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dsr ...Approved for Release: 2017/01/18 CO1181988,
SUBJECT: (Ophomal)
- .1
TO: (Officer designation, room number, ond
OFFICER'S COMMENTS (Number each comment to show from who,.
Fo whom. Draw a if fla.�ocross column ofmr Roch corome..
The attached Chronology was
prepared from information
available tz::::n the files
held in OPS I have
avoided any original wording
unless it was necessary to
paraphrase or in some instanc
to make cable traffic read
easier. On a number of -
occasions I have quoted
directly. Every attempt was
made to cite all Book Cables
or other traffic going to
stations worldwide, and in a
number of instances I have
selected traffic either to a
single station or to several
stations whenever it was
apparent that the subject
matter being discussed was of
a policy nature and that it
would apply to other stations.
There are periods of time
when no policy guidance
appears to have been sent to
the field; there may be cor-
respondence which was not in-
cluded in any of the volumes
which were reviewed in com-
piling this Chronology.
USE Per viotjs
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� Approved for Release: 2017/01/18 C01481988
1. The first piece of official correspondence available
is a memorandum dated 15 August 1967 from the Deputy Director
for Plans, Mr. Thomas Karamessines, to the Chief of the Counter
Intelligence Staff. The memorandim states that, based on
the discussion with the Director this date (15 August 1967),
the Chief CI is requested to take the following steps:
"a. Designation of the officers in the CI Staff
who will be the responsible focal points and coordina-
tors of operational activity in this matter. (Harry
Rositzke and Dick Ober appear to be excellent candi-
dates, as you suggested.)
"b. The exclusive briefing of specific division
chiefs and certain selected officers in each division,
on the aims and objectives of this intelligence collec-
tion program with definite domestic counterintelligence
Nc. The establishment of some sort of system by
Dick Ober (or whatever officer you select) for the
orderly coordination of the operations to be conducted,
with the responsibility for the actual conduct of the
operations vested in the specific area divisions.
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"d. The identification of a limited dissemination'
procedure which will afford these activities high opera-
tional security while at the same time getting the in-
formation to the appropriate departments and agencies
which have the responsibility domestically.
The establishment of a periodic reporting
:system, preferably monthly, to gauge progress in the
� enterprise."
Additionally, it suggests that a cryptonym be assigned so that
cable traffic can be handled on a limited basis and it further
requests that an interim report be made by 31 October on-the
steps taken to get into position to implement this program.
(Tab A DDP memorandum dated 15 August 1967)
2. A 17 August memorandum from DC/C1 Staff.
to Chief,
concerns the subject of special handling of cor-
respiindence on concerns the "inter-
departmental survey of international connections of the anti-
Vietnam War movement in the U.S. with the aim of establishing
the nature and extent of illegal and subversive connections
that may exist between U.S. organizations and activists in-
volved and Communist, Communist front or other anti-American
and foreign elements abroad.) It directs that all corres-
pondence bearing the
slug be delivered unopened to
the Chief of the Area Divisions concerned and advises that the
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TS Om � � la � v. � ����
Division Chief will be responsible for disseminating informa-
tion copies to Chief, CI Staff and the DDP. (Tab B memorandum
from DC/CI to Chief,
3. A second memorandum also dated 17 August 1967, .from
DC/CI Staff to the Cable Secretariat, covered
the cable distribution for sensitive koject material. (b)(3)
(Tab ,C memorandum dated 17 August 1967)
4. On 29 August 1967 Director Richard Helms received
a letter from the Executive Director of the National Advisory
Commission on Civil Disorders, Mr. David Ginsburg, explaining
that the Commission was trying to collect available informa-
tion on civil disorders occurring within the preceding two
years and requesting Mr. Helms to designate someone to work
with the Commission. On 1 September 1967 Mr. Helms replied
that the Agency stood ready to do whatever it could to help
and pointing out that "we do not have direct responsibilities
for domestic security and therefore do not conduct, here in
� the United States, the kinds of activity which could produce
the information in which you are interested. Nevertheless,
there is some limited material which bas come to us from
� abroad and which can conceivably be of interest to you."
