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January 22, 1974
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Approved for Release: 2017/01/18 C01474440- - UNCLASSIFIED r--1 INTERNAL I-1 USE ONLY CONFIDENTIAL 0 SECRET ROUTING AND RECORD SHEET SUBJECT: (Optional) FROM: Legislative Counsel EXTENSION NO. DATE 25 January 1974 TO: (Officer designation, room number, and building) DATE RECEIVED FORWARDED OFFICER'S INITIALS COMMENTS (Number each comment to show from whom to whom. Draw a line across column after each comment.) tree 2. PDC./ 5. 6. 7. 9. 10. 12. 13. 14. 15. Attached is detailed memo on his most recent session with Senator Baker's crew. When we get all the information., pulled together that is involved� we will get together with you and see what our next step should be. C.-eor-ge L. Carr U Legislative Counsel cc: DDCI (b)(3) (b)(3) .(b)(3) Approved for Release: 2017/01/18 C01474440 Approved for Release: 2017/01/18 C01474440 -;L�t.= 1- Executive Registry MEMORANDUM FOR THE RECORD OLC 74-0110 22 January 1974 SUBJECT: Meeting with Minority Counsel of Senate Select Committee on Presidential Campaign Activities, 22 January 1974 1. For 4-1/2 hours running until about 8:30 p.m., I was in a session with Fred D. Thompson, Minority Counsel, and Michael Madigan and Howard Liebengood, of the staff of the Watergate Committee, in follow-up of the two page, 13 paragraph questionnaire Thompson had given me on 11 January (attachment A) (Madigan and Liebengood had previously been granted access to all CIA Watergate material turned over to the FBI in an exchange of correspondence between the DCI and Director Kelley) with the following results: a. I observed that the sweeping subpoena type language of the questionnaire involved matters which appeared to be beyond their legitimate sphere of interest and that while we wanted to be cooperative, we also needed to protect privileged information, such as personnel, medical and security files, as well as unrelated sources and methods and other sensitive information; b. I told them that in response to their 13 questions, we had collated for their review, but not retention in its present form, a volume of relevant material previously supplied to congressional committees and a few new supplementary items in which they had expressed a specific interest; I also pointed out: (1) We were still attempting to identify the memoranda requested under question 9 (1. e., summarization of Watergate related developments as forwarded by the Director of Security to the Executive Director through the DD/S); Approved for Release: 2017/01/18 C01474440 Approved for Release: 2017/01/18 C01474440 2 (2) We had not collected any specific information for questions 11 and 13 (1. e., all material forwarded to Mr. Colby in his previous and present capacity and all material received by or from former Director Helms pertaining to Hunt and McCord), since all such material having a reasonable bearing on the personal- ities and events involved are already available and have been incorporated in the new volume collated for them; (3) In connection with question 10 (i. e., Special Watergate file maintained or formerly maintained in the Office of Security), we are reviewing files against the possibility we might uncover an item bearing on the questions raised which may have escaped the intensive Agency-wide search that has been conducted heretofore, but we would be very surprised if anything of significance developed. c. The volume ,ntitled, "CIA Material Furnished to Mr. Fred D. Thompson for Vice Chairman, Howard H. Baker" was then reviewed by Messrs. Thompson, Liebengood and Madigan. (Madigan had previously told me that he had gone over every page of the CIA volumes held by George Murphy, on the staff of the Joint Committee on Atomic Energy, and some of the CIA data relating to the St. George allegations. It was obvious that Liebengood also had read all or most of this material.) Based upon the content, manner and timing of the questions asked, they were not so much on a fishing expedition, as following up specific leads they had obtained from other sources; d. They seemed to be truly puzzled that we didn't know more about explaining he was a pivotal figure with Mullen Company who handled the account with the Company. (When I asked Thompson on 11 January why he thou ht we would know anything about he was quite sure had a relationship with the Agency. Also, on 15 January Special Counsel to the President, Mr. Buzhardt, attached key importance to the existence of any relationship involving the Agency, Mullen Company and either Company or ITT. Mr. Buzhardt immediately 2 Approved for Release: 2017/01/18 C01474440 Approved for Release: 2017/01/18 C01474440 dismissed as not being the problem area he was thinking of when told of the fact that an Agency employee under cover with Mullen Company e. See attachment B for follow-up questions from the session. 2. I told Thompson et al. that I couldn't recommend to my superiors divulgement of further information unless there was some tangible evidence that we were narrowing down to specific issues. If anything about the Agency, either being abused or involved was known, Mr. Colby should be advised or at least Senator Symington or Chairman McClellan who, as I understood it, specifically turned over his material to the Watergate Committee with the understanding that this would be done. Liebengood said they were following specific leads and just did not have the answers yet but that they were not on a fishing expedition and had reasonable expectations of satisfying themselves with the completion of the new follow-up requirements and an opportunity to more thoroughly review the material they had just gone through. 