttner, Chief of the
Secretariat of Foreign Relations of the
Catholic Church at Bonn
Constantin Sassu, Former Director of
Government Archives in Brasov, Rumania
Prof. Walter Hoffmann, President of the
Association of German Refugee Professors
of the East
Prof. Dr. Ernst Gamillscheg, former
Director of the German Institute in
Prof. Fritz Valjavec, director of the
Sudosteuropa Gesellschaft of Munich and
Professor of History
Dr. Florian Muller, Director of the
Rumanian Catholic Mission in Germany
Dr. Karl Kurt Klein, former professor
of the University of Iasi, the University
of Cluj, and at present a professor at
the University of Innsbruck
Dr. Virgil Velescu, former professor in
a. Scientific study and research on
present conditions in Rumania. Infor-
mation to be drawn from study of news-
papers, periodicals, and books from
Rumania and the Soviet Union.
b. Preparation of scientific studies of
the problems of reorganization which
will be necessary at the time of the
liberation of Rumania.
* Information dated June 1955 states that Manoilescu had emigrated
to Spain. Velescu is said to be head of the Institute.
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c. Preparation of studies intended to pro-
tect the interests of Rumania at the
time of liberation.
d. Establishment of close relations with
leaders of other emigration groups
to prepare for joint action at the
time of liberation.
e. Encouragement of literary and scientific
activity among the Rumanian emigration
by the publication of reviews and pos-
sibly books.
Characteristics: Closely connected with Horia Sima group of
Iron Guardists. According to information
dated June 1955, Institute is inactive,
C. Bulgarians
1. Bulgarian National Committee "Free and Independent Bulgaria"
Sub-Committee for Germany (BNC) 22.1/
Headquarters: Elisabethstrasse 4/11, Munich 13
Organized: 1948
Officials: Zvetko Peneff (Innsbruck, Austria)
Executive Com-
mittee: (1954)
Georg Kiroff (Munich), President of the
Sub-Committee, member of the left wing
Bulgarian Social Democratic party.
Milorad Mladenoff (Munich), Secretary.
Member of the left wing Bulgarian Peasant
and Agrarian Party. Representative of
the International Peasant Union in Germany.
Accused by his political opponents of
collaboration with the Communists.
Georg Noeff (Munich)
Georg Tschardaklieff, Importer
Ivan Donoff, gardener
Peter Petroff
Georg Georgieff, engineer
Doitschin Pereff, engineer
Georg Schischkoff, scientist
Assen Mandikoff
Michael Nebolieff, RFE
Mirko Saliski, businessman
Zvetko Peneff (Socialist)
Jordan Raitscheff (Agrarian)
Georgi Loeff
Deutschin Penew
Characteristics: Established as an attempt to bridge the
Rightist and Leftist groups among Bul-
garian exiles. Consists mainly of left-
radical groups. One of the exile organi-
zations through which the Free Europe
Committee works. Activities in Bavaria
are not extensive.
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Publication: A paper, Free and Independent Bulgaria,
appears irregularly.
2. Bulgarian National Front (BNF) 1122/
Headquarters: Munich-Allach, P. 0. Box 4
Organized: 1949
Committee: Ilia Zlateroff
Dr. Dimiter Waltscheff
Dr. Ivan Detscheff, former leader of the
organization of Bulgarian National Legions.
Board: (1954)
Christo Stateff (Rome), president
Dr. Detscheff (Toronto), manager
Dr. Waltscheff (Rosenheim-Munich), press
and propaganda
Dr. Stefan Popoff (Madrid), foreign policy'
Characteristics: Created by an exile group opposed to BNC.
Organization is pro-monarchy. Its char-
acter in Germany is largely determined
by Dr. Waltscheff, an ambitious, experi-
enced politician who has occasionally been
critical of US policy.
Publication: The paper, Nationales Bulgarian, appears
3. Bulgarian Council of European Movement in Germany 22/
Headquarters: Franz-Josefstrasse 32, Munich 13
Organized: 1949
Board: (1953)
Control Com-
Tosche Damianoff, President (RFE)
Michael Balsamoff, Vice President (VOA)
Todor Schekoff, Secretary (RFE)
Georg Tschardaklieff, Treasurer
Dr. Michael Nebelieff
Gentsche Genscheff
Dr. Matthias Jeikoff
Michael Mischaikow
Georg Noeff
Dr. Dimiter Detscheff
Peter Petroff
Kiril Evdekimoff
Characteristics: Originally established as a section of
the Sub-Committee for Germany as an at-
tempt to reconcile opposing emigre groups
on the broad basis of the European Movement.
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German Representation of Movement -of Professor Alexander
Zankoff .21/
Rodina e.V.
Georg Dideff
Isabellastrasse 25, Munich
Social and cultural organization
D. Yugoslays
1. Croatians
a. Croatian National Committee
(Hrvatski Narodni Odbor)
Executive Com-
mittee: (1954)
Ivo Brozovic
Dr, Branko Jelic
Dr. Stipe Buc
Dr. Branko Benzon
Dr. Filip Lukas
Dr. Vinko Kriskovid
Monsignor Saric
Stjepan Horvat
Dr. Balic
Characteristics: Anti-Communist; favors a free and
independent Croatia. Members are
followers of Ante Pavelic.
Publication: Information Bulletin (irregular)
b. Croat Catholic Community ..5L-Y
Headquarters: Munich
Characteristics: Croat political organization, closely
identified with the Ustascha.
c. Croatian Field Division .2.51
Headquarters: Von-der-Tannstrasse 44, Augsburg
Chairman: Franz Deeg
Characteristics: Veterans organization
2. Serbs
a. Serbian National League in Germany .1�I
(Srpska Narodna Obrana)
Headquarters: Munich
Executive Corn- Momcilo Vukovic-Bircanin
mittee: (1954) Velimir Djurdjinovic
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b. Zbor Society 21/
Executive Com-
mittee: (195)1.)
Unknown. Organization claims 16 city
committees and 10 local groups in the
Federal Republic.
Pan-Slavic. Engages in cultural, social
welfare and propaganda activities.
Jasa Ljotio
Branko Begovic
Radko Pare zanin
Estimated 200 members throughout Federal
Anti-Communist, anti-Titoist, rightist.
Advocates a Yugoslav state under Serbian
Publications: Iskra, monthly periodical.
Hrvatska Zora
c. YMCA/YWCA for Yugoslavia
(Hriscanska Zajednica mlakih Ijudi/zena) Zi
Headquarters: Munich (Praesidiul
Hanover (Secretary
600 members and 20 local groups through-
out the Federal Republic.
Aims: Cultural and educational.
d. Association of Veterans of the Royal Yugoslav Army
(Draza Mihailovic - bdruzenje Boraza Kraljevske
Jugoslovensko Vojske) .51/
Executive Com-
mittee: (1954) General Miodrag Damjanovic
Brana Civkovic
Characteristics: Organization headquarters are in
London. However, the fact that General
Damjanovic lives in Germany and that
� it has probably the largest membership
within the Serbian emigration make it
important in Germany. Anti-Communist,
anti-Titoist. Advocates Yugoslavia
as a 3-peoples state with equality
of rights for each. Carries out social
welfare work among emigres in Germany.
Publication: Periodical, Ravnoforski Borac
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E. Czechoslovaks
1. Czechs
a. Association of the Czechoslovakian Political Refugees
in Germany (Allfance of Czechoslovakian Refugees)
Executive Com-
mittee: (1955)
Karlstrasse 42/11, Munich
Josef Nemecek (Agrarians)
Rudolf Ruzicka (Slovakian Democratic
Jar. Kusy (Catholic People's Party)
Miroslav Mild (Slovakian Social Demo-
cratic Party)
Orest Cernek (Ruthenian)
B. Stolicka (National Socialist)
Kunicir (Catholic People's Party)
Dr. Miroslav Mestan (National Democrat)
Estimated 2,200 according to own state-
Supports the policy of the Council of
Free Czechoslovakia. Reportedly has
received funds occasionally from FEC
through Free Europe Citizens Service.
It was used in the anti-redefection
campaign. Carries on social welfare
activities and propaganda among the
Hlas Exilu. Monthly, appearing in
747000 copies. Distributed through-
out Germany and Austria. Edited by
Josef Nemeck, Karlstrasse 42, Munich,
although most of the active editorial
work is done by emigres with journalistic
experience. Personnel difficulties
within the staff reportedly have hampered
regular production of the paper. Per-
iodical carries emigre news, informa-
tion on welfare and resettlement, and
some comment on world affairs.
b. Movement for Liberty - Prchala Group
(Hnuti Za Svobodu) /
in Germany:
Lev Prchala
Milos Svoboda, Munich
Acknowledges the right of Slovakians
to an independent Slovakia and of the
Sudeten Germans' right of self-
determination and their claim on the
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Tschechische Exil Presse Dienst (TEPD).
Appears 3 times a month; mimeographed.
Edited by Milos Svoboda, Barerstrasse
15, Munich, (see above) and follows
the Prchala line. It is pro-Czech
separatism and friendly toward the
Slovak separatists and the various Ger-
man expellee groups. Opposed to the
existence of a Czechoslovak state, it
is hostile to the Council of Free Czecho-
slovakia, RYE, and the Free Europe Com-
mittee. Serves chiefly as a news ser-
vice for the German press, and its re-
ports are reprinted frequently in the
German expellee press.
c. Association of Czech Democratic Federalists
(Sdruzeni CeskyCh Demokratickych Federalistu - SCDF) �21
Executive Com-
mittee: (1954)
2. Slovakians
Dachauerstrasse 9, Munich 2
Vladimir Pekelsky, Chairman
Prof. Dr. Rudolf Wiener
Prof. Dr. Josef Korejs
Bohumil Horak, Secretary General
1,236 registered members; greater
number of followers.
An off-shoot of Prchala's Czech National
Committee. Advocates recognition of
an independent Slovakia in an All-
European Confederation. Acknowledges
Sudeten Germans' claim to their home-
land. Anti-Communist. Anti-Council
of Free Czechoslovakia, RFE, and FEC.
