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Approved for Release: 2017/01/18 C01482075
4 March 1974
MEMORANDUM FOR: Legislative Counsel -
IlMa mr�������,., +1,
SUBJECT : Search of Office of Security "Watergate" Files
1. This office has taken possession of the files of the Office of
Security which were used by those assigned to work on the so-called
Watergate problem and related subject matter. Five Inspector
General officers have gone through these files page byTage, looking
specifically for three memoranda reportedly written by
which would contain information on Lee Pennington dated.
26 and 28 June 1972 or 1973. and 13 July 1972 (it was forwarded on
31 July 1973, and for any memoranda written by, or prepared for,
Mr. Paul Gaynor and/or also relating to
Mr. Lee Pennington, from the period 1 January 1971 to 30 June 1973.
2. We have found the three memoranda ascribed to
but they contain no information on Pennington (see Tab A). We have
found only two memoranda by Mr. Gaynor on the subject in question
in addition to the one previously supplied your office (see Tab B).
One is a poor xerox copy of .a memorandum dated 22 December 197.2,.
referring to a report of the attitude of Mr. James McCord towards
the intention of various parties involved in the legal aspects of the
Watergate investigation. The second is a three paragraph type-
written memorandum captioned "Explanatory Note" contained in
material along with the previously supplied McCord letters. It is
dated 9 January 1973 and although not signed by Gaynor it was
obviously prepared by him as it refers to McCord's first communi-
cation being sent to his son's home. He has previously testified to
3. Copies of both memoranda are attached see Tab C
Tabs A., B and C
Donald F. Chamberlain
Inspector Genera
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.F.Ata.cho.d document was not forwarded until 31 July
1973 per
4 March 1974
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Over the week-end of 1-2 July 1972 James W. McCord
negotiated to retain F. Lee Bailey as his attorney. At a
preliminary hearing in District of Columbia Superior Court
on 6 July 1972, Mr. McCord was bound over to the grand
jury after an unsuccessful attempt by his current attorney,
Gerald Alch, to have burglary charges against his client
Bernard L. Barker has retained as his attorney Henry
Rothblatt, of New York City. Mr. Rothblatt defended Colonel
Oran Henderson during his court-martial in connection with
the Mylai incident in Vietnam.
The remaining three Watergate incident :suspects continue
to retain Joseph A, Rafferty as their attorney, although he has
stated that they will soon all have their own lawyers. .
Robert Foster Bennett, Director and Executive Vice-President
of Robert R. Mullen and Company, the Washington, IL C., public
relations firm which employed Everette Howard Hunt has admitted.
to the press a former relationship between his firm, Radio Free
Cuba, and this Agency. Robert R. Mullen and Company currently
provides cover forrge.ncy assets. Of interest also is the
fact that the 'mention of Robert R. Mullen and Company in the press
has caused Philip Agee, a disaffected former Agency staff officer
who is planning to write a book about the Agency, to comment that
ho is aware of certain cover arrangements entered into by the
Agency and Robert R. Mullen and Company in the past.
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Ameritas, Incorporated, has now been identified as a li-gitirnat-
real estate firm in Miami, Florida. Principal offices are Miguel
A, Suarez and Bernard Barker
On 5 July 1972
received an inquiry
from Mr, Carl Bernstein, of the Washington
Post, in regard
to Howard Hunt, has been socially
and professionally acquainted with Mr. Hunt for 20 years. An
Office of Security representative plans to contact (b)(3)
for details.
Charles W. Colson is a Special Assistant to President Nixon,
and reportedly hired Everette Howard Hunt, Jr., as a White
House Consultant. Mr. Colson was born on 16 October 1931
at Boston, Massachusetts. In 1963 he was employed by Craig
Systems, Incorporated, Lawrence, Massachusetts, and held a
Secret Air Force clearance- In August 1964, he was a legal
consultant to the Controls Division of the Leach Corporation,
Azusa, California, with offices at Gadsby, Hannah, Colson
and Merin, 729 15th Street, Washi-ngton, D, C. On 9 September
1964 he was cleared at the Secret level for use on an Agency
contract The contract, which was
security- supervised by terminated
on 17 December 1969 relationship with Mr.
McCord has been previously reported.
A. Stephen T. Anderson
Stephen T. Anderson, as noted previously, was a summer
employee of this Agency in 1963 and 19652 and is currently
Security Officer.for the Committee .for the Re-election of
the President. Mr. Anderson was interviewed by the FBI
on 30 June 1972. He told them he had no knowledge of the .
case, explained his relationship with Messrs. McCord and.