(Tab D copy of correspondence cited)
stations were con-
tamed in
cable dated 31 August
1967 which
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� 1
begins by stating that wishes to clarify the
instructions contained in Director 30509. It goes on to say
that "In light of recent and current events which of major'
interest and deep concern to highest levels here, Headquarters
has established a program for keeping tabs on radical students
and U.S. negro expatriots as well es travelers passing through
certain selected areas abroad. The objective is to find out
the extent to which Soviet, Chicoms and Cubans are exploiting
our domestic problems in terms of espionage and subversion.
It adds that high sensitivity is obvious and that special
handling procedures have been established on instructions
from the Deputy Director for Plans (DDP). It further adds
that all cables and dispatches on this subject should contain
the indicators Rybat which limits distribution to
Chief of the Area Division controlling the station, to Chief
CI and to DDP and ADDP on an eyes only basis. It explains
other handling procedures and admonishes that no mention of
or reference to cables or dispatches should
� be made in traffic. It instructs the COS to
on an eyes only basis under his personal
control and that discussion of this matter should not be
undertaken with persons from Headquarters or other stations
except the above-mentioned recipients of traffic unless
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specifically authorized by
Finally, it
instructs that the message be destroyed after reading.
(Tab r.
6. A memorandum for the record dated 31 October 1967,
subject "International Connections of the U.S. Peace Move-
ment" was prepared by Richard Ober of the CI Staff and advised
that the Agency "is to prepare an independent study on the
International Connections of the United States Peace Movement.
This Study, which was requested by the President, is to in-
- dude information from all sources. It will include the names
of all individuals in the United States Peace Movement who
have connections of any kind with Soviets, Communists, or
any foreign persons or organizations." The memorandum
further advises that on 31 October 1967 Chief CI Staff laid
down the requirements and responsibilities of the Clandestine
Services in contributing to this study. It advised that
present at that meeting were Mr. Angleton, Chief, CI Staff;
Deputy Chief (for Mr. Rositzke);
The memo further�
Deputy Chief, CI Staff; :
Richard Ober, CI
� delineates areas of responsibility, indicating that the
Deputy Director for Intelligence would be responsible for
writing the study, CI Staff would be responsible for pulling
together all the information available in the Clandestine
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Services and making it available to the DDI. CI Staff would
also have the responsibility for obtaining all information
available to the Office of Security and through its liaison
channels obtaining all pertinent information from other agen-
cies, including the FBI, Immigration and Naturalization
Service, Secret Service, Defense Department, Army, Navy and
Air Force. It further cites by name individuals in the Clan-
destine Services who have been identified to the DDI as
being involved in this effort. It then concludes with a
breakdown of the responsibilities within CI Staff. (Tab F
memorandum for the record, dated 31 October 1967)
7. A memorandum for the record dated 1 November 1967
written by Richard Ober is an account of the initial meet-
ing between DDP and DDI representatives concerning the "Peace
Movement Study." The memorandum explains that the DCI has
indicated that the study should be broad in scope, i.e.,
to include organizations which, although not themselves peace
organizations, are affiliated with the overall peace movement.
The memorandum covers the procedures that each of the Direc-
torates would follow and where areas of responsibility lie.
