DAILY SUMMARY - 1946/08/03

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�Approved for Release: 2018/09/05 CO1068504 APPROVED FOR RELEASE - Historical Programs Staff - 30 August 2018 ese and Icelandic applications to UN--US Embassy London re- ceived advice from the Portuguese Government on 2 August that Portugal was applying for UN membership on that day. The Portuguese note em- phasized that Portugal anticipates no conflict with its international com- mitments, particularly its treaty obligations to Spain. , � Iceland has notified the State Department that its application for UN membership would be presented on 3 August. 2. US closes Naval offices in Vladivostok and Archangg.--Embassy Moscow has advised e Soviet Government that the US Naval Attache branch offices in Vladivostok and Archangel are being closed. (Soviet authori- ties recently demanded the immediate closing of such offices in Vladi- vostok, Archangel, and Odessa--see Daily Summary of 1 August, item .1.) The Embassy also requested permission to open a US consulate in Odessa immediately and asked that, in view of the need for a representative to handle UNRRA shipping in Odessa, the US Assistant Naval Attache there � be allowed to continue his functions as US Maritime shipping representa- tive until the consulate is opened. _ 3. Soviet attitude toward Palestine--US Embassy Moscow believes that the USSR, which appears to favor the Arabs, will_probably exploit any US decision antagonizing the Arabs to achieve a `smajor political victory" � throughout the Muslim world. 4. Vietnantese break off neotlations with French--Caffery reports that the Viet Nam delegation attending the Fontainebleau conference has broken off negotiations on the ground that the French, in violation of the 6 March � French-Viet Nam accord, have convoked the new Dalat conference (to which Viet Nam was not invited) to "engineer their own statute" for an Indochinese federation. The French, however, insist that the Dalat con- ference is only exploratory and -consultative and believe that the Fon- tainebleau conference will be resumed in a week or ten days. EUROPE-AFRICA 5. MAN: Qavam Cabinet shifts to left--US Ambassador Allen interprets Qavam s new cabinet,vN----WiFEardis three Tudeh members and is "de- cidedly to the left" of its predecessor, as a further attempt by Qavam CO Document No. NO MANGE in Class. 0 DECLASSIFIED - Class. CHANGED TO: TS T DDA Memo, 4 Apr 7'7 rAuth : DDA REG- 111- Date: __f_t_mitrig-78BY7. Approved for Release: 2018/09/05 CO1068504 Approved for Release: 2018/09/05 CO1068504 APPROVED FOR RELEASE - Historical Programs Staff - 30 August 2018 to extend his influence over the Tudeh Party:. The Tudeh Party, however, is "equally as certain of swallowing Qava.m." Allen doubts that the pre- sent coalition will last long and believes it is probably intended to extend only through the elections. FAR EAST _ 6. AUSTRALIA.: Communist popularity declines--US Military Attache Mel- bourne, noting that Communist leaders of the Sydney Waterside Workers Federation were defeated in the annual election after the recent unpopular strike, and that the Returned Service Men's League in Victoria has barred Communists from membership, expresses the belief that the Australian Labor Party is sincere in its fight against Communism, and that Australia as a whole is "fed up" with Communistic activities. 7 NEW ZEALAND: .9.5.14Lm.....ptuni ed with promoting boycott--The Secretary of the New Zealand Federation of Labor, commenting on the recent decision of the Auckland Trades Council and Aucklanevraterside workers to boycott ships loading wool for Spain, has confidentially in- formed US Legation Wellington that Communist elements now in control of Auckland transport workers are promoting the boycott. (Both Labor and National Party newspapers in New Zealand report that the VTFTU has advised against the boycott.) THE AMERICAS 8. MEXICO: US Ambassador recommends admission to Peace Conference-- The State iTiiiiii. has"-iortvarclecrfr Byrnes the recommendation of US Embassy Mexico City that the US support a proposal for admitting Mexico to the Paris Peace Conference, The Embassy feels that the US would emerge as champion of the small states and that the resultant prestige would greatly enhance the US position among Latin American countries. Approved for Release: 2018/09/05 CO1068504
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