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Some Tracks In The Dismal Swamp
Alan Stang is a former business editor for
Prentice-Hall, Inc., and a television writ-
r, producer, and consultant. Mr. Stang
co" DPINION contribu-
ting Editor and is au-
thor of the Western
co Islands bestsellers,
7 It's Very Simple and
E) The Actor. Author
1*�,� Stang, who earned
2 his B.A. at City College of New York and
as k itfasters at Columbia, is also a witty
dynanzic speaker who lectures widely.
u Fo it MORE than a year the national
8 press has carefully been unrolling revela-
tions about the Watergate incident. Day
> after day, on the front pages, we read
about the latest carefully timed develop-
ments. And witness after witness speaks
his conflicting piece before the Senate
Watergate Committee. We can remember
no continuing story which has been on
the front pages for so long since the
Second World War.
Americans have been wondering what
Watergate is really all about. It is obvious-
ly not a basic conflict between "Liberals"
and Conservatives; between totalitarians
ar ''bertarians; between those who. are
try to enslave us and those who are
trying to keep us free. No basic issues are
discussed, or even mentioned. Both
Nixon and his enemies are committed
colleeivists, and neither side mentions
such things as the inherent fascism of his
Phased takeover of the American econ-
omy. The conflict simply seems to be
about which gang of collectivists, which
ment; about whether or not Richard
Nixon will resign and be replaced.
It has been apparent from the begin-
ning that the real meaning of Watergate
lies as usual below the surface; that
Watergate is either a part of something
else; or a prelude to, or a diversion from,
something else. And now at last it is
becoming clear what the secret purpose
is. The real purpose of Watergate is so to
discredit the people running our gov-
ernment that Americans of all political
beliefs will become disillusioned with our
system of government itself � thereby
providing the acquiescence the conspira-
tors behind Watergate need to change our
government into the total collectivism of
Totalitarians have long complained
about our constitutional system of checks
and balances, because it divides the politi-
cal power and makes a dictatorship im-
possible. To make it possible, the dicta-
tors know they must destroy that system.
And it is interesting to note thaf revo-
lutionaries on all sides have begun using
Watergate as the excuse to suggest
changes. Leading Democrats have sug-
gested that Richard Nixon resign and be
replaced by a committee. Nixon himself
said recently in a radio speech that
perhaps our government should be reor-
ganized, by limiting the Presidency to a
single six-year term, and extending a
Congressman's term to four years instead
of two � which of course would make
the Congressmen exactly half as respon-
sive to our wishes as they are now,
because they would have to stand for
re-election half as often. This is also what
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institutions suggests in its proposed new
constitution. The Center is a revolution-
ary "think tank."
Indeed, there are many reasons to
believe that the real purpose of the June
17, 1972, Watergate raid was not at all to
collect �incriminating information about
the Democrats � but simply to arrange
for the arrests of the raiders, so as to
arrange the necessary scandal.
About The Raid
The official story of the Watergate
fiasco is of course that the raiders went
there to get proof, for instance, that the
Democrats are behind the riots America
has been suffering. If such proof had been
found, we are supposed to believe, the
Republicans would have used it against
the Democrats in the Presidential cam-
paign. But there was no need at all for the
Republicans to raid the Watergate to find
Jut who is behind the riots � because the
Republican bosses already knew. The
guilty parties are the Republican bosses
themselves, as my colleagues and I have
been pointing out for some time.
The Republican bosses have continued
intact the policy of the Democrat bosses,
in which the revolutionaries who run the
riots are financed with your tax money,
by means of such phony programs as the
"War on Poverty." It was the Nixon
Administration which gave a tax-exempt
foundation to Communist terrorist Jerry
Rubin, so that the bearded freak would
not need to pay income tax on all the
money he is making. Indeed, subsequent
revelations show that the Nixon Adminis-
'ration's "department of dirty tricks"
,oncocted wild schemes involving bomb-
ings, burglaries, and kidnappings, and the
infiltration of student groups in order to
cause violence, so as to produce the kind
of reaction that would make the Adminis-
tration look good. And this of course
would provide the excuse for imposition
of repressive measures � to "solve" the
very problems the conspirators at the top
are themselves creating.
So it makes no sense whatever to
believe that the Watergate raiders really
went to the scene of the crime to find
"evidence" that the Democrats are be-
hind the riots.
We are also told officially that the
Watergate raiders were looking for proof
that the Communists were behind the
Democrats. We are told this by the same
Nixon Administration which during the
contrived war in Vietnam continued in-
tact Lyndon Johnson's policy of aid and
trade with the arsenal of the Vietcong,
permitting them to get the military equip-
ment they used to kill our soldiers; the
same Nixon Administration which is now
delivering billions of your tax dollars to
the Reds in the form of credits for which
you pay; the same Nixon Administration
which recently rolled out the red carpet
for Communist dictator Leonid Brezhnev,
who is personally responsible for count-
less murders, and who keeps millions of
victims in slave camps across Russia; the
same Nixon Administration which em-
braced Mao Tse-tung, murderer of some
sixty-four million Chinese.
In fact, if the Watergators really did
want proof of Communist associations
they could have hung on the Democrats
during the camgaign, there was no need at
all for them to raid Democrat National
Committee headquarters. Watergate reve-
lations now make clear that the Nixonites
did everything they could to make
George McGovern the Democrat candi-
date � just as my colleagues and I said
from the beginning � because McGovern
was by far the easiest candidate for Nixon
to defeat. Whether he knew it or not,
McGovern was nothing but Nixon's
stooge. The idea was to deny the voters a
genuine political choice, as usual, by
arranging the nomination of a freak as the
Democrat nominee, so that the voters
would have to vote for Nixon whether
they liked him or not.
