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Approved for Release: 2017/01/18 C01434862 UNCLASSIFIED El INTERNAL 0 CONFIDENTIAL El SECRET ROUTING AND RECORD SHEET SUBJECT: (Optional) FROM: AC/CNIG EXTENSION NO. DATE TO: (Officer designation, room number, and building) DATE OFFICER'S INITIALS COMMENTS (Number each comment to show from whom to whom. Draw a line across column after each comment.) RECEIVED FORWARDED 1. 11CT . 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. FORM 3-62 610 USE PREVIOUS EDITIONS INTERNAL ni SECRET El CONFIDENTIAL El USE ONLY Approved for Release: 2017/01/18 C01434862 El UNCLASSIFIED Approved for Release: 2017/01/18 C01434862 SECRET 1 3 JUll 1975 MEMORANDUM FOR THE RECORD SUBJECT: Briefings and Documents Related to PHOENIX Program for Minority Staff Members of Senate Select Committee to Study Governmental Operations with Respect to Intelligence Activities 1. On Thursday, 29 May 1975, at the request of NY. William E. Nelson, E00, I met at the Senate Office Building with Mr. Curtis Smothers, Counsel to the Minority, and his associates, to respond to their questions concerning the PHOENIX/Phung Hoang Program in South Vietnam. I understood that this meeting was preliminary to a more formal DOD briefing at the Pentagon the following day, and was to enable the minority counsel to prepare for Mr. Corby's testimony on PHOENIX before the Select Committee. Mr. Smothers' staff associates included former Ambassador William Trueheart, Mr. Frederick Baron, Miss Susan Pitts, and Miss Elizabeth Smith. At this meeting I presented them with the MACV documents listed at Tab A, after Mr. Smothers obtained DOD concurrence from Mr. Latimer. 2. On the following day, Friday, 30 May 1975, I was asked again to represent the Agency at the DOD PHOENIX briefing presented by Colonel Clarence E. Skoien, USA, JCS/J3/SOD. A Colonel Finkelstein, a veteran of Army service in Vietnam with the 1st Cavalry Division, also participated very actively in the extended question-and-answer period following the prepared briefing. A copy of the draft of this briefing is at Tab B. Colonel.Finkelstein's remarks were particularly useful in describing typical PHOENIX missions involving combined US Army - RVN National Police operations against VCI targets which had been identified from intelligence from all sources, such as the PRU, Police Special Branch, military intelligence, and so an. The DOD briefing and question-and-answer period served also to underscore the fact that the bulk of "VCI killed" statistics were derived from these types of operations, rather than from an alleged_ "mass assassination program." 3. Again on Thursday, 5 June 1975, I met at the Headquarters Building with Miss Smith and Mr. Baron and gave them a second selection of PHOENIX-related documents. See list at Tab C. These were documents reviewed previously for this purpose with NY. Colby, and which together with those listed at Tab A conprise most of the documents listed on pages 154 and 155 of Hearing Before the Committee (b)(3) SEC UT Approved for Release: 2017/01/18 C01434862 Approved for Release: 2017/01/18 C01434862 on Armed Services, United States Senate, Ninety-Third Congress, First Session on Nomination of William E. Colby to be Director of Central Intelligence, July 2, 20 and 25, 1973. At this time I explained to Smith and Baron the significance or purpose of each document and answered additional questions. I also loaned to them the following documents which Mr. Colby asked be returned to him: (1) A, briefing notebook, Internal Security in South Vietnam - PHOENIX, Ambassador William E. Colby, DEPCORDS/MACV, December 1970. (2) Handbook, National Security Laws and Procedures. 4. Finally, on Friday, 13 June, I sent Miss Smith a third selection of documents, also cleared previously with MY. Colby, with the names of CIA, personnel deleted.- See Tab p. 5. At all three meetings with_the minority counsel or his staff members, I responded to questions related to why the PHOENIX program was proposed, who proposed it, who approved it and when, and how it was organized and implemented. I was asked to explain the Agency's initial role, and the reasons why the Agency later (July 1969) withdrew from its primary management role but continued in an active supporting role. I explained, as did the DOD briefers, the dual functions of US, including CIA advisors, as advisors to their respective GVN programs and as advisors or coordinators in the PHOENIX program. I sought also to stress that PHOENIX and other intelligence related-programs, the overall MACCORDS - GVN pacification program, and military operations were all.interrelated and mutually supportive. I noted our concern with such related problems as the screening, legal processing and detention, and even the parole and rehabilitation of VCI cadres. 