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August 22, 1951
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Approved for Release: 2020/10/13 CO1162411 E T MEDICAL INTELLIGENCE ABSTRACTS OF UNEVALUATED INFORMATION � CIA/SI 25.22-51 22 August 1951 WARNING: This document contains information affect� ing the national defense of the United States, within the meaning of Title let1 Sections 793 and 794, of the U. S. Code, as amended. Its.transmission or revelation of its contents to or receipt by an unauthorized person is prohibited by law. SEC BET Approved for Release: 2020/10/13 CO1162411 Approved for Release: 2020/10/13 CO1162411 "Tibon," New Tuberculosis Remedy Claimed in USSR. A new tuberculosis remedy, called "Tibon," was allegedly synthesized at the All-Union Scientific Research Chemicopharmaceutical Institute imeni S. Ordzhonikidze, probably by Prof. M. Oyfebakh. In addition to this synthesis, that Of an analogous substance "Tdbin" was reported to have been synthesized by the Tuberculosis Institute of the Academy of Medical Sciences USSR. The rather detailed report, including the results of clinical testing and directions for the use of "Tibon" are published in "Neditsinskiy Rabotnik," Vol. XIV, No. 27 (943), 1951, p. 4. ANALYST'S COMMENT: This is another example of misleading information, emanating from Russian sources. The product "Tibon," identified as the thiosemi- carbazone of para-acetamino-benzaldehyde, is obviously identical with "CONTEBENI" synthesized by Behnisch, Nietzsch, and Schmidt of the Bayer laboratories in the U. S.s and 'physiologically tested by Domagk. The results of these tests were published in 1948. Since then numerous publications have appeared in literature, American and especially German, concerning this agent which has proven chemotherapeutically active in the treatment of tuberculosis, e.g., of lung, larynx and intestines in children as well as in adults. The Schenley Laboratories distribute the product as "Tibione" in the U. S. tne,uermans now aelinitely regara Uontaben (as spelled in report) as too toxic and as valuable only in certain limited types of tuberculosis. American Dihydro- streptomycin is regarded asrtlier4dpg of choice. Approved for Release: 2020/10/13 CO1162411 Approved for Release: 2020/10/13 CO1162411 SECR14 T 1. Nurses Training Program for Factory Workers in the Filimon Sarbu Textile Mill Located in G lati, Rumania. In April 1951 the textile mill, like all factories in umania, sent selected women workers to a nurses' training school. These schools were started in 1950 and were established in most of the larger factories and mills. ANALYST'S COMMENT: This is the first reference seen in this office to this situation. The statement indicates an integrated program under governmental direction. refer to country-wide shortages of medicai personnel. These nurses may utilized for civil defense, military purposes, or, in the Soviet system of so-called health workers. (These health workers are usually poorly trained by Western standards but are in large numbers). Even though these nurses or health workers may not be well trained, they are a potential stockpile of medically trained personnel available for such use as particular contingencies may. present. With continuance of this program, some alleviation of the shortage of medically trained personnel will be accomplished. This may reduce Rumania's vulnerability in this field. 2. Ailing Yugoslav Youth Protucing Mar Materials for U. S. FBIS, No. 155 USSR (4c. Eastern EUrope 3 Aug 51- Rectal. 16 Aug51) described in a Tirana "Appalling" conditions of life for Yugoslav youth who must work 10 to 12 hours a day producing war materials or on 'construction projects for "U. S. bosses" and suffer from: tuberculosis, trachoma, and other .ailments are commentary. '(European Roundup). ANALYST'S COMMENT The mention of disease condition's am:3775E3s ouforced into max work for the U. S. may be part. of a Soviet-Satellite propaganda line Preparing the way for an attack on Yugoslavia. Approved for Release: 2020/10/13 CO1162411