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Publication Date:
April 17, 1963
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Approved for Release: 2019/05/03 C01245241
MIIMORANDPR FOR: The Special Group
01,917EM: COvert Action in the Crongo (Leopoldville)
. .0a 17 November 1.0814.Special Group approved aA)ropoSal
to, 'undertake specific. covert actions in. the Congo in support
of.Prime',Minister:Adoula. and his closest colleagues, and.
authorized the expenditure;
survival of the moderate,
proAreste6 ADOULA Government; dissolution of the Lumumbist
regime of Antoine OURRO4 in Stanleyville and the detention
of GIUNGh; disorganization of the leftist, nationalist oppo-
sition to the ADOULA Government; reintegration of Katanga
and South Kasai into a unified Congo.
This memorandum presents a progress and status report
.and reqUests authority to continue
2. PRO
certain, of these covert
lhe success of the 'covert actions undertaken tO date.
has been limited by the inability of Prime Minister.ADOWIA
and his close colleagues (hereinafter, Called. the ADOULA Group)
to uSe the Support furnished to build viable and enduring
� 'Pt.4.31 �
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political mechanisms by the residual problems of Katanga
and the still-active threat of secessionism, and by continued
evidence of Soviet willingness to intervene in Congolese
politics. As a result, the objectives of our covert action
program are only, partially achieved, and the threat to the
stability of the Congo from, both the left and the socessionist8
continues, although in less acute form. We believe that
termination of the covert programs would aggravate these
threats and CAUSe the downfall of the ADOULA Government.
The ADOULA Group still needs this support if U.O. policies
are to continue to succeed. The Department of State believes
that the ADOULA Government remains the best available,
� A. OrSaaization of a Moderat,e Political Party and
'Direct Political Action
This objective has not been attained. The
ADOULA Group, by judicious use of covertly provided,fundes
has kept opposition groups off balance and uncoordinated to
the eXtent that it has survived (albeit by uncomfortably
� narrow margins) all efforts by Parliament to unseat it.
� AWL& and colleagues, distracted by a continued series of
parliamentary crises, and lacking in competent aides, have
been unable to focus on party-building until very. recently.
Plans have been submitted for a new party, which ADOULA has
accepted, and we are prepared to furnish advisory personnel
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to guideits formation.
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UPenditures to date for direct political action
have been used primarily to fragment
the opposition, and there-is. little doubt that, without these
funds,. the APPULA Government:wOuld have been ouated on. fOur
-Separate occasions.
It is planned that-Ahe Parliament will adjourn.
or. be prorogued in -J41* Ipoa, to be followed elections
In 1964. �Ma10- will give the_ADOU4A- Group- at least six months
to organize a. sound political base. It'is'anticipated that
will be required for this effort, and for direct
political action in PI 1964.
13. Public Relations
A Public relations mechanism was established in
November 1961, �and has functioned efficiently since that time.
Prime Violater ADOULA has accepted guidance (emanating
indirectly from the' U.S. Embassy in Leopoldville) in public
statements. These statements, along with news and feature
items presenting a favorable image of his government, have
been widely distributed in the United Nations and throughout
the Afro-Asian world, as well as to a limited degree in Europe.
This effort has enhanced the MOM& Government in the eyes of
many Afro-Asian countries and has brought it the full backing
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of thoSe countrieS in the Ti:. The Belgian Government's
attitudes toward AD01314A have. Also become relatively favorable..
Professional public relations guidance was
furnished to AW.ft A. during his visit to the ITN in 1962, and
� to oreign Min*ster� Bombolo during two visits to the ON.
�In addition, public relations materials were fur)xished to
� Congolese delegates to several pan?;-African conferences.
DOmettically, Prime Minister ADOULA has made a.
number of public speeches and shown himself with fair
frequency to U.S countrymen, Which activities have received
wide domestic news, radio and photographic coverage. On
trips outside. of 1400po1dvi1le: he bas had the-.benefit of
continued public relaticins advice. This was particularly
� Offective.during his first visit to Alisabethville lit February
1964. Newsreel feature coverage of his visit to the UI and
v.a. during 1062. was given wide- distribution in the Congo.
In addition: wall posters representing,ADQU4A,as 4. "man of
the people" have been effective.
With various. Congo programs' up. for:international
debate �,(reorganization and. retraining .of the Congolese Army,
future role Of the .UN � in the. Congo, etc.)�, and with .ef forts
to organize a. political party, .continuation of a..pUblid rola-
tions effort � is essential. Also, the- presence of a. public
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Eniudol tram utotruftfe
� GROUrri
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� relations advisor at the prime Minister s side affords at
opportunity to influence not only his public posture, but
� also the substantive content of his public statements. It
C. -4sistauce- to general, groiteipb, . _NORM
We believe that .this activity has beep among 'the
� most .offective within the program.. �Our supVtort :has. enabled
ltiMM31 to retain the loyalty of kis 'key officers throughout
this period thrOugh ettertairunett, -monetary favors and pro.-
vision. for_ depetdents,. and to make one ,extotsive tour of
provincial Commands. lotOIAMIT Was able to scotch at
�lea$t ote� attempted military Coup- 'against the Goverment, and
to prevett :military action against liatatga. Provincial President
Tam= which could ha:ye upset 'United Nation:0 plans for the
reintegration of Natanga and had a perhaps disastrous effect
:on :'U.S., policy in tile. Congo. MOMITTI and the Congolese. ArmY
have remained throughout period loyal supporters of the
the Congolese Army remains the ultima ratio
of the government, we believe that direct assistance to NOW=
should continue.
4' 491,,,X#11.9
A.This request has beet coordinated with the
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PePartment of. attkt.e... Aia):tassador.IWmund A:. Gu1:11.0n .ii3 latovn
;to desire- eontimiat ion- � of support to, the. � 0044 -Group .
.0. ...The-4004A Group voti141. -Vie* a d.i*continuati.ort.�of
thi:.p,rogxam this time as.: a: mor krid tuifitvoraKe ch**ge
� in M.S. polioy 7whith. 'would :leixd. to * rapid' ..deterioratio*.
of. reelati.oits. � We- beli.eve. it :s.*te-: to so. that the: (2krouP
Ooneurp on this request,
�is reeorapteude�d that .:4(pe.ei*I. Group-
..approve: the
denting:align of a4tivities listed wider. ,P*.ragrliph �B.
j �C,iiho've �
� t
�, ?�. '
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