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Document Creation Date: 
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Document Release Date: 
September 19, 2017
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Publication Date: 
March 22, 1974
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Approved for Release: 2017/09/07 C0148205-6-, /7� 22 March 1974, MEMORANDUM FOR THE RECORD SUBJECT: Dorothy Louise Wetzel Goutiere Hunt 1. This is to advise that all the files and records of the Agency have been searched on subject under all her names, and there is no record of her ever having been employed by the Agency in anY capacity-. 2. Subject applied for Agency employment on 14 April 1:948. Her application was made under the name of Dorothy Louise �Goutiere. Security investigation was completed on 9 November 1948 and The case was closed with the notation that she had accepted a position with ECA.. Subject's file also contained a letter from the Economic Cooperation Administration dated May 11, 1948 indicating that 'subject. was then employed by that Agency� 3. Subject's second husband, Everett Howard Hunt, Jr., was employed by ECA in Paris, France as a public relations specialist on the staff of Ambassador Harriman from May 1948 to February 1949. Subject and E, Howard Hunt met during thiS period and were married in Millbroolc., New York on 7 September 1949. 4. Mr. Hunt served with the, Office of Strategic Services from 27 May 1944 to 8 January 1946, Official records show Mr. Hunt employed by the Economic Cooperation Administration from 17 May 1948 to 19 February 1949. The records of Hunt's ECA employment, now incorporated in his Agency OPT', and of his later Agency employment, make it clear. that the ECA period was bona fide and not Agency cover. ()nil May 1949 Mr. Hunt applied for employment with CIA and was employed on the effective date of 8 November 1949. cc: A/DCI OGG OLC Ass't to DCI John C., Richards (b)(3) Approved for Release: 2017/09/07 C01482056