Hunt, and identified their photographs,
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was i.nte.a.-viewed by the FBI On 27 June 1972�
He was asked if be knew why McCord had paid .
-)y check, -and gave. the same explanation
reported earlier�that the payments were for odd jobs
he Performed for Mr,- McCord:, The
FBI also asked the names of parsons employed at �
McCord Associates; what work he did for Mr. -McCord;
whether Mr, McCord ever brought cameras to the office;
and the degree of access
office files,
had to Mr., McC,ercl's
claimed he answered all questions
Miguel A, Suarez 'Fernandez is the father of Miguel A� Suarez
Sarrain, the real estate partner of Bernard. L, Barker..
Suarez Fernandez was born in Las Villas, Cuba, on 5 ,Tuly 1903.
He received a law degree at the University of Havana in 1924.. -
Active in Cuban politics, he was elected a senator on four
successive occasions, and served as President of the Senate.
from 1945 to 1950, In 1.950 he was reportedly associated with
the Re.volutionary Insurrectional Union, a gangster-type organi-
zation which he reportedly used to further his political ends.
He was named Ministe.r of State in May 1951, but re.5ignecl. in
Auust and. went to Spain, In 3.952 he returned to Cuba and
occupied posts under 13z...tista for a short period., In 1954 he was
again elected a senator, representing Las Villas.
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Miguel A. Suarez mentioned in an earlier Watergate
Incident Status Report dated 26 June 1972, has now been
correctly identified as Miguel A. Suarez Sarrain. -� The
previously reported information about his real eState
.partnership with Bernard L, .Barker and his Republican
Party activities in Florida is correct.- He has not, however,
been in contact with this Agency at any time, and the Agency
has had no contact with his firm, Ameritas
Miguel A, Suarez was born in Cuba in about 1936,
and is a United States citizen. He is married to Yolanda.'
Suarez Sa.r.rain, was 'educated in the United States, and passed
the Florida Bar examinations in 1963. Prior to 1965 he -
was a law clerk for Attorney Ellis S. Rubin; Miami Beach,
Florida. He also worked as secretary of the Pan American
Drug Company in Miami, of which his father was President.
Suarez Sa.rrain was an unsuccessful Republican candidate for
mayor of Miami. in 1971.
The Federal Bureau of Investigation has inquired regarding
the following additional individuals and activities:
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No. specifics were provided by the FBI, except that the-
query was related to Eugenio Rolando Martinez Careaga.
Agency checks to date have revealed no reference to this
D. Manuel Gibe rga.
The Miami Field Office of the FBI expressed an interest
in Mr. Giberga. � Although he expressed interest in Agency
employment in 1966, he has never been an Agency employee...
He was said to be Secretary General of.La.. Cruz (The
Cross). in 1960. This was allegedly a Cuban anti-Communist
underground organiza.tion,
Santia..-r,o Morales Diaz
The Miami Field Office of the FBI expressed an. interest in
Morales Diaz. Ile was a member of the Brigade 2506, was
infiltrated into Cuba before the Bay of Pigs invasion, and
evaded capture until August 1961. He was sentenced to
death, then to 30 years. He escaped from prison in 1967,
was recaptured, and as pf February 1972 was reported to
be still a prisoner. He was known by the war name "Diego, II
Also, a person named Santiago Morales, matronymic unknown.,
used the war name "Felipe" during 1961.
F. IViir.r,uel Su.rez
Sarrain is the real estate partner of Bernard L.. Barker,
one of the pr1nc12a15 in the Watergate incident, The data
regarding Suarez Sarrain outlined elsewhere in this memo-
randum was furnished to the FBI..
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G, inaldo Quintoro
Tic Miami Field ofieice of the FBI expressed an
interest in this individual.,
n uintero, also known as "Felipe," was a Cuban
Air Force Captain who was a member or contact
of Unidad Revolucionaria (Revolutionary Unity) in
H. iVairael Ogarrio
aka: Manuel Ogarrio Daguerre.
� The Federal Bureau of Investigation expressed an
interest in Subject. Agency traces were negative.
I. War Name tlFelipetl
The Miami FieldOffice of the FBI expressed an intere6t:
in this name. Our research led to the possibility that
the name might be linked to Santiago Morales Diaz 6r to
Reinaldo Quintero.
