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Approved for Release: 2020/10/13 CO1162399 itraid4.11TENCE ABSMACTS OF UNEVALUATED INFORMATION CIA/SI 25.11-51 29 May 1951 WARNING: This document contains infOrmation affect� ing the national defense of the United States; within the meaning of Title 18� Sections 793 and 79/4� of the U. S. Code, as amended. Its transmission or revelation of its contents" to or receipt by an unauthorized person is prohibited by law. Approved for Release: 2020/10/13 CO1162399 Approved for Release: 2020/10/13 CO1162399 � . 1. CHINA Infoa Early Mar, 51 (b)(1) (b)(3) EVACUATION OF HOSPITALS, cHIIREN,AND AGED FROM COASTAL ARM Military preparations continuing on Ftkien coast0 all hospitals and persons over 55 or under I ordered to move inland from Chuanchau (TSINGKIANG) and from several other toin6 in vicinity before March 8. Persons remain- ing in these places instructed to lay in three months supply food and urebare sandbags-for air defenbe. (b)(1) (b)(3) (b)(1) (b)(3) 2. CHINA Info: Mid - Feb 51 TWO SHANGHAI BUOY TENDERS CONVERTED INTO HOSPITAL SHIPS FOR NORTH CHINA DUTY Two customs survey veSsels formerly used to lay buoys for marking the channel leading te Shanghai ha-ve been converted into hospital shipe and are to sail-for'North China ports with a locally engaged crew within the month. 3. CHINA Info: 23 Apr 5: MOVEMENT OF MEDICAL SUPPLIES, AMMUNITION, AND bOMMUNICATIONS EQUIPMENT: 0 000 MO a= 1.0 000. junks loaded with medical supplies, rifle and MG ammunition, and communications equipment were proceeding to TAI SE (POSEH) 23-54 N 106-38E and LUNGCHOW approximately 22-30N 107E via TS&NG VU (MUCHOW) 23-28N-111-18E. During rainy season, approximately April thru oelieved navigable that far by junks up to 100 August, rivers tons. (b)(1) (b)(3) (b)(1) ,(b)(3) (b)(1) (b)(3) (b)(1) (b)(3) (b)(1) (b)(3) Approved for Release: 2020/10/13 CO1162399 TIVM Approved for Release: 2020/10/13 CO1162399 4. CHINA/INDOCHINA Infos Apr 5-6 51 MOVEMENT OF CHINESE MICA', =TERM INTO INDOCHINA trucks carrying a large quantity of medical supp1ies9 including medicineso and about 50 medical personnel from the Supply and Service-Command of the Kwangsi Military District-arrived at Chineisi from Nanning on 5 April and proceeded to Indochina on 6 APril. 6. CHINA/EASTERN EUROPE Info: Mar 51 EUROPEAN MEDICAL PERSONNEL STAFFING MANCHURIAN HOSPITALS' Many European medical personnel have been sent to Manchuria via the USSR to staff the hospitals there. - 2 - CECRET (b)(1) (b)(3) (b)(1) (b)(3) Approved for Release: 2020/10/13 CO1162399 Approved for Release: 2020/10/13 C01162399 _ _ 7 (b)(1) (b)(3) 8. CHINA/KOREA (b)(1) Infos NArs 5J (b)(3) CHINESE COMMUNIST CASUALTIES OF KOREAN WAR HOSPITALIZED IN SOUTH qua (b)(1) shipments of Chinese 4th Field Army sick and (b)(3) (b)(1) mtunded from for treatment appears to be arriving there for treatinelii., Korea 'have been-eacuated as far south as Kwangtung and:Convalescenad.- Kukong in'hor;bhern'Kivangtun central point for this MoveMent� 1 :th'al-1 patients \111 . then diStrihnted ta Varioui KWangt:g hosPitals or-toronfidin10;-haiena-fOrtOnvaleScence estimate number of eacuees at 6,000. (b)(3) (b)(1) 4.13 mm, MO mem .M0 (b)(3) 9. KOREA/SOV GERMANY Infos Up to Foreign Broadcast Info. 31 Mar 51 Service, No. 16 - 18 Apr El SOVIET GEMS MEDICAL AID TO KOREA Up to the end of March, the Soviet Zone of Germany committee'to aid Korea collected DM 4,600,080 and 1,742 boxes of medicine* Boxes of cholera vaccine, serum, and thermometers have been con- tributed in factories, mines, schools, and gov'ernment institu- tions. Students and teachers in Leipzig, Dresden, and other places have donated blood. ANALYST0S CONMENT8 This represents a sizeable contribution to Korean stores. - 3 - (b)(3) Approved for Release: 2020/10/13 CO1162399 Approved for Release: 2020/10/13 CO1162399 10. KOREA/USSR Info a Feb-MAT� 51 SOVIET MILITARY ADVISERS IN N. KOREk EMPLOY MEDICAL COVER Soviet officers attached to North Korean field hospitals are aCtuarly engaged in command combat operations or as combat advisers With-Chinese Communist and North Korean units. IWO to four officers, in uniforms of the appropriate army medical service,, are assigned to each field hospital. In mid-February, two such offiaers were at the North-Korean Army field hospital