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PDF icon (DELETED) REPORT ON EUGEN[16303126].pdf150.59 KB
Approved for Release: 2023/07/17 C00868303 CURT'' It4FORMAry.1),,, , . ir Pouch No.# A 41 � (Smarr MR OR SEA PpUcH) a TO : Chief, FDP FROM Chief SUBJECT: GENERAL� DISPATCH iNC). c:',nocinc;1/41TIAI trci�Tn- - 0 rfittircLIN II St SPECIFIC� E T3 Report on Eugene DOLIXANN - 1. Attached hereto ist. 3t.'n report No. relative to Eugene EOLLIIANN. 2. This report was obtained ,r__ las not retained a copy. Attachment: As stated DECLASSIFIED Nazi War Crimes Disclosure Act PL105-246 Sys rn Li) Date: 400\ EXEMPTIONS Section 3(b) (2)(A) Privacy (2)(B) Methods/Sources� (G) Foreign Relations ID IR COPY_ ~OWN, DATE: 2 February 1952 .>:, dated 27 November 1951, j The NAZI WAFI CRIMES DISCLOSURE ACT 2000 CIA SPECIAL COnECTIONS RELEASE AS SANITIZED 2000 or!. FORM". 51-28A H,R. 94" t (thS3IFICA:1:101;h Approved for Release: 2023/07/17 C00868303 Approved for Release: 2023/07/17 C00868303 - BEST COPY AVAILABLE SUMIAARY CY INFORgATTCP SUBJ1CT: DOLLKANi1sE4enei. � 27 November 1951 Ref. No.. C --------- 1. The following information regarding SUBJECT was sub- mitted in the - Daily Intelligence Summary� of 6 August 19511 reports that Eugene DOLLMANV, former chief of German intelligence in ITALY during the war, is now living in Lug,DA07 SVWITZLRLANDl� at the Hctel Paradiso. .DopT�LEANN. uses the name lugenio AMON; he has an Italian passport under that name issued by the Rome Questura at the request of the Italienjanis- try of Mnrine. He is reportec]. to 'c workinc in the interests c tmn ivy. to have been responsible for the entrance of two German nuclear physicists in the service' of the Itnlian Navy. Tht:� two scientists, names not specified) are now nt ILLanulal ITLLY, experimenting with heavy water. 2. On 17 October 1951, submitted the following � supplementary information reenrding SUEJECT: - a. DOLLbiANN.is living in jagapo, SWITZERLAND, at .Via Loreto #10, telephone 016371. DOLLVANN is now actually in financial difficulties. For a long -,time XLLMANN. had been in close contet with who is also living in Lugano; the latter is presumed to be an agent of the United States Intelligence Service. The to are now divided-because of a quarrel, presumed to have orli)leted over a question of money, or perhaps Jealousy, 7.ince boh are -suspected of being sexual perverts. S. Articles recently (7 October 1951) appeared In the Rome newspaper "Ii Tempo" and in the Milan newspaper "Milano Sera �5.O briefly stated that rICLANY Led been called tc the attention of the Swiss police. c. The previously subnitted information which dis- closed that TXLI,MAN had been in contact with members of the intelligence service of the Italian Navy (111AR branch) is confirmed. St is, however, not certain if DOLLMANN is still � in contact with the S8M0 office. It has also been confirmed Approved for Release: 2023/07/17 C00868303 Approved for Release: 2023/07/17 C00868303 � ee".. V.;viT4AAe soIef.fte' erji thOntd). that DOLLMANN hzs obtained an Italian passport, issued by the Epme Questura, under the name of Eugenio AMOWN a merchant from E22..zanol'and that its issue was recommended by some Ital- ian governmental agency. c1. The previously submitted information-to the effect thrt two German military technicians had been engaged and that for some time the two rere located at La pnezie has likewise been_confirmed. However, the two Germans are not nuclear lebyeicists, but guided missiles technicians. The name of one of thketeclenicians, consie?ered,to be the best authority on- the. Subject, isNDDERT (fnu), an(engineer. The name of the other, a lesser 'figure, is unknown. According to unconfirmed information, GBEZT Is said to have been seen in London on the occasion of the recent nucleer physics convention held in that city. As for the details regarding the channel through which the two German technicians were engaged, the following information was disclosed: (1) .0 -.cate- gorically denies that the two Germans. were engaged through the efforts of DULLMAM, and affirms that it had menaged to snatch the two technicians from the Swiss, who had permitted them to come to SY(ITZLRLAND to conduct guided missile experiments in their behalf. ,(2) C effirm, instead, that the-two Germans were put on the auction blodeby DOLLMANN, and that the Italian Navy was able to procure the engagement of the two German eissile experts by the issuance to DCLIXANN of an Itallen pesseort for his protection. P. AS to the erescnt Irue of DOLL/AN N as an agent or informer, the following cen be said: DOLLII,ANN is in greet need of money.. Uis value is uncertain; however, he is not the men he was in 1940-45. DOLL- clnims to have the support ane confidence of "certain high German eersonages". . VA Approved for Release: 2023/07/17 C00868303