Weekly periodical Bohemia. Estimates
of circulation range from 2,500 to
5,000 copies. Edited by Frantisek
Janik-Horak; owned and published by
Vladimir Pekelsky. Supporting funds
are thought to come from German sources.
a. Slovakian Liberation Committee
(Slovensky Oslobodzovaci Vybor - SOV) .U/
Executive Com-
mittee: (1954)
Dr. Ferdinand Durcansky, Munich
Dr. S. Merciar, Buenos Aires
German Repre-
sentation: (1954) Dr. Ctibor Pokorny, Chairman
Josef Kerak, Vice Chairman
Ludovit Pastucka (Postucha), Organi-
zation and Personnel
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Emil Pachnik, Finance
Karol Wildner, Military
Frantisek Babic, Information
Ludovit Salka, Secretary
Stefan Hovancik, Social
Kristina Salkova, Cultural
About 520 registered members (out of an
estimated 1,000 Slovakian emigres in
Characteristics: Led by Dr. Ferdinand Durcansky, former
Minister of Foreign Affairs in the
Nazi puppet state of Slovakia, organi-
zation advocates an independent Slovakia.
Four political parties are said to be
represented in the organization: the
National, Agrarian, Christian Social
and Labor parties. Cooperates closely
with the anti-Czech Sudeten German
expellees. According to report SOV
has also made efforts to cooperate
with Procalats Czech National Committee
and the Slovak National Council Abroad.
SOV is also close to ABN. Dr. Ctibor
Pokorny, Chairman of SOV in Germany,
is Durcansky's representative in this
organization. Affiliated with the
Social Representation of Slovakians
in Germany and the Association of
Slovakian Students Abroad.
Slovak. Appears monthly; circulation
uAnown. Edited by F. Durcansky,
Waldperlach/Munich, Leopoldstrasse 5.
Strongly Slovak-separatist, anti-RFE,
anti-FEC. Also opposed to more moder-
ate separatists represented by Slovak
National Council. Reportedly supported
by German funds.
b. Slovakian National Council in Exile (German Section)
Unknown; estimated to be about the same
as the Slovakian Liberation Committee.
Anti-Communist; anti-Czechoslovak; anti-
RFE. In favor of Slovakian separatism.
Svobodne Slovensko. Appears irregularly,
approximately monthly. Circulation
estimated at about 500. Paper originally
founded by Matus Cernak about 1946.
Since Cernak's death has been published
by Prof. Dr. Vojtech Bucko, Prof. Dr.
Heinrich Bartek and �Kristof Greiner.
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Advocates Slovak separatism, although
not as violently as Slovak.
Slowakische Korrespondez, a German-
language newsletter which draws most
of its material from Svobodne Slovensko.
Appears twice monthly. Edited by
Kristof Greiner, Friedrichstrasse 21,
c. Social Representation of Slovakians in Germany e.V. L.5j
Headquarters: Munich
Chairman: Dr. Ct. Pokorny
Characteristics: Social organization. Affiliated with
Slovakian Liberation Committee.
d. Slovak Social Committee e.V.
Headquarters: Munich
Characteristics: Social organization.
e. Association of Slovakian Students Abroad �1/
Headquarters: Munich
Characteristics: Affiliated with the Slovakian Libera-
tion Committee.
f. Independent Periodicals LEY
(1) Ceske Slovo Appears monthly. Claimed circulation
approximately 6,000 including 1,000
paid subscriptions. The paper, taking
the name of one of the leading news-
papers of Czechoslovakia, the organ
of the Benes Czechoslovak National
Socialist Party, has attempted to carry
out the tradition of the Sunday non-
political issue of the old Ceske Slovo.
It is organized by a group of RFE edi-
tors, members of the National Socialist
Party. It is pro-Council of Free
Czechoslovakia, pro-RFE, and advocates
the continuance of a Czechoslovak state
after liberation. Chief editor is
Josef Pejskar, Munich, Postfach 91.
(2) Demokracie
v. Exilu.
-Appears monthly in approximately 3,000
copies. Published by Jaroslav Kusy,
Josefstrasse 32, Munich. Kusy, a news
editor for the Czechoslovakian desk of
RFE started the paper as the German
voice of the Catholic Lidova Strana
Party of which he is a member. Claims
to support the publication from sub-
scriptions and his own private funds,
although some financial support is re-
ceived occasionally from leaders of
the Lidova Strana in the US and possibly
from some of its prosperous members in
Europe. The paper is pro-Catholic,
pro-German, pro-RFE, and FEC.
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F. Hungarians
1. Hungarian National Council
Hungarian National Committee L2/
Chief Munich
Branch Office:
New York
Munich (German section)
Bela Varga
Gusztav Hennyey
Founded as an attempt to unify the many
dissident elements of the emigration and
to obtain the recognition and support of
the West. Varga, the president, from 1946
to 1947, was president of the National
Assembly in Hungary and last Speaker of
the Hungarian Parliament, and the council
is therefore regarded by some as the de
facto if not de jure government-in-eXTTe.
Its leaders represent most of the trends
of traditional Hungarian politics excluding
Communists and Nazis and are experienced
in Hungarian political, diplomatic, cultural
or religious life. Protestant elements
dominate the Council but Catholic and
Jewish groups are also represented. Sup-
ported by Free Europe Committee. As of
1953 the Council was divided into a Right
and a Left Bloc, the Left headed by Ferenc
Nagy, Zoltan Pfeiffer and Karoly Peyer
and the Right by Tibor Eckhardt. The Left
appeared to predominate. The Council
avoided close contact with the rightist
military elements of the emigration, with
the exception of Tibor Eckhardt who was
a member of the MHBK. Currently efforts
are in process to unify the various emigre�
factions, although without much hope of
succes0. The Councills center of activity
is in New York; little information concern-
ing the activities or personnel of its
Munich branch is available. Hennyey is
a former career officer in the Hungarian
Army. He was arrested by the Germans
after the Szalasi coup. He has been very
active in welfare work among Hungarian
emigres. He has no known political affil-
2. League of Hungarian Veterans
Collegial Society of Hun_garian Veterans
Friendship Circle of Hungarian Veterans
(Magyar garcosok Bajtars Kozossege - MHBK) /2/
Headquarters: Innsbruck
Munich (German section)
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An estimated 1,000-4,000 members in West
Germany, former members of the Hungarian
armed forces. Small full-time working
group appears mostly to be composed of
young former officers.
Gen. Andras Zako
Ervin Gevay, adjutant
Miklos Korponay, liaison*
Bela Benko, personnel
Lajos Nadas, registrar
Laszlo Hory, propaganda
Zahonyi, counter-intelligence
Attila Kovacs, intelligence**
Gyorgy Ujszaszy, finance
Bela Almay, representative (US)*
Bela Janik, representative (France)
Ferenc Koszorus, representative (US)*
Gyula Kovach, representative Germany
Bela Lengyel, representative Germany
Hugo Sonyi, representative (England)*
Istvan Tolgyessy, representative (US)
Jossef Vasvary, representative (Germany)
Stated aims of MHBK are: the maintenance
of an anti-Communist underground, acquisi-
tion of intelligence concerning Soviet
troops in Hungary and political and econ-
omic activities of the Hungarian regime,
counter-intelligence against Communists
among refugees, compilation and dissemina-
tion of information about Soviet violations
of human rights.
Characteristics: MHBK is an outgrowth of World War II Hun-
garian resistance and intelligence organi-
zation (Kopjes Mozgalom) formed
under German supervision. General Zako,
then chief of G-2 of the Hungarian General
Staff, was responsible for its creation.
Leaders and members of the organization
fled west before the advancing Soviet
armies and surrendered to US forces in
Germany and Austria. From 1945 until
1948 Generals Zako and Kisbarnaki-Farkas
were interned by the US Army. During this
period Zako contacted other military exiles
and in 1949 the first manifesto of the
MHBK was issued.
* Individual has left the organization or there is o
his current membership.
** Deceased.
� (b)(1)
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Activities of the MHBK include welfare,
search for prisoners of war, disseminating
information to emigres and collecting
information pertaining to Hungary and the
emigration (including material losses),
cooperation with social and cultural organi-
zations and unpolitical emigre movements.
Zak() has called his organization unpolitical,
however its leadership appears to have a
pronounced rightist or fascistic orientation.
In the fundamental cleavage in the Hungarian
emigration between the "moderate" and
"rightist" elements, the MHBK is ranged
against the Hungarian National Council, the
principal organization of the more demo-
cratic elements. It is however more moder-
ate than the extreme neo-Nazis among the
emigration, who would prefer to have Gen.
Farkas head of the organization.
Internal tension and the need for external
financial and political support have been
a constant threat to Zako's position. In
the maneuvering among exile groups he ap-
peared to have allied himself with Arch-
duke Otto and Admiral Horthy and to have
maintained his leadership of the organiza-
tion. During the Hungarian uprising, he
was reported to have said that the MHBK
was making preparations for infiltrating
from Austria into Hungary to fight with
the Nationalists. He claimed promises of
arms supplies from Italy and Spain.
Within the framework of the "Working Com-
munity of the German and Hungarian Sol-
diers" established between the MHBK and
the German Veterans League, a number of
former German generals were named as
honorary members of the MHBK. They are:
Gottfried Hansen, ex-Admiral, Presidium
of the Deutscher Soldatenbund, Bavaria;
Otto Stapf, ex-General (infantry), Presidium
of the Deutscher Soldatenbund, Bavaria;
Hans Friesner, ex-Colonel-General; Rudolf
Konrad, ex-General (mountain infantry);
Hans Kraner, ex-General (armor).
Publications: Hadak Titian (The Martial Way), monthly
magazine. Edited by Lajos Szilagyi,
Ohlmuellerstrasse 15/III Rgb., Munich 9.
Tajekortato, a bulletin.
3. The Hunzarian Liberty (Freedom) Movement
(Magyar Szabadsag Mozgalom - MSzMr)
Headquarters: Munich
Executive Com-
mittee: (1954)
Gen. Ferenc Farkas-Kisbarnak
Prof. Dr. W. von Szepesvaraljay-Haendl
Dr. Istvan Martonffy
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Estimated 400 in the Federal Republic.
Organized by Gen. Farkas at the same time
as MHBK. Originally a joint platform
existed between this organization and
MHBK, however, increasing rivalry between
them led to a complete rupture. Affiliated
with the ABN and reportedly has contacts
with French military circles, especially
those sympathetic with De Gaulle. Its link
with ABN has made it unpopular with some
Hungarian exiles who dislike ABN1s Slav
leadership, its use of terroristic methods,
and the fact that it appears to favor a
dictatorship for the future.
