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FROM VIASHFAX SITE 38 ""' r7T ':'3 l !1: I � . Sti.r9.11,Pr.1F4q101 TIME TRANSMITTED Approved for Release: 2019/07/30 C01327044 (MUN41U.I U4 SIsatfiT SITE A CIA MSG NU FROM: ASSOCIATE DEPUTY DIRECTOR FOR INTELUCENCE SUBJECT: RED CELL DELIVERY INSTRUCTIONS: I:1 How FOR NORMAL Dun, BOuniRourris IMMEDIATELY/URGENT It/ It /0112/02., ottri GAC- TIME RECEIVED PHONE NUMBER: 482-4080 PAGES: q (INCLUDING I COVER) NOTE: FURNISH AFTER DUTY HOUR CONTACT TELEPHONE NUMBER FOR EACH ADDEE REQUIRING AFTER DUTY HOUR DELIVERY TRANSMIT To: (b)(3) AGENCY: INDIVIDUAL (NAME) OFFICE ROOM NBR PHONE fIBR DOD DOD PAUL WOLFOWITZ DOUGLAS FEM.( DOD PETER RODMAN Dep Sec of � Defense Dep Sec of Defense for Policy AS/Intel Security Affairs Room 3E944 Platagon ROMS 4E110S 703/692-71S0 703/697-7200 Room 4E535 , Pentagon 703/695-43S1 a SECDEFCAELES DISTRIBUrON_ SECDEF azi'LASST ,DCIKSEC11 .EPSEC'DEF C&D cCD LLSDP WASHFAX COVER SHEET .CAB r-CH FILE WASHFAX OPERATO.4 �X03615 /02 hrt Si Approved for Release: 2019/07/30 C01327044 � � PROM WASHFAX SITE 38 bireclor of Global Intolligeoce Approved for Release: 2019/07/30 C01327044 (Nom) 10. 28* 02 o : 07/err. 10 : 07/NO. 3760635168 P 2 l'ECREZU. DCI Red Cell A Red Cell Report Number 89 26 October 2002 In response to rho events of II .Yrprethlwr. the Ilireoroo tiCertritst Intelligence v SI; 'ssioned Chi .4 Demi)* Directorial latelligester ItS rime a "retied," lions Wald think niteonwatiateally attain Milan mile of relevant analytic imiws. The DCI liYfi Cell it flats churned with takitq U protoriatial ."vitt-pi.the-bax" apinviduli and will periodirally produee memoranda and reports intended to pritrote Iltanght - rather than to /amide inalinritatire acres:meat ilkoo POMP rpieslions or in the DC! Red CrII at! Could Saddam Step Down as a Ploy to Delay US Action? (SHREW� In � last ditch effort to dimwit II $ pia,* Saddam 'night resign as hales President and pass the inintie to 4 pupae 4 perhaps his manger son (Assay but possibly a stooge he thinks the international community may find less malodorous. Saddam might cakulate a sudden, witil-timed resignation� although deceiving no one about isfb� calk, the shots in Iraq.-could throw the ti.S off stride stride and postpone an invasion as tiN members demand an assessment of the "new"situation and support for military action erodesi bra resignation ploy had //We effec4 Saddam coidd easily orchestrate his recall to poWer "by the Iraqi yew*" and use his gesture to stoke Arab resistance to the US. Saddam realizes that W the US invades Iraq, he will lose power and probably his life. Based on his past behavior, Saddam surely has some surprises up his sleeve. The Red CeN consulted CIA analysts on an eleventh hour gambit Saddam might use to thwart an hwasiont Standing Down to iJostaga Washington Saddam reliShes power and will do virtuaNy anything to retain It. His foes are therefore prudent to prepare for the unthinkable�steps even Saddam might see as anathema until he sees the end approaching. For example, a sham resignation in which Seddon ruled from behind the scenes would be far preferable to him than exile abroad, but he might rear loosing control, especially of the security forces. He would be mindful of Milosevies fate, perhaps calculating a succear.or would eventually turn him over to the war crimes Tribunal. � Moreover, Saddarres personality is IN suited to stepping aside. He reacted negatively when a diplomat raised with him the possibility & exile, reflecting his determination to hang on to power even if offered persons security Nevertheless, in the face of overWheineng US and coalition force, Saddam may come to see a resignation gambit as offering the best' hope for personal survival and the only way to preserve his influence: Compared to death at US hands or foreign exile, voluntary resignation might strike him as a way retain oontrol.through a hand-picked successor while posturing as eider statesman, sacrificing position for the good of Iraqi and Arab peoples. � Saddam has already played the puppet master. Before he became president In 1979, he exercised near absolute power from behind the throne as Iraq's number two leader. What He Hight Hope To Gain If an attack against Iraq seemed inevitable, Saddam might calculate that a last minute resignation would at least buy him additional time whNe the world puzzled over the significance of such a move. If key actors played their parts adroitly, Saddam might hope � (b)(3) (b)(3) (b)(3) (b)(3) (b)(3) (bi)(3) (b)(3) (b)(3) Approved for Release: 2019/07/30 001327044 Approved for Release: 2019/07/30 C01327044 � FROM WASHFAX SITE 38 .11111.� (MON)10. 