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Publication Date: 
January 15, 1968
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T-g, 144111.4 1. le/4'P IL -1-11 01 -14111/1I-14141/I 'PL-4.-71,ILL111, 4 1.'411L.L41.17.-.�1 4 ill',I. ,S.-,1;14,, ;14V,141ii.-1 r0,::11i1,:1141:11.71 LL g1t. .it,t�ii if.,44.t..-4.0.A. 1.11, ......;�,11:14:41writi( it 1 L l'-'4-.414,44L'it '01I-3 00,011;4 iliL '..1 ,--I'Lit-7k1I,SSI-L-0-� 11-.471--,-1.% II-,1117L 11 , 1411 '1 LI I -I:lit-17:7 :714;17'11 ::111:'''' :Itli -41111-1i4 - 1411 ' 4 ' 0-144:-. *LI-1.'T..11.144-114:14--rrIt,7k Il'IS 01.1-.1-.11.-e-ii�li v.. t**.v.-.4:1-11*-4.4-ii.-A -J.-, 4,04.3.4.ytil.�*;-ti ..,1.14.,t,11..--.4.4., Lo ILIt Tilil,l.i.1-1:4.0.,.4�11:111,::41.41till.:..ii iti41.-ttl..r/1.-, *-..1. 1�11.**4-riltit'Illitv wit�*--Alt,:':'-'0-114/frt 0 1.!��4�1� tk."'r.tittt�Ttif 1 i',1- To* itit'tt -.41-..1.-r..1:14 ritialto+It ;i-stri:1�11-tt.�4-1.--41.1i4,'-t-ittzt-t.:1-- � Si..:1+41,171,. t..1 Li bi4.11 i It ji.:,i. Vir:Llt . li* ...4t1 !it' 14.111,�10% r- **-As ti*-,. 1.11-14 -.1 0 -1,1 1.0 ' 0 ii. 0 0.11**0.".-'1,T111�74�11.111'7711.11. 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A.i.L.1.4.10.m.,4itild., � -ty..4,.,-14-,ri.,4,i1,-, It tt-ii p It'ir *It* vittl-lito.v.."--..14,14:-.44.-t-71...11.. tv.h.,,i1L.0., i;tricri.11.-7t altvi..-0.0. .r it-tt il vi� '-1. tj'A...1I a vt'illtti,."Tili*TE__, It Tip, cr,,./rti t. - 1 � 1,1411*-4-1.--W4.14414 fl":4 tkertit wit �z-t, ;1.-...or...14444,,r-,-,141. i totit.4.14.1t,Ti-o. .. it 4.*.....a.44.0, ... ...i...i. ....,..t-, . .. it a ,... . ......, .... , _ .,. _. _. , .. , , .. . 7 ., Approved for Release: 2017/02/03 C01395626 Approved for Release: 2017/02/03 C01395626 TOP SECRET BYE-8725-68 INTRODUCTION This document contains experience data of the OXCART A-12 as of 31 December 1967, including its BLACK SHIELD deployment and operations commencing in, and continuing since, May 1967. OXCART TOP 5ECRii, HANDLE VIA BYEMAN CONTROL SYSTEM Approved for Release: 2017/02/03 001395626 Approved for Release: 2017/02/03 C01395626 TOP SECRET BYE-8725-68 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 A-12 Fact Sheet 2-3 Experience Record 4-5 Flight Development Stages 6 Function of A-12 Inlet 7 Inlet Picture 8-9 A-12 Sorties and Profiles Above Mach 3.0 10-11 Cumulative Time at Mach 3.0 and Above 12-13 Detachment Aircraft Average Mach 3 Hours Per Flight 14-15 Detachment Flights Sortie Effectiveness 16-17 Inlet Sortie Reliability Trend 18-19 Engine Sortie Reliability Trend 20-21 Navigation System Reliability Trend 22-23 Auto Flight Control Sortie Reliability Trend 24-25 Hydraulic System Sortie Reliability Trend 26-27 "Other" Systems Reliability 28-29 Summary - Premature Terminations 30 Camera Systems 31 Camera Performance 32 Electronic Warfare System 33 EWS Reliability - BLACKSHIELD Operational Missions 34-35 System Reliability 36-37 SCOPE CROWN "E" (2 Air Refueling Mission) 38-39 SCOPE CROWN "F" (2 Air Refueling Mission) 40-41 A-12 Aircraft Accident Reliability 42 Engine Reliability 43 J-58 Engine (Abort) Reliability for Engine Cause 44-46 Deployment and Operational Summary TOP SECRET HANDLE VIA BYEMAN CONTROL SYSTEM Approved for Release: 2017/02/03 C01395626 Approved for Release: 2017/02/03 C01395626 �17M�S11931+14- OXCART A4 2 BYE-8725-68 411 � ollki 00000/./ 11/40100 ��,�,,,,1100 11111/111/111�,:litililliffillitifilill110016 l 0000000000 llioggiiiii poll , AIRFRAME DATA ENGINE DATA PERFORMANCE 1. LENGTH: 99 FEET 1. TWO P&W JT11D20A (STANDARD DAY) 2. SPAN: 56 FEET AFTERBURNING TURBO- 1. SPEED: MACH 3.2 3. WEIGHT (BASIC) JET WITH BYPASS (1860 KNOTS) 52,700 LBS. 2. 