The following additional persons have received mention in the
media in connection with the Watergate incident:
A. Humberto Lopes is identified in the press as having been
at the Watergate at the time of the alleged attempt to .
install listening devices in the Democratic National -
Committee Headquarters. He also has been identified
by the press as a member of the Ex-CombF.Ltientes Cubanes
de Fort Jackson, although one report says he is not No
identifiable data in Agency files.
�William Alexander, North Miami Beach, Floa.-ida, is
mentioned in the .press as the 'former Pres:Tr:lex-it of-
Arraeritas, Incorporated. He is an Eastern Air Lines
test pilot:, and a vc�teran of the Bay of Pigs.. On the basis
of information available to date, he is not identifiable in
Agency records. � �
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C. Leonard Gla.sser, .?..iTiarni, Florida, architect, is .
mentioned in the press as having been aukc_-.d by
ern.ard L. Barker, to provide him last year with.
blueprints of the Miami Beach Convention hall and
its air conditioning system.. No identifiable traces.
D. Michael 3, Morrissey, Chief Engineer, B. R. Fox
Incorporated, Holmes, New York., � is mentioned in
the press as a wiretapping expert. He provided
general commentary on the field of wiretapping. No
identifiable information.
E. Hector de Lara is mentioned in the press as an
accountant, and Treasurer of _Ameritas, Incorporated.
No identifiable data.
F. Robert C. Mardian is mentioned in the Press. as a
Republican Party official whom Mr. McCord reportedly
called twice during the week before the Watergate
incident. He is a former Assistant Attorney General
in charge. of the Division of Internal Security, and was
a special assistant to the former Republican Party-- -
campaign director, John N. Mitchell, Mr. Mardian
claimed not to know Mr. McCord, and said he Might
have talked to him about clearing a driver for the
Republican Convention. Unidentified press sources state
that Mr. Mardian and Mr. McCord were acquainted in .
1969-1970, when Mr. Mardian was General Coansel'with .
the Department of Health, Education and Welfare.. -
Agency files reflect that Mr. Mardian was born on 23 October
1923 in Pasadena,: California. The Federal Bureau of -
Investigation conducted. a favorable background investigation
on him in March 1969,. He was granted Special Clearances
by the Agency in December 1970 in connection with his work
. at the Department of Justice. The clearances were
dropped when he left there, effective 1 May 1972.
G. Manuel Artime is.rnentioned in the press as a Cuban exile
military leader of the 1961 invasion, and one. with tqinks
to the Republican Party." He is otherwise listed as Manue
Artirne Buesa.
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E. .D Orr N. B.rrv, of liou.s ton, Tc , isrne-ntion.,-d
in th::: pr,:ss as a sir:to�in.-law of James W. McCord,
and ond of the office. r S of McCord Associates No
identifiable Agency data.
1. Kenneth W. Parlinson is mentioned in the pres.zi as an
atto2.-ney reps�:t:senting the Nixon Re-Election CoMmittee�
- He testified at a hearing in the damage suit brought
by the Democratic National Committee against the
principals in the Watergate incident, No identifiable -
� Angel Ferrer, Miami, Florida, is mentioned in the press
as having been at the Watergate at the time of the raid.
Ferrer claims he was actually in Miami then. He is
identified in the press as a former member of Ex-Combat-
ientes de Fort Jackson, a Cuban exile organization. Not
identifiable on the basis of available information.
K. Charles W0 Colson is identified in the press as .a Special
Consultant to the President, and Everette Howard Hunt, Jr.,
is alleged to have, served as his part-time. "Consultant."
The news media states that Colson and Hunt are "friends"
dating back to 1 96 6, when they were Officers of the Brown -
University Club of Washington. . Agency traces reflect a �
relationship with him as a consultant to an Agency
contractor between 1964 and 1969 as reported above..
L. Mario Lazo is identified in the press as a lawyer now living
. in Norfolk, Connecticut, who represented Americans in
Cuba,. and who asked Edward Bennett Williams help some
years ago to get Bernard L. Barker's^k.
. This individual is. Mario Lazo y Guiral, a 77- year old.
lawyer and writer who represented American interests in
- Cuba for many years, He is an .America.a citizen and
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M. Dr. MicuelAlvarez or Miami, Florida, is mentioned
in the press as a contributor of funds to obtain Bernard
L. Barker's release on bail. Dr. Alvarez is a 'grandfather
of Mr. Barker's daughter, Maria Elena Barker Moffett.
