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Publication Date: 
September 1, 1967
PDF icon letter to david ginsburg [15132510].pdf189.98 KB
Approved for Release: 2017/01/18 C01475752 I 1967 The Honorable David Ginsburg ( Executive Director The National Advisory Commission on Cite Disorders Washington, D. C. Dear Dave: 1 r 7 ; f �-i.- W t- ?: 1...:. 7 iz In: r:r t_ -4%/0 6/Aii - � I have your letter of August 29 and I wish to assure you that we stand ready to do whatever we can to help. As you know, we do not have direct , responsibilities for domestic security and therefore do not conduct, here in the United States, the kinds of activities which could produce the information in which you are interested. Nevertheless, there is some Urn ited material which has come to us from abroad and which could conceivably be of interest to you. I have asked one of my senior associates, Mr. Cord Meyer, Jr., whom I believe you know, to call on you at your early convenience and discuss the matter with you. Sincerely yours, 787 PI r`-ia.rd Helms Richard Helme Director 4 Ai till: Approved for Release: 2017/01/18 C01475752 Approved for Release: 2017/01/18 C01475752 k ps% '"" 7-944"?1 MEMORANDUM FOR: SUBJECT: 28 September 1967 Director of Central Intelligence Intelligence Support to the National Advisory Commission on Civil. Disorders: Meeting with FBI Representatives on 20 September 1967 1. The ADDP and C/CI met with FBI representatives," Mr. William C. Sullivan and Mr. S. J. Papich to exchange vrews regarding intelligence support to the National Advisory Comrassion on Civil Disorders. The FBI stressed that Mr. Hoover wour4 not undertake the responsibility for the dissemination of CIA infoawnation to the Commission even though such information might provoke the Commission to "look over the Bureau's shoulder." It was tblielefore agreed that all pertinent information would be disseminated difeectly to the Commission with appropriate notification regarding othg? recipients. 2. In view of our experience with the Warren Commission, measures are being taken to insure the protection of sources ard methods., The ADD? will maintain the channel of contact with Mr. Ginsburg and assure him of our intent to support the Commission in every way possible. 3. Given the delicacy of the problem, periodic status reports will be prepared for your information. Is! ri:La:s Li. Lri:;ariii;c;$ Thomas H. Kararnessines Deputy Director for Plans Approved for Release: 2017/01/18 C01475752 Approved for Release: 2017/01/18 C01475752 ......---...�.�........ SENDER WIL' , CHECK CLAS CATION TOP AND BOTTOM UNCLASSIFIED CONFIDENTIAL 1 SECRET OFFICIAL ROUTING SLIP . TO NAME AND ADDRESS DATE INITIALS 1 The Director , t. -....4.., - 0. 1 ACTION DIRECT REPLY PREPARE REPLY APPROVAL DISPATCH RECOMMENDATION COMMENT FILE RETURN CONCURRENCE INFORMATION SIGNATURE Remarks: "7-6 n , .. ................... , i '-- (,,,,\..�0"--,,,-',,,,,,. I � t'� .., 1..k.A.A. k, 4 � FOLD HERE TO RETURN TO SENDER FROM: NAME, ADDRESS AND PHONE NO. DATE UNCLASSIFIED CONFIDENTIAL SECRET 237 Use previous editions (4r Approved for Release: 2017/01/18 C01475752 Approved for Release: 2017/01/18 C01475752 THE NATIONAL ADVISORY COMMISSION ON CIVIL DISORDERS 1016 16TH STREET, N.W. WASHINGTON, D. C. 20036 August 29, 1967 EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Honorable Richard Helms Director Central Intelligence Agency Washington, D. C. Dear Dick: 1-7-7,-,"::::::,� �,.,!:.,,T1 ICD/P737,(t _ By Executive Order 11365 the National Advisory Commission on Civil Disorders was authorized to request, at the direction of the Chairman, from others in the government, any information and assistance deemed necessary to carry out its functions. I'm writing at the direction of the Chairman; copies of the Executive Order and the President's Charge to the Commission are enclosed. These two documents define the scope of the inquiry in which the Commission is now engaged. Both because of the time limitations under which we're operating, and to avoid unnecessary expenditures, the Commission wants very much to avoid duplicating work that has already been done or is under way. We had though of sending out detailed letters or questionnaires but finally concluded it would be simpler and faster if we asked each department and agency to designate one person to meet with our people and through him learn what information, personnel and resources can be made available to us. The main purpose of this letter therefore is to ask if you would be willing to designate someone for this purpose and have him telephone Stephen Kurzman, our Deputy Executive Director for Operations (Code 128-28601), to fix a mutually convenient time for an early meeting. If this is inconvenient or impractical, we'll try to adapt ourselves to any other arrangement you may suggest. Basically, what we're trying to find out, as quickly as possible, is what information you may have available on civil disorders which have occurred within the last two years. we will want to find out in what form you have that information, how it is indexed, its sources, its reliability Approved for Release: 2017/01/18 C01475752 Approved for Release: 2017/01/18 C01475752 Honorable Richard Helms 2 August 29, 1967 how many people you think we might need to examine and evaluate it within two days, and what procedures we will have to follow in order to make copies. Since some depart- ments and agencies have under taken or contracted for outside studies in this field, we would like to hear about these as well. Our hope is that the Commission may be able to carry out some of its tasks with the help of your Agency. I know that this request will put an extra burden on many who are already over-worked but the Commission's assignment is urgent and its time limited. We would be deeply grateful for your cooperation. Enclosures S cerely yours, at4 David Ginsburg Executive Director � Approved for Release: 2017/01/18 C01475752