Gen. Farkas, about 67 years old, commanded
the Sixth Hungarian Army Corps on the
Eastern Front during World War II. Later
he was in charge of evacuation operations
in which capacity he reached Germany and
was interned by the Allies. He appears to
be the Hungarian neo-Nazi candidate for
leadership of the military elements of the
Abn Hirado - organ of MSzM and ABNis Hun-
garian section.
4. Hungarian Supreme Defense Council
(Magyar Legfelsoob Honvedelmi Tanacs)
Executive Com-
Munich - Regensburg
Field Marshal Archduke Josef von Hapsburg
General Farkas
General Zako
Captain Ender Apostaghy
Characteristics: Established in 1954 as an effort to unite
the military elements of the Hungarian
emigration under the leadership of Arch-
duke Josef in opposition to the Hungarian
National Council and the military groups
responsive to the leadership of Admiral
5. Hungarian Student
League 11/
Geza Soos*
* Probably identical with the Rev. Geza Soos, leader of the Hun-
garian Reformed Federation of America and editor of U.J. Magyar
Ut (New Hungarian Way), formerly a rightist publication, now
published in Washington and apparently supported by the Hungarian
Reformed Federation of America.
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Non-sectarian youth organization based on
Hungarian nationalist principles. Re-
portedly a rival of the Hungarian Catholic
Student League for student allegiance.
Soli Deo Gloria Lk./
Geza Soos*
Successor to the Calvinist student organiza-
tion which had existed in Hungary. Its
relations with the Hungarian Catholic Stu-
dent League are reported to be strained be-
cause Of religious differences.
7. Hungarian Cultural Society :DI
Headquarters: Munich
8. Hungarian Welfare Service 1.61
Headquarters: Munich
9. Association of Huuarian Craftsmen, Businessmen, and
Industrialists, e.V.
Headquarters: Munich
Publication: Mitteilungen (Information Bulletin)
10. Other Hungarian Emigre Publications LIE_31
a. Fold Es Nepe
(T17 Soil and
Its People)
b. Harangzo (The
Peal of Bells)
c. Hun aria
d. Ifju Nemzedek
(Y37Ing Generation
e. Jojjetek (Come)
Monthly magazine of the Hungarian
Christian Popular Movement, headed
by Msgr. Kovi-Horvath.
Predominantly conservative, rightist,
and nationalist in opinion. Published
weekly in Munich by Zoltan Makra.
Described as most widely read emigre
paper with a circulation of 10,000.
Youth magazine, appearing monthly.
) Edited by Gabor Horvath (1951).
Published monthly by the Hungarian-
Evangelical Reformed Church. Also
reported as published in Innsbruck,
editor: Andras Harsanyi (1953).
* Probably identical with the Rev. Geza Soos, leader of the
-Hungarian Reformed Federation of America and editor of III
Magyar Ut (New Hungarian Way), formerly a rightist publ-rdation,
now published in Washington and apparently supported by the.
Hungarian Reformed Federation of America.
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Mykhayle Veskebiynyk, Minister of Press
and Information
Mykola Khrobak, Minister without Portfolio
Alexander Yurchenko, Secretary
Characteristics: The legislative organ of the exile
Ukrainian National Republic, the UN Rada,
is regarded by many Ukrainians as the actual
government in exile. When the Ukrainian
National Republic was reactivated in 1948
in Western Germany it was recognized by
practically all political exiles. In 1950
the Council was split by the decision of
the organization of Ukrainian Nationalists
and Revolutionaries - Bandera group (OUNR)
to quit the Council.
According to information dated 1955 the
Council is made up of Left, Center and
Right blocs. The Left bloc consists of
four Socialist parties: the Ukrainian
Social Democratic Worker's Party (Ukrainska
Sotsial Demokratichna Robitnicnya Partia -
USDRP); Ukrainian Party of Social Revolu-
tionaries (Ukrainska Partia Sotsialistiv
Revolyntsioneriv - UPSR); Ukrainian
Socialist Radical Party (Ukrainska Sotsial-
istichna - Radikalna - Parti - USRP); and
the Ukrainian Revolutionary Democratic
Party (Ukrainska Revolyntsiino Demokratichan
Partia - URDP). After World War II, the
first three, which had existed since 1917,
united to form the Committee of Ukrainian
Socialists (Ukrainski Sotsialistichni
Obednannya US0), a single party, also
known as the Union of Ukrainian Socialists
(SUS). The party follows Kautsky and
Bebel rather than Marx. It holds six
of the 36 seats in the UN Rada. The
fourth party, the URDP, is an exile party
founded in Neu Ulm in 1946. It represents
the Eastern Ukrainian element of the emi-
gration and attempts to preserve some
aspects of the Soviet Union political,
social, and economic structure and to
reconcile them with the objectives of the
established emigre parties. Suspicion
has been reported that there was Communist
influence in establishing the Party. The
URDP split in 1947 into Right (Neu Ulm)
group and the more socialist Left ("Vpered")
or Regensburg group.
The Center bloc is composed of two parties:
the Ukrainian National State Association
(Ukrainski Natsionalno Derzhovni Sovuz -
INDS) and the United National Democratic
Union (Ukrainska Natsionalno Demokratitschne
Obedn4nnya - UNDO). Both parties are small,
but, because both contain experienced polit-
ical leaders, are influential among the
emigration. Leader of the UNDS in 1955
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was thought to be Mykolo Livitskiy, son
of former UNR President Andrei Livitskiy
and in 1954 Vice Chairman and Foreign
Minister of the UN Rada. In 1950-52
the leaders of the UNDO were reported
to be: Dr. Vasyl Mudry; Dr. Stepan
Wytwytski, President of the UNR; Stanlo
Kalba; Dr. Lubomyr Makarushka, member
of the Presidium.
The Right bloc consists of the faction of
the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists
(OUN) headed by Andrei Melnyk (OUNM).
Melnykls group is further to the right
than that of Bandera with whom he broke in
1940. Its followers stress private prop-
erty, private agriculture, artisan manu-
facture and trade. OUNM is opposed to
Russian emigre parties but participates
with other Ukrainian parties in the UN Rada
where it holds six seats. In an internal
struggle, OUNM at the close of the Third
Congress of the Council in 1954 refused
to participate in the Executive Committee.
The question was finally solved by making
Osyp Boydunyk, of the OUNM, chairman of
the Presidium of the National Council, a
largely honorary figure.
In addition there are two peasant parties
and a "Group of Constructive Forces,"
led by Prokupchuk. As of reports dated
1954, their position was not clear but
they apparently belonged with the Center
group. The largest, the Ukrainian Peas-
ant Party, led by Prof. Volodymyr Dolenko,
consisting mainly of young emigres from
the Eastern Ukraine, appeared to be one
of the strongest emigre parties.
Principal problem of the Rada is coopera-
tion with Russian exile groups as pro-
posed by the American Committee for
Liberation from Bolshevism. This has
been favored by some Council members
(Livitskiy, Voskoviynyk, Dovgal) and op-
posed by others (OUNM and URDP) who fear
that Ukrainian interests would be by-
passed in favor of Russian claims. As of
1954, the Rada indicated that it was will-
ing to participate in radio propaganda
and in the Institute for the Study of
Culture and History of the USSR provided
it would not be bound by the political
proposals of the American Liberation Com-
Publications: Ukrainski Visti (Ukrainian News), four-
page)h-weT7T7�with estimated circulation
of 8,000 copies. Edited by A. Romashko
(assistant editor, M. Voskoviynynk); pub-
lished at Ludwigstrasse 10, Neu Ulm. Or-
gan of the Neu-Ulm group of the Ukrainian
Revolutionary Democratic Party.
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Vpered (Forward), organ of the Left wing
or Regensburg group of the URDP. Issued
irregularly, appears approximately once
a month. Editor is B. Livitskiy, assistant
editor Ivan Maistrenko, Postschleissfach
22, Munich 25. Circulation is reported
to be 3,000 copies.
2. Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists and Revolutionaries -
Bandera (OUNR or OUNB) 22/
Headquarters: Zeppelinstrasse 67, Munich 8
Executive Com-
Stepan Bandera
Jaroslaw Stetzko
Stepan Lankawskyj
Jaroslaw Bencal
Group under the leadership of Stepan Bandera
which split from the parent Organization of
Ukrainian Nationalists (OUN) in about 1940.
However both groups (OUNR and OUNM, led
by Melnyk)advocate permanent revolution
against Communist or foreign occupation of
the Ukraine. Both are totalitarian in
ideology. The OUNR considers itself the
sole legitimate party. It desires collabor-
ation with other anti-Communist national
elements rather than with the Western
powers as advocated by OUNM. Bandera and
Stetzko founded the Anti-Bolshevik Bloc
of Nations (ABN) in an attempt to con-
tact and influence all Soviet emigres.
In 1949 OUNR became a member of the Na-
tional Council, but withdrew the follow-
ing year.
Dissension within the OUNR developed as
early as 1943. It involved not only
members of OUNR but also members of the
foreign representation of the Ukrainian
Supreme Council of Liberation (ZP UHVR),
a body established in about 1944 to unify
and coordinate all Ukrainian liberation
forces on a worldwide basis, who dis-
approved of Bandera's assumption of
absolute power (at the time UHVR was
founded, OUNR was announced as its politi-
cal arm). The controversy grew until in
1954 a definte schism between Bandera and
the ZP UHVR (Rebet-Matla group) divided
the emigration.
OUNR, at least in Munich, appears to con-
trol the Ukrainian Partisan Army (UPA),
an organization of military exiles who
engaged in partisan activity against the
Germans and Russians during World War
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Publications: Dozbroi (To Arms). Appears irregularly,
approximately once every two or three
months. Founded in 1947 as a military-
political journal devoted to military
questions and the activities of the UPA
in the Ukraine. Edited by Bohdan
Krynitskiy, Postfach 4, Munich 38.
Surma (Trumpet). Monthly party organ of
OUNR, intended for internal distribution
only. Publishes mainly political polemics.
Shl ak Peremohy (Way to Victory). Edited
y Jaroslaw Bencal.