The reason McGovern was so easy to
beat was for instance the fact that he is
the only Presidential candidate in the
Senate Watergate Committee has yet to look into the Wallace shooting and the death of Mrs. Hunt.
history of either major party who was
also an official sponsor of a certified
Communist Front. McGovern was a na-
tional sponsor of a Communist Front
known as the American Peace Crusade,
and he held that exalted position not dur-
ing the Popular Front era of the 1930s,
when some innocent people were tricked
into such things � but in 1951, at the
height of the Cold War, when members of
such organizations were presumed to
know exactly what they were doing. So
McGovern was made to order for a so-
called anti-Communist like Nixon. McGov-
ern is the closest thing to an open Com-
munist who has ever been the Presidential
candidate of a major political party.
And there was no need whatever for
Richard Nixon to raid the Watergate to
discover all this. It was already in official
government records. Indeed, it was pub-
lished with incriminating details in the
September, 1972, issue of AMERICAN
OPINION. So the question arises: If Rich-
ard Nixon really was sincere in his desire
to expose the Communist background of
the Democrat campaign, why did he
never once mention the fact that George
McGovern was the national sponsor of
a Communist Front, branded as such
by the federal government? Nixon could
have done so � and in fact quite properly
should have done so � but he did not.
So for all these reasons, we can see
clearly that the motives the Adminis-
tration gives us for the Watergate raid are
as usual completely phony. Whether or
not all the raiders knew it, they were
going to the Watergate for a completely
different reason.
Now let's take a look at the raid itself. i
For instance, you will remember having
heard that the Watergate raiders put tape
on the locks of two doors in the base-
ment, so that the tongue mechanisms in
the doors could not thrust into the
grooves in the door frames. As they
prepared to use those doors, security
guard Frank Wills, who had just come on
duty, discovered the tape and removed it.
"I took the tape off." he explained
later, "but I didn't think zinything of it. I
thought maybe the building's engineer
had done it."
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In his new book, The Inzpeachment Of
Richard Nixon, Leonard Lurie describes
what happened next as follows: "When
the five interlopers discovered their tapes
had been removed, they panicked. They
returned to the area below the Watergate
Restaurant; there it was decided that the
locksmith Gonzalez would go back and
pick the locks, while Barker was sent up
to Liddy and Hunt to discuss the possi-
bility of calling off the break-in. McCord
went to the motel to await word. Liddy
sent Barker back with word not to worry
and the mission was on."
Indeed, Gonzalez and another raider
retaped the locks, so that when security
guard Frank Wills, who was already sus-
picious, returned to check the doors, he
knew something was wrong, and called
the police to report a possible burglary.
In other words, the raiders knew that
someone had detected their presence in
Watergate, but Liddy, the boss � who
was waiting outside � decided to con-
tinue the operation nevertheless. Remem-
ber that we are talking here about men
who are experts in their business.
Across the street from Watergate, in
the Howard Johnson motel, former F.B.I.
agent Alfred Baldwin, recently hired by
McCord, was serving as lookout. Baldwin
told the Los A ngeles Times that at one
point the lights on the entire floor above
the Democrat National Committee offices
went on, so he dutifully reported the fact
by walkie-talkie to the raiders across the
street, and they told him not to worry.
Baldwin also tells us this: "Not long after
that a car.parked in front of the Water-
gate and three men got out and went
inside. I wondered if that meant any-
thing, but I did not use the walkie-talkie
at that time."
Why didn't he? It turned out that
those men were members of the "old
clothes' squad of the Washington police
depattment and were there to arrest the
burglars. If Baldwin had. warned his co-
conspirators in time, it is possible they
could have gotten away. It is interesting
to note that Baldwin later became a
prosecution witness, in return for which
the government let him go his way scot-
free. And it even turned out that the
members of the "old clothes" squad had
been off duty for an hour and fifteen
minutes � apparently waiting for the call
that tipped the operation.
It is also interesting to record how the
conspirators behaved once inside Demo-
crat National Headquarters � knowing
that their presence might already be
suspected by building guards. According
to Leonard Lurie, this is what the police
found when they cornered the Watergate
Five: "... Two panels were ripped out of
the office roof. Files lay in disarray.
Random damage had been done all over
the suite. It is clear that, if they had gone
undetected, the burglars would have had
to spend a great deal more time straight-
ening up their mess, so as not to arouse
the suspicions of the staff when they
returned on Monday morning. Any sign
of forced entry would have probably led
to a search, which would have uncovered
the bugs in the ceiling and the taps on the
So, after having had one panic when
they discovered that the tape on the door
locks had been mysteriously removed, the
raiders nevertheless took the entire Dem-
ocratic National Committee headquarters
apart, as if they had all the time in the
world, and had nothing to fear from the
police. But, as usual, the national press
has said not a word about this.
You will also remember that E. How-
ard Hunt and G. Gordon Liddy were not
arrested at once. Both of them succeeded
in getting away from Watergate. How,
then, did the police connect them with
the job? Well, it seems that two of the
five raiders arrested inside Watergate were
carrying address books, which contained
E. Howard Hunt's name. Next to Hunt's
name and telephone number, one of the
raiders had written "W-house," for White
House. Which made it relatively easy for
the police to put two and two together.
Running the Watergate burglary were "former" C.I.A.
agents E. Howard Hunt (above right) and James McCord
(right), who oversaw what appears to have been a C.I.A.
