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Publication Date: 
August 18, 1949
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Approved for Release: 2023/06/07 CO2001647 hAL1NTELUGENGE, AGENCY RA11O NI n E r, R ;o1 (b)(3) CANTPY Cubn/Cuatommll. SUBJECT travel Cuba PLACE ACQUIRED DATE OF INFO. bboan evcCOWII5ENTIALI DATE oftt- e,,E.Lern :$UPPLEMENT TO 'PUNY NO. e.141::�C fc; A (b)3) rtM2317277.7.L.t.,, IRIS OCCOVEOT CO1811:vortutertall IIFVF.:T1111 TUC MVO= VOVE/ISS OF MI WHIMO STAITX WITHIN 1r112 ammo OF YOS CSPICIStiGI ACT SO 1.* r. 0. C.. CI MO 82. AZ ACEISOSO. ITC Titr.f2SCIIMION 03 T33 OF ITS COrITENTS23 AY LA3UU SO 13U 1,19A.1IT003IZED VESSOSI IS FCC. cuirat, ur MitObSI1IZI1 OF MS FOUR IS PCCIIISITEIL EronSat-MEOMOoadgrolStinifarrott=1732Virn SOURCP 11-3 * se below (b)(1) THIS IS- UNEVALUATED INFORMATION (b)(3) (b)(1) Buenaventura Sanchez, Dominican exile, and Eufemio Fernandez, anti-Truji11(b)(3) revolutionary and ex-Chief of the Cuban Secret Polio, left Habana for Cnetemala on 8 and 9 August, respectively, D-5 2. On 19 July 1949, Eufemio Fernandez made a direct flight to Guatemala returning the same night to Cuba. According to Humberto Lopez, radio commentator and one of Fernandez' companions in the /947 Cayo Confites affair, Fernandez fl to Guatemala on 20 July where he had a conforenee with President Arevalo of Cuotemala. Cob 3 Fernandez was accompanied on his return trip to Habana on 22 July by a friend of President Arevalo, (fu) Oliva, who was taken to a hosnital for treatment of a bullet round in his nook.* On 22 Julnn three revolutionary friends of Fcrz dec, Rosondo Lioa Ruiz, Gaston Gonzalez Lopez, and Miguel TriayEecobar traveled to Guatemala. On 25 July they returned to Habana accompanied by Fernando Gallo and Carmen Qoidiello, wife of Juan Bosch, Dominican revolutionary now oxiled in Cuba. They allegedly made this trip to Guatemala for buolness reaoons slnco Triay has an interest in the gambling concession at the nielt club, Sam Souei. 5. Jesus Gonzalez Cartes, Accion Revolucionaria Guiteras (ARG) loader who GW1S an airport at Santa Fe, Guanabacoa, is friendly with Fernandez and 'cos boon aeon recentiv at the San Luis Hotel in Habana.** 6. .0n 23 July, Marion R. Finley, an American connected with. the rent Dominion attempt, and Georgo Patterson, arrived in Cuba. Finley returned to Miami on the sane day after contacting Rafael Mendoza, anwealthy Cuban who parriee on extensive eontraband activitiee.*** According to zouoce, Finley plans to return to Habana in the near future. ' Patterson is still An Cuban 7. On 21 July, General Miguel Ancel Ramirez, Juan Rodriguez Garoia, and JorEe Rivas Montes, Caribbean revolutionary leaders, arrived in Habana from norida. They were still at the San Luis Hotel, Habana, on U. August... Mortimer Kollonder, friend of Cruz Alonno and of interest in the peat it connec-- tioii mith the revolutionary activities in Cuba, was CLASSlFlCAflONciliIrmL olg .ERIATELY-- T-E - USE - ARMY NAVY AIR NSR3 DISTRIB IMO ti FBI scsinottt No k e:irikr- Auth Dal ktflailYARINE.t'&'IttgraS CE 4O1 Mr =" This document is hereby regraded to CONFIDENTAL in accordance with the letter of 16 October 1978 from the Director of Central Intelligence to the Archivist of the United States. Next Review Date: 2008 Approved for Release: 2023/06/07 CO2001647 Approved for Release: 2023/06/07 CO2001647 I ,r CENTRAL TITTELLIGENCE AGENCY - OA 21 July bp wao in Habana and roturned to Cienfuegos on 23 3,11y, K0`11/�ndai. aci,ivi-bies in Cuba still remain a Inystery. (b)(3) 9. On 27 July, a Cuban naval officer who is a brothor of Rolando Masforr t. Cuban Congessmaa and chief of the Moviraionto Socialists, Revoluoionario (IR;R), stated that as soon as 'President Carlos Prio Socarras ...5,9:17E his r.1,,r proval� the: Dominican exiles in Cuba now residing at the San Luis Hotol Tare g to t.iiarm in Oriente Province. Tiei further stated that no 1.ocru1tinc for ibbar revolutionary activity was going on in Cuba at the prosont time. (b)(3) (b)(1) Oliva may possibly be with Jose :anuel Orters., Guatemalan Chief of Staff, who reportedly =0 (b)(1) to Cuba la a Cuban military planoo Comraen. Cant The San Luis Hotel, awned by Cruz ,Alonso wo'1,1:kraCieri her:gout for revolutionary groups. unidentified Caribbean rovolutionarios and DOM/ nican. exiles in Habana and are residing at the hotel. Rodriucc, have (b)(3) ir2; a (b)(1) so-xoral(b)(3) arrive6 (b)(1) coguninit� Mendoza., also known as Filth, is allop3dly the front; man(b)(3) for onv biiiii;s7 activities of the Cuban Army Chief, '3emvevo Pore?. Dainera. contact for Mendoza and Finley was undoubtedly a.rrati�ed (b)(1) FArnandez and probably took place in a section called Santa Fs in the (b)(3) ..8113tmore-qTaimanitas areas iall airport owned by, Orlando noltran, 'The firaS connected with the Cayo Confi.tos affair in 1947, is located in tbis sane area, present there are twenty small single-ongins pianos and two tero-motoz planes located at this o.irport.� 4.. Approved for Release: 2023/06/07 CO2001647