It states that the DDP is considering sending a book message
to field stations and asked the DD/OCI representative to
draft requirements to be considered by the DDP. It notes
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' (sr-moil-fur
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that the Director of OCI, _ reiterated that
although the President did not set a deadline, that the
DCI and the DD1 had agreed upon two weeks. (Tab G memorandum
for the record dated 1 November 1967)
8.. The first instructions to the field were in a 2 Novem-
ber 1967 Book Cable from the Acting DDP Cord Meyer, released
by the DCI Mr. Helms and authenticated by Mr. Angleton, Chief,
CI, and coordinated by other senior officers. The Book Cable
carries the Rybat ndicators and advises that Head-
quarters is participating in a high-level interdepartmental
survey of international connections of the anti-Vietnam War
movement in the U.S. and that the purpose of the study is
to establish the nature and extent of illegal and subversive
connections that may exist between U.S. organizations or activi-
ties involved and Communist, Communist-front, or other anti-
American foreign elements abroad. Such connections might
range from contacts based merely on mutual interests to closely
controlled channels for party directives. It advises that
information collected by other agencies is being tapped, in
addition to our own files and it requests a current check on
station holdings, particularly on recent activity related to
the 15-21 October demonstrations. It asks addressees to can-
vass info on file or otherwise readily available and to cable
a summary of the findings plus any comments the station might
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consider relevant. It adds that coverage should be limited
to evidence of contacts by elements of the U.S. peace move-
ment with foreign groups or individuals. (Tab H Book
Cable 49260)
9. On 25 June 1968 a multistation message was sent to
cators Rybat
stations by DDP Karamessines with the indi-
It advised that recent high-
level Agency/FBI discussions have underscored the need for
increased coverage of the activities abroad of
individuals. It adds that the primary interest is any evi-
dence of foreign guidance, control, training or financial
support. (Tab I DIR 11227)
10. On 3 July 1968 the DDP sent a Book Cable 13667 to
almost all stations and bases abroad with the Rybat MHCHAOS
indicator. It states that Headquarters is engaged in a sensi-
� tive, high-priority program concerning foreign contacts with
U.S. individuals and organizations of the radical left. In-
cluded in this category are radical students, anti-Vietnam
War activists, draft resisters and deserters, black nation-
alists, anarchists and assorted new leftists. The objective
is to discover the extent to which Soviets, Chicoms, Cubans
and other Communist countries are exploiting our domestic
problems in terms of subversion and espionage. Of particular
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JC11 i I lit
interest is new evidence of foreign direction, control, train-
ing or funding of any of these radical left groups. It ad-
vises that this program has been assigned to Chief, CI and it
outlines the special handling procedures which have been
established. It also informs field stations that and
have been superceded by HCHAOS and should no
longer be used. (Tab J Book Cable 13667)
. 11. On 10 July 1968 the DDP sent a cable to Domestic
Operations Bases in the United States. The cable repeats
the text of the Director Book Cable 13667 cited above as
Tab J, and requires that each Base Chief discuss the subject
matter in the first paragraph with his FBI counterpart. It
advises that FBI reps should be urged to refer to his Head-
quarters any leads which CIA can exploit abroad including
Cuba travel. The bases were also advised to simultaneously
report to Headquarters where formal coordination with the
FBI will be undertaken. (Tab K DIR 15037)
12. On 11 July 1968 Chief of the European Division
released a cable to a Station
reemphasizing high U.S. government interest in the category
of collection.
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LI lulL.�
13. On 7 August 1968 the DCI released a cable
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which requested the station to proceed as soon as possible
with an approach
in accordance with the
guidelines stated in the body of the cable and in accordance
with instructions contained in Tab J and Tab L. The cable
advises that CIA must be responsible for liaison
on all MHCHAOS matters and that this position
has been made clear to FBI Headquarters. It recognizes that
the FBI would prefer to reserve unto itself exclusive
responsibility for dealing on certain of
these matters. It states that FBI Headquarters has been
informed that CIA will not accept any limitation on its
liaison and that we
supply duplicate reports
so desire. It instructs
the FBI that
on instructions from
you are discussing matters
Headquarters, that you will ask
to provide to CIA information on these matters
and that Headquarters
are willing to
to the Bureau if
the station to inform
will pass to FBI Headquarters any pertinent information re-
(Tab M DIR 22859)
14. A Book Cable dated 22 May 1969 was a special
channel message to field and domestic stations and bases.
It concerned handling of all MHCHAOS traffic, advising that
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Jr-1101 I Yu. I
it is to be transmitted by "Restricted Handling" channels
only and that due to the extreme sensitivity of all MHCHAOS
matters, field stations and bases are asked to keep MHCHAOS
traffic under the direct control of the Chief of Station or
the Chief of Base. (Tab N
IS. A memorandum to the Director of Communications
dated 20 May 1969 from the DDP requests restricted handling
of project MHCHAOS traffic for all stations worldwide. The
memorandum cites the releasing authorities, it identified
individuals by name who may pick up and deliver traffic,
and it assigns after-hour duty responsibility for this
material. (Subsequently, similar memoranda were sent to the
Director of Communications whenever new people were given
related responsibilities.) (Tab 0 memorandum dated 20 May 1969)
16. A memorandum for the record dated 29 May 1969 by
Richard Ober subject is procedures for the restricted handling
of Rybat MHCHAOS traffic and states that on instructions from
the DDP, Rybat MHCHAOS cable traffic was switched into re-
stricted handling channels on 23 May 1969. The memorandum
then goes on to explain the procedures which would apply with
respect to handling the traffic. (Tab P is memorandum dated
29 May 1969)
17. An undated memorandum from the Deputy Director for
Plans to the Director of Communications established restricted
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�;- � .....