Ukrainian Supreme Council of Liberation (UHVR)
Headquarters: Karlsplatz 8/III, Munich 2
Executive Com-
mittee: (1954) Dr. Hrynioch
Volodymyr Stachiv
Dr. Rebet
Dana Rebet
Dr. Lubomyr Ortynskyi
Characteristics: Appears to have been founded in 1944 by
leaders of UPA and OUN in the Ukraine as
the supreme governing body in the Ukraine
and Ukrainians in exile. It is in opposi-
tion to the Ukrainian National Republic
and its National Council for this role.
At its foundation, UPA was announced as
its military arm and OUNR as the political
organ. It has its own representation for
foreign affairs (ZP UHVR) which has been
engaged in a struggle for power with
Suchasna Ukraina (Ukraine Today). A bi-
weekly, edited by Volodymyr Stachiv.
Paper has a claimed circulation of 1,000
copies, a considerable number of which
are said to be distributed in the United
States and Canada.
Ukrainian Veterans Association (UVA) L3.21
Headquarters: Neu Ulm
Characteristics: Appears to be dominated by the older mili-
tary exiles. Has a Central Executive
Committee in Bavaria, a Central Executive
Committee of European Union in Paris and
branches throughout the world. Opposed
to OUNR.
5. Brotherhood of Former Soldiers of the First Ukrainian
Division of the Ukrainian National Army IL/
Chaplain Mikhail Levynez
Col. Pobihuschtschiy
Capt. Bohdan Pidayniy
Capt. Efrem Schypaylo
Publication: Visti (News)
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6. Ukrainian Free Cossacks 8/..j[
Headquarters: Munich
General Diomid Gulyai
Inspector I, Zapko
Characteristics: Theoretically independent, it is influenced
somewhat by the exile Socialists. In 1951
became a participating member of the newly
organized Ukrainian Liberation Movement.
Ukrainian Liberation Movement _eL51
Founded: 1951
General Diomid Gulyai
V. Zolotarenko, secretary
Characteristics: Anti-Communist pro-Russian organization.
Coordinating center for six emigre organi-
zations: Republican Cossack Movement,
Ukrainian Free Cossacks, Ukrainian Demo-
cratic Party of Wuertemberg, Association
of Ukrainian Agrarians, Ukrainian People's
Movement, Ukrainian Democratic Union, which
were probably created in 1951 by Ukrainians
who were already members of Russian emigre
groups. Member organizations reported
favorably inclined to cooperate with
American Committee for Liberation. Because
of pro-Russian attitude is in opposition
to UN Rada and the OUNR.
Publications: Byuleten Ukrainskogo Vizvolnogo Rukhu
(Bulletin) Published in Munich.
Nova Ukrayna (New Ukraine). Published
in Munich.
Ukrainski Demokrat (Ukrainian Democrat)
8. Free Ukrainian Academy of Sciences .8_6.1
Location: Augsburg
Founded: 1945
Characteristics: Founded by emigre intellectuals as cen-
ter for Ukrainian scientists and students.
9. Ge qan-Ukrainian Herder Society fr_31/
Headquarters: Munich
ErWin Mittich, President
Ivan Mirtshuk, Deputy President
Dr. Hans Koch, Honorary President
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A cultural organization established to
improve German-Ukrainian relations. Re-
ported to have probably received support
from the Federal Republic government
through von Mende.
10. Other Ukrainian Emigre Publications L3'1/
a. Llz Shche Povernemos (We Shall Yet Return)
b. Tserkovnyya Vedomosti (Church Gazette), published in
Munich-Bogenhausen by the Orthodox Church in Germany.
c. Za Svobodnuyu Rodinu (For the Freedom of the Motherland)
H. Emigres From USSR, Including the Caucasus and Central Asia
1. Coordination Center for the Liberation of the Peoples of
Russia (Koordinazionny Tsentr oswoboschedenija narodow
Rossii - KTsONR)
Bloc of National Federalists; League for the Liberation of
the Peoples of the Soviet Union (LVNSS)
Executive Com-
mittee: (1954)
Josephsplatz 6/III, Munich 13
Prof. Sergej Melgunov, (Paris), Chairman
Prof. Ivan Kurganov, (New York), Vice
Coordination of political emigration from
the USSR in the anti-Bolshevist struggle.
Characteristics: KTsONR evolved from the Coordinating
Center of the Anti-Bolshevik Struggle
(KTsAB) which originated in Munich in
1952 and which later in 1953 split into
two groups, KTsAB and the Paris Bloc
(MAKTS). Founded in an effort to construct
an instrumentality through which the Ameri-
can Committee for the Liberation for Bol-
shevism could work with emigre groups,
KTsAB split as the result of the dissension
over the treatment and future status of
the minority groups within the USSR, and
in 1953 ACLB terminated its financial sup-
port. In September 1954, the Coordinating
Center changed its name to KTsONR (Coor-
dinating Center for Liberation of the
Peoples of Russia) emphasizing the pro-
Russian character of the organization.
Member Organi-
zations of
KTsONR: (1955)
Azerbaijan National Union
Belorussian Democratic Union
Kalmyk Committee for the Struggle Against
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Crimean Tatar Anti-Bolshevik Union
Committee of United Followers of Vlassov
Union of Armenian Fighters for Freedom
Union of Ukrainian Federalists and
Russian National Movement
North Caucasian Anti-Bolshevik National
Union of Warriors of the Liberation
Tatar-Bashkir Committee
Ukrainian Liberation Movement
Central Union of Postwar Emigres
Subsequently the Azerbaijan National Union
and the Armenian Fighters for Freedom with-
drew. In September 1955, KTsONR was dis-
banded but at the same time its members,
except the Union for the Liberation of
the Peoples of Russia, the United Vlaso-
vites and the Kalmyk Committee, met and
reorganized as the Bloc of National
Federalists. The new organization was
reportedly founded by NTS initiative.
At approximately the same time the members
of the Paris Bloc met in Munich and or-
ganized a new alignment, the League for
the Liberation of the Peoples of the
Soviet Union. The organizing conference
was attended by represcntatives of emigres
from Azerbaijan, Belorussia, Armenia,
Georgia, Idel-Ural, North Caucasia,
Turkestan and the Ukraine. A Georgian,_
N. K. Tsintsadze, was chosen as-the "
League's program director.
2. National Representation of the Russian Emigration
(Nazionalnoje predstawitelstwo rossiiskoi emigrazii -
Executive Com-
mittee: (1954)
Prinzregentenplatz 14/III, Munich 8
Feodor T. Lebedev, Chairman
Founded as opposition group to ZPRE (see
below). Emphasis on social and cultural
interests and legal aid. In 1950 re-
ported to have 7,500 members. Now be-
lieved to be greatly reduced in numbers
and activity.
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Central Representation of the Russian Emigration
(Zentralnoje predstawitelstwo russkoi emigrazii - ZPRE) .22/
Headquarters: Pienzenauerstrasse 30, Munich 27
Executive Com-
mittee: (1954)
Fabricius von Fabrice, Chairman
Characteristics: Activities mainly social, cultural; issues
so-called "national passports." Dominated
by radical rightist elements. Reported to
have branch offices in Stuttgart and
4. Russian National Popular Movement (RONDD)
Russian Pan-National People's Movement; All-Russian People's
State Movement
Headquarters: Pienzenauerstrasse 30, Munich 27
Executive Com-
mittee: (1954) Arziuk
Characteristics: Radical-rightist, anti-Semitic, Great
Publication: Nabat (Alarm), monthly periodical.
Fighting League for the Liberation of the Peoples of Russia
Union of the Struggle for the Freedom of Russia
(Sojus borby sa oswoboschdenije narodow Rossii - SBONR)
Headquarters: Munich
Executive Com-
mittee: (1954)
Michail Antonov
Membership consists of World War II emi-
grants. Anti-Marxist.
state for future.
Advocates federal
Gobs Naroda (Voice of the People); ap-
pears irregularly.
Borby (Struggle)
Narodnaya Volya (People's Freedom)
6. Association of Fighters of the Liberation Movement
(Sojus woinow oswoboditelnowo dwischenija - SWOD) .21/
Headquarters: New York
Munich is center of activities.
* Reported also to compose the Executive Committee of the "Patriotic
Front," a roof organization of Russian emigre groups, most of
which are said to be fictitious. "Patriotic Front" characterized
as anti-Semitic, neo-fascist, radical rightist.
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Executive Com-
mittee: (1954)
Feodor Aromov, Chairman of Munich group
Small membership throughout world all of
whom also are members of SBONR.
Committee of United Vassov Followers
(Komitet Obyedinennych Vlassovzew - KOV) 94/
Headquarters: Regerplatz 9, Munich
Executive Com-
mittee: (1954)
Turkul, Baron v. Wolff
To some extent a continuation of the tra-
dition of the "Whites" in Russian civil
war. Membership also includes more recent
emigration. Advocates federalist state.
Has membership groups in the US.
Publication: Dobrowolez (The Volunteer), monthly; re-
ported to be distributed abroad also.
8. Central Association of Post-War Emigrants .2./
(Tsentralnoye Obyedineniye Posle-Voyennich Emigratov iz
Executive Com-
mittee: (1954)
Gaiglstrasse 25, Munich
November 1952
Grigorij Klimov
Pro-Vlasovism, anti-Marxism. Reported to
have good connections with West German
government. Organizes demonstrations,
propaganda and leaflet actions.
Publication: Der Anti-Kommunist, German language maga-
zine published in Munich and Berlin.
Editor is Theodor Arnold. Editorial
staff: Gisela Achminov, Gregory Danilow,
Michail Dziuba, Igor Kronsas. Munich
address: 25 Gaiglstrasse.
Kolokol (The Bell)
9. National Labor Union of Solidarists (NTS) - Munich group 2g
National Working Association
Executive Com-
mittee: (1954)
Frankfurt/Main; dissident group in Munich.
Characteristics: Great Russian. Aims to overthrow Bolshevism
by means of a revolution from the inside.
Engages in propaganda activities beyond
the Iron Curtain including leaflet and bal-
loon actions and radio. Dissident faction led
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by Baidalakov, Evstafy Mamukov, Evegeny
Posdeev, Girogy Kiverov, reported in 1955
to have established itself in Munich.
Dissident group was estimated to be from
10 to 50 per cent of membership.
Za Rossiyu published by RIA,
Information Agency, Munich, Destonsche-
strasse 2, for the Munich faction of NTS.
Should not be confused with publication of
the same name published by parent Poremsky-
Romanov.NTS group in Frankfurt. .
