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Approved for Release: 2017/01/18 C01435115 NO FOREIGN DISSEZ . ..............,*�1�������ran Saigony Vietnam A.2354 6 March I9C7 MEMORANDUM rOR: The Ambassador FROLI l� SUBJECT. : Impact of Friendly Operations on VC Guerrillas . and Infrastructure I am sending you this �memorandum in response to a request which you made at the 27 February Mission Council meeting. It is a summation of certain material vhich leads me to feel that the overall U.S. effort is having a much greater Impact on the overall capabilities of the Viet Congo including the guerrilla effort, than is commonly realized. Unfortunately, there seems to be an impression in many quarters that we are winning the orthodox .war but failing in "the other vary" as if the two aspects of the conflict were somehow wholly separate and unconnected, On the, contrary, they are of course intimately interdependent, and our mounting successes in the orthodox phase of the war have profoundly affected the VC guerrilla apparatus and political infrastructure. A striking illustration of this is revealed in a recently captured letter written by a VC Binh Dinh Province Cadre to his superior on 20 January 1967{. It says thaty since the ARATH-RGK-U2i swoops through Phu Cat and Phu My Districts in September abd early. October last year, both the military and political structures in these Districts have been in critical condition. It ends. with an expression of hopa for a future revival of VC indluonce in the area. The demands of main-force units for an increasing flow of. supply and manpower replacements has strained the infrastructure severely, frequently beyond its capacity. Food and manpower are inadequate in many areas and, according to recently captured documents, guerrilla forces are shrinking. Morale is contegiousy and. the spirit of the political' and support forces is suffering along with that of the battered main-force troops. cc: The Deputy Anb;t:3saac- The Political Counsel ..ran.trevaWf r"t t NO FOREIGN DISSEM Approved for Release: 2017/01/18 C01435115 Approved for Release: 2017/01/18 C01435115 NO FOREIGN DISSEL A-23.54 In conjunction 'with the achievements of friendly armed forces, pacification programs such as Revolutionary Development and Chieu 1191 are making inroads on the VC/NFL organization. And, less publicly, improved intelligence and the work of � Census Grievance Teams, Provincial Reconnaissance Units, and the Police 3pecial Branch are increasingly striking direct blows at the infrastructure. All of this adds up to an encouraging level of success in "the other war." The enemy is hurting. not just in his main-force military effort, but all down the line. This conclusion is supported by a wealth of evidence from recent clandestine reports and captured documents. A sampling of such materials, nearly all received within the past two months, is attached, . Attachment: Setbacks Suffered by VC NO FOREIGN DISSEM Approved for Release: 2017/01/18 C01435115 Approved for Release: 2017/01/18 C01435115 NO FOREIGN DISSEI SELECTED EVIDENCE: OF SETBACKS. SUFFERED BY VC GUERRILLAS AND rNFRANTRUCTURE There is not sufficient information available to permit a comprehensive Province-by-Province, District-by-District survey of the problems faced by the VC and their reactions to the many setbacks they have suffered. The clandestine reports acquired and documents captured in the past few months dos however, provide a generous sozo)ling extending to every major region of the country and nearly all levels of the VC organization. This attachment consists of a digest of some of the more significant reports and documents. I. MORALE In January, 27 VC and NVA prisoners in the National Interrogation Center were interviewed regarding their,v/iews on the ultimate outcome of the war in South Vietnam. 2! Vhereas two years ago such a group would almost certainly al/ have predicted a VC victory, now only 15 of the 27 did so. More significantly, fevcrothan half of the 13 Party members in the group expected a VC victory. A 26 October 1566 communique from a VC regional security section complains of lack of resistance to enemy heliborne raids along Route 1. It says farther that the COLIMOA problem among Village Cadres and guerrillas is fear of these raids; they have become demoralized ad dispirited, and their resistance plans are passive. 4/ In Quang Nam Province, a VC District-level review of n66 operations said that of 70 military proselyting agents trained, 36 were captured or exposed and the rest lacked the courage to conduct their mission, or were simply passive in attitude. The people, It said, lacked confidence in VC administrative activities. 3/ A VC notebook captured in Operation Cedar Falls says most guerrillas of "111)" (possibly a cover name for a hamlet or village in Cu Chi District of VC lIegion 4) are demoralized. 4/ A quarterly report from a VC Village unit in Tay Ninh says the Lear of death and war hardships caused the civilian inhabitants and oven the cadres and gut;rrillas to turn to the enemy. The villagers "began to believe that the U.S. troops very/really IA/ling to take care of the welfare of the people." 