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Publication Date:
January 31, 2003
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Approved for Release: 2019/03/27 C01247759
Information Review & Release (IRR) News for 27 - 31 January 2003
Executive Summary
Immediate Calendar:
(UHAWEP) 12 February 2003: Interagency Security Classification Appeals Panel (ISCAP): Next Liaisons'
meeting at Crystal City.
Future Planning Calendar:
(U//muo) 25 February 2003: Interagency Security Classification Appeals Panel (ISCAP): Next Principals'
meeting at EEOB in Washington, DC.
(W/A1U0) April 2003: The Automatic Declassification Date per Executive Order 12958, as amended, for
unreviewed intelligence-related or multi-agency records.
Overview of IRR Activities Last Week:
(U/Hc11:70) Historical Review Panel
(U//*H7F0) HRP Convenes for Semi-annual Meeting
'MT Five members of the Historical Review Panel (HRP), including new member Ruth Wedgwood, met at
Headquarters on 30-31 January for a review of several declassification projects, and for an
overview of issues including scarce resources, space reallocation, declassification authority, and progress on the
revision of Executive Order 12958.
� The Historical Review Panel, which meets semi-annually, is a prestigious seven member panel of historians
and academicians appointed by the DCI The Panel's mission is to advise the DCI on the systematic and
automatic declassification review of historical documents under the provisions of EO 12958, and on the
Agency's voluntary declassification initiatives, as well as to provide guidance for the historical research
and writing programs of the CIA History Staff
(Uthk-14:41) FOIA and Privacy Requests
(U/A4430) In FY 2002, FOIA/PA Teams Lower Pending, Response Times Increase
(U/1.611,48) The FOIA and Privacy Act (PA) teams at the Public Information Programs Division at IMS closed 3046
FOIA and PA cases in FY 2002, which reduced the total number of cases pending by 319 cases-- from 1866 cases
at the beginning of FY 2002 down to 1547 cases at the end of FY 2002. These statistics will be included in the
Freedom of Information Act Annual Report for FY 2002 that CIA will submit soon to the Department of Justice in
compliance with a report requirement mandated by the Electronic Freedom of Information Act (EFOIA) of 1996.
� The report also will indicate that, although the number of pending FOIA cases declined in FY 2002, the
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median response time and the average response time for case closures actually went up, compared to the
same time period in FY 2001. The increase in the response times reflects the FOIA team's emphasis in FY
2002 on closing its older cases.
(UllAMR:0) National Security Archive Wants CIA Reaction to White House Directive
(MA-RIO) The National Security Archive, a frequent requester, seeks records, "to include guidance or directives,
memoranda, training materials, or legal analysis concerning the March 19, 2002 memorandum issued by White
House Chief of Staff Andrew Card to the heads of all federal departments and agencies regarding records containing
information about Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD)."
� The FOIA case manager accepted the request/
(Ili/A=4) Grad Student Wants "Requester Report"
(UHAIU0) A graduate student from Northwestern University, asked for a copy of the "log of all Freedom of
Information requests from July 2002 to January 2003."
(Ullirl+10) New Yorker Seeks Hypnosis Article
(UHAIU0) A requester from Staten Island, New York seeks a copy of a CIA study titled "Hypnosis in
Interrogation," written by Edward F. Deshere, "which appeared in the Studies in Intelligence journal in 1960."
(U//A4440) CIA Declassification Center
(U//Attil) CDC Briefs Historical Review Panel on the 0/DCI Collection
(U//T) Rich Warshaw, Chief/CIA Declassification Center (CDC), and C/DCI Team at CDC, briefed the
members of the Historical Review Panel (HRP) on the status of the project to review and release the Office of the DCI
(0/DCI) collection. CDC will review the collection based on a priority schedule established by Special Collections Division
(SCD). The complete collection contains about 253,000 pages of which SCD deems 62,000 pages high priority. CDC
expects to complete a review of the 62,000 high priority pages by 30 September 2003. CDC plans to complete a review of
all 253,000 pages by 30 September 2004. (R. Warshaw,
(U//414,10) From the Archives: Congressional Endorsement of DCI Dulles after Bay of Pigs
(UHAIU0) Congressional leaders, including a future president, praised DCI Allen Dulles in a 15 May 1961 letter to
President Kennedy that was recently reviewed at the CIA Declassification Center. The letter, on House Committee on
Appropriations letterhead, was signed by five members of the CIA subcommittee, including future President Gerald Ford:
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"Dear Mr. President: Of course, no member of the Legislative Branch of the Government would presume to make
any suggestion to you with relation to the appointment of strategic members of your administration. But the subcommittee
on CIA which, naturally, has been in touch with Mr. Dulles for many years, have found him exceptionally reliable, efficient,
and competent. With assurance of our warmest regard and cooperation."
In a cover letter of the same date, Representative Clarence Cannon of the Congressional group noted they were
"enclosing copy of a letter which is self-explanatory" and expressed best wishes. The DCI responded with a thank you note
to Chairman Cannon saying "words can hardly express how deeply I am touched by this note of confidence."
� The Congressional letter to President Kennedy is interesting in several respects, one of course being an indication
of the respect with which the DCI was viewed Another aspect is the timing, coming as it did right after the Bay of
Pigs incident in April. President Kennedy, who had said after his election that he planned to retain Dulles as his
DCI, instead announced in September that he was replacing Dulles with John McCone.
(U/A4130) From the Archives: Truman Receives CIA Briefing in 1963
(UHATIZJI,) Former President Harry Truman continued to receive briefings from the CIA after he left the
presidency, according to documents that were recently reviewed at the CIA Declassification Center. In one
document, dated 1963, DDCI Lt. Gen. Marshall Carter briefed the former president in Independence, Missouri after
which Truman reminded the DDCI that he knew a lot about the CIA because he'd been responsible for its founding
in the first place. Truman cited as a major accomplishment of his administration the establishment of an agency that
could pull together all intelligence activities and give the President totally unbiased, totally objective analyses of
world situations. Truman told the DDCI that this was the first time he had been "adequately" briefed since he left
office in 1952 and that it was one of the most helpful half-hours he'd experienced in recent memory. He was
especially grateful to President Johnson for having arranged the briefing and hoped he could have more of them.
This is a record
Sent on 10 February 2003 at 08:51:38 AM
Approved for Release: 2019/03/27 C01247759