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�Approved for Release: 2017/01/18 C014304152. � . �-; 23 Kay 1973 Di rector --of s=..,...u-rity 101 FORM NO. ;ER.- ACES FORM 10- 101 .1 AUG 54 WHICH tt AY eE USED. Approved for Release: 2017/01/18 C01430415 Approved for Release: 2017/01/18 C01430415 i'iAD J.OSBON fi:st July sworn, deposes and says as follows: 1. I am the Director of Security of the Central Intelligence Agency. 2. The purpose of this statement is to record, .to the hest of my knowledge and recollection, circumstAces involved in the receipt of a series of unsigned correspon- dence received by the Agency during the period from 1 August 1972 to 7 January 1973. The signif-icance of these letters is that by their content and by the handwriting on two of them, they are believed to have been written by James W. McCord, Jr., one of the defendants in the Watergate trial. 3. My first involvement in this matter occurred on the 2nd or 3rd of August 1972 when an envelope addresed to Mr. Helms, then Director of the Central Intelligence Agency, with no return address, and postmarked 30 July 1.972 was routed to my desk from the Director's office as a reutine piece of "crank mail". The envelope contained a carbon copy of a typewritten letter signed "Jim" with the name in the .� salutary address excised - u Dear ". After dismissing the letter as a piece of crank mail, I had second thoughts and recognized the handwriting on the enirelope and the signature "Jim" on the letter as being similar to that of Mr. McCord, who formerly worked for me as a security officer before his retirement from the Agency. 00405 Approved for Release: 2017/01/18 C01430415 Approved for Release: 2017/01/18 C01430415 � � 1:7:1nt I q;:i.s not ��� ' � 1:11....q the ivope had sent to 11.-ria by told t .a T;wile,lu cf 1.1vosation. ai.ter sone reflection, decided that he �ould like to have-a rogal cj1o. on an the 'atter -111,1 .V.;3';on, General Counsel of the Agency, to his office and had him read the letter. After he had finished reading the letter the ensuing discussion to the best of lay recollection, centered about whether the Agency had any legal obligation to forward the letter to the Justice Department or the Federal Durcau of Investigation.. Doth Mr. Nelms and Mr. Houston decided that there was no such obligation and I was told to hold the letter in a secure file in my office and take, no further action on it. Mr. Helms dnstructed no to restrict knowledge of the existence of the letter ,o an absolute minimum. number of people. S. The. next envelope received was addressed to Mr. Paul Gaynor, a staff chief in my office and a. former close friend of Mr. McCord's, on or about the 23rd of December 1972, The next envelope received.was addressed to Mr. Gaynor's residence and was undated but postmarked 27 December 1972. The two envelopes contained one or more unsigned typewritten pieces of correspondence- which appeared to relate to Mr. McCord's involvement in the Watergate "affair". Both of these letters were handcarried by me to Mrs. Bliabeth 00406 Approved for Release: 2017/01/18 601430415 11. Approved for Release: 2017/01/18 C01430415%, -A- !),/, 6. Subs;...:c)icatlY, oA D,:!combar 1972 J oa 4 J!,nu:..try 1973 d 6 .7; 17 �three nAldW-Dra. ./:4. �. );,;:i.V0d by Mr. Gaynor at his resideDea and promptly dolivered tp ma for TGVi014 and subsequant inclusion in the secure file. I did Dot bring '1se to te I iJit az;toAt.(,:l of :Ir. Helms but a week or so later delivered to him a folder with all copies of the letters we had received. At I recall, my request to him was for guidance as to what action should be taken with regard to them in the light of his departhlre from the Agency incident to his nomination as United States Ambassador-designate to Iran. After reviewing them, he informed me that he did not see any reason to take anylaction at that time, but asked that I show them to Mr. Houston and if Mr. Houston had no objection, I was to retain them in a secure file and take no actioa with regard to them. As I rocall, Mr. Houston was out of town at the time and it was 'several days before I had an opportunity to give him the folder with the copies of the letters in it for review. After reviewing them, he informed me that he had no objection to the instructions Mr. Helms had given me and so informed Mrs. Elizabeth Dunlevy, secretary to Mr. Helms. 7. On 14 May 1973, Mr. William Broe, Inspector General of the Agency, and his Deputy, Mr. Kenneth Greer, met with me in my office in connection with an investigation they were undertaking at the direction of Mr. Schlesinger to determine if anyone in the Agency had any contact with 3 , Approved for Release: 2017/01/18 C01430415 Approved for Release: 2017/01/18 C01430415 � t. ho , a � � , -f. ,7 L..1 to Mr. NcCord since the Waterg,ate .cident. (I 5.1.11)sequntly (letermined from Mr. Gaynor that he has not seen or talRed� to Mr. McCord since his retirement from the Awcy on 31 August. 1 .1970.) ..1*also told them that a Mr. Leo Rosenbaum, an employee of the Agency, had appointment with me to discuss the fasibility of contributing Co Yr. McCord's, defensfund and that I thought I had convinced him that this would be� � inimical to the best interests of himself, the �Agency ;1.nd. M.cCord. I also st;Ited thdt Mr. Rosenbaum had callla. me. several weeks age to say' that he was well known as. a close friend of Mr.. McCord's and. might be called to testify at the current Senate Hearings. I advised. .him to seek guidande in this regard from the Office of General Counsel. I do not know that he did so. I then remembered. the envelopes .and � correspondence purportedly originated by Mr. McCord. I briefed Mr. Broe and Mt. Greer on the circumstances involved in .the.. receipt and subsequent handling of them and made .a coprof � � . � each of them and �delivered them to Mr. Btoe the next day. 1 also gave a copy, at the same time, to my immediate SuperVisot, Mr. Harold Bro,..minart. 8. A few days after this, I Was contacted by Mr. John Greaney, Office of the General. Counsel of. the Agency, who asked me about any official or unofficial ontaCts anyone in the Agency had had with Mr. McCord. I- ment4.oned 00408. Approved for Release: 2017/01/18 C01430415 Approved for Release: 2017/01/18 C01430415 .1 Mr. indicated that he woold wc,cond to Mr. !ton .):1 22 M,y 1.)73 Mr. 110711on ce..)d for a ,:opy o. On this same date, I was instructed by Mr. James R..Schler:iager, Director of the Central Intellil,ence As:Dncy, to partic;.pate in curtain Congressional briefings on this matter and prepare this affidavit. 9. Up to tha 14th of May 1973 when I inZormed, Mr. Broe and Mr. Greer of the envelopes and their cont,..nts, the only persons knowledgeable of the existence of them, in addition to no, we-re: Mr. Helms, Mrs. Eli-sabeth Dun 4, 7. his. secretary, Mr. Houston, Mr. Paul Gaynor of my staff, Miss Kathryn Aldridge, my secretary who prepared the file, Mr. Leo J. Dunn, my Executive Officer, knew of the fir envel-)pe and correspondence but not of subsequent env pes. 10. The only other matter pertinent to this particular matter was the fact that an intermittent so rce of this Office, who was a close personal friend of MrAcCordis has relayed to Mr. Gaynor and his staff certain information 4 concerning the personal situation of Mr. and Mrs. McCord during and after the time he was in jail and since he has been released on bond. This source has been utilized by this office for many years and by my direction, no effort was madeito solicit information from him about Mr. McCord and the information provided was done so purely gratuitously. 4. 75;e:zpek,,r Howard V. 'Osborn Subscribed and sworn to before me, a Notary Public, in and for the County of Fairfax, State of Virginia, this day of � My commission expires /' �� 0 7 On4f19 Approved for Release: 2017/01/18 C01430415