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Document Creation Date: 
December 28, 2022
Document Release Date: 
August 7, 2017
Sequence Number: 
Case Number: 
Publication Date: 
February 15, 1973
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Approved for Release: 2017/01/18 CO1482448 (b)(3) 15 Febru.a.ry 1973 - .MEMORANDUM FOR THE RECORD � SUBJECT: Mail Intercept Program 1.. The attached. memorandum from Chief, CI was orally briefed to the Director (and the DDCI), he was shown the activity reflected on page 12, and he read the entire attachment giving random examples of production. I used the attached Talking Paper as a basis of presentation. to the Director. The Director expressed his agreement with the desir- ability that this project be passed to the FBI and his lack of conviction that the product to CIA is worth the risk of CIA involvement. He directed the DDCI to discuss the activity with the Acting Director, FBI, with a view to offering the FBI the opportunity to take over the project, including. the offer of detailing the CIA personnel involved to the FBI to implement it under FBI direction and. responsibility. 2. Since Mr. William Cotter had indicated that he was unwilling to continue to collaborate on the project beyond 15 February unless it were cleared with appropriate superior authority, the Director agreed that the activi would be suspended unless Mr. Cotter would accept its continu- ance for the time beina un.der our assurances that the matter is being prosecu e at a very high level. 3. Mr. Osborn 'advised. Mr. Cotter of this conclusion, and. Mr. - Cotter requested that the project be suspended until appropriate resolution of the problems involved. This has been done. C W. E. Colby Attachments WE C C)raina1 - C / CI via DD/P i4.2131 1 14 � 1 Approved for Release: 2017/01/18 C01482448