"dirty tricks" operation run out of the White House and
the Committee To Re-elect The President. There is no
other reasonable explanation for the fact that then-
director of the C.I.A. Richard Helms (below) was
awakened at three a.m. to be briefed on what at the
time appeared to authorities to be a domestic burglary.
When the case broke, Helms was sent out of the coun-
try as Ambassador to Iran and William E. Colby, the
head of C.I.A.'s "dirty tricks" operations (to which
Hunt had been assigned), was soon made director with
authority over all U.S. intelligence operations. Mean-
while, Mrs. Howard Hunt, also a C.IA. agent, was ac-
cepting multi-million-dollar payoffs and demanding
even more money. Then the plane on which she was
flying from Washington to Chicago with two million
dollars in negotiable paper was mechanically sabotaged
and crashed � but Mrs. Hunt and the captain of the air-
craft were dead of cyanide poisoning before the aircraft
ever hit the ground. Surviving the crash was an armed
government agent identified as a "former" C.I.A. para-
chute specialist. After Mrs. Hunt's death, her husband
revealed that immediately after the shooting of Gov-
ernor Wallace he had been ordered by Presidential at-
torney Charles Colson to go to gunman Arthur Brem-
er's apartment to clear it of evidence. This raises fur-
ther serious questions since Bremer's "boss" in the shoot-
ing of Wallace was Dennis Cossini, a C.I.A. operative
who was subsequently murdered in Toronto and whose
body was recovered and disposed of by C.I.A. agents.
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And professional intelligence agents
inform your reporter that this was com-
pletely unprofessional behavior. A profes-
sional on such an assignment leaves be-
hind all mention of his associates who
might be implicated � and even all proof
or his own identity � in case he is caught.
Yet the Watergate raiders, who are sup-
posed to be such experts, actually were
carrying evidence which linked them with
White House official E. Howard Hunt.
So the possibility exists that some-
where in the machinery there was a
double agent, pretending to work for the
Nixon gang, but in reality in the pay of
someone else � someone else who pre-
cipitated the Watergate scandal in order
to embarrass him who would be king.
In fact, the latest incredible develop-
ment makes the raid even more curious,
for it seems that columnist Jack Ander-
son is involved. Anderson is a former
partner of the late -Soviet apologist Drew
Pearson. He is also the man who reported
last year that Senator Thomas Eagleton,
McGovern's first runningmate, had a rec-
ord as a drunken driver � and then claimed
he had made a mistake. Anderson is also
the man who, in a recent issue of Parade
magazine, confessed that he knew about
the Watergate plot more than two months
before the break-in on June 17, 1972 �
but did nothing about it. This is the same
Jack Anderson who is always mouthing
off about morality in government. If a
citizen has knowledge of a crime, and
fails to report that knowledge to law
enforcement authorities, then the citizen
himself is guilty of a crime � which is
exactly what the Watergate investigators
now pompously tell us is one of .the
crimes of Richard Nixon. Yet, Jack An-
derson was aware of the Watergate raid
for more than two months before it
happened, and said absolutely nothing.
Why? Could the answer lie in the
fascinating fact that Jack Anderson met
the Watergate raiders at Washington's
National Airport on June 16, 1972 � the
day before the raid � as they flew in
from Miami to do the job? Was Anderson
in some way involved in the raid � to a
greater extent than his failure to tell the
authorities what he knew in time? For
instance, Anderson was personally ac-
quainted with several of the Watergate
conspirators. He knew Bernard Barker.
He knew Frank Sturgis, and has done
several stories about him. Sturgis, who
was arrested less than thirty-six hours
after Anderson met him at National
Airport, was an Anderson informant. So
once again the sensible question arises of
whether the entire Watergate scandal was
some kind of a setup.
And along these lines, it is also inter-
esting to make note of the earlier raid by
the same gang on the offices of Dr. Lewis
J. Fielding, who is Dr. Daniel Ellsberg's
California psychiatrist. Once again, the
Nixonites have an official explanation,
according to which they were looking for
psychological information they could use
to destroy the man who had stolen the
Pentagon Papers. And, once again, the
story appears to be the usual Nixon
fraud. For it now develops that the raid
on Fielding's offices was as usual totally
For instance, the government knew
that Ellsberg and his wife had partici-
pated in the Communist-sponsored May
Day demonstrations at Washington in
May 1971. He has been a senior research
associate at the Center for International
Studies of the Massachusetts Institute of
Technology, which is financed by the
Central Intelligence Agency, and one of
the key members of which is Harold
Isaacs, a man identified as a Communist
and co-operative of Comintern agent
Agnes Smedley in the delivery of China
to the Reds. Among Ellsberg's close
associates is his attorney, Leonard Bou-
din, who has represented Fidel Castro in
the United States and is general counsel
of the Emergency Civil Liberties Commit-
tee � officially cited as a Communist
Front founded "to defend the cases of
Communist lawbreakers." Among his
other clients have been Soviet spy Judith
CopIon and Alger Hiss.
Indeed, the Nixonites knew that Ells-
berg had passed a copy of the Pentagon
Papers to the Soviet Embassy even before
he passed one to the New York Times.
Perhaps that is why Valeurs Actuelles, the
respected Paris financial weekly, not long
ago openly branded Ellsberg as a Commu-
nist espionage agent. That is also why the
government had an airtight case against
Ellsberg on charges of conspiracy to
violate our espionage laws, with no need
whatever to conduct a nonsensical raid on
his psychiatrist � which the national
press and the so-called "anti-Communist"
Nixon Administration have yet to men-
It also develops that Ellsberg is a
protege of none other than Dr. Henry
Kissinger, and has been since he was a stu-
dent at Harvard. In 1968, Kissinger re-
cruited Ellsberg as part of a special panel
of foreign policy experts to formulate an
Indo-China policy for Richard Nixon.