28' 02 10:07/ST. 10 :07/NO. 3760635168 P 3 to break up any existing coalition while denying the US the objective of regime change. In a best case for him, Saddam might even be able to resume formal power at the "behest of the Iraqi people" when the heat eventually subsided. ' � Even if the US refused to bite and moved ahead with invasion plans, Saddam wduld probably calculate�correctly, in our view�that other states would pressure Washington to pause and let the UN try to deal with the "new" regime. . Neighboring Arab leaders might even praise Saddam's statesman-Bke�move to avert a potential crisis for them in dealing with the Arab "street"�especialk if Saddam claimed his departure would Mow the world to focus on the "real" issue of Israeli aggression against the Palestinians. � A Saddam resignation would also throw the already fractious Iraq opposition off balance and cause a scramble for influence inside and outside Iraq. Despite suspicions of what Saddam was really up to, Kurds and Shia opposition elements might approach a new Iraqi leader to cut a deal. A resignation might enhance Saddam's policy of trying to appiear forthcoming on UN Inspections. Saddam could calculate a figurehead would be even more effective in selling the notion that Iraq had nothing to hide. With several years to conceal its programs and remove evidence from suspect facilities, the regime stands an orcellent chance of fooling UNMOVIC and creating pressure In the UNSC to dismantle the sanctions regime. � With inspectors back in Iraq and Saddam on the sidelines, international support for a hard line would erode. Over time, a "'new" Iraqi regime could resume its efforts to develop WMO. Qualified Candidates for Front Man (S//REL) To undertilke a faux resignation, Seiddam would need a "stccessor" strongly committed to Saddam's personal safety and the interest of the family and brooder Tikrit clan. The new president would need to be willing to serve as a facade behind which Saddam would rule and to resist efforts to transform the system or marginalize the Bath party. A Saddam surrogate would also need credibility with the security services and the Revolitionary Guard and have a measure of international standing, especially among Arabs states. With these considerations in mind, Saddarn might go one of three ways: � Dynattic. Saddam's preferred successor Is his younger son, Qusay, whom he has been grooming for power. Qusay has dose ties to the security organizations and the Bath party. He would protect family and clan interests. He is steeped in the Arab tradition of deference to parental authority and has less Incentive than other potential successors to betray Saddam's trust, as long as he remained comfortable in an ersatz role. Qusay would be seen as identical to Saddam, however, with almost no fig leaf to cover Saddam's continuing power. � Constitutional. According to the interim 1970 Constitution as revised, the Vice Chairman of the Revolutionary Command Council, Izzat al-Dun, shOuld be Saddam's -tEeRezi (b)(1) (b)(3) (b)(3) (b)(3) (b)(3) (b)(3) Approved for Release: 2019/07/30 C01327044 Approved for Release: 2019/07/30 C01327044 A * FROM WASHFAX SITE 38 (MOM) 1028 02 10 :07/ST. .1 0 : 07/NO. 3760635162 P 4 1-EGR successor. Al-Dun is a loyal Saddam henchman, having suryived in the position since 1979. His poor health and lack of charisrre suggest he would not be a threat to Saddam., He is, however, a sleazy figure tainted, by involvement in WMO and would be a poor "face" to the outside world. � Pragmatic Saddam might turn to Deputy Premier 'Twig Aziz if he thought someone with greater standing in the outside world would complete the ruse. Aziz is well known abroad, having dealt with Western and Arab leaders for years, and is seen as a relative moderate. As a Christian of some urbanity, /viz might be the sort of benign face that can help make Saddan's strategy of tactical retreat work. His lack of ,11 power base and age (72) would make him easy to manipulate. How It Could Happen If he deckled to resign at the eleventh hour, Saddam would in aft likelihood make a major speech, perhaps to a Iliathist conclave, scplalning that he was stepping down to save his countrymen and to promote Arab Interests. He might blame the US, with its imperialist ambitions and Zionist string-pullers, noting that efforts to oust him violated the collective will of the Iraq people expressed in his "unanimous' reelection in October. He would make a plea to the Arab world to no longer let a '" corirontation with him defier/ from ' resistance to US and Israeli aggression. Saddam would avoid touching�Troth less playing�the resignation card until he vas convinced he had no other alternative. In 1991, he offered to withdraw from l(uwait only when major coalition military movements were underway, but by then the coalition saw Saddam's offer as a transparent stalling tactic. This time, support for moving against Saddam is much softer and a late surprise might find greater receptivity. (S//REL) If Saddam plays this low probability, high impact" gambit, we might see some indicators. � On the ewe of a resignation Saddam might purge of offlelals of questionable loyalty lest anyone-suspect he is goingsoft. � Saddam and the Iraqi man might increasingly pottray the struggle with the US exclusively as a personal vendetta against Saddam, helpirg pave the way for an accommodation with the new leader. � Saddam might consult with his sons, al-Dun, and some Bath Party leaders. We might detect such efforts to script a resignation. If a staged resignation appeared unlikely to delay US rniNtary 'action, Saddern could quickly reassume the reins. He would swing the Iraq propaganda apparatus into action behind a "grass roots* recall to power. The media would stress that Saddern, In a last attempt to avert conflict and protect the Iraqi people, had been willing to step askle, but that even this "magnanimous" gesture would not satisfy the "rapacioue US administration and its allies, the Israelis and anti-Islamic Arab lackeys." � Such themes would resonate in the Mkklie East and could activate the Arab "steer to violent protest against any support provided to US forces. (b)(3) (b)(3) (b)(3) (b)(3) (b)(3) Approved for Release: 2019/07/30 C01327044