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August 7, 2017
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Publication Date: 
November 28, 1973
vot Approved for Release: 2017/01/18 C01482365 28 NOV 1973 �N, (4 :74774 c. ; , i-i" � . ' By Oswald Johnston r.News Staff Writor Former CIA director Richard M. Helms has testi- fied for a second time be- fore the Watergate grand jury about possible CIA involvement in the break-in at Democratic National Headquarters and the sub- sequent coverup. Helms, now ambassador to Iran, was recalled from his diplomatic post for testi- mony and appeared for about .an hour yesterday before the grand jury, ac- cording to sources close to the investigation. Watergate special prose- cutor Leon Jaworski's of- fice refused any comment on the Helms interrogation. But it understood staff in- vestigators, following the lead of Archibald Cox, wanted to examine further a memorandum written by Helms II days after the June 17, 1972, Watergate break-in in which he asked that 'FI3BI agents "confine themselves to the perionali- ties already arrested or di- rectly under investigation." THE JUNE 28, 1972, memo surfaced earlier this month and stirred reports of renewed interest at the prosecutor's office in Helm's -original testimony. in some eyes, the memo ran directly counter to sieern te,uineny by ir.ere.:; and other CIA eiliciels that the agency had no connec- tion whatsoever with E. Howard Hunt and the other onetime intelligence opera- Mich., whose CI in subcommittee o the House Armed Services ommittee, has probably ce ried out the most painstaki 'study of the relationship of Crt-I--tue Watergate, has firmly con- cluded that the agency was not involved and that the potentially damaging memo is really innocent. William E. Colby, the present CIA director, earli- ci' this month prepared at the invitetion of See Armed Services Commitice actin; cirn:nhuer D-Mo., a second memo to explain what Helms had in mind. In it, Colby explained that the original Helms memo, lives who carried out the June 17 break-in. This apparent discrepan- cy was further underlined earlier this month by an ar- ticle in :Harper's Magazine. It contended that Eugenio Martinez, one of the five conspirators apprehended inside the Democratic head- quarters and admittedly a paid CIA informant at the time of the break-in, had kept CIA higher-ups.fully informed of the doings of Hunt and his colleagues. � THE THESIS has been sharply disputed by all con- gressional investigators who have looked into the matter. The Senate Armed Services Committee held two hearings earlier in the month in an unsuccessful I toi 1.7 cials confirmed yesterday that Helms returned from Tehran oyer the weekend. Informed sources reported that he conferred with Col- by Monday, and he was reported to have met with Ned.zi yesterday afternoon. When questioned, Nedzi reiterated that the contro- versial memo could hurt Helms only through misin- terpretation. "Our record is complete," he said, adding _that he and his subcon-unit- . RICHARD HELMS � tee had gone through "piles- . of mettioranda" from classi- addressed to deputy CIA lied CIA files relating to the effort to press the author to director Gen. Vernon A. Watergate crew, including Rep. Lucien edzi to, 7' ri; authenticate his cla \I/alters irns. mP � 13... , was aid at pro-- age.nts undercoverMeNicofrom aet-: shred on evidence of any involvement. N D_ e, s!sre 5yaTn�T111. ri turned out to he-d-r 'Etc:Publican 'Fina.nce Committee money chain-- through a Mexico�City "HE WANTED to dis- courage a fishing expedition into CIA operations," Colby said. .Nedzi has fully accepted fins interpretation, heth in a special subcommittee re- p(;,::: on the connection prel-,ared last meith and in private con- versation thereafter. He repeated his conviction in an interview State Department offi- /, Approved for Release: 2017/01/18 C01482365