Yet, says intelligence expert Frank Ca-
pell, in a recent issue of The Review Of
The News, it was Kissinger, Ellsberg's pro-
tector, who approved the plans to bur-
glarize Ellsberg's psychiatrist. Why?
The so-called "plumbers" who com-
pose Nixon's Watergate gang are supposed
to be among the world's foremost experts
in their business, as we have said. If their
true purpose had really been simply to
photograph material in Dr. Fielding's
files, they were expert enough to have
picked the door locks and eased open the
files, done their photography, closed the
files and left. Then they could have done
whatever they liked with the information;
they could have published it to prove to
the world what a freak Ellsberg really is �
and, even today, Dr. Fielding would have
no proof that the information came from
his office, or even that the raiders had
ever been there.
What did the "plumbers" do instead?
They smashed open the file in Fielding's
office with a crowbar! So that it would
be obvious even to a psychiatrist that
someone had been on the premises with
illegal intent.
Now, what was the effect of the raid
on Daniel Ellsberg's psychiatrist? The
answer, of course, is that the raid got
Ellsberg off the hook when it was re-
vealed that there was a connection be-
tween it and the Watergate break-in.
Remember that Ellsberg admitted stealing
the Pentagon Papers. Had it not been for
the Watergate revelation, he would proba-
bly now be in prison. Coming as it did at
the crucial time in his trial, ih. revelation
forced a directed verdict of acquittal.
So it is perfectly sensible to assume
that that was in fact the real purpose of
the phony raid to collect information
which the raiders already had. The real
purpose of the raid appears to be Henry
Kissinger's desire to protect his protege �
who was being so helpful to the Soviet
And all of this provokes curiosity
about the backgrounds of the Watergate
Seven. As we have seen, Sturgis, for
instance, is a Jack Anderson informant.
Richard Helms, at the time director of
the C.I.A., admitted to the Ervin Com-
mittee that Martinez was on the C.I.A.
payroll when he was caught in Watergate.
Barker, a Cuban, is a disciple of E.
Howard Hunt, who for twenty years was
an agent of the Central Intelligence
Agency � and may still be. According to
professional intelligence experts, the
C.I.A., like the Mafia, is an organization
one never quits. And James WI McCord,
who after his conviction spilled the beans
about Watergate to Judge John Sirica, has
also been a C.I.A. man for many years.
An informant also reports that E.
Howard Hunt was the C.I.A. man who
directed the abortive Bay of Pigs opera-
tion in Cuba in 1961, and that Sturgis,
Barker, and McCord were involved. The
Cuban exiles who participated in the Bay
of Pigs invasion did so of course to free
their country from Communism, but as in
one C.I.A. operation after another, when
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the, smoke cleared the Cuban patriots had
been wiped out or captured, and Fidel
Castro was more firmly than ever in
control. The patriots had been promised
air cover, without which the operation
could not have succeeded, but when they
were already at sea the Kennedy Adminis-
tration decided to withhold it. The planes
never arrived, and the patriots were easy
prey. Indeed, Castro was perfectly aware
that the invasion was coming.
One of our informants � who was
actively involved in the Bay of Pigs �
recalls an interesting story told to him by
the late David Ferrie, who was also a
ar) C.I.A. agent, and who was one of those
co accused by New Orleans District Attor-
ney Jim Garrison of having participated
in the assassination of President Kennedy.
o According to Ferrie, E. Howard Hunt
co went to Cuba several times before the
v of Pigs, and personally explained the
..,,eration to Fidel Castro. Hunt also
supervised the installation on the beaches
of pointed, four-foot stakes to impede
(1) the invaders. And this of course would
cu make Hunt's reputation as a "fanatic
a) anti-Communist" rather dubious.
11 It also would go a long way toward a
cf) complete explanation of Watergate.
> The Plane Crash
c_ On December 8, 1972, Mrs. Dorothy
.Hunt, wife of C.I.A. man E. Howard
Hunt, got aboard United Air Lines Flight
553 at National Airport, bound for Mid-
way Airport in Chicago. Mrs. Hunt herself
was a C.I.A. agent, and had been one even
longer .than her husband. They were
A. "family." Indeed, contrary to ear-
ii from the White House, it now
develops that Mrs. Hunt was the Water-
gate "bag woman." It was she who,
pursuant to orders, delivered the offer of
Executive Clemency to Watergate defen-
dants. It was she who paid them off in
return for their promises to keep their
mouths shut. And on December 8, 1972,
she apparently was travelling with about
two million dollars in cash, traveller's
checks, and money orders which the
Nixon Team had handed over to buy her
silence. Mrs. Hunt was privy to the same
Watergate information as was her hus-
band, and could have used it to blow the
Watergators from the water.
Also on Flight 553, was C.B.S. net-
work newswoman Michele Clark, who
was getting ready to do a story on
Watergate. There was also a man carrying a
gun, and calling himself Harold R. Met-
calf, who claimed to be an agent for the
Bureau of Narcotics and Dangerous
And there were Ralph Blodgett and
James W. Krueger, attorneys for the
Northern Natural Gas Company of
Omaha, along with some others associ-
ated with them. Mr. Blodgett and the
others were angry at John Mitchell � one
of the most important of the accused
Watergate conspirators � and were deter-
mined to blow the lid off the case. It
seems that former Attorney General
Mitchell, and his friends running the
Justice Department, were putting the
screws to Northern Natural Gas. On
September 7, 1972, some officials of that
firm and its subsidiaries were indicted on
federal criminal charges in Omaha, Chi-
cago, and Hammond, Indiana � and
charged with bribing local officials to let
a gas pipeline go through.
