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Publication Date: 
July 21, 1950
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Approved for Release: 2023/07/17 C00868282 - NAZI WAR CRIMES DISCLOSURE ACT CIA SPECIA19(80TI SECTIONS RELEASE 4$ SANITIZED 2000 'tt will be noted from what C ) has written that thefe have. -ckeen no major ananqes or developments since reference. Most of the repOrted by ( )-are straikhtforward and readily understood.� 77\ __J 4 July 8. Arranged a meeting with Colonel Euf:en DOLLMANNE ,] etc.) and_( to Jcliscuss the poSsibility of recruperatin7, arMs in the Brenner region. DOT:L:aNW presented as Doctor though C ****) knows perfectly well who he is, but the pretence was kept up. 9. DOLLMANN is sure that by contactin Nazi circles in Innsbruck, particularly the group around the famous HOFER, ex-Gauleiter of Bolzano, he can pick up old Nazi connections who would be disposed to sell these arms. As DOLLMA7.N is about the only person left of the her Nazi circles he is the only one who could probably con- tact these people and with them. aq.:reed to send DOLLMANN on this trip, and some discussion as to the advisability of C > going with him, but DOLLMANN believes that Innsbruck is too small, and DOLLMANN toolvell known to be seen in a Swiss car, etc. DOLL- MANN will leave alone, and telerzraph for t_ when he has made the- contacts. I will keep out of the picture entirely. (NOTE: DOLLMANN departed for Innsbruck on the morning, of 12 July.)' � 10. DOLLMANN is convinced that he may et on to traces of a part of the personal belom;ings of HITLER sent into this region in 1945, and never recovered, and 1 has aT;reed to slip this in with the arms and get it out and away from Italian cOntrol.� 11. DOLLMANN made a first-class impression-on ( and I was -surprised to see how well he dealt with the situation, how lo7ical1y his mind worked, ,and how he quickly s,w all around the subject, and its various ramifications, etc.. I suddenly saw him as he must have been in the days of his Service in tome--a first-class man, not So often see here as someone who lives in fear, who is never at his ease with me because 1 know too much r,bout him, etc. Somehow, he creates himself a. certain barrier, as he feels with me he in not on an equal footing--for he is too conscious of the conqueror and the conquered. With ( )�he felt quite differently, .and the result was that I saw another.DOLLANN, or rather the DOLLYLN of another time. 'EXEMPTIONS Section 3(b) (2)(A) Privacy 0 (2)(B) Methods/Sources..a_ (2)(G) Foreign Relations ID .ExTA.Ac7-&-a FRom I 3 Zt4Ly SO Approved for Release: 2023/07/17 C00868282 Approved for Release: 2023/07/17 C00868282 ' 5 July 12.1 warr.r.a 13. (_ I wished to 7iVe me the attached�CUrriculum vitae (Attachment B) made and signed by DOLLMANr1 which I have attached at the end of the report, which .-ives a picture of who ana what DOLL- MANN was up till 1943 and the -Orman occupation of Italy. He thought in.vi r,f the possibility of DOLLMANN contactinf!, my friend, ), etc.), that it milit be interesting to have this in hana. Can copies be made of this, and I will return the original to 111.. He then said DOLLMAKN had spoken about our plans for Innsbruck, etc., but that he wanted to tell me that DOLLMANN was absolutely without funds and we should have to 4ve him the necessary funds. Ee said that he admini*stereA all *the funds from DOLLMANN's book, giving him only enough for his livinrr each month, as DOLLMANN had absolutely no money sense, and would spend everything he had in one day, and he wanted to warn me about letting DOLLIiANN have too much money, as it would only -;ro for nothinfl at all if he had too much. 15. Actually DOLLM4Nli was several months behind with his room rent and his pension in Lugano, and ( '): was waiting for a check for two hundred thousand lire for DOLUiANN to pay this off, and he felt DOLLNAtRicould not go off