N. F, Lee Bailey, nationally known trail lawyer; has agreed
to meet with James W. McCord to discuss his case with
him, according to press reports. No pertinent Agency
� 0, Representative William S. Moorehead is identified in the
press as Chairman of the House Foreign Operations and
Government Iniorrn2..tion subcommittee, which is looking
into the activities of the Special Analysis Division an 'Air
Force Wing involved in wartime information coordinating
activities. Until January 1 972, the unit was commanded
by James W. McCord, Mr. McCord resigned from the
unit because of irpressure from outside ventures and
business activities.
Urban A. Lester is identified in the press, as one of three
lawyers representing Douglas Caddy. (Douglas Caddy was
brought into the Watergate case by the wife of Bernard L.
Barker. Caddy is a personal friend of Bernard L. Barker,
and is to be called as a witness to explain his own associatior,
with E. Howard Hunt.)
. Mr. Lester was born on 24 August 1929 at Knoxville,
Tennessee, He received a Bachelor of Arts Degree at
Catholic University of America in. 1954, and a Doetor
of Laws Degree there in 1959, He was the
District of. Columbia Bar in 1962, From 1963 to 1969 Mr.
Lester served as Special Counsel with the Federal Home
Loan Bank, and from 1967 to 1969- represented the State of
Alaska. He is a member of the Federal and American Bar
Associations, and a Captain in the U. S. Air Force Reserves.
M. Lester is associated with Lester and Contrucci, Suite
709, 1776 K Street, N. W.., Washington, D. C.; telephone:
(202) 659.-9010.
9 -
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Jose Garcia is identified in the .press as one .b.f:the
three subscribers to the P.rticles of incorporation of
.Arneritas, and involved with Barker Associates; Miami,
Florida, in the buildin,; of the Biarritz Tower,
a ivi.57.-.-11
Garciga may be identical to Jose Ricardo Ramon Garciga
Orbe, born 31 August 1922 in Cuba., He came to the
United States on 9 September 1961, In May 1962, he was
an unemployed accountant, and had been a member of the
IVIRR an anti-Castro group.
Marta E. Palarno is identified in the press as the secretary
of Miguel A, Suarez (Sarrain) at Ameritas, and one of the
incorporators of that fir.m. No identifiable data..
S. Maria E. Rios is identified in the press as one of the
incorporators of Am..eritas. No identifiable data.
T. Henry B. Roth'olatt is mentioned in the press as the new
attorney (7 July 1972).for Bernard L. Barker, The press
indicates that Mr, Rothblatt defended Colonel Oran
Henderson in the M-y-Lai massacre case. Agency files
contain references to Mr. Rothblatt's association with the
"Green Berets" case.
Geralci Alch, described in. the news media as an associate
of F. Lee Bailey, accompanied James V. McCord to his
District of Columbia Superior Court hearing on 6 July 1972.
Arfenrir files have revealed no record on Mr. Alch.
A, Norton R, Schonfeld is mentioned by Dr. Edward M. Gunn
as Coovo.'inator of the Law EnforcerneAt Curriculum at
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Mon. .)mery Junior College, Iockv. .o, Maryland, He
is a former Agent of the Federal Bureau of Investigation
and of the Office of Special Investigations, He resides at
6 0 3 larby Road, Bethesda, Maryland. No identifiable
B. Robert H, �Muhlback is identified by Dr. Edward M. �Gunn
as an associate of the Center for Protection and Safety
Studies, Rockville, Maryland, whose Director is James W.
McCord, Jr0 Agency indices contain no record of Mr,
C. Dennis V. Riley is mentioned by Dr. Edward M. Glum as
an associate of Mr. McCord's in. the Center for Protection
and Safety Studies, Rockville, Maryland. Riley is connected-
with the Beltway Alarm Service, 11205. Old Baltimore Pike,
Beltsville, Maryland; telephone: 937-8830. Agency indices
contain no identifiable record of Mr. Riley.
D. Margarita Sarmiento Vega is mentioned by
as the ex-girlfriend of Juan Rigoberto Ruiz Villegas,
No pertinent Agency traces,
E. Robert L. Houston is mentioned by Stephen. Tingley Anderson,
an Agency dependent, as his supervisor at the Committee for
the Re-election of the President.
F. Glenn I. Sedam is an official of the Republican National
Committee with whom made arrangements
to employ 'Juan Rig,obc,,,rto Ruiz Villags_s
Sedam has had no connection with this Agency.
on a part-time basis.
