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Publication Date: 
April 23, 1975
PDF icon letter to david w. belin [15132179].pdf117.85 KB
SECRET CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE proved for Release: 2017/01/18 C01481961";6,, -/ � OFFICE OF TUE DIRECTOR Ilav � "1 23 April 1975 Mr. David W. Belin Executive Director Commission on CIA Activities Within the United States Dear Mr. Belin: This is a partial, interim response to questions in your letter of April 15 concerning Lee Harvey Oswald. Further details, as stated in the attached and as discussed between you and Mr. Rocca, are in process of compilation. Attachment: a/s Faithfully yours, E. H. I4che Assistant to the Director Classified by 014359 E.rrpfrom goraI caiabiF,c117;:::!;:r; of E.O. 11652 f.3 (1), (2), (3) ecciaseiFied ifrpo::-.R.vo Determine SECRET Distribution.: Drig - Mr. Belin. w/att 1 - nGC wo fatt 1 wo/att 1 - _A; wo/att 1 - Knoche Chrono wo/att 1 - Knoche Comm Correspondence wo/att Belin Letter Request *File w/att - � i Approved for Release: 2017/01/18 C01481961 Approved for Release: 2017/01/18 C01481961 SECRET 22 April 1975 MEMORANDUM FOR: DC/OPS REFERENCE Letter from David W. Belin, dated 15 April 1975, to Mr. L. Henry Knoche dealing with a photograph of an unidentified individual 1. This is an interim report. I believe that CIOPS will be able to draw up eventually a full report on this question. At the present time we have not completed the total assembly of the references to this matter. However, in anticipation of a final report, the following are factual: a. The Agency at no time in its dealings with the FBI in the Field or with the Warren Commission in Headquarters de- scribed or suggested that the unknown in- dividual whose photograph was taken in Mexico City on 1 October was Lee Harvey OSWALD. b. Our total coverage of the unknown individual numbers twelve photographs taken on 1 October (USSR Embassy), 4 Octo- ber (USSR Embassy) and 15 October (Cuban Embassy). OSWALD left Mexico city, it is known, at 0830 hours, 2 October. It is clear, therefore, that this individual could not be OSWALD. SECRET Approved for Release: 2017/01/18 C01481961 Approved for Release: 2017/01/18 001481961 SECRET 2 c. Mr. Helms, in a memorandum to the Warren Commission Chief Counsel, indicated very clearly that the photograph of this unknown individual had nothing to do with the OSWALD case. In the light of all of the facts in the file, we find no reason to modify this judgement. 2. The problems we have had with this photograph have derived from Mrs. OSWALD, Sr.'s, belief that the photo- graph shown to her in Dallas by the. FBI, by whom it had been cropped, was a photograph of RUBY and that it had been shown to her before the latter had killed her son. This erroneous belief was dis6pelled later during her. testimony before the Warren Commission. However, the FBI at that time provided .a copy of the same photograph cropped in a Slightly different way. All of these problems were worked out satisfactorily with the . Warren Commission. In the subsequent period private.indi- viduals have attempted to develop the theory that the photograph related materially to OSWALD or a Substitute for OSWALD. ' 3. Under the circumstances we agree with Mr. Belin that it would be appropriate to consider surfacing the entire matter factually at this time if this can be done without violation of sources or methods. 4. It is proposed, therefore, that a full run of all references to this matter be assembled (and we have nearly completed that) and that, together with a chrono- logical summary, be submitted to Mr. Belin for his con- sideration and a determination in concord with LA Division and other interested components of the Agency how much can be released at this time. 5. I reviewed with Mr. Belin the facts and suggestion stipulated above in a lengthy discussion and briefing on the morning of 22 April, and he agreed with the proposed course of action. Raymorid G. Rocca SECRET Approved for Release: 2017/01/18 001481961