All of this has been uncovered by Mr.
Sherman H. Skolnick of Chicago, who is
Chairman of the Citizens' Committee to
Clean Up the Courts, and whose investiga-
tions have caused the departure of several
corrupt Chicagoland judges. It was Skol-
nick who sent former Illinois Governor
Otto Kerner to jail. And Skolnick reports
that, to defend itself against the Justice
Department's charges, Northern Natural
Gas uncovered documents showing that
Mitchell; while U.S. Attorney General in
1969, dropped anti-trust charges against
its competitor, El Paso Natural Gas; that
the decision was worth several hundred
million dollars to El Paso � and that John
Mitchell's law partner represented El Paso
For Facts You Need
What does "Watergate" mean to your friends?
Chances are it means confusion. As you well know, the
mass media have done nothing to present the actual
facts or real purpose of this carefully scripted scenario.
Why not help your friends understand the true sig-
nificance of Watergate and all of its ramifications, by
giving them a copy of Watergators: Some Tracks In
The Dismal Swamp by Alan Stang? Use the convenient
coupon below to order additional copies of this ex-
plosive article. Available at: One to 99 copies, seven
copies for one dollar; 100 to 999 copies, twelve cents
each; 1,000 or more copies, ten cents each. Postage is prepaid when pay-
ment accompanies the order.
This article first appeared in the September 1973
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ly reprinted political journal in the world. Each month
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at the time. Indeed, says Skolnick, Mitch-
ell mysteriously developed a stock inter-
est in El Paso with a law partner as a
nominee. And pipeline attorney Krueger
was carrying the proof of all this on
Flight 553, on his way back from Wash-
ington, where pipeline attorney Blodgett
had been trying to get the charges against
Northern Natural Gas dropped.
In other words, there were three dif-
ferent sources aboard United Air Lines
Flight 553 who could have exposed vari-
ous aspects of Watergate; Mrs. E. Howard
Hunt, Miss Michele Clark, and the North-
ern Natural Gas crowd.
As this aircraft approached Midway
Airport, the outer marker, also known as
the Kedzie Localizer � a signal which
tells the pilot where he is � stopped
working. So did the flight data recorder.
So did the captain's altimeter, which
records the plane's altitude. Indeed, cir-
cuit breakers started popping all over the
place. And the weather was bad, so the
..pilot had no idea where he was. A witness
on the ground says he was far off course.
Eleven witnesses on the ground say the
descending plane had no lights. And the
chance of all this happening at the same
time is about as likely as the possibility
that Richard Nixon will ever make any-
thing perfectly clear.
Indeed, a witness on the ground saw
a descending parachute supporting an
aluminum foil ball, which is a technique
used to jam airborne navigational equip-
ment. It is interesting to note that for-
mer White House counsel John Dean
testified as follows before the Senate
Watergate Committee, about the sabo-
tage plans of convicted Watergate boss
G. Gordon Liddy: "When discussing the
electronic surveillance, he said that he
had consulted with one of the best
authorities in the country, and his plan
envisioned far more than bugging and
tapping phones. He said that, under his
plan, communications between ground
facilities and aircraft could also be inter-
In other words, Flight 553 was appar-
ently the victim of what the disarmament
hoaxers call "massive overkill." But, be-
lieve it or not, there was even more. For
instance, Air Traffic Control at Midway
did not tell 553 that the Kedzie Localizer
was not working. In fact it told the
captain to continue inbound and land.
Yet, at the same time, it told A.T.C. at
nearby O'Hare Field that Flight 553
would circle Midway again. The confused
pilot was given the idea that he was really
in a holding pattern, when he was not.
And the approach controller later testi-
fied that he had "forgotten" to issue
approach clearance to Flight 553.
At 2:29 p.m., United Air Lines Flight
553 crashed in the streets just short of
Midway Airport. Waiting for it on the
ground were up to two hundred agents of
Defense Intelligence and the F.B.I. �
which is interesting because F.B.I. re-
gional headquarters is some twelve miles
from the scene. The F.B.I. was there
before the fire department, which respond-
ed within one minute of the crash.
Apparently we are supposed to believe
that the F.B.I. just happened to be
holding a convention in the streets ap-
proaching Midway, when Flight 553 hit
the ground. For some time after he
revealed this incredible fact, Mr. Skolnick
was called a liar. But in a letter dated
June 11, 1973, to John H. Reed, Chair-
man of the National Transportation Safe-
ty Board, William D. Ruckelshaus, who at
the time was Acting Director of the
F.B.I., admits that in less than forty-five
minutes after the crash about fifty F.B.I.
agents were on the scene. Why? What
were even fifty, let alone two hundred,
F.B.I. agents there to do? Why were they
present without being invited by the
National Transportation Safety Board, as
is customary? Did someone know Flight
553 was scheduled to crash? Were they at
Midway Airport to arrest Mrs. Hunt, who
had left Washington with about two
million dollars in negotiable paper?
Furthermore, the F.B.I. agents took
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complete control of the crash site, re-
fused to show their credentials, kept even
the Chicago Police Department away
from the scene, did the same to the
Federal Aviation Administration, and
stripped all the bodies of identification.