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A DD.E:Nr.).l..13\il
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As of 11 July. 1972., Everette 1toward Hunt had. reportedly agrc-ed
to talk with the authorities if he coulc.:.Eind accept:abh-, co.unsel.: Press
reports reflect that he has retained William O. Dittmar', of Hogan
ar�.1 Hartson, 815 Connecticut Avenue N� W., .Washing-ton, D. C..
Agency files contain no record of any Agency affiliation on Mr. Bittrn:-..n's
par t.
Mr Bittma.n was born on 6 August 1931 at Milwaukee-, Wisconsin'.
Ile received a Bachelor of Science Degree ai Marquette University in �
19363 and a.Doctor of Laws Degree at De Paul University in 1959. Mr,.
Bittrnan was Assistant United. States Attorney at Chicago, Illinois,
from 1960 to �1963. He was Assistant Chief of the 'Criminal Division
1962 to 1963; Special Attorney, Organized Crime and Racketeering
Section 1964; and Special Trial Attorney 1965 to 1967, Department of
Justice. � � �
12 .
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0�Approved for Release: 2017/01/18 C01482075'. �
� r4*. 4
�.%k 1.
Watergate Incident
Howa21-1--,J. Ces'born
cur ity
TO; too.n numb:tr., cr.d
Deputy Director for Su. ppor,
/ .
28 June 1972
commENrs -0.-twobcr coro,ozot to from wItom
to whom. or a liaz cOlumt) oft,zr ;
3. EXt:',C1.11: N,e Director-comptrc
.. �
, a
A supplemental report.
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R.�eference is made to the previous summary of 26 June 1972,
which provided details on the arrest of five Men by the .
Washington Metropolitan Police, after having been discovered
breaking into the Democratic National Headquarters on
17 June 1972. The five primary figures included Messrs.
James Walter McCord, Jr., a former CIA Staff Employee
(1951-1970); Bernard L. Barker, a former Agency .Asset
(1960-1966); Frank Anthony Sturgis, who has never been
employed by CIA; Eugenio Rolando Martinez Careaga, who.
worked on an Agency project from 1961 to 1969, and has
since been on a $100.00 a month retainer; and Virgilio Ramon
.Gonzales-Rosabel, who has never.had any ties with CIA.
.Much of the publicity on the case has centered. on Mr. Everette �
Howard Hunt, Jr., a White House Consultant who formerly
served as a CIA Staff Employee from 1949 to 1970.- Mr. Hunt
was initially interviewed by the Federal Bureau of Investigation
in the evening of 17 June 1972, but he refused to discuss details
of his involvement on Constitutional grounds. Information has.
now developed which indicates that in 1960 he had a documented
alias in the name of Edward V.. Hamilton; he u.sed the r_ame:
Edward J. Hamilton. in 1963; and in.1968-1970, he was se.riously
considering the publication of a book under the name of Edward
J. Hamilton. Recent news articles indicate- that Mr. Frank
Anthony Sturgis had regiStered at the Watergate and gave the
police the name of "Edward Hamilton" at the time of his arrest.
As of 27 June 1972, the Federal Bureau of Investigation gave.
indications that the whereabouts of Hutt is unknown. The
Bureau is checking. on Mr. Hunt's handwriting,
1 4 4 .;::;1�,�14 .01
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was contacted
by a Special Agent of the Federal Buceau of Investigation
Juan Rigeberto RUIZ Villegas
Juan Rigoberto RUIZ Villegas was last known to be
residing in a boarding house in Gaithersburg, Maryland.
The Federal Bureau of Investigation acquired. his
address as of 26 June 1972, and it was expected that he
would be interviewed by the Bureau in the morning of
27 June 1972,, The results of the interview are not yet
C. Ross Ward Lambert .
Mr, Ross Ward Lamber
applied for a position with McCord Associates
but took a job elsewhere, On 27 June 1972, information
was received that he had been interviewed by a Special-
Agent of the Federal Burz,:a.,.a of Investigation assigned
to the Chicago Field Office:, He apparently was asked.
why he applic,,d at McCord Associates, but we have no
other i:,..-ifo-2.-mation on the interview.,
- (b)(3)
- .(b)(3)
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-Approved for Release: 2017/01/18 001482075
a GS-1
The Federal Bureau of Investigation
was specifically interested in developing information
concerning possible tics to Mr. Everette Howard. Hunt,
Jr. A Special Agent of the Federal Bureau of Investi-
gation interviewed Mr. on 27 June 1972, but
there were no significant Agency implications in this.