6. With respect to Agency programs per se, other than Agency management and support to getting PHOENIX under way in 1967-1969, I was asked, and to the extent that I could give positive answers, replied to questions concerning: a. Basic CIA organization in Vietnam--station in Saigon, and a region-province structure roughly paralleling the US MACCORDS structure. b. Number of CIA, personnel--roughly 600, plus or minus, including formally seconded US military personnel. ScrnFT LonL Approved for Release: 2017/01/18 C01434862 Approved for Release: 2017/01/18 C01434862 SFCRE - 3 - c. Numbers of CIA personnel in PHOENIX--initial cadre in PHOENIX Staff, MACCORDS, initial involvements as PHOENIX Coordinators and/or advisors to RVN Phung Hoang agencies, and phase down beginning in July 1969. Rough estimate of high point--120-plus in full or significant part-time roles. d. Details on the PRU--I described only, in general terms their mission, training, and typical operations (night operations, long range penetration of VC-controlled areas, intelligence collection, and so on, in contradistinction to tasks assigned the National Police Field Force, RF-PF, and regular military forces. The staff was interested in the extent to which US personnel accompanied PRU operations, the effective- ness of control over the PRU (I stressed the Province Chief's role here), PRU pay (no comment), and the attitude of other RVN forces toward the PRU. e. The staff was interested in the "PIC"--the Provincial Interrogation Center--and remarked that one informant or witness had reported that "no one came out of a PIC alive". I described a typical PIC in detail, and our basic role with respect to it and the Police Special Branch. I stated, in reply to a specific question, that in addition to carrying out our basic mission in. Vietnam--the collection of intelli- gency--our CIA advisory efforts essentially included: our phased roles in the PHOENIX Staff and PHOENIX Committees, and the PRU, Police Special Branch, RDC, and Static Census Grievance Programs. Acting ie , Career Management Group Attachments: Tabs A - D � I:�,� ET Approved for Release: 2017/01/18 C01434867 Approved for Release: 2017/01/18 C01434862 Approved for Release: 2017/01/18 C01434862 Approved for Release: 2017/01/18 C01434862 79. IMI7r � I ' The following documents were furnished to Mr. Curtis Smothers on 29 May 1975. After permission was obtained from Mr. Latimer, DOD, three copies of each were made by Mr. Smothers' staff, two for the latter's retention, one for DOD. 1. MACV Dir 381-41, 9 July 1967, Military Intelligence Intelligence Coordination and Exploitation for Attack on VC Infrastructure (C) Short Title: ICEX (U). (CONFIDENTIAL) 2. MACV Dir 381-43, 25 November 1967, Military Intelligence - Reporting on Elimination of Viet Cong Infrastructure (C), Short Title: ICEX (U) (RCS: MACJOIR-01). (CONFIDENTIAL) 3. 1967 Action Program - Attack on VC Infrastructure, Year-End Report to ICEX Committee. (This paper was prepared by the ICEX Staff attached to DEPCORDS, USMACV) (CONFIDENTIAL) 4. Message, DTG 020908Z Jan. 68, from COMUSMACV to CINCPAC info JCS, DOD, State, USIA, AID, CIA and White House, CONFIDENTIAL 00107 from MAC JOIR, Subj: Phoenix (ICEX) Directive. 5. Message, DTG 251134Z Apr. 68 from COMUSMACV to: CINCPAC, info JCS, DOD, State, AID, CIA and White House, CONFIDENTIAL 11722, Komer sends, Subject: Phoenix Program. 6. Republic of Vietnam, Office of the President, Decree No. 280-a/TT/SL, 8 July 1968 (SECRET). (This decree promulgated the national plan - "Phung Hoang.") 7. MACV Dir 381-41, 9 July 1968, Military Intelligence Coordination and Exploitation for Attack on VC Infrastructure (C), Short Title: Phoenix (U). (CONFIDENTIAL) 8. Change 1, to the above, 11 October 1968. (CONFIDENTIAL) 9. MACV Dir 10-20, 23 May 1968, Organization and Functions Organization, Functions and Responsibility for Support to the Attack on the VC Infrastructure (U) Short Title: Phoenix (U). (CONFIDENTIAL) Approved for Release: 2017/01/18 C01434862 Approved for Release: 2017/01/18 C01434862 CONFIDENE1 The following unclassified documents also were made available for information and copying. 1. Booklet - The Viet Cong Infrastructure - Modus Operandi of Selected Political Cadres (U). 2. PHUNG HOANG - Current Breakout of VCI Executive and Significant Cadres. 