So bizarre was the F.B.I.'s behavior that
on June 5, 1973, Reed wrote .Ruckels-
haus for an explanation, recalling that
"for the first time in the memory of our
staff, an FBI agent went to the control
tower and listened to the tower tapes
before our investigators had done so; and
for the first time to our knowledge, in
connection with an aircraft accident, an
FBI agent interviewed witnesses to the
crash, including flight attendants on the
aircraft prior to the NTSB interviews. As
I am sure you can understand, these
actions, particularly with respect to this
flight on which Mrs. E. Howard Hunt was
killed, have raised innumerable questions
in the minds of those with legitimate
interests in ascertaining the cause of this
accident ...."
So the question once again arises: Has
the F.B.I. been directed to suppress evi-
dence which may well prove that the
death of Mrs. Hunt � who could have
exposed the entire Watergate mess � was
not an accident, and that Flight 553 was
Furthermore, along these lines, it is
also interesting to note that the last
words we hear from the captain of Flight
553 � whose name, incredibly, was Wen-
dell Whitehouse � were spoken at
2:26:24.66, according to the cockpit
voice recorder, which apparently Means
that the co-pilot and second officer were
flying the plane during the final N.
minutes. before the crash. The captain
does not say a word during that long
period of emergency! Indeed, the Chicago
Tribune of March 25, 1973, reports that,
according to the Cook County coroner's
office, Captain Whitehouse was dead be-
fore Flight 553 ever hit the ground.
What killed Captain Wendell White-
house? In a report on the accident issued
by the National Transportation Safety
Board, we learn that his body was found
to contain 3.9 micrograms per milliliter
of cyanide � which just happens to be
four times the amount necessary to kill
him. Yet, the bodies of the co-pilot and
the second officer contained no cyanide
at all. We are told that the cyanide
poisoning was the result of inhalation,
after plastic foam burned in the fire, but
the co-pilot and second officer were
breathing the same air as Captain White-
house, so it appears that the captain was
poisoned in some other way. In fact, the
bodies of six of the Watergate-connected
passengers had a cyanide content higher
than they could have gotten from a
so-called aircraft fire. And these were the
only people in whom cyanide was found.
Where then did the cyanide come from?
Your reporter doesn't know, but it is
interesting to remember that among the
passengers on Flight 553 was Harold R.
Metcalf, who was carrying a gun, and who
is supposed to be an agent for the Bureau
of Narcotics and Dangerous Drugs. And
an intelligence agent who managed to get
to the crash site recalls that Metcalf has
worked as a parachute jumper in Europe
for the Central Intelligence Agency. In-
deed, the agent recalls that when Met-
calf stepped from the rear door of the
hulk of Flight 553, he was wearing a
jump suit � which is exactly what the
well-dressed man wears if he expects the
plane he is flying in to crash.
And soon after the crash, one of
Skolnick's agents confronted Metcalf
with the theory that the crash had delib-
erately been arranged; to which Metcalf
blurted, "It wasn't supposed to" � and
left the room. Could Metcalf have been
what intelligence officers call a "double
cutout," who was there to do a job, and
didn't know that a job was supposed to
be done on him?
It is also worth recording that the
Administration kidnapped Alex J. Bottos,
a Skolnick investigator, and kept him for
forty days without charge in the Spring-
field, Missouri, federal hospital � the
same place Robert Kennedy kept General
Edwin Walker after kidnapping him �
when Bottos tried to reveal that the two
million dollars in negotiable paper Mrs.
Hunt had carried on Flight 553 was being
disposed of by a criminal "fence."
Finally, there is the incredible fact
that on December 9, 1972 � exactly one
day after the crash � White House aide
Egil Krogh was appointed Undersecretary
of Transportation. Krogh was of course
one of the leaders of the so-called
"plumbers" unit, which on behalf of
Richard Nixon burglarized the offices of
Daniel Ellsberg's psychiatrist. And as
Undersecretary of Transportation he was
in charge of the National Transportation
Safety Board, which was supposed to be
investigating the crash. Furthermore, on
December 19, 1972, only eleven days
after the crash, White House official
Alexander P. Butterfield of Ervin Com-
mittee fame was appointed the new head
of the F.A.A. � which was another
agency supposed to be investigating the
crash. And five weeks after the crash,
Dwight Chapin, Richard Nixon's appoint-
ments secretary, who was also in charge
of the so-called "department of dirty
tricks," became a top official with United
Air Lines.
All of this, of course, is crucially
revealing, but notice that the kept na-
tional press and the Senate Watergate
Committee have said not a word � which
suggests they are participating in the cover-
up they so pompously denounce.
Bremer And The C.I.A.
As we have seen, the Watergate story is
filled with fleeting mentions of the Cen-
tral _Intelligence Agency. James McCord
was a C.I.A. agent for many years. So was
E. Howard Hunt. And the C.I.A. gave
Hunt whatever equipment he wanted to
carry out his clandestine raids, from a wig
to photographic equipment to false iden-
tification. Of course, we are constantly
told that both Hunt and McCord had
"retired" prior to the Watergate burglary,
but the question arises of whether the
Agency would work so closely with people
who were no longer on its-payroll. Indeed,
C.I.A. boss Richard Helms was awakened
at three in the morning to be told that
the Watergate Five had been arrested.
Why would somebody take the trouble to
notify the head of the CIA. � at three in
the morning � about a domestic bur-
glary? The most sensible explanation, of
course, is that the arrested Watergators
were active C.I.A. agents who are now
protecting the Agency.