10. National Union of Russian Jurists
, ,(Natsionalnoye Obyedinenie Russikikh Yuristov) 271
Pienzenauerstrasse 30, Munich
Has same address as that of RONDD (see
above). Probably exists only on paper.
11. Islam-Moslem Society for Social Welfare
Moslem Religious Society Islam
(Muselmanlarin Bati Avropad aid "Islam" Camiyeti) 2.8j
Vice Chair-
Advisory Coun-
cil: (1955)
Ibrahim Gashioglu, Caucasian
Salich Sabanovic, Albanian
Sabiv Ischembet, Turkestani
Chromalic Hamid, Balkan
Achmet Magoma, Caucasian
Garip Sultan, Tartar-Bashkir
Aman Berdimurat, Turkestani
Muraz Oroys, Caucasian
Derwisch Abdulhanin, Krim-Tartar
Characteristics: Social welfare activities for Moslem
emigres from USSR and the Balkans.
12. National Turkestanian Unity Committee (NTUC) .2.2/
Headquarters: Duesseldorf; branch office in Munich.
Executive Com-
Veli Kayum Khan, President
Dr. Baymirza Hayit, organization and
H. Teshabay, business
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Munich Branch:
13. National
Kurban Sonat, President
A. Halmatoglu
K. Egamkul
Sattarali Babazada
Organization of extreme nationalists who
advocate dismemberment of Soviet empire and
complete independence of Turkestan. Prob-
ably consists of 300-400 active members.
Strongest support comes from Uzbek and
Tadzhik membership. Branches in Middle East
and South Asia where Turkestan colonies
exist. Kayum Khan chairman of the political
department of ABN. Monthly magazine, Millij
Turkestan, published in Duesseldorf in
English, Turkish and Arabic, although some
doubt that it is still appearing.
Turkestan Liberation Committee - "Turkeli" 100/
Executive Com-
mittee: (1954)
Karis Kanatsay
Small organization consisting of possibly
several hundred members. Anti-Communist;
will cooperate with other anti-Communist
groups if principle of self-determination
for Turkestan is accepted. Has relations
with emigre groups in Pakistan and the
United States. Cooperates with American
Committee for Liberation from Bolshevism
and has several members employed at Radio
Liberation and the Munich Institute. In
1953 organization split by ideological
quarrel over cooperation with the Russians.
Those opposed formed secessionist group
(also called "Turkeli") led by Aman
Turkeli (Turkish Homeland), monthly maga-
zine, published in Munich in Turkish and
14. Byelorussian National Committee
Byelorussian National Center 101/
Executive Com-
mittee: (1954)
New York. Branch offices in West Germany.
Mikola Abramczyk, Chief forFederal Republic
Dr. St. Stankiewicz, Munich
Advocates independence for Byelorussia;
moderate attitude towards Russians.
Oriented toward Catholic Church. Reported
to be financed by Americans and the Vatican.
Cooperates with Radio Liberation and the
Munich Institute.
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15. Byelorussian Central Council 102/
Headquarters: Munich
Executive Com-
mittee: (1954)
Prof. Ostrowsky
Polikarp Mankov
Characteristics: Advocates independence for Byelorussia.
Oriented toward Orthodox Church. Member
of ABN.
Publication: Belorusskoye Slovo (The Byelorussian.Word)
16. Supreme Cossack Representation 103/
Headquarters: Frauenstrasse 11, Munich
Executive Com-
mittee: (1954) Vassile Glaskov
Membership: Estimated 3,000 members throughout the
world; several hundred in Federal Republic.
Characteristics: Advocates autonomy and separation from the
USSR for the Cossack people. Member of DEU.
Publication: Kazakiy Vestnik (Cossack Messenger)
17. Cossack National Liberation Movement 104/
Headquarters: Munich
Executive Com-
mittee: (1954) N. Moltschanov
Characteristics: Right wing group. Member of ABN.
Publication: Kazakiya (Cossacks' Land)
18. Georgian Political and Cultural Union 1_1W
Headquarters: Munich
Organized: 1955
Mikhail Tseretelli
Kalistrat Salia
Alexander Manvilishvili
David Vatchnadze
Mikhail Alshibaya
Nikolai Nakashidze
Grigol Robakidze
Vladimir Tshomelidze
Characteristics: Advocates Georgian independence. Dedicated
to preserving and publicizing Georgian
culture and history. Leaders in general are
of rightist orientation.
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19. Georgian National Committee 106/
Headquarters: Munich
Executive Board:
Mikhail Tseretelli
Alexander Kordzaya
David Vatchnadze
Mosse Immaischvili
Alexander Somaja (Tsomaia?)
Nikolai Nakashidze
Mikhail Alshibaya
Characteristics: Post World War II organization of some
rightist elements including some which had
participated in German sponsored National
Committee organization of World War II.
Branches were reported to exist in France
and the United States but they do not ap-
pear to have been important. Advocates
union of all Caucasian states in a federa-
tion allied with a Turkestani national
state; opposes Russian imperialism.
20. Union of Georgians - Demetrashvili group 127./
Georgian Society
Headquarters: Munich
Leader: (1956) A. Demetrashvili
Characteristics: Anti-Marxist. Opposed to Georgian National
Vera Nadezhda i Lyubov (Faith, Hope and
21. Azerbaijani Committee of National Union
Azerbaijan National Committee
(Azerbaidzhan-Milli Birlick Meglisi) 108/
Headquarters: Munich
Organized: 1948
Characteristics: Founded by group led by Fatalibeyli,
Ismail Akber, Muraz Oroys and Mecit
Musazade as part of the effort to organize
new emigration under the sponsorship of
Gerhard von Mende and reportedly certain
British interests. Quarrels among leader-
ship disrupted group; reported still in
existence in 1954 but status unknown.
22. Azerbaijani National Union 109/
Headquarters: Munich
Leader: (1956) Col. Mohammed M. Sadyk
Characteristics: Splinter group; joined KTsAB, but with-
drew in 1955 on grounds KTsAB accepted
Marxist elements and groups having pre-
determinist and separatist policy. Advocates
"federalist" concept. Too pro-Russian to
attract many of emigration.
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23. North Caucasian National Committee .110/
Achmed Nabi Magoma
Alikhan Kantemir
Grew out of German sponsored National Com-
mittee of World War II and pre-War federa-
tionist movement. Affiliated with North
Caucasian National Center in Istanbul. Has
representatives with North Caucasian emigre
groups throughout the world. Immediately
after World War II was a member of ABN, but
withdrew in 1953 as a protest against auto-
cratic policies of Stetzko. Magoma was
leading figure in formation of Caucasian
National Committee (Committee for Caucasian
Independence),a rightist Caucasian bloc in
which North Caucasians played dominant
role. Magoma and Kantemir represented the
North Caucasians at conference in Munich
at which LVNSS was organized.
24. North Caucasian National Union
Oevernoye Kavkazskoye Natsional,noye Obedineniye - SKANO) 2.11/
Headquarters: Munich
Leader: (1956) Abdurakhman Avtorkhanov-Kunta
Characteristics: North Caucasian center bloc of emigres.
Member of KTsAB from which it broke in
1953 in dispute over independence of
minority nationalities. Joined Paris
Bloc. Organization split in 1953. Dis-
sident group, led by Sefedin Omar, organ-
ized North Caucasian Anti-Bolshevist Na-
tional Union which joined KTsAB. Leader
of dissident group in 1954 was Kubatiev
(see below).
Publication: Svobodny Kavkaz (Free Caucasus), published
in Munich by North Caucasian Anti-Bolshevik
National Union.
25. Caucasian Populist Movement
(Kavkazskoye Narodnoye Dvizheniye - KND) 112/
Headquarters: Munich
Executive Com-
mittee: (1951)
Lazar Bicherakov, Chairman
Sizhazkev, Vice Chairman
Kubatiev, Secretary General
A. Gaidar
I. Shakhi
M. Khuako
M. Kopov
M. Tozat
O. Makoyev
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No recent information on this organization.
It appears probable that it has dissolved.
Kavakszski Narodnik (Caucasian Populace),
issued irregularly in Munich.
26. Other Emigre Publications 113/
a. Literaturniy Sovremennik, published in Munich by the Fund
for Intellectual Freedom.
b. Russakay Ideya (Russian Idea)
C. Svoboda (Freedom), published in Munich by the Post-War
Defectors from the Soviet Union.
d. Volya (Freedom), published in Munich by the Union of Former
Political Prisoners from the USSR.
e. Milli Balrak (National Flag), published in Munich by the
Turkestan Council of National Unity Idel-Ural.
f. Milli Hurriyet (National Freedom), printed in Munich in
Turkish by the Free Caucasus press. Appears irregularly.
Purpose to combat the Soviet re-defection campaign.
Describes itself as non-party, representing emigres from
the Caucasus, Turkestan, and Tartary.
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List of Expellee Organizations and Institutions in Munich 11
A. Home Associations (Landsmannschaften)
1. Home Association
(Former Speakers:
Weichsel-Warthe Federal Union
der Deutschen aus dem Weichsel - und
Prof. Dr. Hans Koch, Munich
Georg Kowala, Dr. Johannes Scholz)
Horst Boltz
Stimmen aus dem Osten, information bulle-
tin, AaniFiTT77, Harvestehuderweg 26c
2. Sudeten German Home Association
(Sudetendeutsche landsmannschaft)
Munich 2, Karlsplatz 11/II
Frank Seiboth
Dr. Rudolf Lodgman von Auen (office of the
speaker: Bonn, Poppelsdorfer Allee 15)
Dr. Paul Illing
Sudetqndeutsche Zeitung
Home Association of Banat Swabians from Rumania in Germany
(LandsmannsChaft der Banater Schwabien aus Rumanien in
Munich 15, Schmellerstrasse 16 (Gasthof
Anton Valentin
Peter Ludwig, Augsburg 2, Burgermeister-
Fischer Strasse 5
Hans Diplich, Munich 15, Schubertstrasse 2
Fritz A. Hack
Suedost-Echo, Munich 22, Reitmorstrasse 31
also the publication of the Bucovinian and
Transylvanian Saxon Germans)
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Home Association of German Resettlers from Bucovina
(Landsmannschaft der deutschen Umsiedler aus der Bukowina
or Landsmannschaft der Buchenlanddeutschen)
Home Association
Munich 22, Himmelreichstrasse 3
October 1949 in Munich. A similar organi-
zation exists in Graz, Austria.
