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Publication Date: 
December 5, 1946
PDF icon DOLLMANN AND WENNER[16303108].pdf182.62 KB
Approved for Release: 2023/07/17 C00868256 - BB8 ONLY FROM: HH 5 December-V46. OFFP F.TAF Ti fo22, au tbc: : R.O. _ SUBJECT: DOLLMANN and WWER r_ I. ADSO thought you miL:ht be interested in theiysaj.Opr..�t cables and negotiations in Washington in connection-withY"-" , We might expla,_n that Ara\ rally carried the oall to support your position an it was with his, General Vandenberg's and General Lemnitzer's cooperation that a sat- isfactory solution was reached. This letter should be mediately burned after you have read it and no reference should be made to it in any discussions or neLotiat',oqs by you. This is purely for your perSonal infr:rmati,en. 2. On 21 No -ember 19Y,., the Secretary f S-tzto r..-:ceived a cable from T.m.c cxola.rLr the reT'ercnce to Dollmann in w'.-jch thr'' r.:.ojn,ze the fric (27 :=r posi- tion (;::'t m(I:nton of ::rs) a;:rer AFYQ thrt the latter cannot assunc r;!:ty for nrt;:.:Y-,in "f..; SS Colonel f-o,.7, :2a11,-4 to t7.!sui'..- in Ardeai-,-'71e trial court asks". 3. A confrc:Ice old C__. 5!7.ith vho was sympathetic wa:, of n..; assi.tarus.c sreur'ng a satLsfactory cable. to Tener:-_.1 L. _After. talin.L; t,,. 7:,-.. Dallas, a 71cmcrann wrtf, pre7ared out-. lininz the position of the various parties in conn,Jotion with ,-.1e surrender fi.i,,:ot.a:,-- co.ble wc.F. L.9z)ar,-,1 '%7u-- Genar7d Vandenberg to send to General Lee and was disc ssed with. various people in the De2artccn of Site. The Depart. of State took the position ..1.1a.t the records should be kept straint in Italy' � -?-.1:1# co 0 0 operation but that they did not feel that this government could to the effect hat Dollmanr and Thnner did participate in the a 0 c S2 a 0 co along in the protection of the two individuals. eriFral Va.n- t '5 Vs enberg then sent a cable to 7.eneral Lee, a paraphrase of which CO 0 M 'olloY;s: The following information it furnished for such use as co w cr .i..z r8 (5, :ou may desire. The records of former OSS, together with per- CD Ca = 7, sonal contact with Mr. Pallas, wht: initiated the German surrender 1-- �.', 1E c; in Italy, indicate proof that Dollmann and Wenner participated in I.L4a.2Elm oe --.......� the-Sunrise Operation. Major General Lemnitzer, who also rlarti- c,-,........ ciptx1566Lciajggitns, after examination of records and contact i L 1 Er.- Ft 6 i N AL I V 1 tA i i t.A�10/1= 2000 , Approved for Release: 2023/07/17 C00868256 Iota ---41=.5)14zx \ Approved for Release: 2023/07/17 C00868256 2 with Dallas, is also convinced of Dollmannts participation. It woeld appear that present representations by Italians is attempt to undermine Allied position in Italy and in view of the above facts and particularly the repercussions and results that any unjust treatment of these individuals would have on the future long-range United Stateeintelligence activities in Italy) it would appear that Allied intevestS.Would best be served if AFHQ would confirm the participation of these individuals and show_ - these individua3s appropriate consideration in presentpagreir- eudStances. .The cable further pointed out that the AihV'of .he -communication had been comeunicated to the Department of State which perceived no objection. 5. General Lee, on 29 November 1_946, answered General Vanden- be as follows: "General Morgan, who handled the surrender ne;catiations on be- half of Field Marshaleelexander, and General Airey, who with Genera] Lemitzer represeeted the Supreme Allied Commander in Switzerlane, emeaeize that: (7enorals Te7--itzer and Air,:y the strictnst instruction not to offer r:r.:y of reward ti any iLdividual and only to.oTat,:: on a Ja.s..s. of 71:10.:3rlditional surre.Ider. They scrup121011.51y carr4_od cot Thoir rlstrott.A13., General Ler,njtzer and Aire- had instrtctons to -! C:erman emis- sary con-tc.' b: the: in-w7:.tzf-r:..aLd vas GoLcral 7olff and only Wolff. T: . lz..t,or to Caserta ad signee surrender teres T.icuten Colonel 7.)