Stephen Tingley Anderson
Mr. Stephen Tingley Anderson
worked as a "Summer Employee" in 1963
and 1965. Mr. Stephen Anders-on was volunts.rily inter-
� viewed- by an Office of Security representative on
27 June 1972, at which time he indicated that he is
currently employed by the Committee for the Re-election
� of the President, and he had been working as a Security
� Officer under the supervision of Mr. James Walter
McCord, Jr. Young Anderson stated that he was some-
what concerned about a possible interview by the Federal
Bureau of Investigation, and he mentioned that his present
boss, Mr. Robert L. Houston, has advised all Committee
employees to have a Committee attorney present during
any discussions with .Special Agents of the Federal Bureau
of Investigation.
A. Edward William Naeher
Mr. Edward William Naeher was previously mentioned
� as being a Bookkpe.per and Accountant for Robert R.
I., �
17, '
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Mullen and Corapa.ny, which has been utilized by
the Central Cover. Starr/a-DP, siTace 1963
B. John Eugene KE.,11v.
Mr. John Eugene Kelly,
- (b)(3)
of considerable security interest to the Far East
Division in May 1970, -when he was reported to be
writing a book on American inefficiency and corruption
in Vietnam. On 21 June 1972, Mr. Kelly contacted the .
Miami Office of Domestic Contact Service and offered
to write a favorable report to CBS on the Watergate
incident, in e:Kchang,e for the Agency perspective and
interpretation of the bugczinst story." This matter was
referred to Deputy Assistant to the .
Director, and the decision was made not to go along
with the deal:,
Mrs. Bernard L. Barker
Mrs. Bernard L. Barker has been mentioned in the .
press as the individual who initially called an attorney,
Michael Douglas �Caddy, after the arrest of her husband.�
.connection with the Watergate incident. There has
been an increased focus of attention on him because of
his financial interests.
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The Federal Bureau of Investigation has apparently traced
large sums of money to banking establishments in Mexico
City, Mexico. Mr. Bernard t. Barker has been questioned
extensively on the funding aspects of the operation, and his
explanations on real estate deals are not being accepted as
the truth. As of 27 Juno 1972, the Federal Bureau of Investi-
gation continued to show considerable interest in the financial
aspects of the Watergate incident.
The Federal Bureau of Investigation expressed an interest
in Media Graphix, a Washington, D. C. firm with offices at .
1730 "K" Street, Northwest, and 919 18th Street, Northwest,
Suite 130, On 27 June 1972, the Federal Bureau of Investi-
gation was advised that we have no record of the organization.
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A". (
Howard J. Osborn 11,;
Tiirector of Security'f,."
����:.! roam :lumbar, and
!II:CEP/110 1-0/,'AlDiD
Dty Director
fo: S-.7.1).00rt
Execu.cive Director-
A....� - I ,...,.., C.i...�,.
� /./ Democratic National Head-
quarters at the Watergate in Washington, D. C. The five
men had cameras and rather sophisticated. bugging equip-
ment. AlthOugh the suspects initially used aliases during
the police interrogation, they were identified as Messrs.
James Walter McCord, Yr.; Bernard L. Barker; Prank, -
Anthony Sturgis; Eugenio Rolando Martinez Careaga; and ,
Virgilio Ramon ,Gonzales -Rosabel. The Watergate incident
has continued to receive extensive publicity, and there is
suspicion that a sixth person was directly involiied in the
illegal entry.
1, James Walter McCord,
.Mr. James W. Mc Cord, Jr., a former Agent of the
Federal Bureau of Investigation, served as a Staff.
Employee of the Agency from 22 August 1951 until
his retirement on. 31 August 1970. At the time of his
retirement, he was a CS-15, Security Officer. He �
has since set up his private investigative organization
known as McCord Associates, and in early 1972,
was named Security. Coordinator for the National
Committee for the Re-election of President
2. Bernard L, Barker
Mr. Bernard L, Barker, a former Captain in the U.S.
.Air Force, was born la Cuba of American-born parents,
and he b,.igan cooperating with the Agency in 1959. He
was hired on a contract b?.sis in April 1960, and was
used primarily to report on Cuban exile activities. Mr.
Barker was terminated by the Agency on 31. July 1966,
to accept employm-!nt in private industry.
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3. Frank .A.nthonv- Sturgis
Mr. Frank Anthony Sturgis, who has used numerous
aliases, formerly served in the U. S. Marine Corps
and the U. S. Army in the 1940.'s As of 1959, Mr.
