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Publication Date: 
July 21, 1960
PDF icon EICHMANN, ADOLF[16194087].pdf272.11 KB
Approved for Release: 2023/03/01 C00870285 "err NOCIRAXIYA STATVOCR RIBJECT : KIM:MICH, Adolf 1.. Reference is made to the request of Mr. Radford, dated 21 Jbne 196o. The fblloving 1$i a summary of information concerning the /abject of )our request. 2. A Department of the Army report dated 5 March 1947, from the Counter Intelligence 06rps, Salzburg, stated the following: a. abject WA born :_11 1907 in Sollingen, in Westphalia, Germany, and was raised :(.4 Linz, Upper Austria. Subject joined the Nisi Party in Austria in 1931, and the SS in 1932; in 1934 be fled to Cienasny, joined-the Austrian 88, was stationed in the 88 Camp of the Legion in Dachau; and shortly thereafter WISA .8411inici.tO We in BeTlin. b. In 1934, Subject began studying classical languages, and acquired proficiency in Behrev (and Yiddish). In 1936, upon the suggestion of Leopold won MILDEDIOMIX, a leading figure in Abtellung IV B 1. (Jests& Affairs Section) of the Reichesieberteitebauptamt (RSELA�Security Service Headquarters), Subject applied for assign, went vith that Section. Gestapo and GD Chief Reinhard WIDRIC31 mat Sdbject and Berbert BAUER, Chief of the Abteilung IV B 4 to Palestine on an "information trip." In Septelber 1937, Sub- ject and EAGER left Berlin for Haifa, Palestine, via Rumania, Greette, and Turkey; although they had tourist visas and planned to remain in Palestine for two weeks, during which time they in, tended to visit the Grand Mufti of Jerusaleti, the Zritish authorities allowed thom to stay only two days; they visited Tel-Aviv and Haifat and then departed for Egypt, where they met a group of Arab journalists and a representative of the Matti. c. After his return to Germany, Subject, in order to impress Viennese Jews, contisually flaunted his knowledge of Jevish affairs, and claimed to be from a German family of a Templer Sect in Serous, neartel..Avir. d. In the spring of 1938, Subject went to Vienna with the haneatskormaando (Action Unit) of the 88 and the SD; there he beceme Referent (Expert) for Jewish Affairs. On Subject's sUggertion, WILSICE ordered the establitament of the Lentralstelle (Rq.) fuer die Jbedische Auevanderung. =MICH ordered Subject to Pregpe in March 1939 to met up the Zentralstelle fuer die Regelung der JUdettfrags in boehmen und Meehren, (Hq. for the Regulating of the Jewish Question in Boberda and Moravia). When Subject left Vienne EXEMPTIONS Section 3(b) (2)(A) Privacy (2)(B) Methods/Sources gr (2)(G) Foreign Relations W VIC -0 o cit WAR CRIMES DISCLOSURE ACT - 2000- pproved for Release: 2023/03/01 C00870285 t,..Approved for Release: 2023/03/01 C00870285-'. Oestepo.� dinveg tbe at that tt,au the evacuattele of the JO" IrO. ft". alti Welt Prussia to Poland. of: a pisa Val:: until:- _ . . dopoitittiOn of Jews to .tolani %Sion. -*.' -in 1.910,. the -eifetematia . .... , ... . _ , . nail -_pserdors in Abe Polish witesednatien:ceigicvers.bevan also that roar, dah4spet vas pronctol to .118�Dberstuibennftehrer. g. During 19112, Iesbject vas in close contact vith (Milo GLOEIDCSCLIc the �r Passtrien.11euleiter and Osier of the Se sod the -police In "i AM. vitas the Ansel:silts conosattration - � caw h. .11 11.3, 11XIZZJE nested &abject Election Chief of the Berlin destspo. the following officio! vera.nedor Onbjectis controls . . 1 mat reo vas_ episeiblo depriving the .; di ver* 401PV of their ... "1) .AbtelluegIV. a Of which the Priaps011attrat: (Depart- citliesiihili!and !kir eent'insatiog.-tbiir Prosierty; (2) Koala& 1035, Ind.& ves. eatiTeLla Pobeed mg Omit; � .(3) Zg. ler the itilntion -for. the :Jevish Colitis= in lohenia and .11Ozavia,-. In .Pregaio vbich'idninieternt the Al- terlighittos (Old Peoplos! aboitto). Thereelinetedt, . epesialkonmeasio. tiegezn,..vbich.via OctiVated in Nisch l5444 -and �Iliiisiolvio&actit the ainrriiii7lielis 'doper* in October 1914 part of Ahla?Outiltviicpiiiiitirreitbeak to .1r1onen to eispervissi the 12i90071Illigirien Jawen Vero 'there ass - slave laborers, esbjoest � raweined. iseaudapestfuntil �121. Deo- frber 1544 pproved for Release: 2023/03/01 C00870285 Approved for Release: 2023/03/01 C00870285 J. &Abject married VeraIJOOKL,.a Caeoh national from the Dudmeis area, in 1936; they had three children, Xlsus, Adolf, and Dieter. Wt. SIMON, who was allegedly divoreed floe Subject, stated -that Subject bed visited her in Altauseee, DelirkGuerkisn, Land Oberoestarreloh in April 1945, and that he intended to return to Previa in November of that year. According to bre. IMMO; Stibject had been hiding in the mountains near Altaussee as late as November 1945, at which time be souped to Palestine, disguised as a Jew. Object allsoldlyworead mith persomelities of the Grand Multi group in Jerusalem; &Neat was aleeiramored to have been in Egypt under the protection of Kim PernOk. k. In the event of a German collapse, SUbjeot planned to form a group of partisans composed of his followers and member* of his oftioe. *abject's plans-Were predicated upon the out- break of ear between Soviet Bused* and her westernellies; be inteoded to omit such a mar in.the mounteine and caves .in the areas of Mashlviettal, Diederoesterreich, and the Tenusagabirip, Land Saleburg. � 1. In May 1945, Stibject had been in Alt-Aussee, Obelveetarreich, bad procured false docsmesate for his family, and had planned to visit his parents in Linz 3. A Department of the Army report dated 3 December 1952 indicated that a Nedra =MAIM, believed identifiable with SObjeetv bed been in Egypt since -1948, endliad reportedly lectured to theiggegplian Ai at Abbassia; be wtilisted among thellereme advisors to. Egyptian Armed Pere**. � 4. A report dated July 1953 indicated that Subject we im in the Near last, and had travelled froaDaebdad to DIONSACMA mith the Orend Mufti. 5. An unevaluated report dated 6 January 1954 indicated that Karl Mainz KICSMANI had 'seeped from a IllUited States Prisoner of War Cimp in Italy, and bad arrived in Syria 'roma tine between 1947 and 1948 with a Syrian laisees-paseer acquired in Dome; be purported to be a political advisor to the Syrian Government, but dieaesociated himself from the German militaryadmisors there; he allegedly contacted the Grand Mali in Egypt in 1951, but we not permitted to remain in that country. 6. A report dated 19 March 1958 indicated that SUbjeot reportedly had been living in Argentina under the alias of CLEMENS sines 1952, but at the time of this information we living in Jerusalem. Approved for Release: 2023/03/01 C00870285 Approved for Release: 2023/03/01 C00870285 pproved for Release: 2023/03/01 C00870285