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Document Release Date: 
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Publication Date: 
September 22, 1954
PDF icon EUGEN DOLLMANN CASE[16303116].pdf63.65 KB
Approved for Release: 2023/07/17 C00868330 - VI/1.1! � (SPECIFY AIR OR SEA POOCH) eirnryz, TO : Chief, EE (Attn: [ FROM : Chief of russiOn, Frankturt DIE CH NCI: -- !Au*. 4,� SUBJECT: GENERAL�( � SPECIFIC� Eugen Refs: E. 7 Ci It DOLLMANN Case fpf:t. 1A-S 18 Aug 1 Sept 1954 -- 1.-- C r DATE INFO: POB -N 3 1. 'ITI_cipincidende of DOLLMANN-making contact with U.S. authorities so shortly after Hq had requested recent traces, on him was interesting. His motives for making . this offer are not clear but may possibly be found in his intention to move permanently to Spain, especially if we postulate a close tie to Otto*ORZENY ec:Cof and the pro- clivity of this group for putting out as many far flung ties as possible. It is just possible that DOLLMANN actualy was seeking that he deemed to be the relative safety of U.S. protegtion for an information channel to the DDR which he could tap at will, ' or that Kurt--: ER t.) HOLGART was unwilling to undertake the mission DOLLMANN pro- posed for him uness it had U.S. or other Western backing. This is merely one of a number of possibl theories which you may be in a much better position to evaluate than we. 2. In any case, not being especially anxious to. deal through as controversial . _ a figure as DOLLMANN, we have taken.rrY Pnti.nn in this case. If it has any potential at all, is probably in line with'. SED program, and then preferably without using either DOLLMANN or his henchman Karl'GRUETER as middlemen. A/thongh we have no CALL assets in Munich, if you feel this is worth pursuing, we could have smeonlook into the matter of making direct contact with HUNGER, passing the lead on to f: ;./if it then appeared worth while., 3. We await with interest your comments on this matter, which, incidentally, seems of questionable CE interest. We have no word on this from EE or MOB and will regard-the -matter as closed in the absence of further communication. . DECLASSIFIED Nazi War Crimes Disclosure Act PL105-246 Distribution By: Mu.) Date: aoc..) CIA SPEC4Af C&IECTIONS RELEASE-AS SSANITIZED 2000 EE FOB MOB 22 r_lcptember 1954 FORM KO. MAR. ;919 51-28A L� � 'CLASSIFICATION NAZ WAR CRIMES DIS 2000 CLOSU h EXEMPTIONS Section 3(b) (2)(A) Privacy Ii (2)(B) Methods/Sources 11/r40 (2) (G) Foreign Relations !J Approved for Release: 2023/07/17 C00868330