It is interesting that under the Nixon
reorganization the director of the C.I.A.
is also chairman of the board and coordi-
nator of all U.S. intelligence agencies,
including the Department of Defense
Intelligence Agency and the ultrasecret
National Security Ageiicy. Short of the
President, he is the one man in a position
to tie up all of these loose ends. When
Watergate broke, CIA. Director Richard
Helms was rushed off as U.S. Ambassador
to Iran. James Schlesinger was very brief-
ly made Director, and then quickly
moved up to Secretary of Defense as the
Watergate scandal became the subject of
national outrage. With the heat on, Presi-
dent Nixon named William E. Colby to be
CIA. Director. Mr. Colby's previous job
had been as head of the C.I.A.'s Director-
ate of Operations, where he had spent his
entire career. This is the so-called "De-
partment of Dirty Tricks," in charge of
revolutionary activities and political assas-
sination. Among the men 'reporting di-
rectly to him had been E. Howard Hunt.
And this raises another fascinating
series of questions. Regular readers of
AM ERICA N. OPINION will recall that in
the October, 1972, issue of this magazine
your reporter exposed the conspiracy to
kill Governor George Wallace in Maryland
on May 15, 1972. You will. remember
that Arthur Bremer was trained and
financed to do the job by a gang of
Milwaukee revolutionaries with many
CoMmunist connections. His immediate
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superior in the conspiracy was an appar-
ent Maoist-Communist named Dennis Sal-
vatore Cossini, who turned up very, very
dead in the trunk of an automobile in
Toronto less than two weeks after your
reporter began looking for him. And you
will recall that Cossini's body was im-
mediately picked up by three C.I.A.
agents � which naturally raised the ques-
tion of whether Cossini himself was a
C.I.A. agent.
In The Review Of The News for July
11, 1973, investigative reporter Timothy
Heinan revealed that he had confirmed
from three separate federal sources that
Dennis Cossini, the "control" on Bremer,
was himself connected with the Central
Intelligence Agency. Your reporter knew
from the beginning that the revolution-
aries in Milwaukee did not think up the
assassination of Wallace themselves. In
fact there has been sworn testimony that
Watergator dirty tricks specialist Donald
Segretti, a trained agent provocateur, was
operating in Wisconsin with such abandon
.that the White House had to send special
investigator Anthony Ulasewicz to "inves-
tigate" its own man.
So the question now arises: Were the
Watergators behind the shooting of
George Wallace? It is a shocking question,
an impossible question. But at the same
time, it is perfectly logical and sensible. It
is a question that must be asked.
As we now know, the Watergators did
everything they could last year to prevent
the Democrats from nominating anyone
but George McGovern for President �
just as your reporter was saying at the
time � because McGovern was by far the
easiest candidate for Nixon to defeat.
And as we now know, they went to great
lengths to arrange that. For instance, just
before the Florida primary, they issued a
press release on Senator Ed Muskie's
letterhead, accusing Senators Henry Jack-
son and Hubert Humphrey of sexual
misconduct � the purpose of which was
to discredit all three. We also know now
that before the California primary they
actually enlisted the Nazi Party in an
attempt to get Wallace's American Inde-
pendent Party stricken from the ballot.
And we know that the Watergators
committed an endless series of serious
felonies to re-elect Nixon, from burglary
to bribery to perjury and obstruction of
justice. We also know that the original
scheme suggested by boss Watergator G.
Gordon Liddy included a proposal for
kidnapping � the penalty for which is
death. You will remember that people
dangerous to Nixon were to be taken to
Mexico and kept there by force. Indeed, a
source in U.S. Army Intelligence reports
that Liddy's scheme � approved by Rich-
ard Nixon � included a serious proposal
for political assassination.
Did the Watergators thereafter decide
to implement Liddy's plan by removing
George Wallace in the only way they
could: by sending "lone fanatic" Arthur
Bremer to shoot him? Unfortunately,
there is some evidence which may indi-
� cate a connection between Bremer and
the Watergators.
� It seems that E. Howard Hunt testified
recently at a closed-door session of the
Senate Watergate Committee. According
to the Washington Post of June 21, 1973,
Hunt told the Committee that less than
an hour after the Wallace shooting he got
a call from top Presidential counsel
Charles Colson, who ordered him to
break into Bremer's Milwaukee apart-
ment. The Washington Post tells it this
way: "Colson told Hunt to bring back
information from the apartment ... link-
ing Bremer to left-wing political causes,
according to the accounts."
In other words, Colson was ordering
Hunt to strip Bremer's apartment of any
evidence Bremer might have left there,
showing who had recruited him to mur-
der George Wallace. This would certainly
have included any ties to Bremer's "boss"
Dennis Cossini, the Maoist who turned
out to be a C.I.A. operative.
According to the accounts, Hunt told
Colson that it would take at least four
hours for him to get from Washington to
the Milwaukee apartment, which would
have been too late to grab the evidence
before the F.B.I. began to search. So the
proposed expedition never took place.
Colson at first denied having issued such
orders, but he admitted that immediately
thereafter he got in touch with Assistant
F.B.I. Director W. Mark Felt. And in the
New York Times of July 13, 1973,
former White House aide Douglas Hallett
fills us in:
Mr. Colson says he was charged
by the President with assuring
F.B.I. protection for Bremer and
his apartment; that, in fact, he had
the apartment cordoned off right
after the shooting. The former assis-
tant director of the Bureau, Mark
Felt, can back up these claims.
All of which explains a strange devel-
opment mentioned in your reporter's
expose of the Wallace shooting in AMER-
ICAN OPINION for October 1972. In
that piece I quoted Chicago Tribune
reporters Ronald Koziol and John.
O'Brien, who arrived at Bremer's apart-
ment soon after the shooting and "found
that Federal Bureau of Investigation
agents had come and gone, leaving the
place unguarded .... the FBI agents re-
turned a few hours later and only then
began putting evidence into boxes."