I -
'handling processing for
material or traffic.
was established to handle communications between the
CIA Special Operations Group and the Federal Bureau of Investi-
gation. The memorandum also identified the releasing authori-
ties as well as the individuals by name who were authorized
to pick up or deliver traffic and the officers to be contacted
after duty hours in order of preference. (Tab Q is memorandum
from DDP to Director of Communications)
18. Headquarters table dated 29 May 1969 advised
to continue to forward MHCHAOS information to Head-
quarters only, adding that if queried they may advise the FBI
representative that this is in accordance with instructions
received from Headquarters. It also points out that the
Agency has been advised by the FBI liaison officer that the
Bureau restriction was prepared at the Agency's request and
it was being sent to all FBI representatives abroad advising
them that MHCHAOS requirements going to countries where there
- is no FBI representative will in the future be sent via CIA
channels only. (Tab .R
19. 'On 20 June 1969 Mr. Tom Huston, Staff Assistant
to the President, wrote a memorandum for the Deputy Director
of Central Intelligence in which he stated that the President
had directed that a report on foreign Communist support of
revolutionary protest movements be prepared for his study.
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.He advised thaf"support" should be liberally construed to
include all activities by foreign communists designed to
encourage or assist revolutionary protest movements in the
United States. He added that the President would like to
know what resources were targeted toward monitoring foreign
communist support of revolutionary ryouth activities in this
country, what gaps in intelligence exist because of either
inadequate resources or a low priority of attention, and
what steps should be taken, if the President directed, to
� provide the maximum possible coverage of these activities.
The Agency's contribution was requested by 30 June. Mr.
Huston added that he was particularly interested in the Agency
response to the second part of the President's request, e.g.,
its present ability to collect information of this type. He
added that the President had assigned a high priority to this
project and stated that he knew that the Agency would render
the utmost assistance in its preparation. On 30 June 1969
General Cushman, Acting Director of Central Intelligence,
replied to Mr. Huston attaching a special report on foreign
communist support to revolutionary protest movements in the
United States. (Tab S contains copies of this correspondence)
20. On 21 June 1969 Headquarters sent a cable
advising that Headquarters has
been working with the FBI liaison officer for months in order
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to arrive at a procedure which will permit most effective and
secure handling in ne field while at the same time insure
that CIA's responsibilities for coverage of the MHCHAOS tar-
get abroad are fully protected. This correspondence states
that with regard to MHCHAOS matters the Agency is held
responsible by the White House forvall foreign coverage.
(Tab T
. 21. On 8 July 1969 a Headquarters cable was sent to
certain stations.- This cable provided guidance to those
stations where an FBI representative was assigned. It pro-
vides a status report of Agency/FBI relations on coverage of
MHCHAOS matters with foreign liaison services. It advises
the field that the Agency is held responsible by the White
House for all foreign coverage of MHCHAOS matters and must,
therefore, retain complete freedom of action to collect from
foreign liaison services and disseminate any information
so acquired at the Agency's discretion. The cable points
out that "in practical terms, this means that we cannot
abdicate to FBI representatives abroad by giving them exclu-
sive responsibility for handling MHCHAOS requirements with
liaison, either in crash situations or on routine traces."
(Tab V
In � /ft ���� � � � ����
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. 22: On 14 July 1969 a cable WAS sent
which commended the Station's intentions to greatly increase
its effort to cover the ':1:Lirt.C.3 target, pointing out that
this is in accord with current very high priority of this
target. It also concurs that key assets should be unilateral
and adds that Hqs wishes to encourage the Station to make
full use of liaison whenever most appropriate. It requests
appropriate station comments regarding use of liaison, etc.