!. Schweinitz on behalf of Vieting- eoff and ":'orner on -'!half )f an c.nly tl-o3e tero. -;:eneral Yorgan eenrier'. Scheeiritz '="1- tl..c a:11,d tc.r7.s of uncondi- tionp1 surrender which were signed by them and no one else. Doll- eann did 7,ct partidipate in c nutiaLi- us. The 3 nlied Officers lertic.ned aovecre the individuals authorized handle the ne:Lotitions on 1:ehalf of the Supreme Allied C=.77'ander and if any promises or undertakings of special treatment mere made, they were made by. persons not autherized by Supreme Allied Commander to do so and absolotely contrary to strictest instructions, and case were net :sae by the Allied Force Headqeartees neeotiating party. Allied Force Headquarters releaee to press has already stated that Dollmann did not participate in the negotiations which led to the surrender and even if so, he would not have been given any special immunity.. In current trial in Rome, prosecution witness testified Doll- mann had not responsibility for Ardeatine Cave murders. Publicity which mostly Italian Leftist press and directed towards present government and k Approved for Release: 2023/07/17 C00868256 Approved for Release: 2023/07/17 C00868256 3 and Rightists as much as towas the Allies has subsided. It is considered that any release now without apparent reason would not help Dollmann and would create confusion with respect to. Allied Force Headquarters -position. Allied Forces Headquarters has already informed court holding. trial in Rome that Dollmann will be made available as witness if court so reqhests. if Italians hpld further trial to pass justice on lesser German offbials implicated in Ardeatine Caves mufders, Italian court may well refluest Dollmann as witness and effort to implicate him may be undertaken by Italian prosecution. _Leftist, particularly Communiat, press has already alleged Doll- mann responsible for 1)J-deatine murders. Since it is now known. that Dolimarn is held in United States custody, it would place Allied Force Headquarters in untenable position morally should it reC,:se renuest rror It.aln court that Dolimann testify.- Pr000se therefore tnnt DrD11-Aann be retained in Unites states cub- tedy until psesent and future Ardeatine Cave -g trials have been completed. It is ther planned with concurrence of chief External SInney Detachn.lent Rome tr ren-,Itr,ate Pollmann throuji normal United' Stat:-2, 6. Geieral Ve.nderfeerg answer, s s-n:yr;i1 Tee as foliows: "Greatly abreciate proposed action pn Dollmann indicated in last pararanh yehr Fcr infstion onlY recheck of OSS records here confirms fact that rcalmaer. did Particinate in the preliminary phases of ...he Ssnriss c:perat,ion nrie to the time A7FQ renrentatives entered Switzerland. On 3 March 1.:42 C:SS intermediaries met Dollmann at Lssano. Ho 7:m7ere Parini an.:i a ris2resentative or the D in:;e11;7enee tht 7fiectinr, Dollmann alai-red he renresented Fesseirin7, Rnhn and WelfT. Tt was suggested to Dollmann thr:t as a test nf' authenticity and si.:1.n:rity he arrange for the release of certa4n itslian netrL.ts, ften in custody of the Corsans. The release, which occurred shortyly thereafter, included Pc,rri who later hecare Premier of. Italy. n 8 !..'arch 1945 Wolff plus Dl.'aru ar r ctlrs arrived in Ln.ano for .'afinite talks. 7iblff, Pollnnn 7.nd party then proceeded to ::rich where further discussions with OSS rplavesentatives took place. Rcenrds and Mr. Olen Dulles confirm that no immunity in any form was offered to any individual involved in Sunrise. Interest of Central Intelligence Group is solely to insure that long- range intelligence activities of the United States will be secured," pproved for Release: 2023/07/17 C00868256