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Document Creation Date: 
July 13, 2023
Document Release Date: 
September 21, 2022
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Publication Date: 
August 8, 2004
Approved for Release: 2022/08/29 CO1119526 (b)(3) (b)(6) PrMterfrienMy rkaa From Subject Date To CC 1q510 "Larry W. Bryant" (b)(6) FOIA Request to re e McCarthy Saga Sun, August 8. 2004 7. pm AUG13'04 Am10:31 (b)(6) president@whitehouse.gov TO: Director U. S. Central Intelligence Agency ATTN: Freedom of Information Manager Washington, DC 20505 FROM: Larry 41'Bryant (b)(6) DATE: August 8, 2004 While certain CIA officials continue to deny the public full access to any government records pertaining to the CIA-created "Project Cherry," there remains at least one victim of that rogue operation who is continuing to seek full vindication and justice as to the "Cherry"-related crimes of omission/commission perpetrated against not just him but also against one or more citizens of the Kingdom of Cambodia. I refer of course to one former U. S. Army captain John Joseph McCarthy, Jr., who clandestinely had been trained by, and operated as a trainer within, "Project Cherry's" central mission: the fielding of assassination teams throughout key regions of Vietnam-war-era Southeast:Asia-. For details on his involvement in, and eventual victimization by, that mission, please visit the Internet web site of: .ht tp: /./wwjoulzontheuilde.rjagzg�saaatealluillaua.,hrja With Mr. McCarthy's proxy (i.e., the enclosed copy of his Notice of Authorization), I hereby submit this letter as a formal, written freedom-of-information/Privacy Act request that you send me a copy of all CIA-generated and CIA-received records pertaining to Mr. McCarthy's military career, his CIA-directed activities, his associated communications, his post-"Cherry" litigation history, and his CIA-managed "case file." Since I make this request as at independent writer focusing on actual and/or potential whistleblowerderived evidence exposing official wrongdoing at the highest levels of government, and since such exposure would significantly educate the general public as to all related government activities/policies/programs, I hereby request that you waive all records-search fees incident to your' fulfilling this request. By snail-mail, I'm sending to you a signed printout of this e-formatted letter. (b)(6) LARRY W. BRY http://wehmail.cavtel.net/src/printer friendly bottom.php?passed ent id=0&mailliox�INBOX8ipassed id=12774 pproved for Release: 2022/08/29 CO1119526 Copies furnished to: Mr. McCarthy Mark S. Zaid, Esq. (Washington, D.C.) Chairman, U. S. Senate Committee on the Judiciary Cambodian Ambassador to the United States Approved for Release: 2022/08/29 CO1119526 4+, http://webmail.eavtel.netisrc/printer friendly bottom.php7passed ent id=0&mailbox=1N130X8Spassed id=12774 Approved for Release: 2022/08/29 CO1119526 Approved for Release: 2022/08/29 CO1119526 NOTICE OF AUTHORIZATION TO: Whom It May Concern FROM: John Joseph McCarthy (b)(6) DATE: T7124L7 7- -1612 By this in m t, I hereby authorize writer Larry W. Bryant full access to any and all official govemm maintained on me and my activities by any government agency � including the U. S. Federal Bureau of Investigation, the U. S. Central Intelligence Agency, and the Departments of Defense and Army. For official records-search purposes only,! hereby provide the following personal identification data: Social Security No.: Original military service Date and place of birth: Dates of m- i^ li SIGNATURE DATE SI NOTARIZED CERTIFICATION cmeLL.A., Cve.,,,_ a notary public, hereby certify that the foregoing indWidual, known to me as John Joseph McCarthy, Jr., appeared before me on this die_ Z2.11-d- day of j()(.4 , ^ in the the city/county of LOS An5-e1E's __, California, and affixed his signature to this instru ent. As witnessed by my signatur of this date: �..1_0(4_2-2_42.ex2/ a notary public in L.r-ils An4-elec,_Cat( SEAL: MICHAEL LAURENCE COVEY c comm. � 1437026 ft NOTARY PUBUC-CAUFORNIA! LOS ANGELES COUNTY U COMM. EXP. AUG. 30, 2007" commission expires on: _AILIsf (b)(6 (b)(6) (b)(6) (b)(6) (b)(6) (b)(6) (b)(6) (b)(6) 7/22/2004 pproved for Release: 2022/08/29 CO1119526 Approved for Release: 2022/08/29 CO1119526 _ 9nv IPIONIMA /Er= C�13 gc:= nommmai Cola mmimiApproved for Release: 2022/08/29 CO1119526