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Document Creation Date: 
March 9, 2023
Document Release Date: 
March 31, 2021
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Publication Date: 
February 2, 1968
PDF icon PUEBLO SITREP NO. 28[15886931].pdf42.81 KB
Approved for Release: 2021/03/25 C00928325 TOP SECRET No rorcign Di33cm/Dackground Uoc nly SC No. 01918/68 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY Directorate of InEelligence 2 February 1968: INTELLIGENCE MEMORANDUM Pueblo Sitrep No. 28 (As of 7:00 AM EST) 1. Public commentary from North Korea during the past 24 hours contains no new observations on the Pueblo incident. The authoritative Nodong Sinmun shifted its editorial theme from the ship's -6-JITTITe to support for the Communist offensive in South Vietnam, noting that "with no big talk or bluffing can the US imperialists stave off their final defeat." 3. An official of the Japanese Red Cross (JRC) has stated that an initiative by them on behalf of the Pueblo crew would not be feasible because of the bad state of relations between the Japanese and North Korean Red Cross (NKRC). Nu FuLl11 Dissem/Dac TOP SECRET s.-greund Usc nly pproved for Release: 2021/03/25 C00928325 Approved for Release: 2021/03/25 C00928325 TOP SECRET No F rcign Dicccm/Backgr und Ucc Only 6. The Soviets continue to shadow US naval units in the Sea of Japan. At latest report, the intelligence collecting ship Gidrolog was accompanying the Enterprise task group at a range of 12 miles. The Kotlin-class destroyer DD424 was reported observing the USS Ranger at a distance of seven miles. 7. The Soviet merchant vessel Kapitan Vislobokov is apparently proceeding to Its destination after colliding with the USS Rowan. The Rowaft is en route to,8a�ebo- for repair of minor damage resulting from the collision. -2- pproved for Release: 2021/03/25 C00928325