DAILY SUMMARY - 1946/08/02

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Approved for Release: 2018/09/05 CO1068503 APPROVED FOR RELEASE - Historical Programs Staff - 30 August 2018 GENERAL 1. Prospects dim for Azores bases on US terms--Culbertson reports from Lisbon that the Portuguese are still "adamant" in refusing to consider the 30 May agreement in connection with the current long-term dis- cussions. The Portuguese do not regard the present US long-term pro- posal as a basis for negotiations. Their "commission" does not con- sider the US proposed political formula adequate and the Portuguese generally insist that foreign troops will not be permitted to "occupy" Portugal, even if a satisfactory political formula is found. In view of strong assurances from a British official in Washington of British willingness to assist the US negotiations, Culbertson recom- mends that the British "go whole hog," possibly presenting to the Portu- guese the exact proposal which US negotiators have submitted. Culbert- son adds, however, that in his opinion the US already �has "pretty much the Portuguese answer," and even an all-out British move will not alter the Portuguese stand. 2 AUG 1946 142 2 iench oppose US broadcasting--Acheson has informed us Legation Tangier of a French Government note expressing the fear that "grave consequences" will follow the projected installation in Tangier, by a US citizen or corporation, of a private commercial broadcasting sta- tion. The French contend that such an installation would Inspire similar action in Tangier by other countries, and thus introduce a "permanent cause of agitation" into North Africa and neighboring lands. 3. Soviet attempts to deflect attention from troops In Germany--General Mc- Nerney reports thatTi-gage-Fs of Soviet troops from Austria and Hungary to Germany have been greater than was originally believed (see Daily ,Summary of 30 July, item 3). In the Berlin area HQ are being pre- pared for an army of 100,000. McNerney adds that Soviet propaganda is attempting to deflect at- tention from Soviet activity in Germany, Austria and the Balkans and is increasing its attacks against US policy in Japan and China. McNerney believes that this indicates a "possible early shift of emphasis in foreign policy to the Middle and Far East. 4 Soviets believed violet air clearance eements--US Military Attache Moscow repo in e pa months e Soviets have carried out a large number of flights between Berlin and Paris in apparent violation of nopument No. NO moo! in class. 0 0 DECLASSIFIRD Class. CHANGED TO: TS S DDA Memo, 4 Apr 77 TAuth: DDA REG. 77 1763 Date: MAR SIX By: Approved for Release: 2018/09/05 CO1068503 Approved for Release: 2018/09/05 CO1068503 APPROVED FOR RELEASE - Historical Programs Staff - 30 August 2018 existing agreements for flight clearances over occupied areas. The MA believes that appropriate authorities in Germany should bring violations of agreed procedure to the attention of Soviet authorities, especially In view of the 'Soviet stand regarding US aircraft clearances into the Balkans and into the USSR. EUROPE-AFRICA 5, BULGARIA: m&viet attitude becomes conciliatory--General Robertson, US Representative ACC, reports that General Biryusov, Soviet Acting Chairman ACC, recently has been "most conciliatory and polite" in marked contrast to his attitude during the past month. Biryusav met all of Robertson's major objections to a recent,order curtailing the food supply of the US Mission. Robertson adds that the Bulgarian militia has made nonew arrests of his Bulgarian employees and that clearances for US aircraft have also improved. Robertson attributes this change' in attitude to instructions-from Moscow. 6 POLAND: Mikolajczyk refuses Governmentyre-election offer--US Am- bassador Lane has been informed by the British Charge that Mikolajczyk has refused the Government's offer to grant the Polish Peasant Party a 25% representation in the Government after the election, provided that Mikolajczyk personally is excluded from the Government. CZECHOSLOVAKIA: Soviets refuse support to claims on Silesia--US Ambassador Steinhardt has been reliably informed that in recent Moscow talks the Soviets refused to support Czechoslovak territorial claims � against Polish-occupiecVSilesia. The Soviets also were "noncommittal" . on Czechoslovak claims for territory along the Bavarian border. 8. IRAN: Formation of new Cabinet--US Ambassador Allen reports, on the basis of "fairly well-substantiated information," that at a Cabinet meet- ing held without Qavam on the evening of 31 July, Prince Firuz without � warning, presented Qavam's request for the resignation of all members. Qavam told Allen during the same evening that he proposed to make one more effort to unite Iran (Including Azerbaijan) by conciliatory means be- fore resorting to "appropriate other measures." (The NY Times reports that on 1 August Qavam presented to the Shah a new Cabinet-which included three members of the Tudeh Party as well as Prince Firuz.) - 2 - cfgliarime Approved for Release: 2018/09/05 CO1068503 Approved for Release: 2018/09/05 CO1068503 APPROVED FOR RELEASE - Historical Programs Staff - 30 August 2018 'TOP. SECRET ..CONFIPENTIAO. 9. FRANCE: Bidault criticizes De Gaulle--According to Embassy London, Bidault has remarked to the British Ambassador Paris that be Gaulle, In his 28 July speech, said "everything he should not have said." Bidault also stated that be Gaulle and he both favored a Franco-British alliance, but be Gaulle does not want Bidault to have the credit for bringing it about. � 10. ALGERIA: Local situation expected to remain calm--US Consulate General Algiers states that he does not share the anxiety over possible local disorders, despite "certain views to the contrary" and TWA's con- cern for its employees' safety. FAR EAST 11. SIAM: US urges acceptance of Frenchyroposals--Acheson has directed Legation Bangkok to urge Siam to accept the French proposals for refer- ring the Indochina-Siam border dispute to the International Court and placing the disputed territories tmder a third power, pending Court de- cision. Departure of UN delegation ed--US Legation Bangkok reports that the Siamese Government has postponed until 7 August the departure of its delegation to the UN in order to permit consideration of the French proposals. The Legation has been informed that, if the French proposals are not received by that time, the delegation will proceed in any case but will have power to make decision on referring the disputed territory issue to the International Court, provided the Security Council so rules. 12 CHINA: Marshall favors dela in an US credits--General Marshal has expressed agreemen L e po that recent Chin- ese applications for credits should not be considered pending clarification of the Chinese political situation. (The Chinese Supply Commission applied last month for credits of US $31 million to modernize the North China port of Tanglat and to rehabilitate coal mines in Jehol Province and cement plants and oil refining facilities in Formosa.) Marshall further believes that the present situation does not war- rant reversing the US decision, made last April, to defer definite commit- ment on the US $500 million Export-Import credit to China, except as such credit is applied to urgently needed rehabilitation of Chinese aim:titmice- tions. Approved for Release: 2018/09/05 CO1068503
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