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Publication Date:
January 1, 1967
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Approved for Release: 2017/01/18 C01435122
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1967 Action Program - Attack on VC Infrastructure
Year-End Report to ICEX Committee
1. Program Objectives.
The principal objectives/tasks of the 1967 ICEX program
a. Set up parallel US and GVN "management" structures,
beginning with the US side, to stimulate and coordi-
nate a sustained, concerted attack on the VC infra-
b. Promulgate a basic ICEX(MACV) directive and follow
through with the necessary implementing instructions,
briefings, written guidances, and reference, and
training materials on a continuing basis. -
c. Provide for necessary augmentation of field coordi-
nating elements With traineb military personnel.
d. Actively address the manifold problems of screening,
interrogation, control, judicial processing and
coordinate emergency actioncto provide a first-phase
increment of additional detention facilities.
e. .Design and institute a management reporting system
for qualitative and quantitative evaluation of the
attack on the VCI, and review related reporting
requirements and systems.
f. Generate (1) more sharply targeted VCI intelligence
collection; (2) improved collation and dissemination;
(3) offensive, "rifle-shot"action and reaction
qperations in which available resources are marshalled
for timely exploitation of VCI intelligence; concurrently,
contribute to the productiop and utilization of tactical
rqilitary intelligence for local security,;for security
of pacification programs and for offensive military
pperations. j
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Approved for Release: 2017/01/18 C01435122
Approved for Release: 2017/01/18 C01435122�
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Accomplishments and Current Status.
a. Attention is invited to Memorandum for ACofSCORDS,
4 January 1968, subj: Project TAKEOFF Year End
Report - Attack on VC Infrastructure. That memorandum
reports that "...0 the action program.., has accomplished
its primary organizational objectives for the US side,
set an example for and promoted the involvement of
Government of Vietnam agencies at all levels, and
building on existing intelligence and action programs
has moved gradually into its operational phase.
Less satisfactory progress has been made, however,
in the broad area of arrest, control, exploitation,
judicial processing and detention of VC civil detainees..
b. The Prime Ministers PHOENIX instruction of 19 December
1967 is making its way from national to district level,
although its distribution was not completed - so far
, as was known - ;as late as17 January 1968. The National
:Police, and more particulirly the Special Police ' �
Branch, are engaged in urgent reorganization planning� .
which, hopefully, will better enable the Police to
meet their central responsibility for elimination
of the VCI and to provide effective leadership to
those other GVN..agencies which have been assigned
� PHOENIX supporting roles. ) The US side is\sufficiently
well established to guide land assist the'GVN side
through its orpalizational, phase, and simultaneously
,to increase the;present momentum of coordinating and
operational activity already achieved with GVN
elements at local levels. 3 Further statistical
summaries, derived from aDspecial year end reporting
effort by the US field Coordinators, will be presented
to the ICEX Committee to illustrate the present state
� of the art. D j
3. Major Problem Areas;
Many and varieds:problems continue to confront the ICEX
PHOENIX Community, such as program funding: administrative
and logistic support to advisory personnel, elimination
of duplicating and nonessential reporting, and so on. But
.the two major problem areas are-each with itsmany ramifi-
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Approved for Release: 2017/01/18 C01435122
,,Approved for Release: 2017/01/18 C01435122
First, mounting an adequate and decisive offensive
against the VCI� closely integrated with military offensive
operations and pacification, that will both eliminate
the VCI and provide the basis for a GVN internal security
system which can prevent resurgence in any form.
Second, establishing a system of screening, interr-
ogation control, judicial processing and detention of
---VC civil suspects which will ensure detention of identi-
fied and apprehended VCI, and which will provide for
their political reeducation and rehabilitation prior to
their release to rejoin the free society.
And implicit in both of these'is the overall commitment
by the Government of Vietnam to the accomplishment of
the PHOENIX objective. 'Despite the issuance of the
PHOENIX instruction and despite the growing Vietnamese
participation in the operations, he major effort thus �
far has been US-spopsored and-US-generated. And the real.
accomplishments have been made, essentially by Vietnamese=
elemonts under strong US control or influence!-- the'PRU,
Static Census Grievance and RD. Assuming that the GVN
will make this commitment, it twill be encumbent upon the
US side to meet its commitment to PHOENIX in terms of
technical and advisory support; and funding and materiel
support through counterpart programs or through the ICEX
3 .
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Approved for Release: 2017/01/18 C01435122