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Document Creation Date: 
October 23, 2023
Document Release Date: 
August 28, 2023
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Publication Date: 
February 27, 1945
Approved for Release: 2023/07/17 C00902796 .1 Sumnar7 of Headqavart,rs traces on.. SS Genentl Karl SS No. 14,235 leitzr Party No. 696/131 - Subject was born on 13 May 1900 in Darmstadt/Germany. From 1918 to 1920/ Subject was a Ltentenarrt in the Heissiche Freikanps. Subject is alleged to have .grown up as an An Officer in Military Espionage. From.Harch to June 1933 Subject was adjutant to General von EPP.. He was head of the personal staff of the RFSS (Reich :Commander of the SS) from at least June 19142 and often visited s Headquarters during 19141-1942. In August 1942 the Subject is reported to have visited Finland with HIMMER. In December 19/42 Subject was reported to have been with the RS.HA ( Main Office State and. Party Security). At this time it is believed. that WalFF owned a Villa on Lake Como and a castle near Berlin. In a dispatch dated 27 February 1916 the following was reported: SS Obergruppenfuhrer Karl Wolff has been appointed highest SS and Police Chief for the rear areas in Italy by HIMLER. His rank corresponds to that of an Army Group Commander. There are rumors in German diplomatic circles that WOLFF may succeed von RIBBENTBAP who is at odds with RIMER. Since WOLFF has been chief of the SS and the Polio in Italy for some time, it may be considered that he has been promoted to Oberstgruppenfuhrer and placed on the same level of command with KESSELRING. In numerous documents at Headquarters it has also been reported that WOLFF was instrumental in negotiating the early surrender of the German Army in Northern Italy. These negotiations were conducted between General WOLFF and SS Colonel DOLLMAIN on one hand and DULLES in Switzerland on the other. Tk As an intermediary in these negotiations the Germans utilized a Baron Luigi pARIVILT.Ts a well-known German intelligence agent. Very little intonation, derogatory or otherwise, could be found on WOLFF in Headquarters filesoince 1916. One reason is the fact that from 19/6 to 1949 WOLFF was interned by the American military authorities. The latest document mentioning WOLFF is dated 16 /larch 1953,, and is addressed frog( E- _7 , Chief to the mi. In the memos jstates that he is returning a letter which had previously been sent to the Director by Karl WOLFF. In the letter, WOLFF stated that he had collaborated with DOLLMON in preparing an article to be published in the near future - ling with the 1916 surrender of the German Army. DOLLMANN has been barred from Germany since th the end of the war, and lived since that time in Switzerland, Austria Italy, and most .recent/y,,Spain. He has been under frequent attack Particularly by communist groups for alleged neo-Nazi activities. Traces on Wolff reveal vex* little current intonation as he has lived in Pelative retirement since the end of the war. NAZI WAR CRIMES DISCLOSURE A01 Declassified and Approved for Release by the Central Intelligence Agency Date: ett LA ?:L copy I j L--) z-4, Approved for Release: 2023/07/17 C00902796