DAILY SUMMARY - 1946/04/15
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Approved for Release: 2018/09/05 CO1068488
APPROVED FOR RELEASE - Historical Programs Staff -30 August 2018
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1 Qavam's proposed instructions to Ala�The Iranian Premier on 13
April told Embassy Tehran that he would instruct Ambassador Ala
not to request the Security Council to withdraw Iran's case from the
agenda. gava.m said he would order Ala to say, if asked by the
Council for a statement, that "Iran leaves the question entirely in
the Council's hands for whatever decision it may choose to take."
2. Cl.....Laatilet regarding boundarz�Dunn
reports that the Soviet delegate on the Yugoslav-Italian Boundary
Commission has urged that the Commission (a) postpone a report
of its findings in Venezia Giulia and (b) immediately draft its recom-
mendations for the boundary delineation. Dunn believes that this
shift in Soviet tactics is due to the fact that the Commission's find-
ings, on the whole, strengthen the US position. (The US proposal for
Istria would leave to Italy (a) the important north-south highway, (b)
all the ports, (c) the Arsa coal fields, (d) a small portion of the
bauxite deposits and (e) the richest farming areas.) Dunn adds, how-
ever, that the Soviets probably will not, prior to the 25 April Secre-
taries' Conference, modify their demands that Gorizia, Trieste and
all Istria go to Yugoslavia.
3. SWITZERLAND: Further Soviet for oerlikon arms--US
Legation Bern has transmitted further information relating to alleged
Soviet negotiations for the purchase of Oerlikon gunsl
a RInnanian is now negotiating for the USSR; and that on 6
April a French Government official, stressing urgency and secrecy.
offered to pa Y cash for 2.000-3,000 anti-aircraft guns.
4, SPAIN: German war research doubted�Embassy Madrid reports that
it has no evidence to support the allegation that the Franco regime
"allows and promotes scientific research by German scientists en-
gaged in devising new means of warfare."- Neither the US nor British
Embassies know of the presence in Spain of any Germans l'capable of
high grade scientific research."
Approved for Release: 2018/09/05 CO1068488
Approved for Release: 2018/09/05 CO1068488
APPROVED FOR RELEASE - Historical Programs Staff - 30 August 2018
5. SPAM: Alleges Soviet whig_ttp.araledis- -Embassy Madrid
has received a note from the Spanish Foreign. Office alleging that the
Soviet wheat ship which arrived at Marseille on 7 April carried
"munitions and war material" as well as wheat- The note details
the alleged circumstances of the loading and unloading and suggests
that the arms were delivered to the exiled Spanish Republicans in
south France.
6. ITALY: US Embassy questions advisabilit of Milan for AFHQ--
Embassy ome ur e at e recommen abort e led and
US Commanders Mediterranean Theater that Allied HQ be moved to
Milan (see Daily Summary of 5 April, item 7) instead of to northeast
Italy as originally agreed. The Embassy comments that (a) the choice
of Milan, an important commercial and political center in the heart of
Italy, "would appear to lay emphasis on continued occupation of Italy"
rather than on the Anglo-American military commitment in northeast
Italy, and (b) such an impression would be exploited as anti-Anglo-
Anaerican propaganda by the strong Communist element in Milan.
7. RUMANIA: No effective partici.- tion of "historial arties" in
Government-- o � ceanu, iieral mister in �e roza overnment,
has informed General Schuyler, US delegate ACC, that both he and
Hatseganu, National Peasant Minister, are denied effective participa-
tion in the transaction of government business. Romniceanu believes
that the Communist-controlled Popular Front (FND) has no intention
of collaborating with members of the opposition as intended under the
terms of the Moscow Agreement. He cites as examples of FND tat-
tics (a) infrequent cabinet meetings, (b) failure to furnish opposition
members with texts of laws prior to their enactment and (c) inability
of opposition members to obtain factual information from Government
8. USSR' Smith urges continuation of magazine "America"--Ambassador
Smith reports that he is disturbed by the recommendation of the House
App:7opriations Committee for suspension of the magazine, "America",
on i he grounds of its restricted circulation in the USSR. Smith comments
that the great amount of good will created by the magazine and the diffi-
culty of obtaining Soviet approval for any other magaiine once _
"America" has been discontinued, make its suspension Aghly undes-
Approved for Release: 2018/09/05 CO1068488
Approved for Release: 2018/09/05 CO1068488
APPROVED FOR RELEASE - Historical Programs Staff - 30 August 2018
9._ CHINA: Delay of loan announcement urged--State, Treasury and China
Theater representatives in dhungking believe that announcement of the
extension of 500 million dollars in credits to China by the Export-
Import Bank (see Daily Summary of 11 April, item 9), prior to the
return of General Marshall to Chungking, would seriously weaken his
hand in halting the deterioration of the Chinese internal political and
military situation.
10. CHINA. Chian orders eradication of Communists near Hankow--
Embassy ung g learns � that enera issimo ang s issued
secret orders to local military authorities to eradicate completely but
quietly, by whatever means necessary, the pocket of Communists imme-
diately north of Hankow.
AUSTRALIA: Reasons for see s s ecial rivile es in Siam...Legation
Canberra reports that the Australian overnment msis e � on the clause
concerning international commodity agreements in the Siamese-Austra-
lian treaty (see Daily Summary of 13 April, item 7) because of (1) reports
that the US was negotiating a secret bilateral agreement with Siam to
corner the latter's production of tin, rubber and oil; and (2)Foreign Min-
later Evatt's suspicion that Australia must protect herself "against
being frozen out" by the big nations, in case she failed to join the
Bretton Woods agreement.
Approved for Release: 2018/09/05 CO1068488
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