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Document Creation Date: 
July 13, 2023
Document Release Date: 
August 25, 2022
Sequence Number: 
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Publication Date: 
September 15, 1971
PDF icon TIMOTHY LEARY[16109511].pdf108.87 KB
No F. WED .FR SEP 1 5 1971 gut� optcouRiLt, Approved for Release: 2022/08/19 CO1013726 Abroacl 0 SUBJECT: Timothy LEARY (NL) B- 2844 15 SEP 1971 1. A sensitive source has reported that Timothy LEARY has made no indication of any plans or intentions of leaving Switzerland, since his release from a Swiss jail on 6 August 1971. 2. Source further reported that the LEARYS' have had financial problems as a result of their legal action involved with Timothy LEARY's arrest by Swiss authorities on 30 June , They have, to date, incurred a $4,500.00 bill for . rpfessional services of their Swiss 1evr,_ffgrg.c.9 AA414 To offset these expenses, the LEARYS' have ceiving financ 1 support from both private and Y c sources. IMN Ra ' Station in aan�Francis,co he 0010.00 win:Mg-was co11ecId following a radi�appeal s. In addition, the LEARYS' also expect t receive .00 from the sale of a house. wit- � ....rornoormiarWt 3. For previous information furnished to your Bureau concerning Subject, you are referred to our memorandum of 15 June 1971, Subject: Timothy LEARY and Rosemary LEARY (NL). 4. This information is being provided to your Bureau 1 response to your request contained in your teletype 010 of 15 October 1970, Subject: Timothy Francis'LEARY, Security Matter - Anarchist. Please transmit reply via CACTUS chaned 0)) REC-.60 " ,e .SEP 20 1971 No For..,,irm Di5serniNe zrnt.,oT17.1"""`"%r�. orniFor Background Use Only Approved for Release: 2022/08/19 C01013726 GHUIR Excluded trve wIlefuetlu dowu4ralig led deciasSiffoillon