3. PHUNG HOANG Advisor Handbook. IL Approved for Release: 2017/01/18 C01434862 Approved for Release: 2017/01/18 C01434862 Approved for Release: 2017/01/18 C01434862 A=ITITS Approved for Release: 2017/01/18 C01434862 r R :4;11 I an Colonel Skoirn, of th ecial Operations Division, program yet OJCS. My division happens to be the custodian of the remain " '11 operational information pertinent to the PHOENIX or PHUNG.HO-G held within the Joint Staff. I hasten to point out that I have no personal expertise by -virture of experience with the PHOENIX program in the field or at this level. I only happen to hold very limited operational data as a result of assuming the functions of the now defunct Office of the Special Assistant for Counterinsurgency and Special Activities which was disestab- lished in 1971. Washington-area-r-other-than,perhapz,..=r,Colbrr-who-etTr..S.peak tyat..thortygirtg POEJ'I program level However, questions/ program is is mine. to the extent that I can, ',will respond to your specific that I suspect that your knowledge of the likely already more thorough and more cong.lete than With that personal disclaimer, let me begin by saying that during 1967, the Intelligence Coordination and Exploitation (ICEX) program, which was the forerunner of the PHOENIX progra, was developed under the auspices of th-e-eTA. This was an effort to identify the political activities of the enemy within the P.VN and did provide an initial appreciation of the VC political and terrorist apparatus. It was not until July 1963, however, President Thieu issued the Presidential directive which estab the PHOENIX program. Its principal characteristic was that it a program, not an organization, to bring about collaboration, cooperation, and coordination of all government agencies which could contribute to the identification and neutralization* of the Viet Cong Infrastructure, or VCI. PHOENIX Commi.ttees were established at the GVN national, regional, province and district level which .initially had only limited success. A US military advisory effort for PHOENIX was developed, utilizing available military officer's to assist in the organization of the program. CIA personnel were gradually witM:rawn from direct rosponsibil r-DTATEFITIm77611 is construed to include: causing VCI to rally to the GVN, detention and/or arrest, or killing, CONF Li El ',J' I Ai L Approved for Release: 2017/01/18 C01434862 Approved for Release: 2017/01/18 C01434862 11 10' or tbe program ending their direct involvement in Jul 2.99. They dia, however, remain as participants in the coordinaticn procedure on the American side and through their liaison with the Vietnamese Special Police. It is important to remember that the program was a (771.1, not a US program, a.:1-t74-1:717 rtlt-imately the CVN organization was paralleled with a US military advisory effort. At its peak in 1970, there were 704 military advisors to the program. This was at the highpoint of "Vietnamization" when US troop strength in Vietnam was already � declining and the major thrust was to have the GVN assume complete responsibility for its defense. The role of these advisors was strictly to advise and to provide assistance on organizational and management techniques, intelligence acquisition and file procedures, and dissemination of that intelligence. This advisor system was under the supervision of the PHOENIX Directorate of the Deputy COMUSMACV, Civil Operations and Rural Development (MACCORDS). The PHOENIX program included: collecting intelligence to identify VCI, inducing them to abandon their allegiance to the VC, capturing or arresting them to bring them before lawful tribunals for sentencing, and as a final resort, using military or police force against them if no other way existed to prevent them from carrying out their illegal activities. The PHOENIX program had as its foundation Article 4 of the 1967 RVN Constitution which states: "The RVN opposes Communism in any form" and "Any activity designed to publicize or carry out Communism is prohibited." There were a series of ordinances and laws to implement this constitutional provision which dealt with crimes of treason, espionage, insurgency, revolt or terrorism. Some of these laws actually predated the Constitution, appearing as early as 19561t Trials for these crimes were before military courts in accordance with legislation which established eim /these crimes as being against national security. Administrtive U. .1,P'szatoncing was possible (2-year terms maximum). This-proceAre stemmed from the declarations of National Emergency and War in 1964 and 1965, respectively. Similar detention Approved for for Release: 2017/01/18 C01434862 6 = Approved for Release: 2017/01/18 C01434862 " procedures have hePn usr-d ::,:-; other countries curing enerenc such as Nalaya, 1