DAILY SUMMARY - 1946/08/05

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Approved for Release: 2018/09/05 CO1068505 . APPROVED FOR RELEASE - Historical Programs Staff - 30 August 2018 GENERAL 1. US will not seek to enlarge Conference--Byrnes has informed Acheson that it is now impossible to add Mexico or other stflan nations to the present list of participants in the Peace Conference (see Daily Sum- mary of 3 August, item 8), in 'view of the Moscow decision limiting par- ticipation to nations which made "substantial military contributions" to the prosecution of the war. (The USSR insisted on this limitation as a condition of holding the Conference.) 144 2 Turkish fears of Soviet "direct action" discounted--US Military Atta- che Moscow, commenting on Turkish fears that the Soviets may be - preparing for "direct action" against Turkey (see Daily Summary of 1 August, item 2), expresses the belief that the USSR does not desire war at present and is not ready for the major war which would probably result from such "direct action." The MA believes that the Soviets will continue for the present to pursue "purely Soviet objectives, short of open rupture with the UN" and concludes that Turkish views are "colored by Turkish interests." 3. British to confer �aratei with Arabs .and ews--US Embassy Lortdon has been orm y e Bri ore i ce that Saudi Arabia, Transjordan, Syria and Lebanon have agreed to discuss the current_ , British Palestine plan but "will not sit at the same table with Jews.' The British expect to conduct two 'conferences.* the same time, begin- ning if possible in the last week In August 4. Mass emigration of tews from Poland--US Embassy Warsaw reports thai, Wade the Kielce pogrom, ewshave been moving illegally, at � rate of 700 a day, from Poland through Czechoslovalda into US Zone Austria. There is evidence that 100,000 persons in all May take this course, with US Zone Germany as their ultimate destination; US Political Advisor Erhardt in Vienna reports that "mass Infiltrations from the east" into US Zone Austria are assuming adan;- Owns proportions" and that US camp facilities in the zone are overl, taxed. Erhardt- recommends that Czechoslovakia be urged to regulate the flow of refugees, and that teflon be taken to facilitate the transfer of some refugees to Italy. Document No. d' itt NO CHANCE In Class. 'D D DECLASSIFIED Class. CHANGED TO: TS S DDA Memo, 4 Apr TV iuth: DDA REG. 77/1763 LDate: 16 mot isig By: 0# Approved for Release: 2018/09/05 CO1068505 Approved for Release: 2018/09/05 C0.1068505 APPROVED FOR RELEASE - Historical Programs Staff - 30 August 2018 3.3(h)(2) 5. Soviet economic concessions to Czechoslovalda--US Charge Durbrow in Moscow believes that the IftWri`apparent generosity" toward the recent Czechoslovak delegation to Moscow is designed not only to in- crease local Communist prestige, but also to emphasize to other Gov- ernments, such at Hungary and Austria, the USSR's benevolence toward countries which do not resist Soviet policies. Durbrow comments that the Soviet agreement to equip the Czechoslovak Army on credit will permit.diversion of some Czechoslovak armaments industry to civilian production, and substantially increase the Czechoslovak Army's depend- ene.,e on the USSR. EUROPE-AFRICA 6. GREECE: e eplltaraf dice leftists - -US Ambas- sador MacVeagh has received information from a member of the Greek General Staff indicating that the Greek Government is now embarked on an "all out policy to root out Communism," and plans shortly to declare the Communist party Megal. The Commander of British land forces in Greece has told MacVeagh that serious fighting is now in progress in north central Greece, where an estimated three Greek battalions, with the assistance of two RAF Spitfire squadrons, are "rounding up outlaw bands." MacVeagh comments that, while such measures undoubtedly appeal to many Greeks, the Government is making many enemies by its present "extremist" policy, its growing tendency to consider all non- Royalists as Communists, and its increasing protection of former colla- borators and supporters of the Metaxas dictatorship. Approved for Release: 2018/09/05 CO1068505 Approved for Release: 2018/09/05 CO1068505 APPROVED FOR RELEASE - Historical Programs Staff - 30 August 2018 8. IRAN: Movement of British troops to Basra--The British Foreign Office has informed US Embassy London that the new British troops being sent from India to Basra are technically replacements for units previously assigned to guard supply dumps but are of a "higher mili- tary category" than the troops they are to replace. The Foreign Office acknowledged that the change was occasioned by the recent dis- turbances in the Iran oil fields but stated that the new troops will not be sent into Iran except to protect British lives or property. Soviet-Iranian trade deal doubted--US Military Attache Tehran reports that investigation has revealed no Information to support the rumor that Iranian agents have been buying textiles for the USSR in Spain and other countries. The MA further comments that the USSR has been shipping textiles and silks into Iran. FAR EAST 9 INDIA: Congress may concede to Moslems--US Commissioner Merrell at New Delhi believes that the present Moslem League threat of direct action (see Daily Summary of 1 August, item 11) "carries more convic- tion" than their previous threats and may persuade the Congress Party to consider concessions. The Congress Party Working Committee will meet on 9 August, presumably to consider new plans for an interim gov- ernment. 10. KOREA: Communist disrupts unity movement--US Political Advisor Seoul reports that Communist leader Pak Heun Yong, who recently returned from the Soviet zone, has brought about a crisis in the unity movement in South Korea. Independent leftists are under strong Com- munist pressure to break off negotiations, and have appealed to General Hodge for support. 11. JAPAN: Soviets oppose expansion of Japanese fishing�The State Department has informed Atcheson that Soviet representatives have raised objections in the Far Eastern Commission to the extension of � Japanese fishing and whaling areas. The Department suggests that the Soviets may intend to assume the position in Pacific fishing operations � held by Japan before the war and notes that the Soviets are attempting to expand their domestic fishing program and to arrange with US firms for construction of deep-sea fishing and whaling vessels. - 3 - Approved for Release: 2018/09/05 CO1068505
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