While they were gone, swarms of
"local people" removed just about all
the evidence in the apartment. Could it
be that this totally untypical and unpro-
fessional behavior on the part of the
F.B.I. was the result of Colson's call to
W. Mark Felt? What other explanation is
there? Indeed, it is interesting to note
that in 1970, F.B.I. Director J. Edgar
Hoover refused to endorse the Nixon
Administration's original scheme for po-
litical surveillance, and that he suddenly
died on the night of May 1, 1972 � the
international Communist holiday � only
two weeks before Governor Wallace was
shot, and only six weeks before the
phony Watergate raid. We are told that
Hoover died of natural causes, which is
possible, but unfortunately there was no
autopsy to prove it. In fact the body
had been wrapped in a sheet, thrown in
the back of a waiting car, and rushed
from the Hoover home before a careful
investigation could be made at the death
The Nelsongator
In your reporter's opinion, Watergate
amounts to nothing more than a sophisti-
cated gang fight, the prize in which is not
1929 Chicago, but the whole world.
It is interesting to note that the same
kept national press which did everything
to get Richard Nixon re-elected is now
leading the attempt to tear him apart.
And the beneficiary appears to be top
conspirator Nelson Rockefeller, who in
your reporter's opinion has long been
Richard Nixon's benefactor and superior.
It was Nelson Rockefeller in New York
whom Republican Presidential nominee
Richard Nixon travelled to see from the
1960 G.O.P. Convention in Chicago, in
order to get the Rockefeller platform
which Nixon substituted for the one the
delegates had written. It was into Rocke-
feller's Fifth Avenue apartment building
that Nixon later moved: and it was a
Rockefeller law firm that paid him more
than $200,000 a year to make speeches
after he had apparently been finished by
his loss to Pat Brown in the race for
Governor of California. It is also Rocke-
feller men who are now replacing the
Nixonites on their way from the White
House to jail. For instance, Leonard
Garment, who has replaced John Ehrlich.
man and John Dean, has long been a
Rockefeller man. So is General Alexander
Haig, a protege of Rockefeller's man
Henry Kissinger, who replaces H.R. Hal-
deman. And so is Elliot Richardson, our
new Attorney General, who supervise!
the Justice Department's Watergate inves
ligation. As Michael Kramer put it in :
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recent issue of New York magazine:
"... To hear the Governor's advisers tell
it, Watergate was ordained by the gods so
that Nelson Rockefeller could capture the
Republican Presidential nomination in
�1976 ...."
Was it really ordained by the gods � or
by Nelson Rockefeller himself? Is Rocke-
feller really the man behind the exposure
of Watergate, by way of double agents
planted in the Nixon machinery? Is
Rockefeller trying once again to satisfy
his quadrennial ambition to be President,
so that he can run the show openly as
well as in secret? Already we see a
plethora of planted items in the national
press, indicating that Nelson Rockefeller
is once again available. And syndicated
columnist Paul Scott suggests that the
plan apparently was to force Nixon to
resign, after which Spiro Agnew, a former
head of the Rockefeller for President
Committee, would use the Presidential
succession amendment ratified in 1967 to
appoint his benefactor as Vice President.
This of course would give Rockefeller a
long headstart toward the nomination for
President in 1976.
That year 1976 is an important one. It
has long appeared that it is the year the
Conspiracy of super-rich Establishment
Insiders had selected to consolidate dicta-
torship over all the world. And along
these lines, it is also interesting to note
that for years Nelson Rockefeller and his
brothers have been defending and fi-
nancing the Communists � whom the
Conspiracy created to serve as its flunk-
ies. Nelson Rockefeller, for instance, is
the man who, in 1945, concealed the
evidence given him by the F.B.I. which
proved that U.N. founder Alger Hiss was
in fact a Soviet spy; the man who has
been an intimate, lifelong associate of
Venezuelan Communist Romulo Betan-
court; the man who did everything he
could to support the Communist activi-
ties of Martin Luther King. Indeed, in-
telligence expert Frank Cape11 reports in
the June, 1973, issue of The Herald Of
Freedom that, according to former C.I.A.
research analyst R. Harris Smith, during
the Eisenhower Administration General
Walter Bedell Smith, then head of the
C.I.A., warned the President that "Rocke-
feller is a Communist."
And, as I write, Nelson's brother
David, who runs the conspiratorial Coun-
cil on Foreign Relations, has just returned
from a visit to Mao Tse-tung, the mass
murderer for whom David Rockefeller is
trying to arrange "most-favored-nation"
status � which would facilitate the trans-
fer of our wealth to Red China. David
Rockefeller's bank will now handle Mao's
banking business in the United States,
and the Maoist Government will have
direct official ties with David Rocke-
feller's Council on Foreign Relations.
All of which should surprise no one
who knows that Communism is simply a
tool of a small gang of incredibly wealthy
totalitarians who are trying to enslave
The Proof Of A Conspiracy
Destructive though the manufactured
Watergate scandal is, Americanists can
nevertheless use it to advantage. For years
we have patiently been warning that there
is a Conspiracy in Washington, the goal of
which is to destroy our Constitution and
our rights. And for years we have been
told hysterically that we are crazy. For
years we have been criticized for recom-
mending the impeachment, for instance,
of Supreme Court Chief Justice Earl
Warren, who made a shambles of our
Constitution. But now the word "conspir-
acy" is On the front page of our daily
newspaper � which is always the last to
know � and the same people who called
us crazy are demanding the impeachment
of the President.
Watergate is a dramatic opportunity
for Americanists to expose the Conspir-
acy fully, which is the only way to
remove the conspirators and preserve our
form of government and our rights, while
there is still time. � �
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