Dipl. Ing. Jacob Jelinek (Dr. Hans
Dr. Rudolf Wagner
Dr. (fnu) Pawlick
Suedost-Echo, Munich 22, Reitmorstrasse 31
(also the publication of the Transylvanian
Saxon and Banat Swabian Germans)
of Transylvanian Saxons in Germany
der Siebenbuerger Sachsen in Deutschland, e.V.)
Munich 22, Himmelreichstrasse 3
Dr. Heinrich Zillich, Starnberg a. See/066.,
Fischhaberstrasse 15/11
Erwin Tittes, Munich 22, Reitmorstrasse 31/11
Karl Schoenauer
Suedost-Echo, Munich 22, Reitmorstrasse 31
(also the publication of the Bucovinian and
Banat Swabian Germans)
6. Home Association of Germans from Hungary
(Landsmannschaft der Deutschen aus Ungarn)
(Former Chairman:
Munich 22, Himmelreichstrasse
Dr. Georg Bleyer
Dr. Ludwig Leber)
Heinrich Reitinger
Franz Hergenroeder
Suedost-Stimmen; Unsere Post, Stuttgart-S,
Neckarstrasse 222. The Hungarian Lands-
mannschaft also has a section in Suedost-
B. Home Associations State Branches (Landsmannschaften)
1. Sudeten German Home Association (Sudetendeutsche Lands-
mannschaft) Landesverband (BAVARIA)
Ex-Chairman: Dr. Rudolf Lodgman von Auen (also Speaker
of Landsmannschaft)
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Chairman: Ex-Col. Rudolf Gertler (Deputy Chairman
of Landsmannschaft; successor to Lodgman
as Chairman of Landesverband)
Membership: More than 180,000; largest of the Landes:-
2. Silesian Home Association (Landsmannschaft Schlesien)
Landesverband (BAVARIA)
Chairman: Dr. Herbert Hupka
C. Scientific-Cultural. Societies and Institutions of Expellees/Refugees
1. Central Committee of Refugees and Expellees
(Hauptausschuss der Fluechtlinge und Ausgewiesene)
Headquarters: Munich, Ismaninger Strasse 109
2. Adalbert Stifter Society
(Adalbert-Stifter Verein)
Headquarters: Munich 22, Ludwigstrasse 14
Chairman: Count (fnu) Kinsky
Officer: Dr. (fnu) von Herzogenberg (female)
3. Southeast German Cultural Center
(Sddostdeutsches Kulturwerk)
Headquarters: Munich 22, Ludwigstrasse 14
Chairman: Franz Hamm (Church President)
k. Cultural Association of liome-Expellees on Confessional Basis
(Kulturelle Verbaende der Heimatvertriebenen auf konfes-
sioneller Basis)
Headquarters: Munich 23, Beichstrasse I
Chairman: Hans Schuetz, member of Bundestag
Officer: (fnu) Kunzmann
5. Friends of the Eichendorf Guild
(Freunde der Eichendorfgilde)
Headquarters: Munich 23, Beichstrasse I
Chairman: (fnu) Possel, Minister or Priest
Officer: Dr. (fnu) Jakiel, editor
6. Southeast German Catholic Study Group
(Arbeitskreis Sudostdeutscher Katholiken or Katholische
Arbeitsstelle/Sued/fur Heimatsvertriebene)
Headquarters: Munich 23, BeichstrasseI
Chairman: Dr. Ludwig Leber, Stuttgart-N, Neckar-
strasse 222
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D. Youth, Religious and Welfare Organizations
1. Center for Home-Expellee German Catholic Youth
(Aktion heimatvertriebener deutschen katholischer Jugend)
Headquarters: Munich 23, Beichstrasse I
Chairman of
Munich Branch: (fnu) Hackenberg, Frankfurt/Main, Unterweg 10
2. Catholic Center (South) for Home-Expellees
(Katholische Arloeitsstelle (Sud) fuer Heimatvertriebene)
Headquarters: Munich 15, Schubertstrasse 2
Director: Dr. Peter Sladek
Convent of Dispersed East Evangelical Churches
(Konvent der zerstreuten evang. Ostkirchen)
Headquarters: Hannover, Andreasestrasse 2A
Chairman: Franz Hamm, lay church president, Lengsdorf
bei Bonn, Im Ellig 3
Auxiliary Committees:
a. for the Resettlers from Bucovina
(fuer die Umsiedler aus der Bukowina)
Headquarters: Munich, Himmelreichstrasse 3
Chairman: Edgar Mueller
b. of the Transylvanian Saxons and Banat Swabians
(der Siebenbuerger Sachsen und Banater Schwaben)
Headquarters: Munich 22, Himmelreichstrasse 3
Chairman: Prof. Dr. Erich Roth
Officer: Dr. (fnu) Alberti
c. of the Evangelical Germans from Hungary
(des deutschen Evangelischen aus Ungarn)
Headquarters: Munich 22, Himmelreichstrasse 3
Chairman: P. Friedrich Spiegel-Schmidt, pastor
Officer: Heinrich Reitinger
4. Church-Sponsored Missing Persons Center - Central Office for
the Local Records Section
(Kirchlicher Suchdienst-Zentralstelle der Heimatortskarteien)
Headquarters: Munich 15, Lessingstrasse I
Director: Dr. (fnu) Mueller
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5. Evangelical Welfare Board for Locating Internees and Prisoners
of War (Evangelisches Hilfswerk fuer Internierte und Kriegsge-
fangene Erlangen)
Headquarters: Munich 22, Nymphenburgerstrasse 52
Director: Bishop D. Heckel
E. German Research Institutions Concerned With Refugee Questions
1. East Europe Institute at the University of Munich
(Osteuropa-Institut an der Universitaet Muenchen)
Director: Prof. Hans Koch
2. Southeast Institute (Institute for Cultural Research)
(Suedost-Institut (Institut fuer Kulturforschung))
Headquarters: Munich, Kaiser-Ludwig-Platz 1/II
1st Chairman: Min. Dir. (fnu) Meinzoll
Director: Prof. (fnu) Valjavec
3. European Research Group for Refugee Questions
(Europaische Forschungsgruppe fuer Fluechtlingsfragen)
Headquarters: Munich, Prinzregentenstrasse 5
General Secretary: Dr. M. Kornrumpf
Southeast German Culture and Research Center (Southeast
Qerman Cultural Work) (Verein Sudeostdeutsche Kultur -
und Forschungsstelle e.V.)(Suedostdeutsches Kulturwerk)
Headquarters: Munich 15, Kaiser-Ludwig-Platz 1/II
Chairman: Franz Hamm
Director: Prof. Dr. (fnu) Valjavec
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Biographic Information on Selected Expellee
Leaders in West Germany
1. BECHER, Dr. Walter
Dr. Walter Becher, a prominent member of the Sudeten-German
group of refugees in the Federal Republic of Germany, was born on
1 October 1912, at Karlsbad, Czechoslovakia (then Austria-Hungary).
Becher studied law and political science at the University of Vienna,
and was an assistant at that University until 1935. He then became
a journalist, editing .a newspaper called Die Zeit in Drahowitz, a
town near Karlsbad. A member of Konrad Henleints pro-Nazi Sudeten-
deutsche Partei, Becher was also a member of the Kameradschaftsbund,
a quasi-Nazi organization of Sudeten-Germans who, however, disagreed
with the principles of National-Socialism on technical grounds.
During World War II Becher was a foreign correspondent in the Eastern
sector of the German Occupied Territories. He served in the German
Armed Forces during the latter part of the war.
According to the Berlin Document Center, Becher joined the Nazi
Party of Germany on 12 December 1931, while in Vienna. He was ex-
pelled from the Party on 7 October 1932 because of "unknown where-
abouts." Becher reapplied on 1 January 1939 and was given member-
ship in the Party dating retroactively to 1 November 1938. On
20 March 1940 he was again expelled from the Party, this time for
unknown reasons. His membership in the Kameradschaftsbund is be-
lieved to have been the cause for his second expulsion from the
Party. The Berlin Document Center also lists Becher as a member
of the Storm Troops (SA) and of the National-Socialist Association
of Students. Becher has denied the above, notably in an article
in the Neueste Nachrichten of 25 August 1957. He claims never to
have belonged to the Nazi Party, and to have been imprisoned for
six months by the Gestapo in 1940. He stated that he was imprisoned
without cause at the request of the Gauleitung of the Sudeten
German provinces. The Berlin Document Center has Becherls question-
naire of January 1939, requesting membership in the Party, on file.
Becher was released from internment as a prisoner of war in
1945. He chose to remain in Munich, where he was released, and
he soon became active in the various organizations of Sudeten-
Germans active in that city. Between 1945 and 1949 he was manager
of the Wirtschaftshilfe GmbH (economic aid) in Munich. In 1949
he joined the right-radical Deutsche Gemeinschaft (DG - German
Community), a political party under the leadership of August
Haussleiter. He was soon admitted to the executive committee of
the DG, and in December 1950 became vice chairman of that party.
Elected to the Bavarian Landta (Diet) in the 1950 elections,
he became Landtag leader of the DG element of the combined DG/
Refugee Party (BHE) faction. In May 1954 Becher joined a number
of other DG representatives in bolting the DG and joining the
BHE. Late in the same year he became chairman of the BHE faction
in the Landta. Becher has played a leading role in the Sudeten-
German organizations not associated with Lodgman von Auen.
Formerly secretary general of the "Working Group for the Protec-
tion of Sudeten-German Interests," he received the same position
In the Sudeten German Council when the latter body was founded
in September 1955.
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The American Consul General at Munich believes that Becher has
given up much of his earlier right-radical activity, and that his
switch from the DG to the BITE was a result of a gradual change to-
ward more moderate political views. The following are excerpts
from the Consul General's comments on Becher:
The present political officers of the Consulate General
are not familiar with Becher's activities prior to 1953,
but there is every reason to believe that his record was
quite anti-American, at least in the sense of strong opposi-
tion on his part to the "crimes of Yalta and Potsdam" and
to the Czech policy of Radio Free Europe; and also as pro-
Nazi as was possible during the period, since the DG was,
and still is, as extreme in its nationalism as any party in
Germany, with the possible exception of the banned SRP.