3. During the session, Thompson met with Chief Counsel Dash concerning a subpoena of Bebe Rebozo's records. After leaving Dash, Thompson commented that if he was Rebozo's lawyer, he would fight this sweeping subpoena, which is intended to make Rebozo prove how he earned and spent every nickel over the last several years to demonstrate that he had not dipped into "the $100,000." Thompson realizing that this was exactly the complaint I had registered with him, good humoredly acknowledged so. 4. I think a fair amount of good faith has developed among the four of us. Some of their requests are more spongy than others, and, I believe, can be closed out on the basis of assurances rather than� providing any further material. 5. Action: a. Get the facts on the follow-up items; Approved for Release: 2017/01/18 C01474440 Approved for Release: 2017/01/18 C01474440 b. Consider formalizing with Senator Baker our current undertakings with his staff; (This carries a risk that the result might either in appearance or fact take some of the flexibility out of our current arrange- ment with the staff.) c. Get a reading on any reaction to Senator Symington's recent letter to Senator Baker; d. Inform our committees; e. Inform the White House (Mr. Buzhardt) ? f. Inform the Special Prosecutor? 6. Cooperation: Further cooperation by the Agency may be playing into plans for diversionary tactics or a fishing expedition, hoping to uncover at least an appearance of a sinister Agency involvement. There also may be an interest in pushing us to the point where we refuse to cooperate so that parallels can be drawn between the action and attitude of the Agency and those of others. For the moment, those items which they are pursuing most vigorously seem to be reasonably related to their inquiry and based upon leads from various sources. This would tend to recommend further cooperation on a limited basis subject to the outcome of the actions recommended in paragraph five above. 7. Task Force: On 23 Januar a task force composed of assembled. The various o ow-up items were tasked as indicated in attachm.ent B. The target for all inputs was set for 2:00 p.m. , 24 January. Associate Legislative Counsel Attachments: A. Questionnaire from 11 January Meeting B. Follow-up Questions from 22 January Meeting Approved for Release: 2017/01/18 C01474440 Approved for Release: 2017/01/18 C01474440 1. All CIA correspondence and memoranda pertaining in any way to Eugenio Martinez during the time period from June of 1970 to the present, including but not limited to: a. All correspondence to or from the Western Hemisphere Division and Chief of Station, Western Hemisphere/Miami, including but not limited to the correspondence between the aforementioned and any correspondence with the aforementioned and headquarters. b. All contact reports of meetings between CIA personnel and Martinez during the aforementioned time period. c. The original report (in Spanish) requested by the Chief of Station, Western Hemisphere/Miami from Martinez and all memoranda or correspondence attendant to that request. d. All documents, cables, etc., in any way pertaining to the separa- tion of Eugenio Martinez from the CIA, including but not limited to any correspondence pertaining to Martinez from June 1, 1972, to the present. 2. All material and written re orts pertaining to Watergate-related interview's conducted by including but not limited to the interviews of: a. b. C. d. e. f. g. h. 1. J. k. 3. Any and all memoranda or recordings made by or on behalf of General Cushman concerning any and all. contacts of General Cushman with E. Howard Hunt during the time period from June of 1971 to January 15, 1973. Approved for Release: 2017/01/18 C01474440 Approved for Release: 2017/01/18 C01474440 4. Any and all CIA files relating to the activities of Howard Hunt from January of 1970 to the present. 5.. Any and all CIA files pertaining to the activities of James McCord from the time period January of 1970 to the present, including but not limited to biographical summaries of persons known to be asso- ciated with McCord and/or McCord Associates and those seeking employment with McCord Associates. 6. Any and all CIA files pertaining to the activities of G. Gordon Liddy during the time period from January of 1970 to the present. . Any and all CIA files pertaining to the activities of Attorney during the time period from January of 1971 to the present. 8. Any and all CIA files pertaining to the activities of during the time period from January of 1971 to the present. 9. Any and all memoranda forwarded under the signature of the Director of Security, through the Deputy Director for Support, to the Executive Director summarizing Watergate-related developments as they were known in the Office of Security during the time period from January of 1972 to the present. 10. Special Watergate file maintained or formerly maintained in the Office of Security. 11. All Watergate material and written correspondence or reports for- warded to Mr. William Colby while he was Executive Director, including but not limited to those retained or received by him in his present capacity as Director of the CIA. 12. All written correspondence or memoranda sent to, received from, or in any way pertaining to Robert Bennett and/or the Mullen Company during the time period from January of 1970 to the present. 13. Any and all written material received by or from former Director Helms in any way pertaining to the activities of E. Howard Hunt and James McCord during the time period from January of 1970 to the present. Approved for Release: 2017/01/18 C01474440