at Namchou. CIA CONMENTs This is one of the many capaeities in -which Soviet direction and guidance may given. If true, it adds significance to the report that after the withdrawal of Soviet troops from N. Korea in Dec, 48,-Soviet "medical" personnel remained in every provincial, gun, and city hos- pital" throughout the area 11. KOREA MEDICAL UNIT SENT TO FIGHT SMALLPDX EPIDEMIC IN KOREA According to a North Korean broadcast of 16 May, a group of Soviet physicians has entered North Korea "to stamp out smaTI- pox in a short time." CIA COMMFNTa Pyongyang Radio announced previously that a-ten- man Soviet anti-epidemic unit arrived in Sinuiju 20 March. A 14 May broadcast announced that the USSR'and'Peoplens Democ- racies had sent relief supplies including 1100 cases of vaccines "for prevention of epidemics and daily necessities" to Korea. Communist troops in Korea are known to be suffering from wide spread smallpoxs and Soviet propaganda charges that the "US interventionists" are spreading the smallpox epidemic among the ComMunist forces in Korea throu h use of bacteriological warfare. - C0$ PO CP ' 4141.1 ^ COP OP 4161 CIRIo 12. KOREA ano OP 0.1* ema umla OP MCI 60 FBIS NoT 10 May 51 CHOLERA INOCULATIONS The Ministry of Health has decided to carry out public inoculation against cholera, in order to prevent the spread of the disease this summer. As cholera has already reached Korea from India and adjacent areas, which are the sources of this disease, the Ministry of Public Health will start its anti-epidemic work first in the many port cities which are most vulnerable to the infiltration and spread of the disease from abroad. The Ministry intends to complete anticholera inoculation -within this month for inhabitants in port cities and incoming and outgoing shipsg crews. Pusan, Inchon, Kusan� Mokpo, Yosu, Masan, and Pohang will be the first areas in which the inoculation will be carried out0 p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p (b)(1) (b)(3) (b)(1) (b)(3) (b)(3) M Approved for Release: 2020/10/13 CO1162399 Approved for Release: 2020/10/13 CO1162399 13. RUMANIA/KOREA Info: 18 May 51 BUCHAREST COLUMNIST ACCUSES U. S. OF SPREADING SMALLPDX IN KOREA � Cominform "Journal" of May 18 included Jan Marek's column accusing U. S. aggressors of 6ma1lpox germs and pre� paring bacteriological Warfare in Korea. ANALYST'S COMMENTs This i one of Several recent accusations by newspapers of USSR and satellites Shaiing increased propa� ganda re use of BW by UN forces in Korea. 14. RUMANIA " Info: Late 1950 & Early 1951 (b)(1) (b)(3) SHORTAGES OF DRUGS- GOVERNMENT CONFISCATION OF SURGICAL INSTRIANNTS ANIdEQ"uIPMENT_FROM PRIVATE DOCTORS American mediCal s4plies msre-practieally exhausted in Rumania in Sept. and'Oct. 1950. Supply fram:Switzerland was cut off in Nov, 1950. Penicillin of -good quality available in very small quantities in early Feb-s 1951. -Soviet penicillin of-poor quality was still being received -in Jan, 1951. Strebtamvcin and dicumaro1 being (W(1 ) confiscated by the government. Adienalins efedrines papaverine� (b)(3) atropines calcium (products)s urotropin and vitamin drugs began arriving from Czechoslovakia in"Novs 1950. Supply lasts only two to three days after arrival. American sulfa drugs practically nonexistent in IUGOJ'hospital in-late Novs 50. Supply of peni� cillins streptomycin, aureomycins and chloromycetin is only 1 per cent of country's need. Other drugs are 10 per cent of the need. Streptomycin was available only in very small quantities on Rumanian Black Market. Hospital equipment in LUGOJ was in poor condition in early Febs 1951. Private supplies of surgical instruments and equipment were confiscated by the government in Jan. 1951. (b)(1) (b)(3) Approved for Release: 2020/10/13 CO1162399 Approved for Release: 2020/10/13 CO1162399 16 Feb Si SHORTAGE OF sumus AND EQUIPMENT IN 'SPANISH ARMY -MEDICAL SERVICE organization of Central edid i.Supp1y Depot COnsists Of-office of Commanding Office r and variOUS-seCtiOna iirhiah-handle certain categories of suppl.- 'One sedti&U deals'*ith field'andhopital equipment such as surgical instrumentS -portable steam st� liers- operating" i'nnm sec ion was a repair s o Se end argue en a de anidad 'liter is the main medical suvolv depot of the Army SE Approved for Release: 2020/10/13 CO1162399