Sturgis was a Captaiu in the Cuban Army, but. later
became disillusioned with Castro, became a soldier
of fortune, and in 1961 headed an organization called
the International Anticommunist Brigade, which he
claimed 'had 5,000 members_ Mr. Sturgis was never
recruited by the Agency, but has been associated with
Mr. Eugenio Rolando Martinez, an Agency
contact since the 1960ts.
4. Eugenio Rolando Martinez Careaga
Mr. Eugenio Rolando Martinez, an American
citizen of Cuban birth, was recruited by the Agency in
1961. The project to which he was assigned .was
terminated in 1969, and he has since been on a part-
time retainer
Prior to 1969, he received
for his full-time operational activity_
It is to be noted that Mr. Martinez is a real estate
partner of Mr. Bernard L. Barker.
. Virg,ilio Ramon Gonzales-Rosa.bel
Mr. Virgin() Rarnon Gonzales-Rosa.bel,, who has used
various aliases, is not on record in WH Division/DDP,
or any other component of the Agency. The Federal
Bureau of Investigation has been advised that the Central
Intelligence Agency has no record of Mr. Gonzales-Rosabel_
Everette Howard Hunt, Jr.
Mr.. Everette Howard Hunt,- Jr., a former War.Corre.sponcient -
and free lance writer, was previously- affiliated with the OEfice.
. of Strategic Services, and he was employed as an Agency Staff
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.1....'� :
Employee from S November 19:19 until his re:di-ea-tent
on 30 April 1970, when he commenced privo..1:e employ-
ment with Robert R. M.ulleia and. Cocupz-lny, alirm
which has been utilized by the Agency for cover prirposes.
A news article of July 1971 indicated that Mr. Hunt joined
the White House Staff as a Consultant to President Nixon
preparatory to the President's visit to the Peoples
.1-Zepublie of China. Much of the recent publicity in the
case has focused on Mr.. Hunt, who was intervic.r.ved by the
Federal Bureau of Investigation on 17 June 197Z. He
admitted that he had written a check to Mr. McCord but
invoked his Constitutional, rights on an other questions.
On the White House issue, previous reference was made
to the employment of Mr. James W. McCord by the
Committee for the .Re-election of President Nixon.
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e- I .1.1) ;�.; !,
:i` ;/ A 4 ; �
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'rr .11
1.. Robert Foster Bennett
Robert Foster Bennett, son of U.S. Senator Wallace
Bennett of Utah, is Director and Executive Vice-
President of Robert R. Mullen and Company, which
has been utilized by the Agency for commercial
cover purposes. Mr. Bennett has been. intervieWed.
by members of the news media because of intense
interest in Mr. Everette Howard Hunt, 'Sr., a former
Agency Staff Employee working for the same firm. .-A
Covert Security Approval was issued on 19 March
1971 for Mr. Bennett's use in providing cover for an.
Agency overseas asset. The Ex.ecutive Director-
Comptroller and the Director of Central Intelligence
were advised at the time of the approval.
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-; � .1
1. Robert R. Mullen ,-)nd Company
Robert R. Mullen and Company has been utilized by
the Central Cover Staff since 1963, and since that
time a total of eight people of the Mullen Company
have been cleared or made witting of Agency ties.
Mr. Mullen has provided sensitive cover. support
overseas for Agency employees and he was
instrumental in the formation of the Cuban Freedom
As of 1 May 1970, Mr. Everette Howard
� Liam, Jr., who had just retired from the Agency,
becam.-.: a legitimate employee of Mr. Mullen. He is
aware of present cover placements under.
Robert R. Mullen. and Company. The Federal Bureau
Investi3ati2r.i.was informed of this Agency connection
by 1-Q,c_torandurn dated 21 June 1972,
����..'�-� 1\�-'1
' ,�� � . �
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� Interprogly es is .a now subsidiary of the .Mull.:,;n
.Company formeclin 1971, as a result of contacts
developed at th6 'Zagreb Trade Fair in Yugorila.via.
It is a pilot operation aimed at expandinc, .
West corrarnerciP.1 relationships.
�The Federal Bureau .of
Investigation was advised of the Agency connection
by memorandum dated 21 June -1972, which covered "
Robert R. :Mullen and Company.
The Federal Bureau of investigation and/or the news media
have mentioned the following individuals or organizations in
the course of the investigation of the Watergate incident.
Agency records are either negative or contain no information
directly pertinent to the Watergate incident: �
Association of National Advertise-rs
Association of National Advertisers was mentioned
by The Federal Bureau of Investigation as having, -
offices with Robert R. .Mullen and Company. The
Bureau 'Wall. advised "no record".
