DAILY SUMMARY - 1946/08/19

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Approved for Release: 2018/09/05 CO1068517 APPROVED FOR RELEASE - Historical Programs Staff - 30 August 2018 GENERAL AUG 1946 Turks Ian conciliato re .1 to USSR--Turkish Foreign Miiiiiter Saka 1 assador Wilson that Turkeyli-replxio the Soviet note will "accord entirely" with US suggestionir. The reply will indicate Turkey's willingness to participate^ in a conference with "interested governments, including thcbs" to considir "amendment" of the Mon- treux Convention, -*ill not attempt to limit the points to be discussed, but wilLenztess Turkey's opposition to Soviet suggestions for res- trictli6,0 Straits responsibility to Black Sea powers and for joint Soviet- Turkish defense of the Straits. Secretary General Erkin of the Turkish Foreign Office believes that the USSR intended, in naaldng unacceptable demands upon Turkey for revision of the Straits Convention, to "keep up the diplomatic offensive" against Turkey and to add to the USSR's chance of "gaining something through compromise and concessions." The net/ Turkish Prime Min- ister, Peker, has told Wilson that Turkey is very anxious for the "friendliest possible relations with Russia" but has seen no signs of a reciprocal desire on the part of the USSR. 2 Further British re srtson troot inforcernents at Basra--US Military A che Baghdad has been informed by British authorities there that 15,000 British troops "are being moved" from India to replace the small garrison at Basra and that three British cruisers are in Iraqi waters at the head of the Persian Gulf. (According to US MA London the British War Office stated that up to 15 August only 6,000 troops so far had been moved from India to Basra--see Daily Summary of 15 August, item 3.) 3. Rumors of S anish-Soviet rapprochement "planted" --US Embassy Lon- o -Britieit'ForOgn- --rePregentative-in Fnettikrillevctiiidlif Nina% oPaZpanish-Sovi,tiraPp;PCht#ment have teilrairitia"'Wthd 'Franco Government -(see Daily .$ttnirnary,d, 16 � August, item 3). The ,totepresentative, statecLthatsuch.a xapprocheinent Is "Impossible." 4. Soviets agree to temporary maintenance of USNA at Odessa--US Naval � Aiiache.Moscow reports that the Soviet Government has agreed to per- � mit the Assistant US Naval Attache in Odessa to remain mita the comple- tion of UNRRA operations in that port. o3r Document No. NO CHANGE in Class. 0 0 DECLASSIFIED Class. CHANGED TO: TS � DDA Memo, 4 Apr 77 Auth: �DDA REG. 77/1763 Date: 1MA1 ign By: 0* Approved for Release: 2018/09/05 CO1068517 Approved for Release: 2018/09/05 CO1068517 APPROVED FOR RELEASE - Historical Programs Staff - 30 August 2018 Soviet reports that the rst explicit Soviet press attack against Chiang Kai- shek appeared recently in a review characterizing the Generalissimo's book, "Chinese Economic Theory," as a "ready-made philosophy of totalitarianism in a special Chinese edition." Durbrow comments that the Soviet Government may have concluded that CMang will not "acqui- esce to Soviet purposes" in China and that a Chinese coalition govern- ment is unlikely. ress attacks Chiang Kai-shelt--US Charge Durbrow at Moscow EUROPE-AFRICA O. USSR: Soviet "aid" to Tama Tuva--Durbrow reports that the Soviet press orPTI:uleust devoted a third of its space to glorification of Soviet policy in Tatum Tuva (autonomous district in central Asti.) as an example of the "fraternal aid of a great power to a small people.' The press asserted that the incorporation of Tatum Tuve into the USSR in 1944 resulted from popular demand among the natives. Durbrow points out that this is the first public explanation of the "completely unilateral Incorporation of this supposedly independent state into the Soviet Union." 7. ALGERIA: Communist-Nationalist alliance--US Consul General Algiers has received from Governor General Chataigneau confirmation of the report that the Communists "with Soviet inspiration" are offering to the Algerian Nationalists an alliance which Chataigneau feels the latter will accept. Chataigneau also believes that the Communists will run no candidates in Algeria's October elections, but will support Nationalist candidates. FAR EAST 8. CHINA: Chiang exects early military victory over Communists--Dur- brow hasIrwarded a British Embassy report that Chiang told the new British Ambassador to China that he is convinced the Communists have no intention of a "genuine compromise" and therefore must be defeated militarily. Chiang stated that defeat of the main Communist forces "should not be a lengthy process" and might be followed by a "compro- mise" with Communist leaders. TIAL Approved for Release: 2018/09/05 CO1068517 Approved for Release: 2018/09/05 CO1068517 APPROVED FOR RELEASE - Historical Programs Staff - 30 August 2018 9 KOREA: Illegal immigration from Soviet Zone--Despite repeated pro- tests to the Soviet Commander in North' Korea, General Hodge has been tmable to halt the illegal entry of Japanese into the US Zone. The US has repatriated approximately 190,000 of an estimated 263,000 Japanese in North Korea. 10. PHILIPPINES: Open conflict likely with linkbalahaps--The Commanding 3.3(h)(2) - General Army Forces, Vresterzt Pacific reports that, about 5,000 Huk forces still occupy Masantol, about 20 miles northwest of Manila (see Daily Summary of 13 August, item 12), and that Huk concentrations "of undetermined strength" have been noted near two cities about 20 miles farther north. The Philippine Government has demanded that arms be surrendered by Si August, one day after the present termination date of the Huk-Government truce. The Commanding General belleve.s that "the present explosive situation appears headed for open conflict." THE AMERICAS 11. ARGENTINA: Messersmith deplores US press attacks--US Ambassador Messersmith reports that unfavorable Ut press comment, such as the recent New York Times editorial on the proposed immigration policies of the Argentine Government, can prejudice seriously the current US efforts to bring about a satisfactory solution of the Argentine situation. Messersmith adds that there is "no real foundation" for the attitude taken by the Times, and that the Argentine Congress will almost cer- tainly ratify the Acts of Mexico City and San Francisco "next week," opening the way for "adequate" action against Axis property and aliens. Approved for Release: 2018/09/05 C01068517
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