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Publication Date:
May 8, 1973
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Approved for Release: 2017/01/18 C01482440
MEMORANDUM FOR: Director of Central Intelligence
8 May 1973
Deputy Director for Management and Services
Director of Planning, Programming,
and Budgeting
Activities Relative to Ellsburg, Watergate,
. Young, et al.
1. In 1971, I met with two RAND Corp. employees and discussed some
intelligence community informational handling activities with them. They
requested access to two USIB/IHC documents. These were subsequently
forwarded to Mr. C. Joyce of the National Security Council Staff for their
use. (See Attachment 1; other related memoranda are on file in IHC
Support Staff.)
2. My correspondence with
of MIT involved her
request on behalf of for access to FBIS product.
Related letters and notes are contained in Attachment 2. The only reason
for including this item is association with Daniel Ellsburg.
3. During my tour of
I became aware of project
7 May 1973 that this project has already been
the CIA Management Advisory Group,
1 - IHC-MM-245 dtd 14 Jul 71 from
2 - Ltr. dtd 27 Mar 72 to
MIT, from C/IHC S
. Ben Evans told me on
reported to the Director.
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Approved for Release: 2017/01/18 C01482440
14 July 1971
SUBJECT: Meeting of the Support Staff and RAND Corporation
� 1. On 18 August 1970 Mr. Paul Y. Hammond requested that
he and his associate, William B. Quandt, meet with members of
the Support Staff in order to improve their understanding of
what the intelligence community was doing in the area of
developing automated systems for handling intelligence
information. The two men were employed by RAND Corporation
and were members of a team working under a contract with the
National Security Council.
2. General Robert Taylor, Chairman of the IHC, was informed
of the request and approved the meeting. Steps were taken to
certify the clearances of these individuals.
1 nn 9n Anan t 1970, Mr. John D. Adams (DIA) and
, both members of the IHC Support Staff,
met witn messrs. n:mm ond and Quandt for approximately 75
minutes. During that time Mr. Quandt expressed an interest
in economic models and noted that the NSC Staff's current
interest was in near-East activities. Mr. Hammond observed
that he had been in charge of the team that had prepared the
RAND study in 1969. (See RAND Memorandum RM-6054, August 1969,
An Information System for the National Security Community,
4. Messrs. Hammond and Quandt were briefed on the structure
and activities of the IHC. Some of this information was known
to them since they had previously talked with Mr. Howard
Wiedemann of State Department. They had not been briefed on
COINS so some time was spent in talking about the COINS Experiment.
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Approved for Release: 2017/01/18 C01482440
Mx. Hammond noted that several reasons prohibited the development
of a large system to support the National Security Council Staff.
Instead the NSC Staff will have a system which takes advantage
of the products of the intelligence analysts throughout the
intelligence community.
5. During the course of the conversation, reference was
made to two documents produced by the IHC, i.e., the Annual
Report and the Inventory of Community Information Handling
Systems. Mr. Hammond expressed an interest in seeing these
documents and was told that his request would be considered.
After consulting with Mr. Russell Ash, NSC Staff and Mr.
Bruce Lowe, USIB Secr4tariat (See IHC-MM-168, 24 August 1970),
a memorandum wa NT,- Ash to the Support Staff (See
Memorandum for from Mr. Ash, 26 August 1970).
Mr. Ash noted that he had received justification from Mr.
Charles C. Joyce,, Jr. (See Memorandum for Mr. Ash from Mr.
Joyce, 25 August 1970). Subsequently one copy each of the
two documents (See USIB-D-71.6/5, 11 August 1970, Third Annual
Report of the Intelligence Information Handling Committee,
SECRET; and IHC-D-123/18, 10 August 1970, Inventory of
Community Information Handling Systems, SECRET, NO FOREIGN
DISSEM/CONTROLLED DISSEM) were forwarded to Mx. Joyce (See
IHC-MM-169, 27 August 1970).
6. (In accordance with a request from Mr. Donal J. Burns,
a copy of this memorandum is being furnished to him together
with copies of the correspondence and other documents
referenced in paragraph 5 above.)
cc: General Taylor (w/o atts)
MX. Burns (w/atts)
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Approved for Release: 2017/01/18 C01482440
27 March 1972'
Dr. Amelia C. Leiss
Assistant Director
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Center for International Studies
30 Wadsworth Street
Cambridge, Mass. 02139
Dear Dr. Leiss:
� I passed your letter of 1
whom you met at the-State-ISA
Foreign Affairs in May 1971.
this reply, but I believe you
February 1972 to Fenton Babcock,
Conference on Data Banks and
His subsequent travel delayed
will find it somewhat encouraging.
Fenton represents the Agency in an interagency organization
that has proven useful in bringing together specialists in the
private and public sectors who need to communicate on common
projects--in this case, computer assistance to Chinese/English
Translation (CETA). The CETA Group, in fact, recently held a
conference in Washington on 24-25 March which brought together
some fifty Chinese language/computer specialists from the United
States and abroad. A few others attended who were concerned
with following up on the May 1971 conference on data banks and
who see in the CETA Group a means for well-focused further dis-
Fenton informs me that the CETA Executive Secretary, Mr.
Jim Mathias, has already been in touch with certain ARPA officers
on the subject of text processing and retrieval. Should you
and Dr. Rogers wish to communicate directly with Mathias, he
can be addressed at the CEPA office, 9811 Connecticut Ave.,
Kensington, Md. 20795 (Tel: 301-946-7007). I have asked Fenton
to alert Jim on this matter and a copy of this letter will be
provided to Mr. Mathias. �
cc: General Taylor
Mr. Charles Briggs
� Mr. Harold Ford.
Mr. Penton Babcock
vixerox copy of Dr. Lois
J. Neil Wallace
IHC Support Staff
Room 4E 24
Washington D. C. 20505
Approved for Release: 2017/01/18 C01482440