(Tab W (b)(3)
23. On 1 August 1969 a Headquarters cable 0:0(3)
advised Station that all dissemination and liaison with the
Bureau and other agencies with respect to MHCHAOS matters
would be done at Headquarters unless otherwise specified.
(Tab W (b)(3)
24. On 16 August 1969
that in the future they should
call Headquarters' attention to reporting on PBRAMPART
operations of potential MHCHAOS interest and that this
be done via the MHCHAOS cable channel. (Tab X
25. On 19 September 1969 Headquarters expressed appre-
ciation to a Station for the recap and individual
reports received from the
liaison service on various
Black Panther Party (BPP) activities in the area which
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STO of high intirest at this time. It further advises that
Headquarters has already disseminated some information con-
cerning these activities to the highest level of U.S. govern-
ment and it anticipates further such reports in the near
future. It asks the Chief of Station to reread
dated 8 July 1969 for basic policy guidance concerning
Agency reporting responsibilities on MHCHAOS information
collected abroad from foreign liaison services and it adds
that in light of the above guidance, the Station should
immediately contact the FBI representative and advise him
that although he may send liaison reports to his
Headquarters, he should advise his Headquarters that such
reports are for their information only and not for further
dissemination, since all disseminations of this nature will
be handled by Agency Headquarters to FBI Headquarters. (Tab X
26. �In a September 1969 memorandum to the Deputy Directors,
Director Helms said that he had "recently reviewed the Agency's
efforts to monitor those international activities of radical
and black militants which may effect the national security. I
believe that we have the proper approach in discharging this
sensitive responsibility, while strictly observing the statutory
and de facto procriptions on Agency domestic involvements."
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le ........... 7
� The Director went on to say that he appreciates that "there are
several components within the Clandestine Service with a legiti-
mate operational interest in the radical milieux. At the same
time, it should be understood that Mr. Ober's Special Operations
Group of CI Staff has the principal operational responsibility
for coordinating and developing operations to collect informa-
tion on aspects of activities abroad which have a direct bearing
on V.S. radical and black militant movements." Among other
things the memorandum goes on to request the cooperation of all
elements. (Tab Z - DCI memorandum)
27. On 27 September 1969 Headquarters responded to a
Station which had forwarded an explanation regarding the
handling of information. Headquarters points out that as
a general guideline in handling future reports received
by the Station from liaison, they should send them
to Headquarters for formal passage to Bureau Headquarters
even if the original request for the information to the
liaison service � had been made by the FBI. (Tab AA
28. On 20 October 1969 a message to
Headquarters informed the Stations that in order
to "help achieve desired maximum exploitation of existing
sources and development of new sources for coverage of the
MHCHAOS target, suggest that you discuss our high interest
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rtra Int-rn it
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in the MHCHAOS field with liaison." It adds that
In addition to arranging for a systematic coverage of the
MHCHAOS target in your area, we are particularly interested
in exploring the possibility of
(Tab BB
29. On 7 November 1969 in a cable to numerous Sta-
tions, Headquarters sent information concerning the Inter-
national Liaison Committee (ILC) of the Stockholm Conference
on peace in Vietnam and its meeting of 11-12 October 1969.
It points out that as .a result of the ongoing "Fall Offensive"
of these organizations and other related efforts in the U.S.
and abroad, that it is a major interest by top government
officials in details of any foreign support, inspiration and/
or guidance to such an offensive. It requires reporting
-and points out that "Reporting should include coverage of
travel contacts and activities in your area by any Americans
involved in "Fall offensive organizational activity." It
suggests that selected assets should try to elicit info on plans
and programs in the United States as well as on any foreign
aspects. (Tab CC
30. On 9 March 1970 a cable was sent to selected foreign
stations and domestic bases concerning the FBI/Agency relation-
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.ship. The cable was released by Director Helms and it explains
the incident which led to the disruption of personal liaison
between the Agency and the FBI. (Tab DD DIR 015676)
31. On 20 March 1970 Director Helms sent a telegram
to the Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation. The
subject of that telegram was "Selectted radical developments
and disturbances, student agitation and antiwar activity in
the U.S." The cable advises the Bureau that since 24 February
1970 the Agency has not received teletype reports from the
Bureau on the above subject. It adds that the reports are
of value to the Agency in fulfilling its counterintelligence
mission abroad and in protecting the security of its instal-
lations in the U.S. It requests that the Director be advised
if such reports are still being prepared by the FBI and if so,
requests that the Agency continue to receive them on a regular
basis. (Tab EE DIR 019112)
� 32. 0n13 July 1970 a memorandum to the Cable Secre-
tariat covers the subject of an amendment of for MHCHAOS.