However, since 1953, the drafting officer has known Becher
fairly well and talked to him on numerous occasions. When
he went over to the BHE, it can be said that he apparently
left any really violent pro-Nazi or anti-American attitudes,
which he may previously have held, behind him. There is no
doubt that he is still a right-winger with very strong na-
tional and even nationalistic leanings: As a Sudeten German,
he still publicly scores the "brutal" agreements of Yalta
and Potsdam, especially at BITE party meetings; he is one
of the leaders of the attack against alleged "leftist" in-
fluence in the so-called "Lizenzpresse" (i.e., press
licensed by US Military Government), including the Bavarian
Radio; he is a leading member of the right-wing Sudeten
expellees group within the BITE known as the "Witiko Bund";
and he continues, on occasion, to attack the Czech policy
of Radio Free Europe.
At the same time, however, local employees of the Con-
sulate who have worked with the US Government since shortly
after the war say that Becher has always been friendly to-
ward American representatives; and the reporting officer
can add, from personal experience during the years since
1953, that Becher has, on the whole, been extremely
friendly toward all officers of the Consulate General and
has, in many interviews, expressed his support for the
general policy of the US in Germany and for the foreign
policy and defense policy of the Adenauer government. In
fact, he is among those leaders of the Bavarian BITE who
have most stubbornly resisted the attempts of other BHE
leaders to make common cause with the SPD against the
Chancellor. His attacks against the Czech policy of RFE
have continued, but on a greatly reduced scale, mostly
restricted to speeches at party conventions, which have
not been given great publicity. During the last four
years, he has never taken the lead in attacking RFE in
the Bavarian Landtag--and he, at least privately, sup-
ported the role played by RFE during the Hungarian crisis
last fall. Representatives of RFE have informed us that
their relations with Becher have constantly improved
during the last few years and Ernst Langendorf, RFE Press
Chief, recently told us that he thought an exchange trip
to the US for Becher might be a desirable move toward
softening his opposition to RFE still further. In all
fairness, it must be stated that Becher's opposition
to RFE is no greater than that of many other Sudeten
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As is the case with most Sudetens, the principal motivation
of all Becher's political actions is his desire to see the
German expellees return to their Eastern homelands. This
leads him to support such policies as converting the BHE
into an "all-German Party, building up a strong German
army, giving top priority to the reunification of Germany
(including the areas lost after the war), opposition to
the proposed Saar Statute, and opposition to "co-existence"
with the Soviets or their satellites. Becher makes an at-
tempt to appear reasonable and moderate in discussing his
views on East European policy, but his nationalism clearly
shows through: For example, he sees no reason for Germany
to sacrifice any territory it held in 1937 and clearly con-
siders the Munich agreement of 1938 to be a valid inter-
national treaty giving Germany legal claim to the Sudetenland,
although he avoids arguing this point or taking a public
stand on the question.
--Although his colleagues (and especially SPD leaders in
and out of the Sudeten German movement) consider him to
be a right-winger, only the most radical left-wing Social
Democrats accuse him of being nationalistic to the point
of opposing a democratic form of government.
In seeking to propagate Sudeten German interests, Becher
has gone out of his way to invite Americans to Sudeten
German meetings and conferences (notably a meeting at
Herrenchiemsee in May 1956, which representatives of the
Consulate General and Radio Free Europe attended) and to
solicit support from Americans in the United States,
especially Congressmen and Senators. Since he seems to
feel he has had the most success in interesting right-wing
American leaders, such as the late Senator McCarthy and
Senator Jenner, in his cause, Becher is inclined to re-
gard such leaders as friends and kindred spirits. .1/
Becher married the former Elisabeth Haas in 1950. He holds
the Iron Cross and is a member Of the Munich Kant Society. Becher
has published a volume entitled Die koenigliche Erziehungskunst
(The Royal Art of Education).
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2. HUPKA, Dr. Herbert
Dr. Hupka, an expellee from Silesia, was born about 1915. In
1946, he was listed as editor of a youth periodical entitled Wir
und Heute, published at Tegernsee, Bavaria. In 1949 he was chief
of the Main Department for Education and Culture of Radio Bavaria.
During the same year he was a member of a delegation of German
radio officials who visited the United States for the purpose of
studying American radio techniques. At that time Dr. Hupka warned
reporters from the New York Staatszeitung und Herold of the danger
of renascent German nationalism.
In August 1950 Hupka, who had apparently been demoted, was
listed as Supervisor of Literary Programs for Radio Bavaria. In
January 1952 he was listed as chairman of the Lessing Society for
the Furtherance of Tolerance. In March 1952 he was elected 2nd
chairman of the Bavarian Assembly of Silesian Refugees. He was
reelected to that position in July 1954.
In August 1955 Hupka reemerged as chief of the Cultural Sec-
tion of Radio Bavaria. He was then elected 1st chairman of the
Bavarian Assembly of Silesian Refugees. He was subsequently
elected 2nd chairman of the Landsmannschaft of Silesian Refugees
in Germany, probably the largest organization of German expellees
from the former German provinces in Eastern Europe.
A newspaper report (Bonner Rundschau) of 28 March 1957 reports
that Hupka will take over the position of Program Director of
Radio Bremen.
Hupka is believed to be sympathetic toward the aims of the
Social-Democratic Party of Germany.(SPD).
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3. KOCH, Dr. Hans
Dr. Koch is generally considered to be one of the foremost
German academic specialists on Eastern European problems. He is
at present director of the Eastern European Institute (Ost-Europa
Institut) at the University of Munich. Dr. Koch takesan active
part in expellee activities. He is the Speaker of the Weichsel-
Warthe Landsmannschaft and a leading policy advisor to the Verband
der Landsmannschaft (VdL). In May 1955 he was chosen as the
honorary president of the German-Ukrainian Society (Deutsche
Ukrainische Herder Gesellschaft - DUHG) an organization formed in
1954 with headquarters in Munich whose purpose is the promotion
of closer German-Ukrainian cultural relations. Established with
some degree of governmental support, the society appears to be
one of several such groups intended by the Federal government to
assist in the revival of its role in Eastern policy. During the
post-war period Dr. Koch has also served as a member of the exe-
cutive board of the Organization to Aid German War Veterans of
Soviet Origin, and on the board of directors of the German Asso-
ciation for Eastern European Information (Deutsche Gesellschaft
fuer Osteuropakunde).
Dr. Koch acts as an unofficial consultant to the Federal
government on Eastern matters and was selected to accompany
Chancellor Adenauer to Moscow in 1955 as a member of the West
German delegation. His position was that of Eastern affairs ad-
visor and high level interpreter. In 1956 he was chosen Deputy
Rector of the Academy for Political Sciences in Munich.
Born 7 July 1894 in Lemberg, Dr. Koch began his academic
career after World War I, specializing in church history, par-
ticularly Eastern European church history. From 1929-1935 he
held the position of Instructor in the Protestant Theological
Faculty at the University of Vienna. From 1935-1939 he was
professor and director of the Eastern European Institute at the
University of Breslau.
During World War II Dr. Koch served in the army with the rank
of captain. A member of the NSDAP in Austria and Germany, he
had carried out assignments for the Reich propaganda office in
Breslau and acted as an instructor in Eastern European affairs
for the German Foreign Office in Berlin.
A militant anti-Communist, Dr. Koch has asserted that he
supports the foreign policy of Adenauer and has made efforts
to restrain the more aggressive elements in the Landsmannschaft.
He believes that German influence is increasing in the Eastern
European sphere and should be encouraged by German stress on
the European idea and the self-determination of peoples. Some
observers feel that his views are an indication of the hopes
of some of the nationalist Eastern experts and their plans
for gaining influence over Eastern Europe.
Dr. Koch has been a contributor to the following journals:.
Osteuropa, Jahrbuch der Geschichte Osteuropas, and Kyrios. His
publications include: Die Russische Orthodoxie im Petrinische
Zeitalter (1929), Staat und Kirche in der Sowjet-Union (1930),
Kiev, B zanz und Ochrid 967-1037 (f707-and Geschichte der
Slaven(Berlin, Propylaen Weltgeschichte) (1929). �
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4. REITZNER, Richard
Richard Reitzner, a Social-Democratic Bundestag deputy from
Bavaria, is a Sudeten-German who has played a prominent role in
Sudeten-German affairs since his official expulsion from Czecho-
slovakia after World War II. Reitzner had actually left Czecho-
slovakia in 1938 and it is not known whether he returned to his
homeland after the war.
Reitzner was born on 19 August 1893, at Einsiedel arienbad.
After study at the teachers' college at Hollabruenn, Reitzner
served in the Imperial Austrian Army during World War I and was
taken prisoner in Russia. Having been active in the Social-Democratic
youth movement in Austria-Hungary, Reitzner sympathized with the
Bolshevik Revolution and served in Trotsky's Red Army. He returned
to Czechoslovakia a Communist, but in 1923 joined the Sudeten-
German branch of the German Social-Democratic Party (SPD). By pro-
fession a teacher, Reitzner was active in the Sudeten-German
Socialist movement until 1938. Participating in the Workers'
Internationale, and occupying various positions in the community
and district administrations, Reitzner was a member of the execu-
tive committee of the Sudeten-German Social-Democratic Party
when Hitler seized the Sudeten-German territories in 1938. He
fled to England where he remained until 1946, participating with
Wenzel Jaksch in the Sudeten-German Democratic Committee, founded
in London during the war.
Reitzner chose Bavaria as his postwar home and soon became
a leader in the Bavarian SPD, as well as in the organization of
Sudeten-German refugees known as the Sudetendeutsche Landsmann-
schaft. In 1947 he was elected a deputy chairman of the Bavarian
SPD, at that time highly dependent on refugee votes. During the
same year Reitzner served as one of two state secretaries in the
Bavarian Ministry for Refugees. Elected vice chairman of the
Bavarian SPD a year later, Rritzner became one of the SPD's dele-
gates to the first Bundestag in 1949. There he served on the
Procedure and Immunity, Reconstruction and Housing, Cultural
Policy, and Youth Welfare Committees, in addition to his posi-
tion as vice chairman of the Expellees Committee. Reitzner
was reelected to the Bundestag in 1953, and also in the October
1957 elections.
