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Publication Date: 
June 6, 1951
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Approved for Release: 2020/10/13 CO1162400 ,QICRET MEDICAL INIsLLIGENCN ABsTRACTS OF UNEVALUATED INFORMATION CIA/SI 25612-51 6 june 1951 WABNINGs This document contains information affect- ing the national defense of the United States within the meaning of Title 18, Sections 793 and 794' of the U. S. Code, as amended. Its trannmission or reimlation of its contents to o'r receipt by an unauthorized person is prohibited by law. SECRET Approved for Release: 2020/10/13 CO1162400 Approved for Release: 2020/10/13 CO1162400 1. CHINA/KOREA Info: 12 Mar 51 MEDICAL SUPPLY TO KOREA OF MAJOR IMPORTANCE Lengthened supply lines and constant air raids by UN planes have seriously hampered Chinese Communist attempts to supply troops Lighting in Korea. 2. CHINA/KOREA Info: 1 Apr 51 TREATMENT OF WOUNDED COMPLICATED BY SHORTAGE OF MEDIAL PERSONNEL AND FACILITIES An overwhelming number of Chinese Communist -wounded have caused great concern to Chinese Communist Government. Facili- ties to care for wounded are practically non-existent and those they do have are too small and in poor condition. A severe shortage of doctors and nurses is evident and the possibility of training technicians is being explored by Communist authorities. Approved for Release: 2020/10/13 CO1162400 Approved for Release: 2020/10/13 CO1162400 3. CHINA Infos Apr ,S] PEKING UNION MEDICAL COLLEGE INCREASES BED CAPACITY AND MEDICAL EDUCATION PROGRAM Authorities have ordered that classes shall continue through- out the summer so as not to interfere with the medical edu- cation program. Personnel have also been ordered to clear out the "Dog House", sections of the basement near the East Gate where animals used by the Physiology Department were kept, in order to make room for 125 additional beds to take care of "casualty" cases. This woula bring the total bed capacity of the hospital to 495 beds. CHINA Info: Jan 50 CHINESE TRAINING DOCTORS The Chinese Cothmunists are giving top priority to the train- . ing of doctors. CHINA Infos 14 Apre51 'EMERGENCY DIRECTIVE FOR CONTROL OF ANIMAL EPIDEMICS Area of 400,000 rural population severely struck by natural calamities in Hupeh province with 20-30% of farm households suffering food shortage. 2. Majority of farm hands and peasants showed general lack of draft animals due to wholesale slaughtering and epizootics. Meanwhile Central South Military and Administrative Com- mission issued emergencY directive for control of epizootics in Central South Region. Directive instructed local authori- ties to adopt eight specific measures to control disease. maysTts COMMENT! The failure or success of authorities in ClEIRITErig the epizootics of rinderpest, foot and mouth disease, and anthrax will be an important factor in the current food situation in Communist China. - 2 - -SeiestgetaRgiemlit Approved for Release: 2020/10/13 CO1162400 Approved for Release: 2020/10/13 CO1162400 SECRET (b)(1) (b)(3) 7. KOREA, Info: 12 May 51 MIS - Daily Report No. 101 - 16 May 1951 Far 'East Mt GUINEA FIGS The May 12 EISIN WEN DAILY, in a short editorial, condemned the criminal act of the U. S. Armed Forces in Korea of using captured Chinese Volunteers as guinea pigs in their bacterio- logical warfare experiments. (Shanghai, May 12, 1951). ANALYST'S COMMENT: One of many accusations re alleged U S. BW activities in Korea 8. MANCHURIA - Info: Jan, 50 POSSIBLE BW RESEARCH CENTER Japanese-established research center in Chang-Ohun taken over by Chinese Communists, In Jan 1950 about 300 university graduates were engaged in a 1. bacteriolo i al - 3 - SECRET Approved for Release: 2020/10/13 CO1162400 Approved for Release: 2020/10/13 CO1162400 9. NETHERLANDS Info: May, 51 "LIGHT EPIDEMIC" OF SMALLPDX AFFECTING MILITARY TRAINING-PROGRAM IN NETHERLANDS Because of a recent outbreak of smallpox in North Brabant Prov- ince, the defense ministry has confined to barracks all mili- tary personnel stationed in Tillburg, Eindhoven, Shertogenbosch, Vught, and Geldrob. Reserve and conscript personnel residing in these same towns directed not*to report for refresher train- in a 15 May aR nre.viously ordered. Netherlands chief public health officer has described North Brabant smallpox situation as being "light epidemic." Number of cases has grown' steadily since 1 May to more than 40 with 1 death retorted. Orders will seriously disrilpt present very-tight RNA training schedules Approved for Release: 2020/10/13 CO1162400