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Publication Date:
March 28, 2003
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Approved for Release: 2019/03/27 C01247761
Information Review & Release (IRR) News for 24 - 28 March 2003
Executive Summary
Immediate Calendar:
(U/hk-ItrOT 16 April 2003: Interagency Security Classification Appeals Panel (ISCAP): Next Liaisons'
meeting at Crystal City.
Future Planning Calendar:
(U//k1+J.0) 22 April 2003: Interagency Security Classification Appeals Panel (ISCAP): Next Principals'
meeting at EEOB in Washington, DC.
(U//*11113) 4-5 June 2003: Historical Review Panel: Next meeting at State Department and CIA Headquarters.
(U//i4H344) 31 December 2006: The Automatic Declassification Date per Executive Order 12958, as amended, for
unreviewed intelligence-related or multi-agency records.
Overview of IRR Activities Last Week:
(U// ) President Bush Signs Order Amending �0 12958
(U8A1U0) On 25 March, President Bush signed a document amending President Clinton's EO 12958 titled
"Classified National Security Information." Some of the changes to the Order are:
� The date on which unreviewed material that is over 25 years old becomes automatically declassified was
changed from 17 April 2003 to 31 December 2006 (Sec. 3.3).
� A new classification category was added at the request of Homeland Security to emphasize that
information involving, "defense against transnational terrorism" is classifiable. (Sec. 1.4 g)
� The DCI's authorities to protect sources and methods at ISCAP were bolstered. In Section 5.3 (0, the
following was added: When the Interagency Security Classification Appeals Panel (ISCAP) "reaches a
conclusion that information owned ... by the DCI should be declassified, and the DCI notifies the Panel that
he objects to its conclusion ... the information shall remain classified unless (ISCAP appeals) to the
President, and the President reverses the determination." Previously, if the ISCAP and DCI didn't agree,
the DCI had to initiate an appeal to the President.
(U//A44444.) Number of EO Mandatorys Positioned to Set Three-year High
(U/A4-140) As of 31 March 2003 --the mid-point of the fiscal year-- CIA has received 362 EO Mandatory
Declassification Review (MDR) requests. If the current rate of MDR receipts continues, CIA will receive in fiscal
year 2003 11.9% more MDRs than in fiscal year 2002, and 10.7% more than in fiscal year 2001.
� The procedures for EO MDRs are outlined in the new amended EO 12958 in Section 3.5 (Section 3.6 in
original EO), which states "... all information classified under (EO 12958) shall be subject to a review for
declassification ... (09 the request ... describes the ... material ... with sufficient specificity to enable the
agency to locate it with a reasonable amount of effort, (and) the information is not exempted from search
under ... the National Security Act of 1947, ... and the information has not been reviewed for
declassification within the past two years." If the requester of an EO MDR disagrees with the agency's
declassification decision, he/she may appeal that decision to the Interagency Security Classification
Appeals Panel (ISCAP).
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� The vast majority of EO MDRs received at CIA are from requesters asking for declassification of material
held in presidential libraries.
(U//A-14513). South Carolina Lady Writes About Implants
(UHAIU0) A lady from South Carolina wrote to CIA, "I have been implanted with devices to read my mind and
torture me." She wrote five pages about the problems the implants have caused her and asked, "please tell me how
to get these implants out of me." She concluded with a request that would make it difficult for us to contact her,
"P.S. Don't let anyone tell you that they are me."
� The CIA receives many letters each year from persons who make unusual requests.
(UMA-Ii+0) FOIA Requests
(U///4440) Massachusetts Requester Wants Information on Israel Perlstein
(UHAIIJO) A requester from Cambridge, Massachusetts, seeks records "on Israel Perlstein (1897-1975), a New
York book dealer in the 1920s-1960s."
(UHA-11119) National Security Archive Interested in Intelligence on Iraq
(UHAIU0) Frequent requester, The National Security Archive, seeks "all NIEs (National Intelligence Estimates),
SNIEs (Special National Intelligence Estimates), and IIMs (Interagency Intelligence Memorandums), produced
between 1975 and 1985, that have the word 'Iraq' in the title."
(U//A/V0) UVA Professor Requests NIEs on Yugoslavia
(UHALL10.) A Professor Emeritus from the University of Virginia, asks for all National Intelligence Estimates
(NIEs) concerning the former Yugoslavia, "as part of a retrospective examination of the foreign policy of the United
States toward Yugoslavia in the 1980s...." The requester indicates he is co-author of the book The War in Bosnia:
Ethnic Conflict and International Intervention.
(UHALL.Q)_National Security Archive Looking for 1962 CIA Document About Soviet Buildup in Cuba
(U//A1+40) Frequent requester, The National Security Archive, seeks "a report by Richard Lehman to DCI John
McCone, titled, 'CIA Handling of the Soviet Buildup in Cuba,' 14 November 1962 (part of this report was
declassified by the CIA in 1992 in the publication CIA Documents on the Cuban Missile Crisis)."
(U//41440) CIA Declassification Center
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(UHAILICL) From the Archives: Dulles's Senior Staff Meeting
(UNAIU0) One of the meetings DCI Allen Dulles held during the 1950s was called the Senior Staff Meeting, which
included 40 to 50 of the top agency people from various directorates. Unlike his Directors' Meetings and Deputies' Meetings,
which tended to deal with more important matters, DCI Dulles covered more mundane affairs in the Senior Staff Meeting.
Following is a nonscientific sample of meeting minutes that were recently reviewed by the DCI team at the CIA
Declassification Center:
Records Management (6 Aug 1956) -- One of the management people who presented at the meeting
"emphasized the importance and value of records management." He cited a then-recent IG report that said
"Area Records Management Officers are [not fully qualified] ... were chosen at too low a grade level ... are
without sufficient authority ... and have too many other duties." "He then asked that those present take
whatever action was necessary to put qualified people in these positions and see that they carried out their
functions effectively."
Hope Springs Eternal (18 Dec 1957) -- Inspector General Kirkpatrick was speaking on the need to try to
decrease paperwork and noted "Mr. Dulles felt that when we get to our new building a great deal of this
paperwork should be reduced."
"Clyde the Cloak" (6 Aug 1956) -- The last, and probably least, example of Senior Staff Meeting agenda
items concerns "Clyde the Cloak," about whom little is known. Mr. Wisner, DDP, "indicated that some posters
that have been placed in headquarters buildings create a bad impression on our own people and on visitors. He
stated that these were in some instances undignified and juvenile and that they seemed to carry on a concept
that this is a 'cheap organization.' " The entry notes it was subsequently evident that Mr. Wisner was upset with
a Consolidated Charities poster "Clyde the Cloak." Unfortunately the poster was not reproduced and we can
only speculate what this poster might have resembled.
This is a record.
Sent on 2 April 2003 at 12:34:46 PM
Approved for Release: 2019/03/27 C01247761