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2. 'CIF'
'CU', without further details, was mentioned
by the Fe de ral Bureau of Investigation as having
offices with Robert R. Mullen and Company.
The Bureau was advised "no record" on the. basis
of available information.
Ameritas, Incorporated
� Ame.rita.s, Incorporated is said to be a Florida
real estate firm and several individuals listed
employment with this organization when registering
at the Watergate. The Bureau was advised no
.4. George Leonard
George Leona,rd, 1601 Washington Avenue, Kansas.
City, Kansas, registered at the Watergate. The -
Federal Bureau of Investigaiion was advised "not
5. Edward Warner
Edward Warner, 143 West 73rd Street, New York
City, New York, registered at the Watergate. The
Federal Bureau of Investigation was advised "not
identifiable". The Federal Bureau of Investigation
later listed the person as Edward L. NVarren, of
the same address, and we advised no record".
The press has speculated that "E. Warl-en" may
be an alias of Mr, James W. McCord..
6. Pau Jose Piedra
Paul Jose Piedra registered at the Viratergate. The
Federal Bureau of Investigation was advised "no
. Joe Granada
Job Gran:?.cla registered at the Watergate. The Federal
Bureau of advised "no .record".
k �
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.� ,
8. Dour;las Cadtly
Michael .T.)owzlas Caddy (aJza.: Douglas Caddy) is a
la,.vyer with an. office at 1250 Connecticut Averate.,
Northwest, Washin:fton, D. C. TIe .s ment;oned in
the press as an attorney who was called into the
. case by the wife of Mr. Bernard L. Barker,one of
the primary figures in the Watergate .incident...
On 21 June 1972, the Federal Bureau of Investigation
was advised that Caddy has never been employed by
or associated with the Agency in any capacity.
9.. McCord Associates
No Agency file reference located on McCord Associa.tes.�
10. Institute for Protection and Safety Studies, Inc..
� Institute for Protection and Safety Studies, Inc. is
affiliated indirectly with McCord Associates and
has offices at the same Rockville, Maryland address_
11. Jos 'ph A. Rafferty, Jr.
joSeph A. Rafferty, :Jr., a trial lawyer who was called
into the case by Mr. Ba.rkerls attorney, Douglas Caddy.
No record. .
12. Miguel A. Suarez
Miguel A. Suarez is mentioned in the press as .a Cuban
exile and lawyer and one of the "links to the Republican
Pa.rty". He was listed by the press as a self-styled.
"Ni:-:onia.n." who represented Florida's Cuban community.
.. in dealing with former GOP Governor Claude R.. ICirk,
He is listed as having an office with Mr.. Barker at 955 �
First Street,. Southwest, Miami, Florida, and is said. to
.a businc:ss�pavtner of Mr. Barker. Allegedly the
Federal Bureau of Investigation planned on interviewing
� hiro.. He was of Agency interest between 1960 and 1965.
in connection with propz.i.ganda activities airuod toward
Cuba.. � 7771� 1 7
A 4
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�j .;�q !, 4
13. Marie-F,lene 139,-ker Moflptt
Marie -Elene Barker h.T.offett is mentioned in the..
press as the .daughter .of Mr. Bernard L. Barker.�
Thought was give.n to releasing Mr.- Barker to her..
custody. .No record.
14. Ca2.-ricar.te �
Alberto Carricarte is mentioned in the press as the
law partner of Miguel A. Suarez and Secretary- of
Atheritas, Incorporated.- No record.
15. All State Investment Fund, S. A..
All State Investment Fund, S.A., is mentioned in
the press as the parent company of Ameritas,
Incorporated. It reportedly was established in
Panama by Miguel A. Suarez to engage in real
estate investment activities in the Caribbean area.
No record
Complete biographic summaries have been prepared on those
current Staff Employees, forme.r Staff Employees, and
Contract Personnel who were in any way connected with the
Watergate incident, McCord Associates, the Institute for
Protection and Safety Studies, Inc., or cover organizations.
11 :I
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9 January 1973
1. Original source, 12-22-72, Lee Pennington, is a
retired FBI agent. Has been a source of SRS for about 15
years. A C.P.A., did Hoover's income tax returns for
years. His son Lee Jr. also a. C.P.A. is our subject's
2. First communication was to the apartment of my -
son who is listed ahead of me in current phone director-yr. _�
3. There is a Carl assigned to Intel-
ligence Unit of M. POD. His supervisor is Capt. George
Suter, a liaison contact of WFO/IOSIOS..
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