It requests that current procedures for MHCHAOS be amended
to provide that messages received by the Cable Secretariat
bearing the slug MHCHAOS be returned to the Signal Center
and not given any distribution by the Cable Secretariat.
(Tab FF 13 July 70 memorandum to Cable Sec)
33. On 10 August 1970 a Book Dispatch was sent to the
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Chiefs of Station and Bases covering the subject of restricted
handling channel messages.
34. On 1 October 1970 a message was sent to a
Station advising the Station that "In accordance with past
policy, Headquarters does not wish to become engaged with
the / in propaganda operations involving MHCHAOS." This
a station query
cable was sent in response to / which requested
Headquarters guidance in this field. (Tab HH
35. On 17 December 1970 a cable to selected stations
provided guidance to those stations where a Bureau repre-
sentative was assigned. The cable gives current status of
Headquarters arrangements with the FBI on coverage of MHCHAOS
matters with foreign liaison services. It explains that
Headcuarters has been working with the FBI liaison officer
for a number of months in order to arrive at procedures which
will permit the most effective and secure handling in the
field while at the sake time insuring that CIA's responsi-
bilities for coverage of this target abroad are fully pro-
tected. It reiterates that the Agency is held responsible
by the White House for all foreign coverage of any MHCHAOS
matters and must, therefore, retain complete freedom of
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which was set forth
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action to collect from liaison services and to disseminate
any information so acquired at the Agency's discretion. The
cable further goes on to enumerate Director Helm's policy
cited in paragraph 13
above and proceeds to repeat that policy and advises that
it is still valid. (Tab II
36. In a S August 1971 memorandum for Chief, FE Opera-
tions the subject of briefing of an OMB team is discussed.
It advises that the OMB visitors to the FE area in the period
19 August through 19 September are not aware of the MHCHAOS
program and should not be made aware of it during the FE
Division briefing to be held in the near future. (Tab JJ is
August memorandum)
37. On 10 August 1971 Headquarters advised certain
The cable advises the Chiefs
of Station to be forthcoming with the two representatives
in terms of the Station Operations Directive (OD), program,
targets and size of the official cover station, adding that
if possible avoid details of Station budget and specific
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operations. On 12 August 1971 Headquarters sent an additional
stations in an attempt to clarify
cable to the same
the instructions contained in the 10 August cable citing that
use of the term OD should be avoided. It suggests that they
talk in terms of program, targets, and size of official cover
station, adding that if has legitimate budget
questions they should be answered frankly and to the best
of the Station's ability. With respect to operational
matters the Chief of Station should not give specific de-
tails as to sources and methods and it adds that
does not expect such details. Directly related to the two
above-cited cables,
asked Headquarters if the subjects
are aware of MHCHAOS and should it be discussed. On 10 Sep-
tember Headquarters sent a message again to the same named
stations citing the 10 August and 12 August Director
and it advised that "Subjects
are not aware of MHCHAOS and this subject should not be dis-
cussed with them. If MHCHAOS is raised they should be re-
ferred to Headquarters for answers." It also suggests that
Headquarters be alerted through restricted handling channels
if MHCHAOS matters do arise. (Tab KK DIR 168970, DIR 169910,
1201 and
. 38. On 5 October 1971 Headquarters sent a cable cover-
ing guidance to the Station where a Bureau representative
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is assigned. The substance of this cable
has been
cited in paragraph 35 above.
(Tab LL
� (b)(3)
39.. On 12 January 1972
quarters that it was unable to locate in Station files a
definition of the cryptonym MHCHAOS, adding that though the
meaning is generally clear, Station desires an exact defini-
tion. Headquarters responded to this cable on 14 January
1972 that MHCHAOS "Concerns a highly sensitive Agency foreign
clandestine counterintelligence collection program, traffic
concerning which must be transmitted by restricted handling
channels only. The program objective is collection of
information abroad on foreign involvement with U.S. extremists.