2l The political officer of VC Dinh Dpong Province unit said the cadres and people lacked determination to fight and were afraid of U.S. weapons and of protracted war. Hamlet guerrillas did not want to be assigned to village units and village guerrillas refused to fight in district units. (il NO FOREIGN DI= Approved for Release: 2017/01/18 C01435115 Approved for Release: 2017/01/18 C01435115 NO FOREIGN DISSE71 II. DESERTIONS AND DEFECTIONS In Binh Thuan Province, an emergency VC District-level meeting was held in December to develop appropriate measures "to stop the day-by-day increase in defections and desertions" among demoralized VC .cadres.7/ The Uen An Village Guerrilla Unit of Binh Duong Province was inactivated because its members wore AWOL, had returned to their families, or surrendered to the GVN.b/ A VC Region year,' there were before and after The report gives (2) some cadres by bombardments, 4 report of early 1937 says: "During the last deserters from all agencies and units, especially each battle. This is an important problem." as reasons: (1) inadequate indoctrination; act arbitratily; (3) "many were demoralized shellings0 and fierce attacks; and (4) many were influenced .by Chiou Uoi policy," The report implies that those who defected to the GVN were only /4 percent of the total deserters .!/ III. LOSSES IN POPULWION MTDER VC CONTROL A VC domument dated June 1963 says: "A comparison with early 1965 shows a decrease of 1,0000000 people in the rural areas (under VC control) due to the presence of U.S. troops. This reflects poor leadership on our part." It gives the raid-1906 division of South Vietnares population as: "in liberated areas, 50000,000 in enemy areas (rural), 5,000,000 in cities and towns, 4,004000." 10/ � A Phu Yen Province VC document says: "The ration of population under our control in the whole Province is one-third that of early 1963." It adds that they were to recruit 3,000 soldiers in Phu Yen, but got only 659. 11/ XV. DECREASING GUERRILLPI STRENGTH A captured VC notebook says that in some areas guerrilla warfare movements have decreased, combat aggressiveness and continuous attacks against the enemy have, ceaseq,Ito develop, and civilian organizations were disintegrated. 2!/ notebook from a regional-level cadre of VC ILegiola 4 says guerrilla strength in the region declined from a high of 3:559 in 1964 to 3,114 in 1965 and 20852 in 1DOS.. Losses for the. first ll months of 1966 were given as,541 killed, 707 wounded, 43 captured, and 74 deserted. 24:2/ A document dated June 19(56 says,. "Guerrilla/militia dropped to 180,000...The decrease of quantity also involved a deeroafge in qually.� 10/ NO FOREIGN DISrjEM Approved for Release: 2017/01/18 C01435115 Approved for Release: 2017/01/18 C01435115 NO FOREIGN ) SS 3 RECRUITING PROBLEMS "...we have net, despite our strenuous efforts, accomplished satisfactory results with respect to the recruitment of civilian labor force, volunteer youth, and draftees." 14/ "Majority 02' young men in liberated areas were a2raid of difficuitiest enemy airstrikes, and shollings. They did not want to enlist; thus, during May 1963, all Districts (of Dinh Duong Province) succeeded in recruiting only. 15 young men." 25/ A Cu Chi District report says the VC In this area arc (late ii336) ;badly demoralized; replacements canpoA be found to fill the gaps left by desertion and fatalities. 12/ A report from the Military Affairs fAtb- Committee of Region 4.says2 "Due to the shortage 'of recrUits for'replacement ofeasualtles and development of units, we encountered many difficulties..." 17/ VI. IMPACT OF PACIFICATION PROGRAMS A late, /033 VC Region 4 Party Committee resolution says: "Pacification team operations resulted in demoralization of the population and an increase in the .number of deserters and dofectors."W � There is amplo evidencc5 that this sort of thing is wide. spread and that the VC are placing high priority on countering Revolutionary Development, Census Grievance, Provincial.pi Reconngissancet and Police Special Branch activities. ..!.& In one District in Phu Yen Province, an RD team succeeded. � in inducing the defection of an entire VC village organization. In Queng Ngai Province, on 8 and 9 February another team persuaded 23 VC to rally, including the Chief and Assistant Chief of Hier) The Trung nam/et. In Phu Yen Province, RD team popularity Is such that there is a significant tendency for people to follow the teams. After one RD group started working in a hamlet there, the population grew from 30 families to about 1,200 inhabitants within, a month. During January 1967 in Binh Duong Province, a single Ram/et-love/ Census Grievance worlzer was responsible for the defection of 32 VC guerrillas, soldiers, and cadres. This took place adjacent to the VC "Iron Triangle" heartland. The extent to which the CG activities are hurting the VC is indicated in a )ac Lieu Province VC security ,sectioa report which says: "The CG system is rapidly organizing and hard working and iG dealing us deadly blows at our weakest points." YO FOIZEIGN DvalEN Approved for Release: 2017/01/18 C01435115 Approved for Release: 2017/01/18 C01435115 Malt SOURCES are listed Document Exploitation 5 - by their . NO ronmili DISS7,1 WS numbers and documents Center (CDEC) numbers. (b)(3) Clandestine by reports their Combined 1/ CDEC 01-2701-67 (b)(3) 3/ 4/ CDEC 02-1112-G7 5/ CDEC 02-1598-67 6/ CDEC 02-1301-67 (b)(3) 7/ 8/ CDEC 02-1440-67 9/ CDEC 01-2393-67 10/ CDEC 01-2552.47 11/ Phu Yen Doc 0012/07 (igha `rng translated locally 12/ CDEC 01-3465-67 13/ CDEC 01-3003-37 14/ CDEC 01-2304.67 in CDEC 02-1276-67 10/ CDEC 02-1249-67 17/ CDEC 01-2983-67 13/ CDEC 01-;3239-67 19/ CDEC 08-1225-66p 01-3465-G7v 02-1269-67 (b)(3) (Material on which Section VI is based is in OSA Tiles.) NO FOIVEIG3'4 DISaal Approved for Release: 2017/01/18 C01435115