if this were not paid. It seems that DOLLMANN had written a report on his connections with our service in Rome. and Inter in Frankfort, which had been in the hands of C , ; ' 2Ie.) who had not been able to publish it. About bm: ..urcs beforreA( shad come to Lugano,. picked up DOLLMANN in thz_gar and tken hil to lunch to Casserate to the .1x.sw,r5e pa- ) During the _ LlunCheOn partvl ( ) said he had ,--siven this report on our _ services to t ") who was willins to pay two hundred thousand lire for this. A check was promised from Milano by C 1 who was leaving the next day for W.ontecantini. UP to date the check had not come, but (,_ ') had confirmed the story with C ) ( ) said he found the whole story very stranr;e, as he could tot see for what reason l ) should be willing to pay this sum for manuscript of this story. I asked if DOLL7UIN1 had asked the Ameri- cans if he could tell his part of his story, and ( - ). said DOLLMANN had told him in Prankfert the had given him permission to write anything he wished. The story as 'C ) ha6 soon it _ dealt with the various Americans and the service., in toile, referring to t )presumablyi: .3) in Rome, and others in Frankfort. (. ) made three points on the story: 3. :iasit only an attempt to help DOLL At who is sorely in need ot financial help? C Va. CIA SPECIAL COLLECTIONS RELEASE AS SANITIZED 2000 NAZI WAR CRIMES 6ISCE6jSU RE ACT ) 2000 E X7 ie cr F Ito I., 1. 'a. I 1- t.tt, y Approved for Release: 2023/07/17 C00868282 Approved for Release: 2023/07/17 C00868282 ' 8 July ) this mornirt ' to leave the first of the week for things started from that end. 33. WecaIled DOLLMANW who came Monday Or Tuesday for Innsbruck, to send a wire asking for C )) the purchaser of this _material. his cousin, C7 who wishes the Colonel (DOLLMANN) Innsbruck, and .alone, to ;:..et up and he areed to get off on and as soon as things are started to come, so he can be presented as DOLLMAIvN will be in contact with I and who is lining up his contacts with the-big Nazis. in the re7ior, all'eady, as he has contatLed her by letter. Ito you think that /this should be sigrallej to any of our people at Tnnsbruck, for, ac/ordAng to DOLLN, there is an Amrican by the name of -IWO(' our service, who z...,-,ets to know everything: in the region, and DOLI.XLNN is afraid that they may pick him up, if the-word gets about that DOLLW.AWN is in Austria? (NOTE: _ ptells us that when DOLL'rANN left Frankfort in 1948 he went into AustriaC ): and was picked up by the French. DOLLUA:IN insisted on talking with an American official and was finally allowed to speak with someone named ( ), whom DOLLYAi:! believed to be a CIC officer. Eventually he was able to have DOLLMANN releas6i1 from French custody and DOLLY.ANN'was able to return to Italy. DOLMA1 ?! had re- marked that in his opinion, ( was extremely well informed and was concerned that the danger existed that C might hear of his being in Innsbruck.) one its F In the cOurse of the conversation with said of his main contacts and sourep of information about Rome polities, etc.,,was a certain' that says he is the "Em- /kinence Grise of the regime, and DOLLANN said that he had been in his day as well, and was by far the most powerful person in Rome, though he never appeared oersonally in anything. DOLLMANN said he had advised .) in 1942 to cultivate this-man if he wanted something from Rome, but C. had not taken his advice, and instead sent costly presents to CIAO, and DOLMAN?! said he had told Berlin that without the help of 3 they could never succeed in Rome, and didn't succeed. Both admitted that he was a great figure behind the scenes, and c! .1 wants to arrange a luncheon in Lugano for DOLLMANN and me to meet him, that is for. DOLLMANN to see him again. CIA SPECIAL COLLECTIONS RELEASE AS SANITIZED 2000 NAZI WAR CRIMES DISCLOSURE AU 1 . 2000 ExTiatIc E F Ro)v1 ttLy cO Approved for Release: 2023/07/17 C00868282