'MAX. THRUST: 2. ALTITUDE: 87,000+ FT1 4. WEIGHT (FUELED) 32,500 LBS. �3. RANGE: 3600 NM 122,500 LBS. 3. OPERATING LIMIT: MACH 3.2 @ 100,000FT. W/O AIR REFUELING, (CURRENT OBJECTIVE) OXCART TOP SECRET HANDLE VIA BYEMAN CONTROL SYSTEM 1 Approved for Release: 2017/02/03 C01395626 Approved for Release: 2017/02/03 C01395626 ---715P�SECRET BYE-8725-68 EXPERIENCE RECORD AIRCRAFT First Flight 26 April 1962 Total Flights 2670 Total Hours 4438:00 Total Flights at Mach 3.0 900 Total Hours at Mach 3.0 571:06 Longest Flight at Mach 3.0 3:50 Hours Longest Mach 3.2 Time on a Single Flight 3:30 Hours Longest Single Flight Duration 7:40 Hours Speed - Max Mach 3.29 Altitude - Max 90,000 Feet J-58 ENGINES Total Engine Flights 9412 Total Engine Hours 19,738 19,738 Total Engine Flights at Mach 3.0 4294 Total Engine Flight Hours at Mach 3.0 2690 Total Ground Test Hours 26,135 Total Mach 3.0 Environmental Ground Test Hours 6497 Total 150 Hour Qualification Tests 6 INS Total Flights Total Flight Operating Hours Total Operating Time Total Flights Total Flight Hours Total Operating Hours SAS - AUTO PILOT CAMERAS 1616 3715 45,739 2669 4437 42,850 IV Total Flights 262 67 Total Flight Operating Hours 194 37 Total Flights Above Mach 3.0 159 47 Total Hours at Mach 3.0 94 32 Longest Flight at Mach 3.0 1.5 1.3 HANDLE VIA BYEMAN CONTROL SYSTEM 2 Approved for Release: 2017/02/03 C01395626 Approved for Release: 2017/02/03 C01395626 �TOP CECRET BYE-8725-68 PILOTS (6) Average Pilot Experience Average Total Flight Time (All Aircraft) Time in A-12 (Least/Avg/Most) Time in Project Average A-12 Flights LIFE SUPPORT Total Suit Flights (Detachment) EWS Total Flight Tests DETACHMENT Activated Time in Training as a Unit Average Time in Project (Personnel) 15 Years 4110 Hours 144/413/483 Hours 1.3/5 Years 257 1751 110 1 October 1960 60 Months* 46/50 Months *Detachment 1, 1129th began training as a unit coincident with delivery of first aircraft (trainer) in January 1963. Prior to that it had been supporting LAC flight test effort. Operational Aircraft Two-Seater Trainer� Flight Test Aircraft OXCART A-12 AIRCRAFT INVENTORY 6 1 1 "1107-8-BeRgT 3 Approved for Release: 2017/02/03 C01395626 HANDLE VIA BYEMAN CONTROL SYSTEM Approved for Release: 2017/02/03 C01395626 TOP SECRET BYE-8725-68 FLIGHT DEVELOPMENT STAGES The single most important problem pacing the flight development (opposite page) of the A-12 has been the air inlet and its control system. This system which provides the proper amount of ram air to the engines at all flight conditions must minimize shock expulsions (unstarts), automatically recover (restart) when shock expulsions do occur, and at the same time operate at optimum efficiency in order to maximize engine performance and aircraft range. The notations under development stages I through IV A all refer to problems and components of this system. Reso- lution of these has lead to a reliability commensurate with the operational readiness established in December 1965. Fuselage Station 715 Joint Beefup (Stage IV B) involved strengthening fuselage structure at the wing joint because of heavier electronic warfare