DAILY SUMMARY - 1946/08/06

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Approved for Release: 2018/09/05 CO1068506 APPROVED FOR RELEASE - Historical Programs Staff - 30 August 2018 GENERAL 8 AUG W46 1 Sweden to appyfor UN membershi2:-The Swedish Legation has in- form the State Department that Sweden will probably apply for UN, membership before the 16 August deadline. The Legation indicated that Sweden intends to defer its application until the "eleventh hour." 2. AFHQ finds no evidence &send ceded to USSR--Allied Force HQ in Italy has ''no information whatsoever to support the rumor that Albania has ceded the island of Saseno to the USSR (see Daily Sum- mary of 29 July, item 2). 3. Embassy Moscow discounts Turkish fears of Soviet attack--US Embassy Moscow concurs with US Military Attache Moscow in chal- lenging,thi estimate of Selim Sarper, Turidsh Ambassador to the USSR, ' that Marshal Zhukov's recent shift to the Black Sea area is part of a Soviet preparation for a surprise attack an Turkey (see Daily Summary of 5 August, item 2). The Embassy believes that Zhukov's transfer probably resulted from his unwillingness to "knuckle under reimposi- tion of full political control" and that a surprise attack, while possible, (a) is not in line with the US-SR's present need to absorb its war-time gains and recover from war-weariness, and (b) would further expose the USSR's "essentially predatory character" and possibly provoke US-UK military retaliation, The Embassy concedes that Sarper is very shrewd and well-informed but suggests that his comments may have been designed to keep alive US anxiety about Turkey. US Military Attache Prague reports that the Soviet MA Prague has confirmed Zhukov"s assignment as Commander of the Black Sea area, including Army, Navy and Air Force wits. EUROPE-AFRICA 4, USSR: Rumors of anti-Communist activity in USSR--Assistant US Naval Attaches Odessa reports receiving "information from various sources" of a strong anti-Communist organization throughout the USSR with a minimum of 6,000 members in each large city. Over 6,000 members are claimed for Odessa, with arms, ammunition and ,��� � � � 0 Document No. NO CHANGE in Class. 0 0 DECLASSIFIED Class. CHANGED ": TS TOP SECRET DDA Mean, 4 Ain' 77 CONRDENTIAC . 77 1763 Approved for Release: 2018/09/05 CO1068506 Approved for Release: 2018/09/05 CO1068506 APPROVED FOR RELEASE - Historical Programs Staff - 30 August 2018 'W1VP10ENTIAC food cached for use in a projected uprising to be undertaken within six months. This organization is rumored to be the same as that credited with burning the Odessa Communist Party Headquarters last winter. The NA also reports that Zhukov is rumored to be concentrating large forces of heavy artillery in the Ukraine. 5. HUNGARY: Air agreement With US welcomed--US Minister Schoenfeld - in Budapest reports that the Hungarian Government is now ready to dis- miss civil aviation rights with the US, and that Hungarian air authorities are eager to have a US airline operate into Hungary as soon as possible. US Legation officials believe the Hungarian cooperative attitude may be evidence that the USSR and its satellites are recognizing that "an, econo- mic iron curtain might be turned into a two-way proposition." (A pre- vious Hungarian Cabinet decision to accede to the US request for transit and landing rights was vetoed by Soviet military authorities -- see Daily Summary of 21 May, item 4.) 6 FRANCE: Union defiance alarms Communists--US Military Attache Paris reports that the Communist leadership of both the Party and the General Confederation of Labor is seriously alarmed by the success of the large Post, Telegraph, and Telephone Union in pursuing its recent strike to a satisfactory conclusion despite Communist orders to return to work after a ten-hour demonstration. According to the MA, the strike represents the first effective combination of French trade union ele- ments opposed to Communist domination. A reliable source told the MA that the Communist Ministers in the Government threatened to resign, but were ordered by Molotov to remain. FAR EAST 7. NEL: US urges early settlement--Acheson believes that the increased tempo Of Soviet press and radio comments on Indonesia may presage early Soviet efforts to re-introduce the N.E.L question in the UN. He has suggested that Embassy The Hague indicate to the Netherlands Foreign Office the desirability of expediting (a) parliamentary action to resolve the current impasse in Dutch-hidonesian negotiations and (b) public announcement of the Dutch position. Approved for Release: 2018/09/05 CO1068506 Approved for Release: 2018/09/05 CO1068506 APPROVED FOR RELEASE - Historical Programs Staff - 30 August 2018 � TRENCH INDOCHINA: French may negotiate with Siam--Caffery reports that the French now appear fess inclined to submit the question of the disputed Siamese territories to the International Court and have Indicated that they might instead negotiate direcey with acceptable - Siamese representatives. THE AMERI'CAS 9. VENEZUELA: Press attacks CAB and PAA--US Embassy Caracas ex ;- presses the belief that the Venezuelan Government is stimulating the current campaign in the Venezuelan press against the Civil Aeronautics Board's failure to grant US landing rights to three domestic airlines, one of which is government-owned. The press attributes this failure to the "obstructionist tactics" of Pan American Airways. The 'Embassy believe') that the campaign may foreshadow reprisals against PAA Venezuela. 10. BOLIVIA: Urgent need for US wheat--US Ambassador Flack urgently recommends that the US release 10,000 tons of wheat for immediate shipment to Bolivia to alleviate the increasingly critical shortage. He states that Argentine shipments may cease after the delivery of June _purchases. onmEMENTIAti TOP SECRET Approved for Release: 2018/09/05 CO1068506
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