The targeting is on Soviet, Chicom, Cuban, North Vietnamese,
North Korean and Arab Pedayeen subversive involvement."
(Tab MM
40.. On 13 March 1972
advised Head-
quarters that the regional security officer had been asked
fora name check on U.S. citizens by the Department of State
via State cable 037337 dated 3 March 1972. It adds that
as part of the local name check process the RSO submits the
name to the Station. It explains that the Station has
refused to respond to any trace requests on U.S. citizens
unless there is some compelling reason to do so, adding
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etc-7kt clITRIC
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that no such case has arisen to date. It explains that
the -Station refusal is based on their understanding that
it is Agency policy that field stations will not pass in-
formation on U.S. citizens to any other Agency in the field
and will report derogatory security information on U.S.
citizens in special channel only. It requests that Station
be advised if Station's understanding is correct.
responded to on
16 March 1972 that it is normal State Department procedure
to ask the RSO to name trace American citizens with CIA
field installations, adding that even if a request for.
Agency traces is not specifically stated in the State
message, the RSO can ask for it. It explains that if Station
or Base files contain derogatory information on an American
citizen, the RSO should be told to ask his Headquarters to
query Agency Headquarters through established channels. It
cites FR-S1-1 as the applicable regulation. It further ex-
plains that if the Station has non derogatory information
on U.S. citizens, it should not be withheld without reason.
(Tab MM nd DIR 244343) M(1)
41. On 3 July 1972 Headquarters informed certain
stations that Headquarters viewed
the New Left as a valid though not a priority requirement for
clandestine intelligence collection effort. It adds that we
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desire to continue routine monitoring of New Left activities
in order to keep interested U.S. government agencies informed
and to maintain a residual counteraction capability for pos-
sible future use. It explains that this applies to the New
Left as defined broadly, adding that as an exception there �
is a very high priority Agency requirement for collection of
information on New Left groups, individuals who advocate/engage
in acts of violence/terrorism particularly with respect to
their connections in other countries. (Tab NN DIR 285741)
42. On 9 February 1973 in a cable to a station, Head-
quarters provides the Station with the results of its periodic
review of the Station's MHCHAOS collections/reporting
efforts. It advises that it is based on the current sit-
uation insofar as it is known in relation to hostile foreign
exploitation of/support to/involvment in domestic U.S.
(including Puerto Rico) extremists or in relation to station
%operations. (Tab 00
43. In a memorandum to the Deputy Directors, dated 29 Au-
gust 1973, the Director, Mr. William Colby discussed the subject
of questionable activities - he advised that he had developed
specific instructions on each reported activity. The Director
added that the instructions "are included in the attachments to
this memorandum, and have the force of specific direction to
you to pass on to appropriate subordinates the instructions
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wi-T= . SIVA
outlined." The memorandum adds that separate packages of these
instructions "are being developed for each Directorate in order
to respect the sensitivity of some of the activities discussed,
including those which are deemed quite appropriate within CIA's
charter." The memorandum adds that should any element encounter
any difficulties in terms of implementation or compliance that
the subject be raised directly with Mr. Colby. It concludes by
requesting recommendations for modification or additions to
Agency regulations. \Attached to the Director's memorandum was
a memorandum on the subject of MHCHAOS with a description of
what that program concerns. crab QQ - The two above cited
44. On 5 March 1974 Director Colby released a cable to
all Field Stations and Bases advising them of the termination
of the MHCHAOS program and providing guidelines under which
Headquarters has been operating for some time on certain acti-
vities formerly included in MHCHAOS. (Tab RR DIR 8786)
45. On 5 March 1974 a memorandum was sent to the Cable
Secretary via the Deputy Director for Operations on the subject
of distribution of cables bearing the cryptonym
which superceded project MHCHAOS. (Tab SS - 5 March 1974
46. On 15 March 1974 a cable was sent to Domestic Bases,
it referenced
- the cable repeated that the MHCHAOS
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� ,v1-114t II V L.
program has been terminated and that the MECHAOS channel has
been discontinued. It went on to provide guidance on the re-
porting of information on U.S. citizens. (Tab TT
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