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Document Number (FOIA) /ESDN (CREST):
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Document Creation Date:
December 28, 2022
Document Release Date:
August 7, 2017
Sequence Number:
Case Number:
Publication Date:
March 8, 1973
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:Approved for Release: 2017/01/18 C01430487
1. WH Division has reviewed :the refer.cli).rIn
(copy attached) by-J,lck :Inftersm and.fiorf.s that it con-
'tains no.new..infOrmation,:H To the best .hno7iledge of.the.
Division, there is no foundation to the allegation that
Howard Uunt�mas enaged��on behalf of..ITT,in.breaking.
into Chilean diplomatic installations in Washington and
IW Yo-k.
2. Any connection between ITT and these�breakins
is purely conjectural and the column-takes care to:.
point this out. .
3. 1-larolfl ITT Latin American repres.anta-
:tive has told us that he had no relationship *.iith
.:Hunt on this or any ITT matter. He had anticii)ated
t'that Anderson might imply such a relationship in his
ilcolumn and had assured us that this was not true.
'Attachment: As Stated
IheodOr G. ShccLasy
Theodore G. Shackley
Western 7-1.misc.h==.rP n'iv4sifIn
BY �001204,
�� 66' -6. :17�AAAr..6
Approved for Release: 2017/01/18 C01430487
f e c��:,..: se;..lree Ir. the cost-. Ilse ,
z-s..-.1---z.z. r�cys t'-ct Y.:....-'4��-.1es
":vr'Sci4ed to tis feil.:nv de-
. ,
; in; of illa c -.Trent - - . .,":'�'..1f-i--7-1' -..-- �.-=*----7---7-,1
_ __ ,__�,,__.,..,,..-�-_;--....:r... :-.A.:--.���,-,.., L.--I.
' iethitles erere in some _Irty &.1.1 py federal offirdels. . ..,..., . i.�.. ,-.--4.----,,--c^,-;�.-'-:ww"-** .1
..-� A,r:Acil ex sezulton 'en:oat' 1>�=r1i='-z�. ek-r it vt: p'-744 ti-.4.1-7.-.;::::.tr.......
el!)- =cc..1._2(t.l werr. Senate' . Inve.rtigation tources :i..ao=...�.--- .. �
. 14:!c;rity Lesear :,,r.ke , Mr:Ls-, Izno.rle-dge thst F3I agents -._.
field (D�ir.s.-1. i'...'eaate Foreir.--.1 fatInt tile d......-y In the t.r..k.t�
FielatIons i";ommittee�Cbalr.r.ani pf M:...--..izet' =Lir. vtl".1:11 T.al
I. William Fulbright (D-Ark-1.1 perked at .1.11z-mt In'Arnations.1
*and. Sen. Frank Church (D-1 AL-Port. i-� ... - .. .,...... ,i..�....
:Idaho). This source also &licit 1 t.ssistant US. Attor-acy Eart
that Sol Linc-,s-trz. former U.S.1 J. Silbert declined to sal
amheriedor to the Organiation1 It-he/hex 1...Ia.-ante dia--y would � �-
st .:17.aerl:7.:1 S...a�-es: was 1:::Pll be in:rod:lc-co' as cvicien in�
unier Lic:_ilar sdrretillnee. the I7ater:ate trial. s'ich.
''� Nrat e :::..vest.cy vcza zole to; eil.tms 3�I.e.Y. I
-confirm some of the source's De Ditcc. 42. it a :ea'. tr..tte,
ti�-..g.la officials saltrnan w.ho was c=plos-cd
of effrir. aceOrd - - � � - -.--� � , :-. �
� �
' IF:rited t-hd the" tb.'71r1. vot..71 t,o4..av-1-�: x1,3 F.-A,
1 � r
� �.;.' � )
g. .--,-,oa Ic-c11!
of. deo;:cori.
� '
Lt. tl.c 117;�
raMO riot i.Lsed. .
:Approved for Release: 2017/01/18 C01430487.
� : .
: -��� : :
oi C'e2f.t. 1.7Z4 ,:�1
�� ottts ti\V. O� r
roen, the szu_-tac d.
doe,:umellts from the.
files. ch.: phalogrep.bed tbe
' e cia.ctd
� s�
� r!..� ..Ci. .� � - �� . � - t � �
- � � � - � � -
� �
d..11j� Cr.al
�-;a1 rf.a:1;�1
activities by the g:vap
IreS in Woshinzton !sit
� � � ! , 0.1' LT
; I.: a .4: z��
�-� e-
r - �
Cc: �:-;t, CIA. Li
� P11.7:-.. '1 a
. close is the inve.tigation. ataterz-.
..lePt.i=.$ co:free:tin: the sup.
� �voillem-ti of � senators neither
cotld h:30- ::�c.firmed nor der,ltd.
' � �� � -
;Lt.. �� �
*rfeC defendsnu in the
:Watergate cur p�o on trial
�day thi, U.S. District Cotal
-here. �
L. abu
C ' Federal have � �
trar.ked down and quectienedi from the Miami area .
.two men who hid been involved'i.. Martinez. rrank Stur:is.,andi
In Washinzon with the Watcv-1
� � but v.ho had Matt 'that .believed �he
he Lad
ga e
been cztt..:bt at the DenICKI-311C1
'headquarters scene June 17.1
- been ;earner! that:
in Mtarnl. res.. estate.. tr -
of ;Li'. arnerd L. Barker. opal
.of -the Ws;er:ate defend:x:13.1
L*t. nehe wet r.r:.nted
immttnitY by the -grchd jury
investtgeting the case, ealdhe
told the grand jury .and the
Ylit thl_t_ ha hld corne to
ir.grou *Mey with Pica s.nd
h four Watergate,defene.ar.ts
friends were Iting to see'
someone from the government
Approved for Release: 2017/01/18 C01430487
11)1e on .1.1-A� torvla,or.. lost
� i�-.:����.1-..-