Reitzner was a member of the Sudetendeutsche Landsmannschaft
executive until 1949 when he was dropped from the executive for
allegedly having tried to win over the Landsmannschaft to an SPD
point of view. In 1950 he reappeared as one of three presidents
of the Association for the Safeguarding of Sudeten-German
Interests, and served on the joint Sudeten-German/Czech Committee
which reached an understanding on the future of the Sudeten-
Germans in a non-Communist Czechoslovakia. In June 1954 he was
once again elected to the executive committee of the Sudeten-
deutsche Landsmannschaft. In 1955 he appeared as a member of the
presidium of the Sudeten-German Council (Sudetendeutscher Rat)
which replaced the former Association for the Safeguarding of
Sudeten-German Interests. Reitzner is also co-chairman of the
Seliger Gemeinde, an association of former Sudeten-German Social-
Democrats under the leadership of Wenzel Jaksch.
Reitzner is married to the former Friederike Langmair, his
second wife. He has three children from his first marriage. A
Catholic, he is the author of a book entitled Vom Ostwind
verweht (Scattered by the East Wind). Reitzner is reported to
be fond of sports, particularly soccer and skiing.
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5. STROSCHE, Johannes
Johannes Strosche was born on 29 January 1912 at Teplitz-Schoenau
in the Sudetenland. He attended high school in Leitmeritz in the
Sudetenland, graduating in 1930. Strosche went on to study Ger-
manic and Slavic philology at the Charles University in Prague,
where in 1937 he received a doctor of philosophy degree and a li-
cense to teach in high schools. For three years he taught in Eger,
Leitmeritz, and Aussig.
Strosche joined the Nazi Party and the National-Socialist Teachers
Association in 1940. In view of the fact that Germany had annexed
the Sudetenland as early as the fall of 1938, Strosche seems not to
have been in any hurry to join the party, and became a member of the
Nazi-sponsored teachersi guild probably when such membership had be-
come essential to his career. In 1940 Strosche was inducted into
the German Army and served until 1945 as an interpreter in the intel-
ligence division, with the rank of corporal.
In 1945 Strosche was released from an American prisoner-of-war
camp. After he and his family had been expelled from their home-
land by the Czechs, he settled at Tirschenreuth in Bavaria. Unable
to find a position in the Bavarian school system, he eked out a
meager living by private tutoring. He soon became active in public
life, serving as chairman of the Tirschenreuth Culture Association
and as a member of the Sudeten-German Landsmannschaft in Bavaria.
Strosche helped found the BHE party in Tirschenreuth County
and in the Oberpfalz (Upper Palatinate) District in 1950. In Novem-
ber 1950 he was elected to the Bavarian Landtag (state parliament)
on the BHE-DG (Deutsche Gemeinschaft - German Community) slate. He
became faction leader of the BHE in the Landtag and deputy Land
chairman of the BHE in Bavaria in 1952.
In 1953 Strosche became a member of the Bundestat, succeeding
to the seat vacated by Dr. Guthsmuthst resignation. He became
executive secretary of the BHE Eundestag faction and a member of
the National BHE Executive Committee. Strosche was not reelected
to the Bundestag in 1957, since the BHE was unable to achieve
representation on the federal level.
Strosche appeared as a member of the Working Association for
the Protection of Sudeten-German Interests in 1955 and, later
that year, as a presidium member of the Sudeten-German Council which
had replaced the Working Association.
Strosche has been described as a very able speaker who draws
large crowds. He has made both moderate and extremely nationalistic
remarks in his speeches, so that it is difficult to say exactly
where he stands. Strosche has cooperated well with the SPD in
Bavaria; this would indicate a moderate stand.
A Catholic, Strosche is married to Elfriede nee Sussman, a
Sudeten-Geman from Leitmeritz. He is of average height and
weight, balding, with brownish-gray hair and blue eyes. 2/
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1. Julius Isaac and C. A. Macartney, Expellees in the US Zone
of Occupation, Jun 48, Unclassified.
3. ECA Technical Assistance Commission, The Integration of Refugees
into German Life, 21 Mar 51, UnclassiTrgd.
5. ECA Technical Assistance Commission, 22. cit.
btate aespatcla 208, Bonn, 20 Apr 56, Official Use Only.
7. State despatch 212, Munich, 20 Nov 52, Unclassified.
8. Ibid.
9. State despatch 76, Munich, 29 Oct 57, Official Use Only.
10. State, OIR Intelligence Report No. 6882, 18 Jul 55, Confidential.
State despatch 27, Munich, 9 Aug 57, Unclassified.
12. Ibid.
State despatch 27, 22. cit.
EGFA-13612, 27 Nov 56, S/C Attachment, Secret.
State despatch 416, Munich, 1 Jun 54, Confidential.
State despatch 397, Munich, 1 Jun 54, Confidential
17. Ibid.
18. OIR Intelligence Report 6882, sla. cit.
State despatch 416, Ea. cit.
19. State despatch 68, Munich, 15 Oct 57, Official Use Only.
State despatch 416, 2a. cit.
20. OLC Hesse, Unnumbered despatch, 17 Aug 51, Restricted.
21. State despatch 416, Ea. cit.
OIR Intelligence Report 6882, 22. cit.
22. State despatch 416, 22. cit.
23. Ibid.
24. Boris CelovskY, "The Transferred Sudeten-Germans and Their
Political Activity," Journal of Central European Affairs, Vol.
XVII, Jul 57, Unclassified.
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25. Ibid.
State despatch 27, 2k. cit.
26. State despatch 177, Munich, 25 Feb 57, Confidential.
27. State despatch 171, Munich, 16 Jan 56, Confidential.
State despatch 106, Munich, 9 Nov 56, Official Use Only.
28. Ibid.
29. State despatch 177, 22. cit.
30. State despatch 247, Munich, 21 Jan 55, Secret.
31. State despatch 47, Munich, 9 Aug 55, Official Use Only.
State despatch 177, 22. cit.
State despatch 271, Munich,
Apr 55, Official Use Only.
OIR Intelligence Report No. 6882, a. cit.
State despatch 271, Ea. cit.
State report, The Emigration From The East, 1 Dec 54, Confidential.
39. Ibid.
269, Munich, 1 Apr 55, Confidential.
Secret, US Officials Only.
The Emigration
East, op. cit.
Secret/Noforn/continued Control.
41. The Emigration From
42. Ibid.
The East, 2E. cit.
Secret/US Officials Only.
43. CIA,- Secret.
The Eml,a_.tionFroriTheEa.St, 22. cit. .
CIA, Secret/Noforn/Continued Control.
44. CIA,
45. CIA,
46. CIA,
47. CIA,
22. cit.
Soldaten Kalendar, 1956.
22� cit.
op. CIT.
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48. State despatch 284, Munich, 16 Jan 53, Confidential.
Memorandum, Exile Organizations Research, from 10/1 to RQM/OIS,
27 Jun 56, Secret.
The Emigration From The East, za. cit.
49. State despatch 284, Ea. cit.
The Emigration From The fa7t, 2a. cit.
50. State despatch 284, 22. cit.
51. Ibid.
52. State despatch 79, Munich, 8 Oct 56, Unclassified.
53. The Emigration From The East, cit.
CIA, [Secret/Control/US Officials Orlq.Y.
54. State despatch 334, Munich, 9 Jun 55, Official Use Only.
55. Deutscher Soldaten Kalendar, 1956.
56. State despatch 334, o. cit.
The Emigration From Tae East, 22. cit.
57. Ibid.
58. Ibid.
59. Ibid.
60. Ibid.
61. The Emigration From The East, 2E. cit.
Memorandum, Czech and S1777 Emigre Publications in Germany
and Austria, RFET-7 Mar 56, Confidential.
62. Ibid.
63. Ibid.
64. Ibid.
65. State despatch 79, o . cit.
The Emigration From he East, 22. cit.
66. Ibid.
67. Ibid.
68. Czech and Slovak Emigre Publications in Germany and Austria,
22. cit.
State, OIR Report No. 5522, 13 Aug 51, Confidential.
70. Ibid.
Secret/Noforn/Continued Control. (b)(3)
71. OIR Report No. 5522, p. cit.
The Emigration From Th ETEE, op. cit.
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72. OIR Report No. 5522, 22. cit.
State despatch 30, Munich779 Jul 54, Confidential.
73. OIR Report No. 5522, 22. cit.
74. Ibid.
75. State despatch 79, 22. cit.
76. Ibid.
77. The Emigration From The East, 2E. cit.
78. OIR Report No. 5522, _c_112. cit.
Memorandum, Emigre PuETications, FDD,
79. State desnatph 14n Milniph 7 An *1. n-PPinial Trat nn177
80. The Emigration From The East, Ea. cit.
81. Ibid.
82. Ibid.
83. Ibid.
84. Ibid.
85. Ibid.
Memorandum, Emi5re Publications, 22. cit.
86. State despatch 335, Munich, 10 Jun 55, Unclassified.
State despatch 2532, Bonn, 27 May 55, Confidential.
87. Memorandum, Emigre Publications, 2E. cit.
The Emigration From The East. op. cit.
89. The Emigration From The East, 2E. cit.
90. Ibid.
91. Ibid.
92. Ibid.
Memorandum, Emigre Publications, 22. cit.
93. The Emigration From The East, 22. cit.
94. Ibid.
95. Ibid.
Memorandum, Emigre Publications, 22. cit.
96. The Emigration From The East, 22. cit.
TETte despatch 353, Munich, 23 Jun 55, Official Use Only.
State despatch 233, Munich, 20 Mar 55, Official Use Only.
97. State despatch 218, Munich, 8 Mar 55, Limited Official Use.
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98. State despatch 355, Munich, 27 Jun 55, Unclassified.
100. Ibid.
101. State despatch 79, 22. cit.
102. The Emigration From The East, Ea. cit.
103. Ibid.
104. Ibid.
Memorandum, Emigre Publications, 22. cit.
106. Ibid.
107. Ibid.
108. Ibid.
109. Ibid.
110. Ibid.
111. Ibid.
112. Ibid.
113. Memorandum, Emigre Publications, op. cit.
(b) (3)
Appendix A: List of Expellee Organizations and Institutions in Munich
Appendix B:
Biographic Information on Selected Expellee Leaders
in West Germany
1. State despatch 262, Munich, 21 Jun 57, Confidential.
State despatch 56, Munich, 4 Sep 56, Confidential.
2. HICOG Bonn Biographic Data Report, 13 May 52, Confidential.
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