systems payload weight re- quirements. TOP SECRET HANDLE VIA BYEMAN CONTROL SYSTEM 4 Approved for Release: 2017/02/03 C01395626 Approved for Release: 2017/02/03 C01395626 BYE-8725-68 FLIGHT DEVELOPMENT STAGES I. Mach 2.35 (To July 1964) A. Duct Roughness at Mach 2.4 B. Unacceptable Restart Capability C. Inlet Instability and Unstarts II. Mach 2.8 (July 1964 - March 1965) A. Inlet Mice Corrected IA B. Aft Bypass Incorporation Corrected IB C. Inlet Instability and Unstarts Still Encountered III. Mach 3.0 (March 1965 - August 1965) A. Spike Static Probe and "J" Cam Inlet Control Improved IIC But Did Not Correct Condition IV. Mach 3.2 (26 August 1965 - 20 November 1965) A. Retrofit to Lockheed Electronic Inlet Control Corrected IIC B. Fuselage Station 715 Joint Beefup V. Operational Alert (December 1965 On) A. Operational Capability B. Aircraft Performance Optimization and Envelope Extension VI. Phase Out (December 1966) A. On 29 December 1966 a decision was made by higher authority to terminate the OXCART program as of 31 December 1967. An orderly phase-out program was implemented to carry out this decision. VII. Operational Deployment (May 1967) VIII. Operational Deployment extended through 30 June 1968 (December 1967). TOP SECRET HANDLE VIA BYEMAN CONTROL SYSTEM 5 Approved for Release: 2017/02/03 C01395626 Approved for Release: 2017/02/03 C01395626 TOP SECRET BYE-8725-68 FUNCTION OF THE A-12 INLET A supersonic inlet or air induction system is designed to provide best possible aerodynamic performance over a range of supersonic Mach numbers with a stable and steady flow of air to the engine. However, due to constraints imposed by supersonic aerodynamics, truly optimum performance with an ideal shock pattern and an inlet airflow exactly matched to the engine airflow requirement can only be provided at one flight condition. Since the OXCART aircraft must cruise for considerable periods of time at a Mach 3 speed, maximum possible range is realized by providing this optimum inlet performance at the. Mach 3 cruise conditiOn. The basic geometry and airflow characteristics of the inlet are then varied to provide a minimum compromise of aerodynamic performance and efficiency at lower flight speeds. Some of this needed flexibility is provided by varying the position of the inlet spike. Since the airflow which can be admitted by the inlet is in excess of that which can be accepted by the engine at other than the design condition, this excess airflow is dumped overboard through a series of forward bypass doors or passed down the nacelle airflow passage around the engine through a series of aft bypass doors. In addition to those airflow passages shown on the accompanying sketch, a system is also provided for bleeding off the low energy boundary layer air Which forms along the surface of the spike. This improves inlet making the entire main inlet flow passage available to the high energy, high velocity air. A rather complicated automatic electronic control system. senses aerodynamic environment to provide the proper scheduling. of spike and forward bypass door positions at all flight conditions. Aft bypass door positions are selected manually by the pilot. TOP SECRET HANDLE VIA BYEMAN CONTROL SYSTEM 6 Approved for Release: 2017/02/03 C01395626 CD C CD L.0 Cr) cD Cr) cD CD cD . . a) a) a) ct a) 2 cp_ cp_ :YE-872 SMAS CIIIVMZIOd SSVdAS _UV